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How To Fight Menopause Fatigue

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Here Are Some Tips To Help You Get Your Energy Back

Best foods to fight menopause fatigue

If you have felt like you are dragging lately, you may be wondering what is going on. Fatigue is a common symptom that can be caused by a whole host of factors, from medical conditions and stress to poor sleep, says Dr. Stephanie Tung, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

The good news is that in many cases you can make changes that will help bring your energy back, but you need to get to the root of the problem in order to treat it.

When Fatigue Is A Symptom Of Your Life

If you are constantly tired even after a good nights sleep, it may be time to make some lifestyle changes.

Here are 9 common causes of fatigue and how you can combat them:

  • Stress. Stress can be caused by work, family, money, or feeling you have no control over your life. When youre under stress, your cortisol levels rise, and your body goes into fight, flight, or freeze mode. When youre chronically stressed, cortisol continuously floods your body, keeping it in overdrive. Eventually, fatigue sets in, and your immunity plummets, making you more susceptible to infections as well as cellular inflammation.
  • Lack of quality sleep. While sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, can cause fatigue, having poor sleep habits is often the main reason you can feel tired.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Being a couch potato contributes to fatigue in several ways. People who are sedentary typically have higher levels of cortisol, which is linked to insomnia. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to an increased heart rate and lower oxygen consumption, causing fatigue. Finally, people who sit most of the time have weaker muscles, causing them to use more energy and feel more exhausted when performing daily tasks.
  • Unresolved emotions. Negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, anger, and grief, when held too long, can trigger a stress response. In excess, this stress hormone cascade can make you feel drained.
  • Reduce Oily And Junk Food:

    Itâs advisable to not consume too much oily or junk food during menopause fatigue. It will cause you to become tired for no reason. Instead, you should consume more nutritious food.

    Fruits and vegetables like carrot, beans, potato, cabbage, and cauliflower will help in better digestion, more agility in your body. Diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, and low-dairy or no-fat dairy products will be the best. In addition, you can limit your sweets and fats consumption avoid eating bread, chocolates, sweets, etc.

    Perhaps, you can consume them in the form of juice if you are not keen on eating them as they are.

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    Avoiding Stimulants And Alcohol

    It is tempting to rely on stimulants such as caffeine when energy levels are low. However, too much caffeine may disrupt sleep . This may mean a person feels more tired during the day.

    Similarly, while alcohol can help people feel drowsy when they are having difficulty sleeping, it lowers sleep quality overall. For some, it is also a hot flash trigger.

    Menopause Fatigue: What To Know And What To Do

    Pin on Menopause Group Board

    Every woman has a different experience of menopause, but no one really says that it gives them more energy than usual. Even if your stamina doesnt take a hit, other common symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings can be incredibly draining.

    Were going to take a closer look at menopause fatigue. Why does it happen, what can you do about it, and when is it time to get some help?

    It might be common, but that doesnt mean you have to grin and bear it.

    In this article

    • Does menopause make you tired?
    • Why does menopause cause fatigue?
    • How can I fight menopause fatigue?
    • Can menopause cause extreme fatigue?

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    Top Energy Boosters To Help Fight Menopause Fatigue

    Are you nearing or in your menopause? Do you also complain of menopause fatigue? Do you feel the need for energy boosters to help fight menopause fatigue?

    Menopause fatigue is a common symptom that many women tend to experience when they have menopause. For example, sweating at night, dryness in the vagina, hot flashes, bad dreams, etc.

    However, every womanâs experience and the intensity of the experience may vary. Therefore, this article shall talk about menopause fatigue and the energy boosters to help fight menopause fatigue.

    Crashing Fatigue In Menopause Causes Its Own Problems

    Along with deep tiredness, crashing fatigue has its own symptoms:

    • Lack of motivation
    • Feeling overwhelmed or emotionally stressed

    Conventional doctors may be familiar with crashing fatigue, but still tend to offer only prescription drugs like antidepressants, which may not even relieve the problem of extreme tiredness. And theres no way that kind of medication can resolve the source of the issue.

    If youre being laid low by crashing fatigue in menopause, you can find your way back to feeling energetic and active with a few simple steps. But you have to know what causes crashing fatigue in the first place.

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    Readers Ask: What Is Menopause Anxiety Does The Menopause Make You Feel Like You’re Going Crazy

    Menopause anxiety is very common and often one of the most difficult symptoms for us to cope with during the menopause. However, it is important to know that you are not alone on this journey, and talking openly about your anxiety can be very therapeutic. Many of us suddenly feel unable to cope with situations that were never a problem before. We feel overwhelmed by the simple aspects of day-to-day living. This can be frightening and undermine your confidence and you might even think that you are actually going crazy! This thought has regularly crossed my mind. Anxiety is like a build-up of pressure in your mind. It is stating the obvious, but to alleviate this pressure we need to vent the anxiety.

      Try not to let anxiety build up, talk to others.

    What Causes Crashing Fatigue During Menopause

    How to beat menopause fatigue

    Theres not really one cause of crashing fatigueits a combination of the way your hormones make you feel during the day and the way other menopause symptoms can keep you up at night. But the simple answer is that your body is going through some huge changes, and that can be exhausting.

    As women age, their bodies begin to produce less estrogen and progesterone. This can affect your mood, leading to higher levels of stress and decreased motivation. Your body reacts to this sudden fluctuation in hormone levels by jumping into fight or flight mode, releasing both cortisol and adrenaline into your body. This can leave you feeling exhausted, but it can also disrupt your sleep cycle.

    Producing less estrogen and progesterone also makes you more likely to have sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes you to momentarily stop breathing and disrupt your sleep as you wake up to resume your breathing. Other symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, night sweats, heartburn, or restless legs, can also disturb your sleep at night.

    Crashing fatigue during menopause can feel like youre burning the candle at both endsyou arent getting enough rest to fully recharge your batteries, and youre draining your battery at a faster rate. If your menopause fatigue is leaving you feeling exhausted, there are steps you can take to help your body adjust to its new chemistry and boost your energy levels.

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    How Can I Fight Menopause Fatigue

    So thats the problem, but what can you do about it?

    Weve said before that menopause isnt something that you fight off. Its a natural transition that every woman who menstruates will go through. But, weve also said before that youre not powerless.

    If menopause side effects are disrupting your life, there are some things you can do to help you get through the day with something left in your tank.

    Fuel Yourself With The Right Stuff

    Carbohydrates, protein, and fats are the three main macronutrients – and each plays a role in keeping us energized. Carbs provide quick energy to help you feel better right away, whereas protein and fats digest more slowly for sustainable energy until your next meal. Combining all three macronutrients sets you up for the best of both worlds.

    Balanced bites to try:

    • A pear with a side of pistachios

    • A hearty slice of toast with mashed avocado and white beans

    • Sliced apple wrapped in prosciutto

    • A sprinkle of breakfast cereal on top of yogurt

    A quick walk in the morning or evening will boost your energy level. A great playlist or audio book are useful tools to keep you moving.

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    Practice Meditation And Learn To Relax:

    During menopause fatigue, you may find yourself over-stressed for no reason. There are changes in your body, and your mood is swinging more often than before. You can beat stress through meditation.

    Begin with sitting down in a quiet room with sufficient light and air. Slowly, breathe in and breathe out. Listen to some calming music to let your mind and body relax.

    This clears your mind of unwanted negative thoughts and helps in the better functioning of the brain. As a result, good thoughts enter your mind, and you feel relieved.

    Donât forget to wear comfortable clothing and be in a comfortable position while meditating.

    Is Menopause Fatigue Normal

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    Its normal for everyone to feel overtired or overworked from time to time. Such instances usually come and go and people are usually able to recover well.

    Unrelenting exhaustion, on the other hand, lasts longer, is more severe, and isn’t cured with rest. Its a feeling of constantly feeling drained, zapping your energy and motivation, and causing issues with concentration and your overall quality of life. Fatigue at this level impacts your emotional and psychological well-being, too.

    Many women experience symptoms like these while theyre going through menopause. The lack of sleep and constant battle to get consistent quality sleep might catch them off guard. After all, menopause fatigue is not something that is talked about much.

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    What Extreme Fatigue Is Not

    Extreme fatigue IS NOT Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Adrenal Fatigue.

    CFS is a more serious condition. Its caused by specific condition and can last for six months.

    Adrenal fatigue is also another thing. This condition happens when you have chronic stress. Your adrenals go into override and exhaustion. As a result, you dont have control over cortisol and your body. Adrenal Fatigue Solution has an easy explanation about the difference between CFS and Adrenal Fatigue.

    When Do Menopause And Perimenopause Start

    The average age for women to experience menopause is 52, but some women may begin early menopause between the ages of 40-45. Other common questions are what is perimenopause and how is it different? If youre experiencing symptoms but still menstruating, youre in perimenopause. Perimenopause symptoms can start months or years before menopause, often when a woman is in her 40s.During this time, your periods may become irregular and you may even skip several months. Irregular periods are a key symptom of perimenopause as hormonal changes may cause you to ovulate on a less regular basis. But keep in mind, until you havent menstruated for 12 full months, you havent started menopause yet.

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    Check Your Medications Or Any Existing Condition

    Some drugs will leave you out of energy. These include antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antihistamines and pain killers. Be sure to ask your doctor or talk to him if you feel exhausted from taking these medications. Anemia, diabetes, gut disorders, adrenal fatigue and other conditions can cause extreme fatigue. Be sure to get checked to rule out illnesses!

    Eileen of A. Vogel explains why most women in menopause experience fatigue and how we can beat it. She says its important to take care of our fatigue because it might lead to adrenal fatigue a far more serious condition.

    What Causes Menopause Fatigue

    My top 5 tips to beat menopausal fatigue

    Many women in this stage of life experience menopause fatigue. Fatigue is just a fancy word for extreme tiredness that is constant and significantly affects your ability to go through your normal day-to-day activities. According to many womens health experts, menopause fatigue can occur for a lot of different reasons.

    First, always talk to your doctor about any new symptoms youre experiencing. Extreme fatigue is common in menopause, especially at the onset, but its also a symptom for other more serious conditions like thyroid disorders, kidney and liver disease, heart problems.

    If your doctor indicates that its just the onset of menopause causing you to feel tired, there are a few reasons behind it. As menopause begins , your body goes through rapid hormonal changes. During the perimenopausal period , levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen start to decline, leading to irregular periods that are either lighter or heavier.

    Youre considered to have entered menopause once you havent had your period for at least 12 months. When this happens, estrogen and progesterone levels decline even more rapidly while thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones also fluctuate.

    Since all of these hormonal systems regulate our cellular energy, it makes sense that the sudden changes can leave us feeling drained. These shifts are also responsible for other menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness.

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    A Word On Perimenopause

    Medically, menopauseis defined as a time when a woman has not had her menstrual period for at least12 consecutive months . The period before menopause, when you beginnoticing signs of hormonal changes, is defined as perimenopause. During thisphase, the ovaries gradually produce lesser estrogen, and your periods may movebecome farther apart from each other. On the other hand, some women may noticeirregular periods that come closer together and do not follow their previouspattern of being 25-40 days apart. To put it simply, when you experienceperimenopause, your periods become difficult to predict. You may alsoexperience heavier or lighter flow, or notice more blood clots duringperimenopause.

    Menopause will kick in when your ovaries produce so little estrogen than it no longer leads to the release of a healthy egg from your ovaries, to trigger menstruation after 14-16 days. Remember, if your last period was less than a year ago, you are not fully menopausal yet, and could still become pregnant. We discuss the various symptoms of perimenopause in a different article, so give that a read too.

    Turn Down The Thermostat At Night

    The last thing you need is an overheated bedroom when youre already dealing with hot flashes and night sweats from menopause. Keeping your bedroom cool accommodates your bodys natural temperature fluctuations during the night. Experts say the ideal temperature for a good nights sleep is around 65F .

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    Menopause Fatigue Remedies: Your Guide To Crashing Fatigue During Menopause

    As you enter menopause, your body starts to undergo changes caused by hormone level fluctuations. You may start to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and insomnia.

    Fatigue is also a common symptom of menopause, and it can interfere with your normal day-to-day activities. But there are ways you can boost your energy levels and beat menopausal fatigue.

    How To Overcome Menopause And Fatigue

    8 Energy Boosters to Beat Menopause Fatigue

    By | Submitted On March 26, 2007

    One of the more common menopause symptoms is fatigue. Feelings of exhaustion and lack of energy are associated fatigue symptoms caused by a variety of factors.

    Coping with day-to-day activities becomes a heavy burden simply because energy levels are diminished. This has a ricochet effect, directly impacting on relationships with other family members and friends. All in all, menopause and fatigue go hand-in-hand and there are several reasons why it both directly and indirectly causes upheaval in your life.

    One of the biggest players in the onset of fatigue is insomnia. Lower estrogen levels can play havoc with vitality levels causing bouts of irritability, mood swings and in many cases, depression. Insomnia denies essential sleep which can only lead to one result…fatigue.

    Try These Simple Sleep Assisted Measures

    Apart from seeing your doctor and receiving mediacation assistance to help you sleep, other measures worth exploring include:

    – taking a hot bath before bed.

    – lowering the room temperature in your bedroom.

    – eat your meal at least four hours before you retire.

    – avoid watching television just before you try to get to sleep.

    – avoid coffee but drink a cup of hot milk instead just before you climb into bed.

    Fatigue Symptoms Of Menopause

    In other cases, eyesight and hearing problems can occur as a result of fatigue while tyroid deficiencies could lead to chronic fatigue issues.

    So What Can You Do?

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    How To Manage Menopause Fatigue

    Menopause fatigue is real. You can help relieve some of the symptoms by trying different things such as:

    Soy-rich foods. Foods high in soy are high in a chemical that gives you the same benefits that estrogen has on your body. This can help even out some of the hormones.

    Avoid eating spicy food. Spicy food is notorious for triggering hot flashes avoid it if you can.

    Dress in lightweight clothing. When you go to bed, wear lightweight clothing to help keep you cool in case a hot flash comes on.

    Exercise. Exercising regularly can help you fall and stay asleep, improving your sleep quality overall.

    Medication and therapies. Some medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been shown to help menopausal women with sleep symptoms.

    Hormone replacement therapies may also help improve your sleep quality, although they come with some risks and potential health concerns. Starting hormone replacement therapy is a serious decision that your doctor can help you make.

    Acupuncture. Some women have found that alternative therapies, like acupuncture, can help improve sleep and overall wellbeing.

    Sleep aids. Sleep aids can be helpful from time to time, but you dont want to become reliant on them. Its helpful to try incorporating other things, too. You can wind down before you go to bed, go to bed at the same time every night, not watch TV in bed, and not look at your cell phone in bed.


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