Friday, July 26, 2024

Muscle Aches Joint Pain Fatigue

Must Read

Can Post Covid Joint Pain Be Reversed Or Not

Chronic Fatigue, Muscle Aches/Pains, Anxiety, Inability to Focus: Patient Interview

First there is a need to assess the history of the patient to see the person suffered from joint issues in the past or not. Secondly, the joints have to be analyzed to see whether structurally the virus infection or any illness has caused damage to the tissues in a permanent way.

In case there was no history of disease or no significant damage to the tissues, the following must be done.

  • The patients must get back to physical exercise gradually. A lot of times, it happens that many of us are not used to taking rest for more than two days.
  • Rest, adequate hydration and some supplements will help
  • In order to avoid post-Covid pains, one must not stay inactive completely and if you are quarantined then moderate exercise must be continued
  • During Covid, however, one must avoid strenuous exercise, because you may face a condition called hypoxia or low oxygen saturation because of which you may suffer from anaerobic metabolism with increased levels of lactate which may increase the severity of the disease.
  • If there is no damage to their joints, people will come out of it with time

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Helping People Around You Understand Fatigue

Fatigue is a major symptom of many conditions, such as arthritis often its as much of a problem as pain and inflammation. But its an invisible symptom and a lot of people avoid talking about it because they think their family, friends and colleagues wont understand.

It can be stressful if you think people around you dont understand how youre feeling. Even when you explain, some people may struggle to realise how fatigue affects you and that it stops you doing certain activities. This can be frustrating and tiring and can put a big strain on your relationships. Getting help, support and understanding from the people around you can make a huge difference.

Good communication and explaining clearly and calmly how fatigue affects you is important to help others understand.

Its ok to say that you need help with tasks around the home.

Learning to say you cant do something or go somewhere because of the way it will affect you can help. It may also reassure people that sometimes you just dont feel up to socialising and its no reflection on their company.

If people ask for your help with something, remember its ok to say no. Its ok to put yourself first.

If you find it difficult to talk about your fatigue, you could ask people to read this information.

Treatment For Muscle And Joint Pain

In case you dont have any other symptoms that would indicate having one of the conditions described below consider using some homemade treatments to ease the pain.

Here is what you can do to relieve muscle discomfort:

  • Take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or naproxen tablets.
  • Apply some ice to the affected area .
  • Gently stretch painful muscles.
  • Avoid high-impact activities.
  • Read Also: Remedies For Fatigue And Weakness

    Normal And Abnormal Twitching

    Occasional muscle twitches that do not last longer than a few days are normal and generally go unnoticed. Recurring muscle twitches are often caused by dietary insufficiencies, drug interactions, and side effects or exercise. Twitches that occur in the eyelids, thumbs or calves are generally considered benign symptoms of stress and anxiety, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Muscle twitching that is accompanied by muscle fatigue, weakness or sensation loss may indicate an underlying neurological disorder.

    • Occasional muscle twitches that do not last longer than a few days are normal and generally go unnoticed.
    • Recurring muscle twitches are often caused by dietary insufficiencies, drug interactions, and side effects or exercise.

    What Causes Back Pain

    6 Scleroderma Complications That Need Treatment

    Back pain is a common complaint, especially among adults. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, there are several potential causes of back pain.

    Aging is one of the most common risk factors, as people may begin to experience back pain between the ages of 30 and 40. It is also a more prevalent issue among those who are not physically fit. Another risk factor is being overweight, which stresses the back and leads to pain. There are also hereditary factors, such as ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis that can impact the spine. Back pain may also be caused by diseases such as cancer and arthritis.

    Pain in the lower back is particularly common and is one of the leading reasons for people to go to the doctor or to stay home from work. Back pain can occur in acute or chronic forms. Acute pain is pain that begins suddenly and that typically lasts for six weeks or less. Chronic pain is more prolonged, such as pain lasting longer than three months. Chronic pain is less common than acute pain. It is possible for acute back pain to improve without treatment, depending on the underlying cause. You may find that taking ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin can help to reduce your back pain.

    There are several potential causes of back pain, including specific problems related to certain conditions or diseases:

    • Arthritis

    Read Also: What Causes Fatigue And Weakness

    Muscle Weakness From Polymyositis

    Those who suffer from polymyositis experience weakness in their shoulders, neck, and back, as well as their hips and thighs. The weakness may come on gradually over the course of several months, or may degenerate over a few days. Sometimes body aches and tenderness come with it, too. Although PM can cause a lot of discomfort, it is usually not life-threatening.

    For unknown reasons, polymyositis causes your body’s immune system to attack muscle fibers. It comes on after age 20 typically, and is more common in women. The good news is that over time, many people recover partially or completely from PM.

    Unexplained Pain: Could Those Aches And Fatigue Be An Autoimmune Disease

    Are you exhausted and depressed? Do your joints ache? These are telltale symptoms of more than 80 of the autoimmune diseases that exist. Find out the 6 most common, what happens when your body turns against itself and how to diagnose and treat symptoms…

    When our immune systems work right, our body is able to fend off attacks from invading bacteria and viruses. But with an autoimmune disease, it fights against us. Instead of protecting, it attacks, sending armies of your bodys disease-fighters to battle your own healthy tissue, cells and organs.

    Up to 22 million Americans have autoimmune disorders, according to the National Institutes of Health . Nearly 80% of them are women many in their childbearing years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . And the numbers are growing. Autoimmune diseases are much more prevalent now than they were 20 years ago, says Virginia Ladd, president of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association. Each disease is relatively rare, but looking at them collectively, thats another story.

    • Pain in the wrists and fingers of both hands
    • Tender, warm joints in both knees and elbows
    • Morning discomfort
    • Fatigue/loss of energy
    • Fever

    How to diagnose it:

    How to treat it:

    How to treat it:

    • Dairy products

    Recommended Reading: How Do They Test For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Causes Of Muscular And Joint Pain

    A number of conditions can cause muscular and joint pain. Some of the more common causes include:

    • Anemia – a lack of properly functioning red blood cells means that not enough oxygen gets to organs and tissue, leading to fatigue, aches, dizziness and more.
    • Arthritis – an inflammation of the joints caused by the breakdown of cartilage , infection or some autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and psoriasis.
    • Autoimmune Conditions – Lupus and other autoimmune diseases cause the immune system to attack body tissues, causing inflammation, damage and aches/pain.
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Dehydration
    • Fibromyalgia – a condition in which your entire body feels exhausted and painful. No definite cause of fibromyalgia has been pinpointed but it can be triggered by stress, injury or infection.
    • Fungal Infection – Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection caused by airborne spores or the droppings of birds or bats and can cause muscular and joint pain, chills, fever, chest pain, coughing and headaches.
    • Injury
    • Lyme Disease – a bacterial infection spread by tick bite. Muscular aches and pains are the most common symptoms. If left untreated Lyme Disease can lead to arthritis.
    • Multiple Sclerosis – MS causes the breakdown of myelin, a tissue that surrounds and insulates nerve cells. As a result your nervous system can no longer properly transmit sensations properly, leading to aches, pain, tingling and other abnormalities.

    What Are Body Aches

    UH COVID Recovery Clinic – Rheumatology

    Body aches are an uncomfortable symptom caused by muscle inflammation and soreness. Sometimes, body aches can be sharp and intermittent, while in other instances, they may feel more like a prolonged, dull, generalized ache.

    Most body aches are short-term and harmless, and can be a result of your lifestyle, illness or any underlying condition. Body aches occur when your muscles are inflamed, either through physical stress, or through an immune response.

    If you stand, walk, or exercise for long periods of time, you may feel achy because those activities can cause muscle stress and strain. If youre suffering from the flu, a cold, or other communicable diseases, you may also feel body aches. As your body fights off infection, it triggers an immune response that causes short-term muscle inflammation, in turn making you feel uncomfortable, or achy.

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    Fatigue Joint Aches Muscle Weakness And Stiffness Or Decreased Movement

    Reviewed on 8/5/2020

    There are a few different medical conditions that are strongly associated with:

    • Fatigue
    • Muscle Weakness
    • Stiffness Or Decreased Movement

    While the symptoms above can be considered a guide to help associate symptoms common among the conditions below, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms. Below are the top condition matches for your symptom combination from MedicineNet:

    Q: Why Is Pots Often Misdiagnosed

    A: Many of the symptoms described above seem very cardiac-driven. However, at the hospital or ER, the doctors will find that the POTS patients heart is fine. Its actually the adrenaline thats producing a lot of these symptoms to compensate for a neurologic problem.

    Often, patients have so many symptoms and are consulting so many different specialists that theres no cohesive assessment or treatment. In addition, POTS symptoms are often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue a term used to describe a group of symptoms when nothing else can be used to explain it.

    Awareness of POTS in todays medical culture is limited. Recently, however, theres been a growing awareness of POTS thats evolving across the board. As the general population is learning more about it, the medical community is being educated as well.

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    The Pain Centre Versus Arthritis

    In partnership with the University of Nottingham and local NHS Trusts, Versus Arthritis supports the worlds first national centre for research into pain.

    The aims of the centre are to improve our understanding of pain and ways to stop it, through existing and new treatments.

    The centre has experts in rheumatology, neuroimaging, psychology, neuropharmacology, neurosciences and orthopaedic surgery.

    I Have Muscle Weakness

    Muscle Fatigue, Twitches &  Joint Pain

    If you have muscle weakness and visit your doctor, they will first need to know the following:

    • How it began and how long you have had it for.
    • Whether it is getting worse, getting better or staying the same.
    • Whether you are otherwise well, are losing weight or have travelled abroad recently.
    • What medicines or other drugs you have been taking and whether there are any muscle problems in your family.

    Your doctor will need to examine you to see which muscles are affected and whether you have true or perceived muscle weakness. They will check to see whether your muscles are tender to touch or unusually fatigable. They may want to watch you walk.

    They will then need to test your nerves to see whether the muscles are getting the right signals to act. Your doctor may need to test your central nervous system, including your balance and co-ordination. They may need to perform blood tests to look for abnormalities of hormones, salts and blood cells.

    Depending on the results of these tests your doctor may also order the following:

    • Nerve studies to make sure the nerves are conducting properly.
    • A muscle biopsy to see whether the muscles themselves show signs of inflammation or damage. A biopsy is a procedure where a small sample is taken to look at under the microscope.
    • Body scans such as CT or MRI to look for conditions elsewhere in the body which may affect muscle power and function.

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    Don’t Miss: All Over Body Aches And Fatigue

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

    IBD can include Crohns disease as well as ulcerative colitis . They are both chronic conditions that affect the digestive system.

    Ulcerative Colitis leads to inflammation in the large intestine. Crohns results in sores and ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Some of the common symptoms of IBD include joint pain and fatigue. With the onset of chronic inflammation, the digestive tract can get infected or damaged with ulcerations, abscesses and fistulas. This leads to rectal bleeding and diarrhea.

    IBD can also have life-threatening perforations of the intestines. In fact, hemorrhages may require emergency blood transfusions and surgery.

    Inflammatory bowel disease may look different in different patients. It can be quite difficult to diagnose because people will confuse IBS with diarrhea or constipation. However, it cannot be called an autoimmune disease.

    Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: November 30, 2017

    Stay Away From Refined Or Processed Foods

    You should focus on eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid eating processed and packaged snack foods, which contain food additives that are often not rigorously tested enough to determine safety of long-term consumption. Some food additives are classified as excitotoxins, which may trigger or perpetuate fibromyalgia symptoms. Its also a good idea to limit white carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and rice, as well as sugary foods, sweets, and sweetened beverages. These refined carbohydrates cause an increase in blood sugar with a resulting insulin spike that may also exacerbate symptoms. Focus on whole grains and complex carbohydrates that provide fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

    It can be challenging to find the energy necessary to cook and prepare healthy foods when you have fibromyalgia. But its important to eat well to keep your body healthy and your energy levels up. Look for steamer bags of vegetables in the produce and freezer sections of grocery stores, and bagged salads. These options help to cut down on the time required to wash, prep, and prepare produce, and may help you consume it more often.

    Last medically reviewed on March 4, 2016

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    Joint Pain And Fatigue What Could Be The Possibilities

    Fatigue is usually characterized by extreme tiredness that even rest and relaxation cannot cure. A number of factors are responsible for fatigue, including conditions that cause joint pain.

    It is important to note that different people have different pain thresholds. However, constant pain brought on by sore or damaged joints cause fatigue in most people. The diseases responsible for fatigue as a result of joint pain include fibromyalgia, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Joints can swell or become inflamed while performing certain activities. It can also lead to a chronic condition. The physical and emotional energy required to relieve the joint pain and continue with everyday activities tends to contribute to the fatigue. Painful joints will also prevent a patient from getting a good nights rest. Without good sleep, fatigue will be a natural consequence.

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    Limit Your Caffeine Intake

    What are the causes of Muscle, Bone, and Joint Pain?

    Caffeine seems like a great way to improve your energy, but it comes with consequences. Caffeine can give you a false sense of energy and lead you to overdo it, according to Montoya. A little bit of caffeine may be fine for some people. Just be careful to not overexert yourself and make sure your intake doesnt impact your sleep.

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    What Foods Can Help Manage Fibromyalgia Symptoms

    Diet changes will affect everyone differently. A good way to find out which foods worsen your symptoms is to try an elimination diet.

    An elimination diet involves eating very basic foods for several days, such as chicken, rice, and broccoli. After several days on a limited diet you should slowly add other foods into your diet. This will allow you to see how each food affects your fibromyalgia symptoms.

    In general, eating guidelines for people with fibromyalgia are the same as those for people without the condition. This means eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a sufficient amount of fat, carbohydrates, and protein each day.

    > > > Best Joint Pain Treatment Available

    Osteoarthritis affects the entire joint and causes inflammation and changes in the bone and connective tissues. Symptoms vary according to the severity of the condition. If you have this disorder, you might be experiencing pain in any joint. Its common to experience symptoms in the knee and hips. You may also develop bone spurs around the affected joint. Its important to consult with your doctor if you have these symptoms.

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis include swelling and bone spurs around the affected joint. You may also experience soft tissue inflammation around the joint. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers and suggest a program of physical activity. For those with severe osteoarthritis, surgery may be the best option. The best course of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the symptoms youre experiencing. Ultimately, the best way to manage your osteoarthritis symptoms is to find a solution that works for you. Symptoms: Muscle Pain, Fatigue, Muscle Weakness, Joint Stiffness

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