Friday, April 26, 2024

What Causes Severe Fatigue And Joint Pain

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What Is Joint Pain And Swelling

Muscle pain, Fatigue & Weakness – Myositis 101 for patients – 6th video

Swollen joints happen when there is fluid in the tissues around the joints. It can be very uncomfortable and can make it difficult to move the affected joints. In some cases, swelling may cause affected joints to increase in size or appear to be an odd shape.

Joint pain and swelling can affect more than one joint at a time. The most common joints to be affected by pain and swelling are elbows, wrists, shoulders, the base of the spine, knuckles, hips, knees or ankles.

There are two types of joint pain and swelling: acute and chronic. Acute joint pain and swelling comes on quickly and lasts a short time, for example, if you have an injury. Chronic joint pain and swelling comes on slowly and cause long-term problems. This is more likely to be caused by an underlying condition such as a type of arthritis.

Can Anyone Experience Lingering Covid

When it comes to the life-threatening cases of COVID-19, doctors expect people who were hospitalized for severe pneumonia or stroke to need specialized care and frequent follow-up after being discharged.

But, although not completely defined just yet, post-COVID syndrome isnt exclusive to people who experienced organ damage during their illness. Its also not exclusive to people whose symptoms warranted a trip to the emergency room.

Post-COVID syndrome can be seen in people who went to the ER with concerning symptoms or who had advanced symptoms that required a brief hospital stay, but it can also occur in people who had mild symptoms and self-treated at home, warns Dr. Lahoti. The important thing to note is that these are people who might not have required care from a specialist during their actual illness, but may now benefit from specialized care as these lingering symptoms continue to affect their daily lives.

The actual frequency of post-COVID syndrome is still largely up for debate, and different studies find this condition to be more or less common in various groups of people.

Some studies show that only 10% of people with COVID will go on to develop post-COVID syndrome, while other studies are showing much higher percentages some even suggest that up to 70% of people experience persistent symptoms, says Dr. Lahoti.

According to Dr. Lahoti, there are hints and suggestions as to whos most likely to develop lingering symptoms, though.

Reviewing Ra Medications And Chronic Fatigue

Patients who are experiencing fatigue can ask their healthcare provider to review their complete lists of medications and supplements. Patients are advised to report all medications and supplements, keeping these points in mind:

  • Many over-the-counter cold and allergy medications can cause drowsiness or dizziness.
  • Certain over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause sleepiness or dizziness.2,3
  • Many medications used to treat other conditions, such as depression, allergies, high blood pressure, and diabetes, can also cause fatigue.

Information about the patients chronic fatigue, RA, and medication prescriptions should be shared with all members of the health care team, such as physician specialists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists, counselors, and pharmacists.

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Increase Your Physical Activity

Adding some gentle exercises to your day can increase the amount of energy you have.

Staying active increases your fitness levels and strengthens your muscles. Weak muscles use more energy, so doing too little can be as damaging as doing too much.

Exercise also increases your circulation and improves the health of vital organs, such as your heart and lungs, which can also give you more energy.

Its important to give yourself time to recover after exercise by taking a break before you move onto your next activity.

When you start exercising

Introducing more physical activity to your day may be tiring at first. Dont overdo it, start your activity slowly, perhaps just add a 510 minute walk or some gentle stretching exercises to begin with.

If youre in pain you can take painkillers before you exercise.

Gradually build up the amount of activity you do. For example, when youre ready, walk for 5 more minutes or add some strengthening exercises to your routine.

Generally, the best way to build up your fitness levels is to do a little exercise as often as you can. Stick with it because as you get fitter youll start to feel better, stronger and more energetic.

You could try using a step counter such as a fitness tracker, a pedometer, or a mobile phone app. When youre ready and depending on how youre feeling, you could try to beat your previous records.

You should aim to exercise every day. But be aware some days will be easier than others.

How Can I Manage Fatigue

Causes Of Severe Joint Pain And Fatigue

The good news is that there are ways you can deal with fatigue:

  • Talk to your doctor. Make sure you let your doctor know if your fatigue does not improve, or is made worse by your arthritis medicines. Sometimes small changes in treatment can make major differences in how you feel.
  • Exercise.Exercise is one of the best things you can do to combat fatigue. Exercise can help strengthen muscles and increase your fitness. Within a few months, you should feel an increase in strength and energy and be able to do more without getting as tired. The key to a successful exercise program is to begin gradually, listen to your body and build slowly. You may also find it helpful to get advice from a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist.
  • Learn ways to get a good nights sleep.
  • If pain is interfering with your sleep, talk to your doctor about learning ways to manage pain.
  • Limit caffeinated drinks to five or less per day, and avoid these types of drinks after dinner.
  • Try different relaxation techniques until you find one that works for you. For example, you could visualise a restful scene or focus on your breathing.
  • Acknowledge your feelings and seek support. It is natural to feel scared, frustrated, sad and angry at times. During these times your most important allies can be your friends and family members. Enlist their help and understanding. Educate those close to you about fatigue being a part of your arthritis, and explain to them the ups and downs you experience.
  • Also Check: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness And Fatigue

    How Do Doctors Treat The Two Disorders

    To get relief through medications or a variety of therapies, a proper diagnosis is crucial.

    Medical options are just the tip of the iceberg for both conditions and the best treatments often dont come in a capsule, he says. But when we do use medications, we need to ensure that we are targeting pain without excess sedation.

    When it comes to non-pharmacological help, doctors use a variety of tools like counseling or suggesting support groups.

    Physical activity is also crucial in staying healthy and helping treat both conditions. Its important to stay active, but remember to always pace yourself. Set a structured activity program that avoids overexertion and reach out to your doctor for help in putting together an activity program.

    On a good day, a patient may decide to walk four miles, then require two to three days to recover, says Dr. Bolash. Try to walk one mile a day so you are active every day. I also recommend swimming, yoga and biking.

    What Causes Joint Pain And Swelling

    Acute joint pain usually comes on quickly and lasts a short while. Some frequent causes of acute joint pain include:

    • injury, such as sprains and strains
    • overuse of the joint
    • other illnesses, such as the flu or COVID-19

    Chronic joint pain and swelling may be caused by a ‘rheumatic’ condition a condition that affects your joints, bones and muscles. There are more than 200 different kinds of rheumatic conditions, including arthritis, gout and lupus.

    The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Exercise Can Help Counter The Effects Of Fatigue

    Exercise can often help relieve the effects of fatigue, especially more short-lived, acute forms of fatigue. Remaining physically active is important for patients with CFS, however, the approach to exercise must be individualized since exercise can cause the symptoms to become worse for some people. Other things that may help: better hydration, better diet, relaxation, and, of course, more rest and better sleep.

    Caffeine and other stimulants may help fight fatigue in the short term, but longer-term, they may actually contribute to the problem.

    Dont Miss: What Can Cause Fatigue And Weakness

    Herniated Or Bulging Discs

    NerveLocks cause long lasting muscle/joint pains, weakness & tightness – So what are they?

    Degenerative disc disease in the cervical spine or thoracic spine can irritate or press on your nerves or spine. This can lead to pain between your shoulders.

    Other symptoms of a herniated disc include:

    • Pain in one or both arms

    Sometimes pain caused by disc disease in the neck is positional, meaning it can get better or worse when you flex or extend your neck.

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    Fibromyalgia As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

    If you havent heard of Fibromyalgia yet, you will be surprised to learn that it causes joint pain and fatigue. It can be termed as a condition that is characterized by fatigue and pain in the joints. While there be little or absolutely no swelling or inflammation in your joints, those plagued by fibromyalgia have reported of severe pain in the neck and shoulder joints. As the condition worsens over time, the pain spreads to the entire body and in the process produces burning, sore or stiff muscles and joints. The fatigue fibromyalgia patients feel can be more debilitating than joint pain. Patients suffering from fibromyalgia say that they suffer from a lack of energy, minimized endurance levels and exhaustion, which is typically seen in people who are down with a bad case of the flu. These people also tend to feel tired after waking up from a good nights sleep.

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    Quick Dose: When Should I See A Physician For Muscle Aches And Joint Pains

    Most people experience aches and pains at some point, usually caused by tension, stress and overuse. However, if you also have other symptoms, your body could be trying to tell you something.

    Muscle aches and joint pain may occur as a result of a change in medication. This is most commonly associated with statins or antibiotics. You may also notice a skin rash or red eyes. Over-the-counter medications can provide some relief of these symptoms.

    Muscle pain throughout your entire body may indicate an infection or illness. Other accompanying symptoms, such as inflammation, lack of sleep or a fever may indicate you have the flu.

    Generalized muscle pain accompanied by fatigue memory or mood issues significant weight loss or weight gain hives or tingling in the hands, legs or feet may be a sign of fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders such as lupus or polymyositis, or thyroid problems.

    Joint pain can occur if you injure any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding a joint. Joint pain accompanied by fatigue, fever, hair loss, or dry mouth or eyes can be a sign of arthritis, Lyme disease, lupus or gout. If you experience joint pain frequently, you may also notice worsened symptoms during seasonal changes, particularly during cold, wet weather.

    Try using self-care measures at home to soothe basic aches and pains: Get plenty of rest, and try ice, a heating pad or a hot bath. If your pain persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, be sure to talk to your physician.

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    Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And How It Affects The Joints

    Everyone feels a little tired or exhausted from time to time, but this feeling is nothing compared to chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition is marked by severe fatigue that lasts for six months or more and isnt a side effect of another medical condition.

    It most commonly affects women in their 40s and 50s, but teenagers can also develop chronic fatigue syndrome much earlier in life.

    Since chronic fatigue syndrome is closely tied to joint pain, here is some information about what this condition is, what causes it, its symptoms, and how it is diagnosed and treated. Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most misunderstood medical conditions, but it is estimated that it affects up to 2.5 million people in the U.S. alone.1

    How Will Me/cfs Affect My Quality Of Life


    Not everyone will experience the same symptoms so itâs important not to compare people with ME/CFS. People with ME/CFS can have very different experiences of the condition and how long their symptoms last.

    The impact of symptoms can be:

    As symptoms change over time so does the impact they have on peopleâs lives.

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    Concordance With Active Disease

    RA disease activity and fatigue are correlated in many studies, but often the associations are weak. When patients with RA flare, usually pain and fatigue increase. For instance, fatigue was associated with flare in RA patients with the TNF inhibitor dose decreased, but other variables had more impact in the analyses such as baseline DAS28 and mental health.

    The mean fatigue in RA patients studied cross-sectionally was 4/10, with 40% having severe fatigue. Associations with fatigue are not necessarily consistent between studies. High fatigue in one study was associated with females, disease activity, function, treatment and multimorbidity . However, significant fatigue in RA in another study was associated with self-rated poor health, pain and anxiety/depression but not physical capacity/function.

    Talk About How Youre Feeling

    Fatigue can make you feel low or depressed. Talking about how you feel can really help. Dont keep your feelings to yourself. Try to talk to a member of your healthcare team, members of a support group, your family or friends.

    There are things that can help if youre feeling low. Your healthcare team may recommend a talking therapy, such as cognitive behaviour therapy also known as CBT. You can do it as one-to-one or group sessions.

    Talking therapies aim to help people change the way they see their condition and any negative feelings towards it. Sessions, led by trained therapists, can help people change the way they react to and feel about their condition by making positive changes to the way they think and behave.

    NHS England has a dedicated programme called Improving Access to Psychological Therapies, known as IAPT. It aims to connect people with anxiety and depression to local talking therapy services. You can refer yourself to this service by visiting the NHS England website and searching for IAPT or ask a health professional to refer you.

    Health services in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland dont currently offer a self-referral service, but you can ask your doctor to refer you to a local NHS therapy service or group.

    Joining a support group for people living with similar conditions can help you talk openly about your problems with people in similar situations. They may also be able to share tips on how to get around some of your problems.

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    When Is Fatigue Considered Extreme

    There is no good criteria for assessing the level of fatigue it depends on the person. However, most people know when their tiredness is more than a lack of sleep. Some of my patients remember the exact day they got hit with fatigue so overwhelming that they knew something was wrong.

    Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

    POTS is a common condition affecting an estimated one to three million Americans. Researchers dont fully understand the causes of POTS, but it is more common in women than men and is more likely to develop in adolescents and young adults.

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    Chronic Fatigue Symptoms & Its Relation To Joint Pain

    Chronic fatigue? Joint pain? You may have Lyme disease .

    Obviously, the most prevalent symptom of this condition is fatigue, but theres more to it than just that. Many people who have this disorder also experience muscle and joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, memory loss, poor sleep, low-grade fever, and headaches.8,9,10 Since this is a disorder that typically goes on for many months or even years, chronic fatigue is also known to lead to depression.

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    Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

    Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

    Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

    Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

    Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

    Maintaining Ability To Work

    Patients with RA who maintained their ability to work had less fatigue compared to those who were work disabled, and these differences seemed related to better mental health, not physical health. However, other factors are likely related to an ability to work, which may not have been measured, where both fatigue and work disability are a consequence of joint damage, age, type of job, less flexibility at work and so on. A prospective study is needed to determine if a programme that keeps people in the workplace will improve fatigue.

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    Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

    Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so itââ¬â¢s important to look out for signs and symptoms.

    Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea.Ã Learn more about the best sleep positions and see if sleeping on your stomach is bad or not.

    Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. That’s because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

    Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

    But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:

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