Sunday, April 21, 2024

How To Combat Pregnancy Fatigue

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If All Else Fails Dance

HOW TO COMBAT PREGNANCY FATIGUE || How to Boost Energy During Pregnancy

I love me a good boogie. Theres nothing better than a good boogie to shake off a bad mood and pregnancy fatigue with it!

Make a playlist of your fave songs and when youre feeling a little hormonal, pop it on and watch how you start to feel better.

Dancing is also a great way to get the pelvis moving and flexible for birth, so there really is no limit.

Causes Of Pregnancy Fatigue

Many people compare being pregnant to running a marathon. If this analogy were a good one, pregnant women would be feeling motivated and energetic in the beginning. The opposite tends to be true, unfortunately itâs very possible that youâll have trouble staying awake at work even before you miss your period. Fatigue could well be your first indication that you are expecting a baby. During the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnancy hormones have got to be responsible for your tiredness.

While your friends, relatives and coworkers wonder why you turned so lazy all of a sudden, your body is doing a whole lot of hard work. Your babyâs brain and internal organs are starting to develop, as well as the placenta. Basically, a miracle is happening inside your body. Itâs really no wonder that you need an afternoon nap! Later on, as you are finishing up your second trimester and entering the third and final trimester, the reasons behind your fatigue are even more obvious. Of course, those hormones are still bugging you. Along with that, your baby and its entourage are placing quite a strain on your body. Pregnancy is like a workout that never ends! Apart from those things, you may also be tired because you find it hard to sleep at night. There are plenty of reasons a pregnant woman gets less sleep more frequent urination, pregnancy heartburn, weird nightmares and just not being able to find a comfortable positions in which you can sleep for longer than 30 minutes or so.

When Should I See My Doctor Or Midwife About Fatigue During Pregnancy

Fatigue is very common and normal during pregnancy. Still, dont hesitate to talk to your care provider at any point along your prenatal appointment timeline if you have questions or concerns about your level of tiredness.

But keep in mind, there are times when fatigue may be a symptom of a pregnancy complication like anemia, depression or gestational diabetes. Call your care provider if you experience sudden fatigue, fatigue that completely stops you from doing your daily tasks or if you have fatigue with any of the following:

  • Pain in the chest, abdomen or head

Recommended Reading: How To Fight Allergy Fatigue

Dont Overfill Your Schedule

A lot of modern expecting moms juggle full schedules. If you have other kids, a full-time job, social obligations, or community commitments, the added challenges of pregnancy can make it tough to fulfill your responsibilities without feeling burned out. Make sure you are taking time for yourself, even if it means having to schedule a block of time every day that is 100 percent yours. Treat your me time as being as important as a church committee meeting, kids soccer practice, or work. Ensuring you have time to relax and decompress can greatly reduce feelings of stress or burnout, both of which may be linked to fatigue.9

The Best Natural Ways To Fight Pregnancy Fatigue

7 Tips to Combat Fatigue in Pregnancy

Pregnancy fatigue during your first and third trimesters is a common annoyance. Here are some safe solutions to help boost your energy and combat exhaustion.

Thereâs tired, and then thereâs pregnancy tired. Itâs normal to feel like youâve got the worldâs worst case of jet lag when youâre pregnant, especially in the first trimester. In fact, for some women, this early pregnancy fatigue is even more of an adjustment than morning sickness. Even though itâs frustrating, being tired is actually a good sign, since it indicates that your pregnancy hormones are circulating and your body is hard at work helping your baby grow. There are many reasons why you feel tired all the time now, including:

  • Youâre not sleeping as well these days.
  • Chronic morning sickness is exhausting and makes it hard for you to eat, which is how you get re-energized.
  • Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can make you extra sleepy.
  • Your heart is pumping harder to accommodate an increase in blood volume.
  • Sharing vital nutrients with your baby can leave you deficient and fatigued.
  • Carrying extra weight is tiring .

The good news is that you can increase your energy levels with a few simple steps, according to Andrew Weil, M.D. Here are some natural ways to combat pregnancy exhaustion, giving you more energy to conquer your everyday tasks.

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Effective Ways To Fight Fatigue During Pregnancy

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Dont you feel like spending your majority time in bed during pregnancy? Or wishing you could be? Feeling tired all the time and wishing to sink in the bed forever! Well thats tempting, but on the other side you might be thinking why do you feel so tired all the time during pregnancy?

Well, first of all its completely normal. Pregnancy fatigue is one of the most common symptoms particularly during the first trimester when your hormones levels soar.

Whats the reason of being tired you ask?

The main reason why you feel tired all the time is your progesterone.

Your body is working extra hard because its preparing the placenta and growing your little one! Exhaustion can be normal, it might fade away in your second trimesters, but it will return later at the end of your third trimesters, as your growing baby puts even more demand on your body.

Fatigue is also a sign, that mommy you should relax a bit, and take some rest for you and your babys sake. It can get irritating sometimes, but dont worry! Here are some ways which can boost up your energy.

Effective ways to fight fatigue during pregnancy:

  • Exercise regularly. Working out daily can boost up your energy, even if youre feeling tired. Go for a brisk walk or you can even go for swimming! Lay down the Yoga mat and indulge in some Yoga, this will not only fight fatigue but also boost up your mood.
  • What Can I Do To Feel Better

    • Sleep. Try to go to bed early and take naps when you can.
    • Adjust your schedule. Theres no need to fill every waking minute of your day with work and tasks. Recognize the things that can wait until tomorrow to allow yourself some much-needed rest. Reduce any extra job or social commitments during these first few weeks so you can be as productive as possible in your regular responsibilities.
    • Eat right and eat often. Protein and complex carbohydrates are your friends. Start your day with protein and eat small, frequent, healthy meals to help stabilize your blood sugar.
    • Exercise. A little exercise can energize you and may help you get some quality zzzs at bedtime. Get up and walk around the office, do some deep stretches or take a break outside. When you can, go on a brisk 20-minute walk.
    • Stay hydrated. Drink enough fluids during the day. If youre struggling with frequent urination during the night, limit your fluids several hours before bedtime.

    What should you avoid? Squelch the urge to drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks to stay alert, as too much caffeine really isnt good for your developing baby. Instead, drink plenty of water.

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    Fighting Pregnancy Fatigue: 10 Natural Ways To Cope

    Most people know that pregnancy comes with its fair share of fatigue. In fact, its one of the first signs that youve got a bun in the oven. But if its your first time pregnant, the sluggishness can hit you like a ton of bricks!

    Hello, pregnancy fatigue.

    While you cant entirely escape pregnancy fatigue, there are a few steps you can take to support your body in order to feel as good as possible!

    In this article, well explain why pregnancy fatigue happens and give you nine ways to cope with it.

    Is It Common To Be So Tired In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

    How To Survive Pregnancy Fatigue | Tips For Getting MORE Energy!

    Feeling dog tired, cant summon the energy to do much of anything, and craving your bed? For many women, the extreme tiredness of the first trimester is quite a surprise. And its an especially hard transition for those who are normally go-getters with lots of energy. Women who usually need only 6 hours of sleep at night often find they need nearly double that during these first weeks of pregnancy. And, for others, daytime tiredness is paired with trouble sleeping deeply or for more than a few hours at night. Nausea and vomiting can also be a big drain on your energy.

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    What Is Thyroid Disorder

    The thyroid gland, located at the front of the neck just below the voice box, is part of the endocrine system, which produces all of the hormones in your body. The hormones your thyroid creates play a key role in regulating your metabolism the way your body uses energy along with your temperature, weight, cholesterol levels and other key body functions.

    Production of thyroid hormones, in turn, is regulated by levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone , generated by your pituitary gland . The levels of thyroid hormones in your blood naturally fluctuate throughout the day usually, the pituitary gland responds by creating more or less TSH.

    Hypothyroidism , can cause many of the bodys functions to slow down, or hyperthyroidism , can cause many of the bodys functions to speed up.

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    Why Am I Feeling So Tired

    Fatigue is most common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because this is when your body changes and starts adapting to the development phases of an embryo.

    This is when the placenta, the main source of life-support for your baby, is growing. There are also other reasons why you are feeling so tired.

    Firstly, the level of progesterone in your body increases while blood pressure may go down and when these two combine, they make for a partial culprit for exhaustion in the first trimester.

    Secondly, if you find it difficult to sleep due to frequent toilet visits or feelings of nausea, which means not getting enough sleep, this is directly related to your tiredness.

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    What Can You Do To Feel Better

    • Good nutrition and eating small, frequent, healthy meals can keep you going and can also help with nausea.

    • If youre at work and fighting back drooping eyelids, try some stretches or deep breathing exercises. Or get up and walk around the office or take a break outside.

    • When you can, go for a brisk walk around the block. A little exercise can energize you and may help you rest better when you do get to sleep.

    • Adapt your sleep habits. Take naps, if possible, during the day. You may also want to try going to bed earlier.

    • Drink enough fluids during the day and little several hours before bedtime. This may help you avoid having to get up to urinate during the night.

    Causes Of Fatigue During Early Pregnancy

    Fatigue During Pregnancy: How to Fight Pregnancy Exhaustion

    In the first trimester, a number of factors may cause pregnancy fatigue, including:

    • Building the placenta. Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, your body is creating the placenta, an organ manufactured especially for pregnancy that supplies your baby with nutrients and oxygen necessary to grow and thrive. Its an enormous task that saps your body of energy.
    • Your hormones. Pregnancy fatigue is largely due to ramped-up production of the hormone progesterone, which supports your pregnancy and increases production of milk glands required for breastfeeding later on. Hormone changes can also cause mood upheaval, and riding the emotional roller coaster of pregnancy can be tiring.
    • Increased blood supply. The demands of creating and pumping extra blood to supply your baby with nutrients and oxygen can make you feel fatigued.
    • Other physical changes. Your metabolism is running high, your heart rate is up, your blood sugar and blood pressure are down, and youre using more nutrients and water all of which can wear you out.

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    Ways To Reduce Fatigue During Pregnancy

    Nikki is feeling a teeny bit worn out in her Smoothie Crop’ in confetti/black. Fair enough too, this photo was taken during her fifth pregnancy with four others running around!

    I distinctly remember when I was pregnant with my first child, and not even four weeks along…and I just had to eat and sleep…ALL. THE. TIME. My fiancé Matt and I went on a massive road trip just after we found out I was pregnant to get to our own wedding, and Matt had been doing most of the driving and was tired, so I said Id take the reins for a time. After only about five minutes I had to pull over and get him back in the drivers seat, I was falling asleep at the wheel! Never had I known such fatigue! Now that Im pregnant with my third child, the fatigue hasnt been as severe, and I dont know if its because I am already a mother of two and Im just used to functioning on less sleep, or if its because Im a little wiser to what my body needs to grow a human! I’m trying to eat well, I’m exercising, I’m letting a few things go, I nap on days when I can, and I’m always in bed, usually asleep by 8:30pm, if not earlier! Last Saturday night I was asleep by 7pm…so good.

    Its always fun writing these blogs, but especially fun when I get to research a topic that actually pertains to me…right this instant. Very handy. To figure out the best ways to reduce fatigue during pregnancy Ive collated a bunch of tips from a variety of experts, so you know youre getting the good oil!

    Follow A Healthy Diet

    Dr. Weil suggests following a satisfying and nutritious anti-inflammatory diet to fight against pregnancy fatigure. Eat a variety of organic fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Also, you should steer clear of rapidly-digesting carbohydrates like white bread, because these cause you to “crash” and feel more sleepy. Eating a low-fat diet that’s high in iron and protein may also help. And be sure to stay hydrated and take your prenatal vitamin throughout pregnancyâand for at least six months postpartum.

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    What Is Pregnancy Fatigue

    You probably know what tired feels like, and its something you can fix with rest and sleep.

    Pregnancy fatigue is a whole other level of tiredness. Due to changes in your hormones and the sheer energy demand on your body, fatigue is a whole body experience of extreme tiredness.

    Fatigue is overwhelming and isnt relieved easily by rest and sleep.

    How To Combat Fatigue

    Top 10 Tips For Beating Fatigue During Pregnancy

    Fortunately, pregnancy is a time when friends and family often rally around to make things easier for the mom to be. If you’re feeling exhausted, take advantage of any help that others offer. As you get bigger, it’s harder to cope with ordinary household tasks, so ask for or hire support, if possible.

    In addition, these tips may help ease pregnancy fatigue:

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    How Do You Beat Pregnancy Fatigue

    Pregnancy fatigue is something you might have to accept and lean into, rather try and avoid or beat. Of course, theres many factors that can make pregnancy tiredness worse, so looking after yourself and your baby is vital.

    You made it to the end of the article. Congratulations, youve earned yourself a nap.

    First And Third Trimesters

    Your first and third trimesters will be the hardest for you and will sap all your energy. You already know that one of the very first signs you were pregnant was overwhelming fatigue. This will continue through the first trimester, ease up during the second, and then make a triumphant return in your third.

    So now is the time to find ways to cope with pregnancy fatigue.

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    How To Beat Fatigue During Pregnancy

    Fatigue is a mental and/or physical exhaustion, and it can be your bodys way of letting you know that you need more sleep and relaxation. Fatigue during pregnancy is common, and at times, it can feel pretty debilitating.

    Many women cope by taking naps, but this may not be possible in the workplace and home, caring for their families. The good news is with some lifestyle changes you can beat fatigue and make it through the day without feeling like crashing on the nearest couch. In this article, we answer some common questions about fatigue during pregnancy and share tips for minimize it.

    What Causes The Fatigue

    Ways To Combat Tiredness Or Fatigue During Pregnancy â

    Fortunately, this is normal. Its a signal from your body to slow down and give it time to adjust to the incredible changes happening inside. Hormone changes play a big role in making you feel tired, especially the hormone progesterone. This hormone rises sharply in the first trimester. In addition, as blood volume increases to supply the developing placenta and fetal circulation, your heart pumps faster and stronger. This results in faster pulse and breathing rates. Low iron levels can sometimes make you tired, as well, although this is more common in later pregnancy.

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    Lets Talk About Sleep

    Fatigue isnt the same as being sleepy, but it is linked to your sleep quality. When sleep is disturbed, fatigue can occur along with feeling drowsy throughout the day. During pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester, sleep can become more difficult. Here are a few ways to improve your sleep quality during pregnancy:

    • Try the sleep-on-side position Lie down on your left side, bend your knees and place a pillow between your legs. This position is usually more comfortable than lying on your back or stomach and it can help improve circulation during the night.6
    • If you experience heartburn at night, try modifying the SOS position by propping your upper body up slightly with extra pillows.
    • Limit nighttime trips to the bathroom by doing regular Kegel exercises, avoiding diuretics such as coffee and sodas, and drinking less fluid before bedtime.
    • If you experience restless leg syndrome, try stretching before going to bed and increasing your iron/folic acid intake. Iron deficiency may affect dopamine production, which is linked to motor control.7

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