Saturday, May 4, 2024

Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis Fatigue

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Boost Your Energy With Exercise

What Fatigue Feels Like with Psoriatic Arthritis | CreakyJoints

It can be a vicious cycle. If youre fatigued, you may not feel like exercising, but not exercising can cause greater fatigue. The pain and stiffness of psoriatic arthritis can pose additional challenges. Consider these types of exercise that take it easy on the joints:

  • Cycling on a stationary bike

  • Swimming or walking laps in a pool

Talk with your doctor about beginning a gentle exercise program. If your psoriatic arthritis symptoms are severe, your doctor may also recommend physical or occupational therapy to improve your muscle strength and joint flexibility.

Fatigue: A Common Problem That Can Worsen Pain

People who have psoriatic arthritis report higher levels of fatigue than those without the condition, according to a study published in January 2021 in the journal Dermatology. Psoriatic arthritis is a systemic inflammatory condition, Gupta says. Left untreated, it can result in fatigue and a general feeling of sickness. It can also result in anemia due to prolonged inflammation. Anemia can be an independent reason for fatigue and can be resolved with treatment, adds Gupta.

Unchecked fatigue can worsen your pain and vice versa, so talk to your doctor about adding pain management and sleep strategies to your psoriatic arthritis management plan.

The Chronic Illness Lifestyle

Back in 2012, my chronic illnesses all flared up at the same time. In the year leading up to this flare-up, I was doing all the things we are told are right. I changed my diet and went to the gym daily. Some days, I went twice once in the morning for cardio and again in the evening for a class or weight training.

I was working as a contractor and paying for my own health insurance. It cost more than my car payment. The plan was expensive due to my pre-existing conditions and the deductible was almost $17,000. I hoped by doing the diet and gym program that it would keep me out of the doctors office.

Sometime during that year, I found myself dragging around lunchtime. Rather than going to lunch with co-workers, I either drove home and took a 30-minute nap or took the entire hour sleeping in my car. Other co-workers did the same, so I didnt feel like something was terribly off when that started.

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Tips To Manage Psoriatic Arthritis Fatigue

If you have psoriatic arthritis and need a nap to get through the day, some simple changes can boost your energy and make you feel better.

  • Watch what you eat. Your body needs the right fuel. So opt for lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugars or starchy items that give you a short-term lift and then leave you drained.
  • Stay active. Regular exercise like walking or swimming can ease your pain. Thatâll help you sleep better. Activity can also boost your energy during the day.
  • Skip caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bedtime. You might think smoking a cigarette, sipping hot tea, or having a cocktail will relax you. The truth is, theyâll make it harder for you to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • Set a solid sleep schedule. Your body prefers a routine at bedtime. Try to hit the sack at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Alarms on your clock or phone can help you stay on track.
  • Donât eat for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. You may not be able to drift off if you’re digesting a heavy meal. Stomach gas can also keep you awake.
  • Relax before bedtime. Take a soothing, warm bath to ease your joint pain and stiffness. Listen to soft music or read a book to take your mind off your daily stress.
  • Make your bedroom for sleep and sex only. Remove the TV, computer, cellphone, and other distractions. Keep the room dark, quiet, and cool.
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    Tips For Managing Psoriatic Arthritis And Fatigue

    Psoriatic Arthritis Fatigue: Causes, Management, and More

    When people think of psoriatic arthritis , many immediately think of symptoms like joint pain. However, between 30 percent and 40 percent of people with PsA experience fatigue an extreme sense of exhaustion that does not improve with rest.

    Fatigue is an often underestimated symptom of PsA, but it can be severe. Fatigue can impact a persons cognitive and physical functioning and interfere with their daily life. Together with other PsA symptoms, fatigue can negatively impact a persons overall well-being and quality of life.

    Understanding this fatigue may help you minimize its effects. Here is what you need to know about fatigue in PsA, including how to manage it.

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    Psoriatic Arthritis: Flares And Fatigue

    Psoriatic arthritis might cause fatigue in several ways. In part, the disease process itself may be to blame.

    When you have psoriatic arthritis, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines. Those proteins trigger inflammation throughout your body a hallmark of the disease. Researchers believe the cytokines also cause fatigue, perhaps through several different pathways in your body.

    Psoriatic arthritis symptoms come and go. Sometimes, they are relatively mild. Other times, the pain and swelling become significant. Those bad periods are known as flares. And when a flare occurs, fatigue often comes along for the ride.

    Diet And Weight Management

    As with psoriatic disease, obesity features inflammation, and it commonly occurs with PsA.

    Weight gain can add to fatigue by making it harder to move around and by putting pressure on the bodys organs, including the lungs. It can also worsen joint pain from the extra strain on the joints.

    Maintaining a healthy weight can lead to better energy levels.

    Tips for maintaining a healthy weight include:

    • following an anti-inflammatory diet, with plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein
    • avoiding excess fat and added sugar and salt
    • staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, preferably water
    • limiting or avoiding alcohol

    A varied diet that contains plenty of fresh, plant-based and whole foods can have many benefits.

    It can help a person:

    • achieve and maintain a healthy weight
    • improve body functions, such as digestion
    • avoid other complications and comorbidities, such as diabetes and high blood pressure
    • maintain a stable source of energy by preventing blood sugar fluctuations

    People should limit their intake of refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. These may boost energy but lead to a drop soon after consumption.

    What should you eat and avoid on an anti-inflammatory diet?

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    Acupuncture For Low Back And Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

    Lower back and pelvic pain are common pregnancy symptoms.

    Bacharach explained that its generally caused by the bodily ligaments softening and stretching to prepare for labor, leading to added stress and strain on the back and pelvic joints.

    Acupuncture relieves this pain by promoting healthy blood flow to the affected areas and potentially relieving stress and anxiety, which could be exacerbating discomfort.

    Acupuncture during pregnancy can be very beneficial to relieve some of the common ailments people experience during pregnancy, such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, poor circulation, insomnia, as well as anxiety, stress, and depression, said Dr. Monica Grover, DO, a double board certified in gynecologist and family medicine specialist and medical director at VSPOT.

    Grover explained that conventional medications can often be a contraindication during pregnancy among those who experience significant pelvic, hip, or back pain associated with sciatica. Many people may turn to acupuncture as an alternative to conventional medicine.

    In addition, its important to understand that effective medical care can take a multidisciplinary approach.

    Acupunctures premise of action is to unblock energy channels within the body effectively. While not specifically known, the proposed mechanism of action is that acupuncture may block or delay the pain signals from being sent to the brain, which reduces or eliminates the sensation of pain.

    Reducing The Stress Of Psoriatic Arthritis

    How to Fight Psoriatic Arthritis Fatigue | CreakyJoints
    • Stress can contribute to worse psoriatic arthritis symptoms.
    • Stress-management techniques may help to reduce stress-related psoriatic arthritis flare-ups and symptoms.
    • Exercise, relaxation techniques, and improved sleep hygiene can help reduce stress.

    Stress can create a complicated cycle for people with chronic inflammatory conditions such as psoriatic arthritis. Navigating doctor visits, treatment options, medical bills, and symptoms of a chronic condition can all cause stress. In turn, increased stress levels could worsen psoriatic arthritis symptoms, such as joint pain and fatigue. Managing stress is very important for maintaining a good quality of life, especially if you have a condition like psoriatic arthritis.

    Doctors and researchers are working to better understand the connection between stress and conditions like psoriasis arthritis. Scientists are also studying how different stress-reduction techniques could help to decrease psoriatic arthritis features, including joint pain and inflammation. Stress-management techniques provide a practical way to potentially disrupt the cycle between stress and psoriatic arthritis.

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    Is It More Than Psoriatic Arthritis

    Due to sometimes going to the gym twice daily, I easily excused scaling back on the gym sessions. I also reasoned away how what should have been a 15-minute nap after work easily became 120-minute naps after work.

    My diet was taking a hit as well because I was too tired to cook fresh foods and began to rely on takeout. The takeout wasnt always healthy and I attributed the fatigue to that factor.

    My joints were achy and stiff, sometimes they burned. My skin grew itchy and inflamed, but I didnt have psoriasis plaques that stood out. However, my scalp psoriasis, at the time, was terrible. Because of misdiagnosis with cradle cap as a teen, I thought it was just another Jaime issue. Each issue was a warning flag and I kept missing them.

    What Happens Next

    If you feel that you or a loved one is suffering from PsA, you should get checked out by your doctor sooner than later. You may experience one or several of the above mentioned symptoms. Only your doctor can make a full diagnosis of PsA, by conducting a physical exam, medical history, laboratory testing, and creating a plan for treatment.

    If left untreated, PsA can cause serious complications, in addition to the symptoms listed above. With more severe cases of PsA, you may be left with joint deformities, lack of mobility, and secondary conditions that put your overall health at risk.

    Even though there is no cure for PsA, with aggressive treatment and monitoring of your condition, you can live a normal life, virtually pain-free.

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    What Can I Do

    If you feel tired all the time, tell your doctor, as it is important to rule out any other causes of fatigue. Sometimes you may need to have your medication changed or take tests so that your GP can fully understand what is happening.

    With or without medical intervention, there are a number of lifestyle changes that may help you feel generally less exhausted.

    Pain And Loss Of Sleep

    Chronic fatigue can be a daily occurrence for those with PsA and ...

    Pain from PsA may disrupt sleep cycles, leading to:

    • difficulty falling asleep
    • frequently waking up
    • sleep that is not refreshing

    Dealing with the chronic pain of PsA may cause fatigue. It adds to mental stress, as a person needs to take it into account when planning and carrying out daily tasks. Tiredness can also worsen the feeling of pain.

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    Swollen Fingers Or Toes

    PsA may begin in smaller joints, such as those of the fingers or toes, and progress from there.

    Spondylitis may be accompanied by dactylitis, or swelling of the toe or finger joints. This is sometimes called sausage fingers.

    Dactylitis is estimated to affect up to 50 percent of patients with PsA, and is uncommon in other types of arthritis, except gout or pseudogout.

    When caused by PsA, dactylitis may affect individual digits differently. For example, your left hand may be swollen while your right is not.

    Unlike other types of arthritis, PsA tends to make your entire finger or toe appear swollen, rather than just the joint.

    People with PsA may experience eye problems, such as inflammation and redness. Symptoms of eye inflammation include:

    • dry eyes or feeling of grit or sand in the eyes
    • difficulty focusing or blurred vision
    • pain or sensitivity, especially to bright light
    • floaters, or small specks, lines, or other shapes in your field of vision

    If you develop new or large floaters along with flashing lights in your field of vision, it may be a sign of a medical emergency. Seek immediate treatment from a qualified medical professional.

    You may also experience uveitis, or inflammation of the middle layer of the eye called the uvea. Between 7 and 25 percent of people with PsA develop uveitis.

    Symptoms of uveitis include:

    Psoriatic Arthritis And Brain Fog

    Some people find that psoriatic arthritis leads to another kind of fatigue: brain fog. People have reported problems with concentration, memory and other thinking skills.

    In part, this fuzzy-headed feeling may be the result of not getting enough sleep at night because of chronic pain. Its also possible that the inflammation caused by psoriatic arthritis may affect brain function in some way.

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    Digestive Problems: A Sign Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    People who have both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are at risk for developing IBD, which includes Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. This is likely because the mutations in the genes of people who have psoriatic arthritis and Crohns disease are similar or it may be related to side effects from treatment.

    A 14-year study published in 2020 in the journal Wein Klin Wochenschr found that people living with psoriatic arthritis had a higher risk of IBD compared to the general population. The study also found that psoriasis was associated with 21 out of 23 gastrointestinal diseases, including celiac disease, autoimmune hepatitis, and fatty liver disease.

    Symptoms such as abdominal pain and cramping, blood in your stool, and diarrhea could be signs of IBD. If youre experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to help you get the best treatment.

    Keep A Record Of Your Fatigue

    The Difference Between Fatigue vs Being Tired with Psoriatic Arthritis | CreakyJoints

    Finding the exact cause of fatigue can be a tricky puzzle, with potentially no right answer. Fatigue can come from many sources, including emotional triggers, such as depression and anxiety, dietary issues, or even environmental causes such as an uncomfortable mattress leading to sleep disturbances.

    Keeping a record of your fatigue and when it rises or falls can open a window into what is causing your specific symptoms. Knowing on what is causing your fatigue can lead you to the right course of treatment.

    For example, if your medication is making you drowsy around lunchtime, maybe its time to talk to your healthcare team about trying something new. Or if you notice you tend to have an incredible slump in energy after a large, sugar-heavy meal, maybe its time to cut back on sweeteners in your food.

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    Talk To Someone If You Feel Depressed

    Depression and fatigue go hand in hand. People with psoriatic arthritis are at a greater risk of depression according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. The reasons for depression may go beyond the obvious discomfort and uncertainty of the disease. Scientists are now exploring a link between the inflammatory response and depression. Treating the immune response may have a direct, biomechanical effect on depression. Communicating how you are feeling can put you on the path to more energy.

    Tips For Managing Fatigue With Psoriatic Arthritis

    If fatigue is interfering with your daily activities, talk to your rheumatologist or health care provider. Your doctor may need to run tests to see if theres another issue that could be causing your fatigue. After determining the cause of your fatigue, your doctor may recommend certain changes such as adjusting your PsA treatment or making lifestyle changes to help control your fatigue. Be sure to speak with your doctor before trying any new therapies.

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    Can Psoriasis Cause Extreme Fatigue

    Fatigue is a known symptom of psoriatic disease, and it can be challenging and debilitating. Some studies suggest that 50% of people with PsA experience moderate to severe fatigue and 29% experience severe fatigue. Fatigue may be more severe among those with PsA than those with psoriasis, but it can be challenging for anyone with psoriatic disease.

    What Is Psoriatic Arthritis Video

    Pin on Arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis can cause pain, swelling and stiffness inand around your joints.

    It usually affects 3 in 10 people who already have the skin condition psoriasis .

    Psoriasis causes patches of red, flaky skin which is covered with silvery-like patches.

    Some people may develop psoriatic arthritis before the psoriasis is even present. In rare cases people have psoriatic arthritis and never have any noticeable patches of psoriasis.

    Psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis are both autoimmune conditions, caused by a fault in the immune system.

    Our immune system protects us from illness and infection. But in autoimmune conditions, the immune system becomes confused and attacks healthy parts of the body, often causing inflammation.

    Psoriatic arthritis is a type of spondylarthritis. This is a group of conditions with some similar symptoms.

    People with psoriasis are as likely as anyone else to get othertypes of arthritis, such asosteoarthritisorrheumatoid arthritis. Theseconditionsare not linkedto psoriasis.

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    Why Do I Feel Tired All The Time

    People with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis often feel tired all the time. Some people who develop this symptom think there must be something psychologically wrong with them. There isnt fatigue is a common and recognised symptom of the conditions. It is also acknowledged that doctors underestimate fatigue as a component of psoriasis and in particular of psoriatic arthritis. People often feel frustrated about the lack of support and understanding they get when presenting with a debilitating and invisible symptom.

    It appears that fatigue is more severe in people with psoriatic arthritis than those who have psoriasis alone, with studies suggesting that three out of every ten people with psoriatic arthritis have symptoms of fatigue. Fatigue may be an early symptom or sign of inflammatory activity in people who may have psoriasis and or psoriatic arthritis both are classed as long-term inflammatory conditions. Inflammation is linked with the release of powerful chemicals. These include:

    • inflammatory proteins which increase the stickiness of blood platelets
    • proteins which bind to antibodies and circulate as immune complexes
    • immune system chemicals that help immune cells communicate with each other, such as interleukins, especially interleukin 1.

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