Thursday, September 12, 2024

Constant Brain Fog And Fatigue

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What Can You Do To Clear The Fog

Fibromyalgia, (Have Pain, Fatigue, Brain Fog & Memory Loss), 4 Steps to Success!

There are a few things you can do to help clear brain fog.

First, be sure to get enough sleep. Seven to eight hours per night is ideal.

Second, make sure youre getting regular exercise. Exercise helps improve brain function and energy levels.

Third, eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These brain-healthy foods are rich in omega-three fatty acids, which help improve cognitive function.

Fourth, drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause brain fog and fatigue.

Finally, try to reduce stress levels by practicing yoga or meditation. Stress can worsen brain fog and fatigue.

If youre still struggling with brain fog after trying these tips, be sure to speak with your doctor so that they can help you identify and treat the underlying causes of your brain fog.

How To Beat Brain Fog

What is brain fog? While its not a medical term, brain fog describes a feeling that you dont have full mental claritymaybe youre having trouble remembering something or difficulty focusing on a thought or idea. This can happen to anyone and can be caused by lack of sleep, increased stress, certain foods in your diet or, in some cases, a medication or medical condition.

Cognitive impairment, also known as cog-fog or brain fog by patients, is estimated to affect more than half of multiple sclerosis patients during the course of their illness. This can include difficulty multitasking, paying attention, understanding conversations and recalling memories. Early and aggressive treatment for MS is key in trying to slow down or prevent this problem from significantly impacting patients lives, says David Duncan, M.D., director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

But in addition to those living with MS, brain fog can happen to anyone and can be caused by lack of sleep, increased stress, certain foods in your diet or, in some cases, a medication or medical condition.

Regardless of the source of brain fog, you can help combat it, and one of the most common causes of brain fog is lack of sleep or poor sleep hygiene:

  • Aim to get 79 hours of sleep each night
  • Keep a regular sleep routine
  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Avoid screens before you go to bed
  • Challenge Yourself

Comparing Fibro Fog And Me/cfs Brain Fog

While fibromyalgia and ME/CFS are different conditions, they’re closely related and have a lot in common. However, their cognitive dysfunction symptoms appear to be somewhat different.

A 2016 study suggested that:

  • People with both fibromyalgia and ME/CFS had more cognitive impairment than those with ME/CFS alone.
  • People with only ME/CFS appeared to have more problems with visual perception.
  • People with more pain had a harder time remembering what they heard.
  • In people with only ME/CFS, more pain appeared to be linked to slower reaction times.

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Make Sure Your Diet Is Brain

Good nutrition is a key part of a good mood and good memory, and the benefits go way beyond that: The Mediterranean diet, which consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish and of course, extra virgin olive oil, has repeatedly been linked to better brain health, and even lower Alzheimers risk. Leafy greens and flavonoids help too, while cholesterol and high-sugar, high-fat diets are linked to cognitive problems as severe as dementia.

Medications And Cancer Treatments

Pin by Angie Long on Medical Malfunction

Its probably no surprise that some medications can be a cause of brain fog symptoms. Anticholinergics, including allergy medications that contain diphenhydramine such as Benadryl, Ditropan for an overactive bladder, and Elavil for depression, are common brain fog causes because they block neurotransmitters in the brain.

A study by the University of Washington and Group Health in Seattle tracked nearly 3,500 men and women ages 65 and older and found that anticholinergic medications were more likely to produce signs of brain fog or other cognitive dysfunction.19

A similar study conducted by researchers in France and Canada found that people taking benzodiazepines such as valium and similar medications to treat anxiety showed brain fog symptoms.2021

Similarly, cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant can also cause brain fog. This is called chemo brain.22 Cancer treatments may lead to complications such as fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and sleep problems, which as I discussed earlier, affects brain function.

If you experience brain fog symptoms while taking certain medications its important to talk to your functional medicine doctor.

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What Else Could It Be

The symptoms of ME/CFS are similar to those of other conditions.

If you think you may have ME/CFS it’s important to see a GP to make sure you get a correct diagnosis. A GP should also be able to refer you to a ME/CFS specialist if they think it would help you.

Page last reviewed: 29 October 2021 Next review due: 29 October 2024

When Should I Worry

Brain fog has undoubtedly been experienced by everyone, one day or the other, or one minute or the other. It starts to become a worry when it becomes long-lasting, and the effects become very intense. This includes when a persons memory becomes worse day by day, or when someone forgets very important things on a regular basis. When a person gets intense anxiety, or cant complete simple daily tasks. This becomes a worry and should be checked

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Common Causes Of Fatigue

Many different things can also cause fatigue, but some common causes include:

  • Dehydration
  • Lack of sleep or rest
  • Physical activity such as running a marathon or working out at the gym for long periods of time
  • Pregnancy if your body is not used to the extra work
  • Mental activity such as working or studying for long periods of time

Just like brain fog, fatigue can also lead to a decrease in cognitive function and make it difficult to do everyday activities.

Now that we know some of the most common causes for brain fog and fatigue, lets take a look at some tips on how you can get relief from these conditions.

How Candida Overgrowth Causes Brain Fog

My MTHFR Supplement Routine for Brain Fog and Chronic Fatigue

Candida is a form of yeast that lives in your mouth and intestines in small amounts. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption. However, the good bacteria that keep yeast levels in check can get out of balance, allowing yeast to overgrow. This can happen by taking a round of antibiotics or drinking too much alcohol. Eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates or using birth control pills over a long term can also have an impact.

The yeast then coats the lining of your intestinal tract and suppresses your ability to make or secrete serotonin. Candida or yeast also affects your brain and mood function by producing chemicals that are directly toxic to the brain. This is why so many of my patients who have Candida overgrowth complain of brain fog symptoms such as poor memory, fatigue, depression or anxiety.

Do you think you have Candida overgrowth? Take this simple quiz to find out!

Also Check: Does Low White Blood Count Cause Fatigue

Neurocognitive Testing Demonstrates Specific Cognitive Deficits In Cfs

If brain fog truly is the subjective experience of cognitive impairment in CFS, the impairment should be measurable. Early work using sensory and cognitive event-related potentials broadly demonstrated deficits in CFS subjects compared to control subjects in areas of memory, concentration, attention, information processing, and reaction time . Research has attempted to use more focused tests to narrow in on what exactly these deficits are. A table of cognitive tests that have been used to study impairments in CFS is listed .

Be An Efficient Sleeper

The classic mistake people make with their brains, whether its dealing with work, school or whatever looming project deadline, is that they try to maximize their time by staying up late and/or getting up early. This typically backfires because cognitive abilities decrease with sleep deprivation. Sleep at least seven hours nightly, preferably eight or even nine when possible. The quality of your work will increase while the time it takes to produce such quality work will diminish.

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What Exactly Is Fatigue

Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness that many different things can cause. It can make it difficult to do everyday activities and may lead to feelings of frustration, irritability, and lack of energy.

There are two main types of fatigue: mental and physical.

Mental fatigue is the result of using your brain for prolonged periods of time and can be caused by activities such as studying, working, or attending social events.

Physical fatigue is the result of physical activity and can cause a person to feel tired after exercise or work.

Now that we know what brain fog and fatigue are, lets take a look at some of the most common causes for each condition.

Brain Fog: Solutions To Help You Improve Concentration

brain fog
5 minute read

Most people have experienced mental fog or brain fog. It is often described as a cloudy-headed feeling. Forgetfulness is a common complaint among older adults. As we grow older, we experience physiological changes that can cause glitches in brain functions we have always taken for granted. It takes longer to learn and recall information. We are not as quick as we used to be. Also, lack of sleep, overworking, and stress can cause brain fog. Brain fog can be frustrating, but relief is possible. Do not ignore your symptoms. If left untreated, brain fog can impact the quality of your life and lead to other conditions such as Parkinsons disease, memory loss, and Alzheimers disease.

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How Adrian Used Healthy Gut Healthy You To Heal


Hey everyone, this is Dr. Ruscio. Im here with Adrian and he said some great results, reading Healthy Gut, Healthy You. He actually came across my work after hearing my interview with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory. He read the book, went through the protocol, saw some results, and Im super grateful for you taking a moment here to share your story with us.


Absolutely. Thank you, doctor. Its a pleasure being with you and an honor to finally meet you, virtually. Hopefully one day we can meet in person.


Well, its always so fantastic to meet people and hear their stories. You were describing before we started the recording how you were suffering for many, many years, seeing different doctors and werent able to regain your health. As I talk about in the opening of Healthy Gut, Healthy You, I consider myself so fortunate that for me it was only maybe six months or a year or so before I got plugged in, then there was another maybe a year or so until I really got over the hump. If I hadnt found that it could have been years and years and years of needless suffering, which, unfortunately, sounds like the road you were on up until you found Healthy Gut, Healthy You. So give us a bit of background. Tell us about what that looked like.


Treatment For Brain Fog With Diabetes

To treat brain fog due to diabetes, its important that your blood sugar levels are in target range as much as possible.

The goal is to avoid blood sugar fluctuations. This means keeping your blood sugar within a healthy range not too high and not too low.

If youre prescribed medication to treat diabetes, take your medication as instructed and dont skip doses.

Also, follow any dietary instructions your healthcare provider recommends. If you feel that your brain fog isnt improving, talk to them.

Your healthcare provider may need to adjust your medication. Also, it might help to speak with a registered dietitian for guidance on what foods to eat and what foods to avoid with diabetes.

Managing your diabetes is important because not managing your condition can lead to potentially life threatening complications.

It can cause:

Brain fog should improve as your blood sugar returns to a healthy level.

In the meantime, the following tips can help you cope with cognitive dysfunction.

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How Can Brain Fog Be Treated

Brain fog cannot be treated directly. Instead, the doctors treat the condition that prompted brain fog. However, personal actions can be taken to lessen the confusion and disorganization. underlying medical condition or causes of brain fog. These actions include the following:

  • Sleeping for at least seven hours at night. This helps your body heal from the days stress.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet. Food can be the best medicine and the best poison. Choose a diet that suits your body conditions and needs, like lean proteins vegetables, healthy fats, limited sugar, fruits, etc. This helps especially if you have nutritional deficiencies.
  • Regular exercise. Exercise helps in releasing neurotransmitters in the brain, which helps clear brain fog.
  • Staying away from alcohol and hard drugs. They are inducers of brain fog as they reduce brainpower.
  • Manage stress or prevent it if possible. Try to take breaks at work, drink enough water when you feel headaches, and work at your pace
  • Try some stress-relieving activities like meditation and yoga. These activities help you relax your brain for some time.
  • Nootropic supplements help in improving cognitive ability and eliminating signs of brain fog.
  • Try new social activities. It helps in promoting the release of norepinephrine in the brain. It would help prevent moodiness which comes along with brain fog.

Home Remedies For Brain Fog

ADD | Brain Fog | Chronic Fatigue : Causes and Effective Protocols

Some of the best remedies for brain fog listed in reputable websites are:

1 Get some good sleep

Hormones in your brain stay at the right levels when you get a good nights sleep. Remember that you cannot replace your night sleep if you choose to work during that part of the day. As an adult, you should sleep for at least seven hours per day.

2 Include some exercise in your daily schedule

Brain fog comes as a consequence of body fatigue. That is why engaging in a mild exercise could significantly improve your health, make your thyroid gland work better, and give you less stress and anxiety.

3 Take care of your diet

You are the sole responsible for your diet. Eating more healthy fats and proteins give you the amino acids needed for the right brain function. A good diet can fight against your depression, especially when you choose healthy foods.

4 Reduce stress

Adopt a healthy lifestyle that promotes peacefulness to your relations with other people. Anxiety and stress can increase cortisol levels increasing your blood pressure and worsen the cognitive fatigue symptoms and the memory loss you experience with brain fog.

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Children Young People And Me/cfs

ME/CFS can affect people of all ages, including the very young. Young people with ME/CFS, especially children under the age of ten, might have trouble knowing or articulating that something is wrong. They may not realise that their loss of stamina, or other symptoms they are experiencing, are not normal. Alternatively, they may not have the words to describe what they are feeling.

For both younger children and teenagers, schooling can be affected but ME/CFS is not school refusal. While school refusal can often be accompanied by physical complaints , and these complaints may tend to disappear when the young person stays home, the pattern is different with ME/CFS. In a young person with ME/CFS, some symptoms never ease and symptom exacerbation is triggered by activity. In ME/CFS, symptoms are likely to be worse after school attendance, and can reduce with pacing and rest, which includes time away from school or during holidays.

Some young people with ME/CFS can continue to attend school, and others may be too unwell for regular classroom attendance. Parents, healthcare providers, schools and the child or teenager need to work together to come up with a plan for the young persons continued education. This plan needs to take into account the energy limits of ME/CFS. Being creative and flexible is key and might include things like fewer subjects or school from home.

What Should You Do If You Think You Have Post

Unfortunately, there’s no established treatment for post-COVID-19 cognitive side effects. Some clinicians are treating patients with low-dose stimulants . Others suggest awakening the senses by introducing strong smells. Still others are experimenting with behavioral strategies such as meditation, exercise and support groups and psychological counseling.

“If you’re experiencing cognitive symptoms after a case of COVID-19, you should see your primary care provider,” Dr. Kremen says. “Your doctor can rule out other issues, such as thyroid disease, high blood sugar and other medical causes of cognitive impairment.” And if your doctor suspects your symptoms are COVID-19-related, the symptoms are likely to dissipate over time.

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How Sibo Causes Brain Fog

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when the trillions of bacteria in our gut get out of balance and overgrow. This happens for many different reasons, however the most common cause I see is from a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol.

These bad bacteria release a compound called histamine. Histamine is a neurotransmitter that communicates important messages from your body to your brain. Its primary role in the body is to cause an immediate inflammatory response against potential attackers. When you have autoimmunity, your body is in a constant state of inflammation. Symptoms of that inflammation include feelings of anxiety, panic, and brain fog.

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Best Course For Overcoming Brain Fog and Fatigue

This discord family is a safe place where we can all talk about and seek help for what is going on in our heads.

Brain fog and fatigue are two very common symptoms that can have a variety of causes.

Sometimes fatigue and brain fog are just the results of lacking enough sleep or rest, but other times it may be something more serious. Both can lead to cognitive issues, low motivation levels, depression, anxiety, and sleep problems.

This post will go over the most common causes for brain fog or fatigue, as well as tips on how you can get relief from these conditions.

So, lets get started.

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