Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weight Gain Fatigue Hair Loss

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Does The Patient Suffer From Depression

HYPOTHYROIDISM | This Will Change EVERYTHING…| Excessive Hair Loss, Weight Gain, Fatigue and more.

If they also complain of tiredness and weight gain consider hypothyroidism.

If they are tired and nauseated, and describe polyuria or constipation consider hypercalcaemia.

If they have developed weight gain and thinned or red skin consider Cushings syndrome.

If they have also lost their libido, or developed erectile dysfunction consider hypogonadism, or hypopituitarism.

Other Causes Of Hypothyroidism

In some cases, hypothyroidism results from a problem with the pituitary gland, which is at the base of the brain. This gland produces thyroid-stimulating hormone , which tells the thyroid to do its job. If your pituitary gland does not produce enough TSH, levels of thyroid hormones will fall. Other causes of hypothyroidism include temporary inflammation of the thyroid or medications that affect thyroid function.

Fatigue Hair Loss And Weight Loss

Last Editorial Review: 6/15/2020

Your symptoms can be caused by multiple medical conditions, including anemia, depression, and other ailments. Keep track of your symptoms and if you have concerns, please contact your doctor.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

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Autoimmune And Medical Conditions

Hyperthyroidism is caused by a number of diseases, Wright says, with Graves disease being the No. 1 cause. In people with Graves disease, the immune system produces antibodies that bind to thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors and tell your thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone. There is no off switch to this, Wright says, and it requires medical treatment.

  • Plummers disease: enlargement of the thyroid gland and overproduction of T4
  • Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules: parts of your thyroid gland produce too much T4
  • Thyroiditis: inflammation of the thyroid

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimotos thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition that occurs when your immune system produces antibodies that attack your thyroid gland even in the absence of disease.

Has The Patient Experienced Weight Loss

Fatigue Hair Loss Weight Gain

If they have also developed anxiety, tremulousness, diarrhoea, or oligomenorrhoea consider thyrotoxicosis.

If they have developed a deep tan, have a low serum sodium, and feel nauseated and dizzy consider Addisons disease.

If they feel nauseated and dizzy, have a low serum sodium, and have also lost libido or stopped having periods consider hypopituitarism.

If they have also developed thirst, polyuria and nocturia, consider diabetes mellitus.

If there are any other warning symptoms always consider malignancy.

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Hair Regrowth Treatment Options For Menopausal Hair Loss

Hair loss due to menopause can be frustrating, embarrassing and temporary. Treatment options are available, and the right treatment option may help reverse your hair loss. Prescription: Two medication, spironolactone and finasteride are antiandrogen medications used to treat postmenopausal women Platelet-rich plasma injections: A new and minimally invasive option used as a natural approach for treating follicle damage, hair loss and thinning hair. Low level laser therapy: Options include combs, in-office domes, and portable home units that can be worn like a hat, offer women the convenience of using treatment products in the privacy of their home or at their doctors office. Nutritional supplements: Certain vitamins and minerals have been known to support healthy hair growth and could be incorporated into your daily diet. It is important to remember treating hair loss takes time. Initial changes in hair regrowth often go unnoticed. Keep this in mind, it might take several months before you start to notice real improvement. If you are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair due to menopause and are interested in learning more about hair loss, regrowth treatment and product options, or to consult with a Capillus specialist in your area or call Capillus for more information at 888 6249 or Toll-Free at 1 272-9599.

Herbs For Your Thyroid

Today 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and about 13 million of them are undiagnosed.

Does the hair on your eyebrow thin-out from the middle to the end? Have you experienced thinning or hair loss? Do you have cold hands and feet and dry skin? These are some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, a condition that can affect your thyroid gland.

Thyroid problems occur seven times more often in women than men, with chances increasing after childbirth and during menopause.

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck below your Adams apple. It works like the gas pedal for your metabolism and also regulates your weight, energy, gastrointestinal health, nervous system and hormone balance. It produces two important hormones:

T3 is the more active of your thyroid hormones, and is derived from T4 by a metabolic conversion that happens in your gut and liver. It is considered the Queen of thyroid hormones.

T4 is produced by your thyroid gland when it binds with iodine. It is mostly an inactive hormone but gets converted to the more active T3.

Together T3 and T4 thyroid hormones impact your:

  • Metabolismincluding energy production, fat burning, and absorption of nutrients and supplements.
  • Body temperaturewhich in turn affects many chemical reactions

The most common conditions are:

  • Underactive Thyroid: Hypothyroidism/Hashimotos
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    Does The Patient Complain Of Erectile Dysfunction

    If they have also lost their libido and their secondary sexual body hair, or complain of low energy consider all causes of hypogonadism.

    If they have the symptoms of hypogonadism, but also describe abnormal breast development, galactorrhoea or visual loss, consider prolactinoma.

    If they have also developed anxiety, tremulousness or weight loss, consider thyrotoxicosis.

    What Can Be Done To Minimize The Weight Gain Caused By Menopause

    My Story with Hypothyroidism | Weight Gain, Memory Loss, Fatigue

    Start adopting healthy lifestyle practices before menopause by exercising and eating well, so those good habits are in place. Aging is associated with changes in metabolism, decreased muscle and increased body fat. We are often less physically active the older we get, which is a large contributor to weight gain. Weight tends to deposit around the midsection, which can increase the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancer . In addition to the negative impact on health, weight gain often leads to poor self-image and depression.

    It is important to your overall health and well-being to adhere to a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activity. A healthy diet includes watching portion control and limiting amounts of sugar, processed carbohydrates, fat and processed foods. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to help with weight loss, improve cognition and decrease the risk of dementia and osteoporosis, as well as improve heart health. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, Pilates and yoga help maintain posture, balance and core strength.

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    Hair Loss And Weight Gain: What Is The Link

    Excess weight gain and high body mass index are associated with multiple health issues and metabolic syndromes that may trigger hair loss. Numerous studies have found a connection between weight gain and hair loss:

    • A study on Taiwanese men reported that higher BMI could increase the severity of androgenic alopecia 01031-1/fulltext rel=nofollow> 1).
    • Metabolic syndromes like waist circumference and hypertension also trigger female pattern hair loss. A study demonstrated that the severity of pattern baldness increased with weight gain .
    • A study on middle-aged women concluded that insulin resistance could increase the risk of androgenic alopecia , especially in women with a family history of AGA . Obesity is also one of the causes of insulin resistance .

    Multiple underlying conditions can trigger unexplained weight gain or vice-versa. This complex process can cause an avalanche of issues, including hair loss. In the next section, we take a deeper dive into the possible causes of sudden weight gain and hair loss.

    Complications Of Autoimmune Conditions

    Autoimmune diseases can potentially put you at risk for serious complications. These vary by condition, but some of the more common ones include:

    • Heart disease: Conditions that cause inflammation, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, can affect the heart.
    • Mood disorders: Long-term pain and fatigue, which are symptoms of many autoimmune diseases, are often associated with depression and anxiety.
    • Neuropathy: Nerve damage or neuropathy can develop with many autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögrens syndrome. This can lead to feeling numb and weak in the arms or legs.
    • Deep vein thrombosis: Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease lead to an increased risk of developing blood clots. These clots may travel to the lungs and cause a blockage, known as a pulmonary embolism.
    • Organ damage: Autoimmune diseases that cause harm to specific organs can lead to significant damage if not properly treated. For example, type 1 diabetes can cause kidney failure.

    Talk to your healthcare provider about what you can do to minimize the risk of complications that are associated with your condition.

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    Has The Patient Experienced Weight Gain

    If the patient has developed central weight gain as well as thinned, reddened skin, acne, hirsuitism, muscle weakness, diabetes, hypertension, hypokalaemia or osteoporosis, consider Cushings syndrome.

    If the weight gain is long standing, onset has been very gradual, and weight fluctuates with life events and dieting, consider simple obesity.

    If they have developed menorrhagia, constipation or tiredness, consider hypothyroidism.

    If the weight gain was gradual, started in puberty, and is associated with hirsuitism, acne and oligomenorrhoea consider polycystic ovarian syndrome.

    Should I Get Tested For A Thyroid Problem

    Fatigue Hair Loss Weight Gain

    Yes! If youve been suspecting that small, subtle symptoms you have might be connected to something bigger, do get appropriate testing.

    For the estimated 28 million women with known energy and metabolism problems due to hypothyroidism, the trouble usually creeps up. Its not a flash flood that takes out your whole house its a dripping faucet that might erode the foundation over time.

    Comprehensive testing provides the information needed for a definitive diagnosis before starting any medication or other treatment plan for healing your thyroid. Unnecessary treatment and over-treatment in the integrative and functional medicine practitioners may be as common as missed diagnoses and under-treatment are by conventional doctors.

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    What About Thyroid Cancer

    Thyroid cancer is uncommon and is among the least deadly. The main symptom is a lump or swelling in the neck, and only about 5% of thyroid nodules turn out to be cancerous. When thyroid cancer is diagnosed, it is most often treated with surgery followed by radioactive iodine therapy or, in some cases, external radiation therapy.

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    Powerful Plants For Thyroid Support

    Herbal adaptogens are a helpful way to stabilize your hormones. They also help lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and balance T4 levelsyour thyroid hormone. The following herbs, spices, and foods can support your thyroid function and alleviate thyroid symptoms by balancing hormones:

    • This herb helps to balance hormones by calming the bodys response to stress. It is also known to boost endurance. As a result, it can help combat inflammation and boost your immunity. Add some ashwaganda to dandelion lattes and protein balls for an extra health kick.
  • Is also known as Siberian ginseng, because it has impacts that are similar to Panax ginseng. It helps lower the over-reactivity of the HPO axis, a feedback loop between your brain and other organs such as the kidneys, that is involved in the fight or flight response when you are stressed. Eleuthero can help balance out hormones to prevent excess levels of adrenaline and cortisol impacting on the body. This hormonal balance also helps stabilize thyroid function.
  • Assists in protecting the thyroid gland from oxidative damage and may help to lower levels of cortisol. It is also used by integrative practitioners to increase energy.
  • This comes from the active component of the thick, knotted rhizome root of the Zingiber plant and has potent anti-inflammatory actions. These help to stabilize the thyroid gland and reduce the risk of underactive and overactive thyroid conditions.
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    The Good News Is That All Of These Symptoms Can Improve With Our Neurometabolic And Functional Medicine Approach

    Unlike conventional medicine that ignores underlying imbalances and just tries to eliminate symptoms with synthetic Hormone, Functional Medicine investigates the actual cause of the metabolic disturbances associated with Hashimotos Thyroid problems. These metabolic imbalances are the result of Hormone imbalances, Food sensitivities, Gastrointestinal infections, SIBO, Yeast overgrowth, and dysfunction within the immune system.

    Vitamin deficiencies are extremly common as is Gastrointestinal problems such as a leaky gut. These are just some of the common problems we see in patients with autoimmune Hashimotos and Graves Disease. Addressing these factors are critically important when it comes to the successful treatment with patients who have Hashimotos Thyroiditis.

    So what is Hashimotos? In the United States Hashimotos disease or Hashimotos thyroiditis is the number one cause of hypothyroidism. Hashimotos is largely missed as a diagnosis in todays health care system. Basic thyroid testing, or TSH testing, is not enough to show whether this disease is present or not, so many people, especially women, go undiagnosed and suffer for many years. This article will begin to provide some information about Hashimotos disease and its consequences if left untreated.

    Ignoring the immune system in Hashimotos disease cases is a huge problem, and is the reason that many women never feel good even though their TSH test is might be approaching normal

    Has The Patient Described A Loss Of Libido

    Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Insufficiency

    If they have also lost secondary sexual body hair, have erectile dysfunction, and low energy consider hypogonadism.

    If they have the symptoms of hypogonadism, but are also dizzy, tired, and nauseated, consider hypopituitarism.

    If they have the symptoms of hypogonadism, but also describe abnormal breast development, galactorrhoea or visual loss, consider prolactinoma.

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    Try A Variety Of Relaxation Approaches

    • Keep your focus here and now: Try to live through your senses, not just your head. The more mindful you are, the more this will help to reduce your cortisol levels.
    • Take a break in nature: This can not only reduce your stress hormones, but also boosts natural killer cells that increase your immunity.
    • Enjoy regular touch: Through hugs, making love or enjoying a massage. Enjoyable physical contact triggers the release of oxytocin, which has calming impacts.


    • Persist with meditation if its not working for you: Try visualization or listening to soothing music with your eyes closed. Chanting for just 12 minutes a day can also reduce stress levels and lower inflammation in people who are stressed.
    • Slouch: Instead strike a power pose. Try the victory pose and the wonder woman pose . Research from Harvard University shows that these kinds of poses, drop your cortisol and raise your testosterone, so you feel more in control and more able to handle risks and tricky situations. Amy Cuddy, who is an expert in this area, gives a fantastic Ted talk about the impact of body language on hormones and emotional states.

    What Causes Hair Loss

    First, your doctor or dermatologist will try to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary male- or female-pattern baldness.

    If you have a family history of baldness, you may have this type of hair loss. Certain sex hormones can trigger hereditary hair loss. It may begin as early as puberty.

    In some cases, hair loss may occur with a simple halt in the cycle of hair growth. Major illnesses, surgeries, or traumatic events can trigger hair loss. However, your hair will usually start growing back without treatment.

    Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. Examples include:

    A physical or emotional shock may trigger noticeable hair loss. Examples of this type of shock include:

    • a death in the family
    • extreme weight loss

    People with trichotillomania have a need to pull out their hair, usually from their head, eyebrows, or eyelashes.

    Traction hair loss can be due to hairstyles that put pressure on the follicles by pulling the hair back very tightly.

    A diet lacking in protein, iron, and other nutrients can also lead to thinning hair.

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    I Cant Think Straight Im Foggy

    Blame it on: High cortisol and its effect on the hippocampus.

    Ever noticed how hard it is to keep your mind operating on all four cylinders when youre having a heavy-duty day? You sit at the computer but cant focus, go to the shops but forget what you need to buy, misplace your keys or wallet or both. This mental meltdown is a direct result of adrenal fatigue.

    Stress induced brain drain is caused by the hippocampus, a little seahorse shaped organ in the brain involved in our short term memory. With too much cortisol in the brain, dendrites start to shrink and dont work as properly.

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    When Should You See A Doctor

    Weight Loss Hair Loss Fatigue

    What constitutes an abnormal amount of hair loss? While most of us experience some hair loss, if youre noticing a sudden and dramatic change in your scalp or the appearance of bald patches, its time to reach out to your doctor.

    If someone in your family has experienced alopecia or other forms of rapid hair loss, you should also consider consulting a physician since there could be genetic factors at play.

    However, if you have been experiencing excessive shedding , then it is probably time for you to speak with a medical professional.

    Additionally, if youve been experiencing any signs of fatigue or weight gain that doesnt seem to improve over the course of several months, you should make an appointment with your doctor just in case theres a more serious condition behind this symptom.

    Thinning hair is a common side effect of weight loss. As body fat is lost, the body produces less estrogen, which is necessary for maintaining healthy hair growth.

    However, this doesnt mean that all thinning hair is due to weight loss, as there are other factors that can cause thinning hair. But if your hair is becoming noticeably thinner and lighter in color, it may be time to see your doctor.

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