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Joint Pain Muscle Pain Fatigue

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Fatigue Headache Joint Pain And Muscle Cramps Or Spasms

UH COVID Recovery Clinic – Rheumatology

Reviewed on 8/5/2020

There are a few different medical conditions that are strongly associated with:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Cramps Or Spasms

While the symptoms above can be considered a guide to help associate symptoms common among the conditions below, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms. Below are the top condition matches for your symptom combination from MedicineNet:

What Can Cause Muscle Pain

Unlike joint pain, muscle pain is most commonly caused by overuse, strain, or injury to a specific muscle.4 This is common among athletes and people who begin exercising after long periods of inactivity. However, muscle pain can also be due to an illness or infection in the body, and this is where the symptoms can mirror joint pain.5 Individuals may feel pain in their muscles due to influenza, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hypothyroidism. Medical conditions that can cause muscle pain, as well as joint pain, include Lyme disease,6 fibromyalgia,7and polymyalgia rheumatica.8

Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea. Learn more about the best sleep positions and see if sleeping on your stomach is bad or not.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. Thats because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


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Why Does Fibromyalgia Affect Us With This Amount And Type Of Pain And Discomfort

Research seems to point toward a change in the brain, with an abnormal rise in the number of certain chemicals in our neurotransmitters. Compounding this, the brains pain receptors become more sensitive to pain, appearing to harbor an imprinted memory of earlier pain and thus overreacting to later pain signals. There are many risk factors that, if present, could make one more susceptible to fibromyalgia as well. These include a genetic propensity toward it that might be inherited, infections that might serve to trigger fibromyalgia or increase the intensity of symptoms, and the onset of rheumatic diseases, such as lupus.

Joint Pain After Covid Recovery

Hypothyroidisms Link to Muscle Pain, Joint Pain and ...

The link between Joint Pain and COVID-19

Many people continue to suffer from musculoskeletal problems including joint pain, backache, muscle pain, fatigue, and stiffness in joints even after recovery from the novel coronavirus infection. The systemic inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 adversely impacts the musculoskeletal system.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is responsible for COVID-19 affecting millions of people around the world. There is a wide range of symptoms affecting people, which continues to grow as experts learn more about the illness. While viral infections can also cause joint swelling, it is usually not a common symptom of COVID-19.

Many people experience joint swelling due to viral arthritis that worsens after COVID-19 infection. It has been observed there is also a growing number of reports of reactive arthritis associated with COVID-19. This in turn puts people with arthritis at a higher risk of severe symptoms and additional complications of COVID-19.

Some people may also confuse joint swelling with joint pain or arthritis with arthralgia. While muscle and joint pain can be a symptom of COVID-19, it does not typically co-occur with the swelling and inflammation of a joint, which is characteristic of arthritis.

Joint pain and swelling a symptom of Post Covid-19

COVID-19 infection has a wide range of symptoms appearing 214 days after exposure to SARS-CoV-2. These symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills

Shoulder and arm problems after COVIDRecovery timelineOutlook

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When To See A Doctor

In some cases, home treatment cant be enough to solve the problem of painful joints and muscles. If pain lasts for a week, it is important to see a healthcare provider. You might also want to make an appointment with your doctor in case of fever, vomiting, stiffness in your neck, difficulty swallowing, and inability to move that affects your daily life.

It is also possible to prevent sore muscles by staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and doing warmups before the workout.

In case you notice some symptoms of conditions described above, avoid self-medicating since it might only worsen your condition.

Hosted by the International Pain Foundation

How Can I Best Learn To Cope With Musculoskeletal Pain

To help yourself cope with musculoskeletal pain:

  • Avoid smoking, which increases inflammation.
  • Eat a healthy, non-inflammatory diet.
  • Rest the injured muscle, joint or bone.
  • Stretch daily or as often as your healthcare provider advises.
  • Take pain medications as prescribed.
  • Use ice and heat to decrease swelling and inflammation.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Musculoskeletal pain can cause discomfort and disrupt your daily activities. Sometimes, a sudden injury such as a broken bone causes severe pain. For some people, underlying conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia lead to pain. Whether your musculoskeletal pain is acute or chronic, the right treatment can relieve your symptoms.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/10/2021.


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What You Need To Know About Joint Pain Severe Muscle And Joint Pain With Fatigue

You should seek medical attention for any pain you experience. If the pain is caused by an infection, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You can take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If your pain is more intense, you can try heating or applying ice to the joint. Alternatively, you can also try applying heat to the affected area. To relieve the pain, you should stay away from the activities that cause you to have joint pain. A doctor can prescribe you dietary supplements, such as glucosamine, that are effective in reducing your symptoms.

If you fall or are hit on the leg and notice any swelling or deformity in your knee, you should seek medical attention. If you cant put weight on your leg, it could be a sign of a more serious ailment. If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. The most important thing to do is to be patient and do not panic. The pain you experience is normal and is not related to any other health problems.

Physical Or Emotional Trauma

Hashimotos Hair loss, joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue

A few people report that they encountered a physical issue, medical procedure or significant emotional stress shortly before their manifestations started.

Fatigue can be a side effect of numerous ailments, for example, infections or psychological disorders. In general, in case you have excessive or persistent weariness, visit your doctor.

Every individual has various symptoms and hence may require different kinds of treatment to deal with the issue and ease their indications. Work with your group of healthcare providers to make the best therapy plan for you. They can go over the potential advantages and side effects of the treatments with you. Take into consideration that sometimes even a 5-minutes daily workout can boost your mood and rejuvenate you even when you feel tired.

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Gluten Is Connected To Many Forms Of Autoimmune Arthritis

Can gluten cause muscle and joint pain? For genetically susceptible individuals, the intestinal damage caused by gluten in combination with an overactive immune system and chronic state of inflammation leads to celiac disease.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that causes your immune system to attack your intestines, which creates even more damage and inflammation. But as I mentioned, the inflammatory effects arent limited to your gut. Which is why celiac disease is associated with many other autoimmune conditions. And several of them cause your immune system to attack your muscles and joints, which causes pain.

How To Treat And Prevent Muscle Fatigue And Joint Pain

In line with, treatment depends on the underlying cause of your muscle weariness and accompanying symptoms. If you’ve been encountering muscle fatigue, mainly if it’s unrelated to work out, call your specialist. A specialist will assess your medical history and indications to rule out the more severe wellbeing conditions.

In numerous cases, your muscle fatigue will progress with rest and recovery. Remaining hydrated and keeping up a healthy diet can improve your recovery time, protect against muscle weariness and weakness, and guarantee you’ve got sufficient nutrients to promote healthy muscle function.

#1 Manage joint pain

As reported by, there’s currently no treatment accessible to alleviate joint pain from arthritis or keep it from coming back. However, there are ways to manage this type of pain:

  • It may offer assistance to utilize topical pain relievers or take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to diminish pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Stay physically active and take after a wellness program focusing on moderate exercise.
  • Stretch before working out to preserve a great run of movement in your joints.
  • Keep your bodyweight inside a healthy range. This will reduce stress on the joints.
  • If your pain isn’t due to arthritis, you can try taking a nonprescription, anti-inflammatory medication, getting a knead, taking a warm shower, stretching regularly, and getting satisfactory rest.

#2 Exercise

#3 Drink Milk

#5 Use Anti-Fatigue mats

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Hypothyroidism: Unusual Source Of Muscle Pain

Modern medicine is interesting in a way, not least because of how much it has grown over the decades and even centuries but because of how it continues to grow. These days, there is a lot we already have come to be able to know about our bodies, in scales large and small. However, science is still making discoveries, resulting in certain maladies, such as Hypothyroidism being addressed with more and more precise medication, the root causes of some others being pinpointed with greater accuracy than ever before, and more developments that allow us to understand the mechanics of biology when it works right and when it struggles.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

Muscle Fatigue, Twitches &  Joint Pain

IBD can include Crohns disease as well as ulcerative colitis . They are both chronic conditions that affect the digestive system.

Ulcerative Colitis leads to inflammation in the large intestine. Crohns results in sores and ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the common symptoms of IBD include joint pain and fatigue. With the onset of chronic inflammation, the digestive tract can get infected or damaged with ulcerations, abscesses and fistulas. This leads to rectal bleeding and diarrhea.

IBD can also have life-threatening perforations of the intestines. In fact, hemorrhages may require emergency blood transfusions and surgery.

Inflammatory bowel disease may look different in different patients. It can be quite difficult to diagnose because people will confuse IBS with diarrhea or constipation. However, it cannot be called an autoimmune disease.

Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: November 30, 2017

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Gluten And Rheumatoid Arthritis

With rheumatoid arthritis , your immune system attacks joint tissue commonly found in your hands, wrists, and knees. Swelling and inflammation occur, which leads to joint tissue damage. The tissue damage ultimately causes chronic pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity.

Several studies have linked RA with celiac disease. And researchers have even suggested that it may start in the gut and be triggered by food antigens, such as gluten.

In this case report, a 50-year old man presented with chronic diarrhea for two months. He also lost weight and his feet and legs were swollen. Antibodies for gluten proteins were found in his blood and damage to the lining of his small intestine was confirmed.

The patient was diagnosed with celiac disease and treated with a gluten-free diet. After three months, his initial symptoms improved significantly. However, he soon started to experience pain in his joints and laboratory tests confirmed he had RA.

In this study, 42 children with juvenile RA were tested for celiac disease even though they didnt have the usual symptoms. And it turned out that almost 43% of the group had antibodies for gluten proteins in their blood, which means their immune systems were reacting to gluten.

Sixteen of the children with gluten protein antibodies had intestinal biopsies performed and celiac disease was confirmed in all cases. So the children were treated with a gluten-free diet, which reduced their joint-related symptoms as well as improved their growth.

The Detoxification & Inflammation Circuits

The liver isthe bodys primary detoxification organ, aided by the extracellular matrix. A buildup of toxins and metabolites will therefore occur when the liver slows down to conserve energy. This is the bodys way of conserving the nutritional reserves it has left. As your body slows down, your liver becomes more sluggish and levels of toxins and metabolites increase, often leading to inflammation. These toxins accumulate and are not eliminated efficiently. This accumulation causes many other problems because the blood circulates these metabolites throughout the body constantly and rapidly, with a one-minute cycle.

Some of these metabolites can be quite toxic to the body. These metabolites may trigger inflammation, which in turn can trigger pain. Upon reaching the joints, these metabolites may become stuck, meaning they are slow to move through the joints and muscles. If your joints or muscles are already inflamed, the toxins and metabolites will further irritate the muscles, causing additional inflammation.

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Joint Pain Vs Muscle Pain: Whats The Difference

When pain is felt in the body, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish exactly where the pain is originating from and why it hurts. Is it joint pain, muscle pain, or something else entirely?

There are some causes of joint and muscle pain that are mistaken for each other, but its important to correctly diagnose the issue in order to treat it in the most effective way.

This article will address the topic of joint pain vs. muscle pain, including the differences between these types of pain and when they mirror each other. It will also provide information about how to find joint pain relief and muscle pain relief depending on the diagnosis.

How Will Sjgren’s Syndrome Affect Me

NerveLocks cause long lasting muscle/joint pains, weakness & tightness – So what are they?

Though the symptoms can be uncomfortable and last quite a long time, you should be able to lead the life you want if the condition is treated properly. For most people, the condition only affects the tear and saliva glands, but some people may experience other symptoms, such as fatigue and joint inflammation.

If dryness of the eyes isnt treated, the front of your eye could become damaged and cause permanent sight problems. Seeing an optician regularly and using treatments for dry eyes can help stop this.

People with Sjögrens syndrome might be more likely to develop:

  • hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland is underactive
  • Raynauds phenomenon, which causes the fingers to feel cold and turn blue
  • inflamed blood vessels, known as vasculitis, which can cause reduced blood flow
  • loss of feeling in the hands and feet, known as peripheral neuropathy
  • IBS, causing tummy pain, diarrhoea and constipation
  • kidney problems

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The Most Common Causes Of Muscle Pain

Not all aches are related to stress or physical activity. As stated above, some medical conditions can cause muscle pain. For example:


In case you have pain on both sides of your body that lasts longer than three months, it might be a sign of fibromyalgia. It is a long-term condition that can cause pain in muscles, general fatigue, sleep and cognitive disturbances. Other symptoms of this condition include headaches, dry eyes, anxiety, pain in the lower belly, and bladder problems.

Keep in mind that only professional healthcare providers can make a diagnosis. If you notice the symptoms of fibromyalgia, make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and get the right treatment on time.

Questions For Your Doctor

If youââ¬â¢ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, itââ¬â¢s a good idea to think of things youââ¬â¢ll want your doctor to explain, such as:

  • How do you know I have fibromyalgia?
  • Are there medications I can take? What side effects can I expect?
  • Are there any drugs, foods, or activities I should avoid?
  • What exercises can I do to ease my symptoms?
  • What alternative therapies might help me?
  • How do I explain my condition to friends, family, and colleagues?
  • Are there stress management techniques that could help?
  • Do you recommend counseling?
  • Can you recommend a support group or online community I could join?
  • Show Sources

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    What Causes Extreme Muscle And Joint Pain

    Tension, chronic stress, and minor injuries can result in extreme muscle and joint pain. This type of pain is usually localized and can affect a few parts of the body at the same time.

    Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, strains, and gout can also lead to painful joints.

    According to the latest research, joint pain is pretty common in adults. Every fourth person reports having it. If you are one of them, here is what you need to know about muscle pain and its treatment:

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