Thursday, July 25, 2024

Headache And Fatigue After Eating

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What If Im Delaying Eating Because I Get Headaches Afterward

How to manage cold, headache & dizziness with fatigue? – Dr. Sanjay Panicker

The issue might not be when youre eating, but what youre eating. Certain foods are more likely to cause headaches, including:

  • Aged cheeses, like feta, Parmesan and Swiss.
  • Foods that contain the additive monosodium glutamate .
  • Dried meats and fruits.
  • High-sugar and processed foods, such as packaged cookies and crackers.
  • Meat products like hot dogs and pepperoni that contain additives .

Pots: A Little Known Cause Of Extreme Fatigue

Everyone knows what being tired feels like at the end of a long day. But some people experience fatigue so severe and so seemingly random that its hard to describe. If that sounds familiar, there could be more going on than daily stress.

While there are many causes of fatigue, one of them is frequently missed and misdiagnosed: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome . Physical medicine and neuromuscular specialist Tae Chung, M.D., answers questions about POTS and extreme fatigue as one of its symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms

Some symptoms of hypoglycemia are caused when the body releases extra adrenaline , a hormone that raises blood sugar levels, into the bloodstream to protect against hypoglycemia. High blood levels of adrenaline can make the skin become pale and sweaty, and a person can also have symptoms such as shakiness, anxiety, and heart palpitations .

Other symptoms of hypoglycemia are caused when not enough glucose gets to the brain in fact, the brain is the organ that suffers most significantly and most rapidly when there’s a drop in blood sugar. These symptoms include headache, extreme hunger, blurry or double vision, fatigue, and weakness. At its most severe, insufficient glucose flow to the brain can cause confusion, seizures, and loss of consciousness .

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When Should I Consider Seeing A Healthcare Provider

You may want to see your healthcare provider for mild headaches that:

  • Dont respond to over-the-counter medications.
  • Require more than the recommended medication dose to get relief.
  • Interfere with daily activities.

Important:Severe headaches that come on quickly may be a sign of a stroke. Seek immediate care if you experience a sudden and severe headache along with other symptoms, such as:

  • Confusion.

Factors Contributing To Fatigue After Eating

Why You Get Tired After Eating A Large Meal?

AFS suffers frequently experience post-meal fatigue. However, there are several other factors that could lead to fatigue after eating.

Here are five contributing factors to post-meal fatigue that affect adrenal fatigue sufferers and other people:


Food sensitivities can trigger inflammation which can leave you feeling fatigued after eating. AFS sufferers tend to have increased food sensitivities. Identifying your trigger foods and eliminating them from your diet is the first step to reduce the risk of inflammation and keep up your bodys energy level at its peak. Taking a food sensitivity test is one way we help our clients identify these triggers. Eating inflammatory foods may add to the problem. There are supplements that you can take to manage the inflammation as well.


Certain types of food can make you feel sleepy as they can influence the production of the sleep hormone serotonin. For example, foods high in tryptophan can make you feel sleepy. Your body uses tryptophan for the production of the sleep hormone serotonin. When present in elevated levels in the brain, serotonin can cause drowsiness. Some tryptophan-rich foods include cheese, spinach, fish, eggs, soy, and tofu.

Meal Size


Other Health Conditions

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Assess Your Need For Medical Attention

Usually, a person has a single episode of dizziness after eating. In that case, it may not indicate some medical emergency, as it may happen due to a persons minor changes in the persons blood sugar and pressure level.

Moreover, headaches and food sickness are usual during pregnancy and may improve after childbirth. However, if headaches interfere with your everyday activities or worsen with time, you should not ignore them. As with an intense headache, you may fall and get an injury. Therefore, it is good to talk to a doctor and take meds to control it.

Importantly, if you are a diabetes patient and get recurrent dizziness after eating a meal, counsel your physician.

Rarely, you may get an ischemic stroke, in which your blood connection to the brain is cut off. Following are the few signs of stroke:

  • A droopy face
  • Weakness of one side of the body
  • Numbness on one side of the face
  • Inability to move the mouth
  • Severe headache
  • Vision problem

Ischemic stroke is a medical emergency. So, if you have some or all the signs, then you should immediately attend a doctor.

Is It Possible That I Have Pots And Was Incorrectly Diagnosed

This is entirely possible. Given how common POTS symptoms are and how unfamiliar many doctors are with this condition, diagnostic mishaps happen. POTS is frequently misidentified as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, anxiety disorder, ADHD, irritable bowel syndrome, myositis, etc. It is also possible that you have both POTS and one of these conditions, which may complicate the diagnosis. Sometimes people with POTS are told that its all in your head, implying that the cause of their symptoms is psychological. If you feel like something is physically wrong, dont hesitate to seek a second, and even a third or fourth opinion.

COVID-19 and POTS: Is There a Link?

Although many people recover quickly from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, others who recover may continue to experience symptoms for months. Researchers are still determining the cause of these extended symptoms, but some COVID-19 “long-haulers” may actually be dealing with POTS.

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How Do You Stop Nausea After Eating

Nibbling on saltine crackers, small amounts of ginger and resting up these are all things Dr. Lee calls conservative management. You shouldnt try treating yourself or doing too much, but if youre not feeling well, there are some small things you can do to ease the sick feeling of nausea.

The most important thing you can do is keep yourself hydrated and get rest. Plus, you should monitor when youre feeling nauseated, what brought it on, how long it lasts and what made it feel better. This is all important information that can help your doctor determine a diagnosis.

If it keeps coming back or fails to improve or resolve on its own, its not normal and you should get it checked out, advises Dr. Lee.

Sudden Vision Changes May Be Signs Of A Stroke

Does Ankylosing Spondylitis make you tired after you eat?

As you age, its normal for your vision to progressively worsen. But dont ever ignore visual changes that affect only one eye, the sudden onset of double vision, or the inability to see the center of what youre looking at.

Vision changes that occur suddenly can be signs of a stroke. Theyre particularly alarming if they come with other warning symptoms of stroke, such as numbness on one side of the body, or difficulty speaking or finding the right words. More subtle variations on these symptoms could indicate a transient ischemic attack, commonly called a mini-stroke. Getting them checked out could prevent a larger stroke later, Baechler says.

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Silent Symptoms Of Diabetes

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, including 7.2 million that are undiagnosed. Additionally, 1.5 million Americans are newly diagnosed each year. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases. Diabetes has plenty of early signs, but some symptoms are subtle. Here are 10 subtle signs of diabetes:

Bad Eating Habits And Food Intolerance

Faulty food habits can result in constant nausea and burping. For example:

  • Eating too fast leads to excessive swallowing of air during eating.
  • Taking while eating.
  • Over-consumption of foods that cause burping and nausea, such as alcoholoand caffeine.
  • Habitual drinking of carbonated beverages.

Also, Some may have an intolerance to certain types of food. Food intolerance is a widespread condition. And it may present with a more severe type of reaction called .

Bad eating habits, food intolerance, and food allergy can cause constant nausea and burping.

The symptoms and differences between food intolerance and food allergy are illustrated in the table below.

Food intolerance
Difficulty digesting certain types of food . An immune-mediated reaction to certain foods or food components.
Causes acute or chronic diarrhea, nausea, burping, and abdominal pain attacks. Usually causes acute attacks related to the ingestion of offending food.
Intestinal symptoms: diarrhea, extensive gas, bloating, and abdominal pain, nausea, burping. Intestinal symptoms are the same .
No extra-intestinal symptoms Extraintestinal symptoms like rashes, urticaria, swollen lips, face, or severe life-threatening allergic reactions.
The severity of your symptoms is proportional to the amount you eat from the offending food. Even trace amounts of the offending food can produce severe symptoms.

Common offending foods:

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Foods That Make You Tired

Did you know that many foods contain the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophanand are very likely to make you feel tired after eating them?Integrate them into your dinners for a great night of rest, but you should go light on these at lunchtime:

  • Milk
  • Fish: tuna, mackerel, salmon, halibut, trout
  • Cheese: Parmesan, Emmental, Edam, Brie, Camembert
  • Cereal products: oats, products with spelt flour/millet/wheat
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts

Are you looking for more scrumptious meals for your next lunch break? Have a look at these top 5 quick and easy recipes.

Moles That Bleed Or Change Are Red Flags

Headache Nausea Fatigue After Eating Translation I French + headache ...

Having moles isnt inherently a problem, but moles that bleed or change form are red flags, says Daniel Aires, MD, JD, dermatologist with the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. The rule of thumb is to follow the ABCDE of your mole:

  • Asymmetric appearance
  • Diameter larger than a pencil eraser
  • Evolving size, color, and shape

The American Academy of Dermatology says these are warning signs of possible melanoma.

If there’s a history of skin cancer in your family, watch your moles even more closely. Routine evaluations can help find potential problems. If you have a concern about a mole, it may be wise to take a photo of it every six months to make it easier to notice changes over time.

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Food Additives Linked To Brain Fog

The US Food and Drug Administration maintains a database of 3,000 food additives present in our food supply.

Whenever you eat processed food, fast food, or restaurant food, you really dont know what you are consuming.

This is another good reason to make unprocessed foods the major part of your diet.

According to the FDAs website, some ingredients can be lumped together and listed as flavors,spices,artificial flavoring, or artificial colors without naming each ingredient.

Two common food additives, monosodium glutamate and artificial sweeteners, are notorious for causing brain fog.

Monosodium Glutamate

Not everyone is bothered by this ubiquitous flavor enhancer, but in sensitive individuals, it can cause a myriad of problems.

Reported side effects from MSG ingestion include brain fog, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, sweating, abdominal pain, hives, muscle tightness, numbness, tingling, general weakness, heart palpitations, and flushing.

This chemical food additive gets broken down into glutamate, a known neural excitotoxin that, in excess, can stimulate brain cells to the point of damage and, ultimately, death.

Avoiding MSG can be tricky since innocuous-sounding ingredients like seasoning, spices, natural flavors, and hydrolyzed soy protein can contain hidden MSG.

The FDA states that naturally occurring MSG doesnt need to be included on food labels which is no consolation if its a trigger for you.

Artificial Sweeteners

Fatigue Cause No : Depression

You may think of depression as an emotional disorder, but it contributes to many physical symptoms, as well. Fatigue, headaches, and loss of appetite are among the most common symptoms. If you feel tired and “down” for more than a few weeks, see your doctor.

Fix: Depression responds well to talk therapy and/or medication.

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Fatigue Cause No : Anemia

Anemia is one of the leading causes of fatigue in women. Menstrual blood loss can cause an iron deficiency, putting women at risk. Red blood cells are needed because they carry oxygen to your tissues and organs.

Fix: For anemia caused by an iron deficiency, taking iron supplements and eating iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, liver, shellfish, beans, and enriched cereal, can help.

What Should I Know About Fatigue


What is the Definition of Fatigue?

Fatigue is generally defined as a feeling of lack of energy and motivation that can be physical, mental or both. Fatigue is not the same as drowsiness, but the desire to sleep may accompany fatigue. Apathy is a feeling of indifference that may accompany fatigue or exist independently. In addition, individuals often describe fatigue using a variety of terms including weary, tired, exhausted, malaise, listless, lack of energy and feeling run down.

How Common is Fatigue?

Fatigue is common. About 20% of Americans claim to have fatigue intense enough to interfere with living a normal life. A physical cause has been estimated to be responsible 20% to 60% of the time, while emotional or mental causes comprise the other 40% to 80% of cases of fatigue. Unfortunately, fatigue can occur in normal individuals that experience intense physical or mental activity .

However, in contrast to fatigue that occurs with some diseases and syndromes, normal fatigue in healthy individuals is quickly relieved in a few hours to about a day when the physical or mental activity is reduced. Also, people occasionally experience fatigue after eating , which can be a normal response to food, especially after large meals and this may last about 30 minutes to several hours.

1. Have severe chronic fatigue for at least six months or longer with other known medical conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis and

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What If I Cant Eat For A Day Because Im Fasting For Religious Purposes

Fasting headaches are common. You can lower your risk by planning ahead.

A few days before the fast:

  • Avoid caffeine.
  • Increase the amount of water youre drinking.

The meal before the fast:

  • Consume complex carbohydrates, like potatoes and other starchy vegetables, with some protein.
  • Dont eat portions that are larger than normal.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hunger headaches are your bodys way of signaling that you need calories. They dont go away on their own. The best treatment is eating a balanced meal with protein, fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. Most people dont need to see their healthcare provider for a hunger headache. You may need care if your symptoms are severe or dont respond to pain relievers, though.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/18/2022.


Including Alcohol In The Mix

Telltale fatigue is even more noticeable if you’re drinking alcohol with your meal. “While a glass of fine wine may complement your meal, alcohol functions as a central nervous system depressant,” says Naidoo. “As such, having a bit too much to drink may contribute to feeling fatigued after a meal.”

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Fatigue Or Tiredness Whats The Difference

The term fatigue can mean different things to different people. Some people mean their muscles are easily weakened. Walking to the mailbox feels like they have run a marathon. Others describe a generalised exhaustion, whether they are moving or not. People can experience physical, mental or emotional fatigue, or any combination of these.

The difference between tiredness and fatigue is this: tiredness can get better with enough rest, while fatigue persists even if someone is sleeping and resting more than ever.

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What Can These Symptoms Be Nausea/fatigue/headache After Eating

1 Year Eating Raw Foods [Progress Report] How I

For 8 months I’ve been suffering with varying symptoms. There was no catalyst a other than my father dying, though that was not unexpected or particularly traumatic in its nature.

Nobody can work out what the cause is:

– An hour after eating I sometimes feel awful fatigue, weakness, light-headedness, nausea, dizziness, tightness in chest, like I’m going to pass out

– I’m never actually sick not pass out

– When I can check my pulse it’s normal

– Tension type headaches particularly in the temporallis and frontalis

– Jaw tension at times

– Nausea sometimes with reflux

– Some days I have headaches, no nausea

– Some days I have nausea, no headaches

?Just feeling unwell

– Sometimes my vision is 1% fuzzy

– Dizziness on motion

– Aches behind the eyes when I have a headache

– A buzzing foggy facial feeling


– Symptoms come on an hour after waking , possibly food related

?If I skip breakfast they wait and then can come on an hour after lunch

?Some days I have no symptoms but the same routine

?It comes on during about 30 mins, stays all day, and can disappear just as fast

?When it disappears I feel wonderful and very healthy, 30 mins after feeling terrible

– They sometimes remain for 4-8 hours

– They can be relieved by eating lunch

– They usually fade after sundown but not always

I’ve seen:

I’ve been misdiagnosed then ruled out:

– Chronic Sinusitis

– Botox in jaw for TMJ myalgia

– Occipital nerve block

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Food Allergy And Intolerance

Food intolerance is widespread more than you think. Up to 20% of people have a food intolerance and the vast majority dont know they have it.

Food intolerance is a difficulty digesting certain types of food. The most widespread type of lactose intolerance .

The intolerance often results in a deficiency of a defect in the digestion or absorption of certain types of food or food constituents. As a result, food accumulates inside your digestive systems and causes symptoms as stomach gurgling and sick feeling.

Food allergy is another type of food reaction that causes stomach gurgling and sick feeling. Food allergy is different from food intolerance.

The allergy is an immune-mediated response to a food that can cause more severe symptoms. The symptoms of food allergy are not confined to your gut. Extra-intestinal allergic conditions such as skin rashes also develop.

Consult your doctor or dietitian if your stomach keeps gurgling or you feel sick after consuming certain types of foods or drinks.

The summary and differences between food intolerance and food allergy are in the table below:

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