Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Deficiency Causes Headaches And Fatigue

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What Does A Dehydration Headache Feel Like

VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY | Hair Loss, Fatigue and Anxiety | My Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pain from a dehydration headache can range from mild to severe. You may feel pain all over your head or in just one spot, such as the back, front or side. The pain is usually like a dull ache, but it can also be sharp.

You may have a throbbing headache, or the pain might be constant. The pain might get worse when you bend over, shake your head or move around.

Other dehydration symptoms usually occur along with headache pain. These include:

  • Dark urine and a decreased need to urinate.
  • Passing out or fainting . This happens in severe cases of dehydration.
  • Intense thirst .
  • If your child has a headache along with signs of dehydration, call your healthcare provider right away. Symptoms of dehydration in babies and children include fewer trips to the bathroom , pale skin and weakness or lethargy. Its essential to get medical help immediately.

Could Anemia Be Causing Your Headaches

If youre an ice chewer, you may have been asked if youre anemic or have anemia. As it turns out, those questions arent total non sequiturs, and there may be a connection between the condition and your urge to chow down on ice.

Iron deficiency, which can occur with or without anemia, isassociated with ice chewing. Although the ice chewing connection may be humorous, anemia can be a serious drain on your life.

Its often associated with tiredness, fatigue, and general weakness, but also has other symptoms. If you experience frequent headaches in addition to fatigue, anemia may be the root cause. Use this blog to learn more about anemia and its connection to headaches.

Do you find that youre often tired and also suffer from headaches? If so, our experts at Apex Medical Professionals can help. Walid Elkhalili, MD, and the rest of our practice work with you to diagnose your anemia and get started on a personalized treatment plan.

Dr. Elkhalili places a high priority on preventive care, wellness strategies, and health education.

What Happens If You Take Too Much Vitamin D

If you consume too much vitamin D-3 from supplements over time, you may develop high levels of calcium in your blood. Although this does not directly lead to dizziness, hypercalcemia can cause dehydration, resulting in dizziness 3 . If you recently started taking D-3 and you are experiencing dizziness, it is probably not due to hypercalcemia 3

How can you tell if you have a vitamin D deficiency?

Thats because the symptoms are often subtle and non-specific, meaning that its hard to know if theyre caused by low vitamin D levels or something else. If you think you may have a deficiency, its important that you speak to your doctor and get your blood levels measured. Fortunately, a vitamin D deficiency is usually easy to fix.

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Save 15% On The Myers Way Multivitamin Now Through Thursday

To overcome fatigue and boost your energy levels, its absolutely critical to get the full spectrum of nutrients that your body needs. Unfortunately, between environmental toxins, soil depletion, stress, and other modern lifestyle factors, it can be challenging to get all your vitamins and minerals from food alone.

Thats why I custom-formulated The Myers Way® Multivitamin, designed for optimal absorption and bioavailability to ensure that you get everything you need for optimal health. My multivitamin is perfect for anyone who:

  • Wants to obtain optimal amounts of the nutrients their body needs to thrive
  • Wants to support healthy thyroid and adrenal function
  • Wants to support optimal hormone balance and weight loss
  • Has MTHFR mutations and wants to promote normal methylation
  • Doesnt eat enough organic fruit and vegetables
  • Follows the Standard American Diet

What Are The Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency

Chronic Fatigue

Your body uses iron, a mineral, to make hemoglobin. This helps your blood carry oxygen throughout the body. If you arent getting enough iron, this can limit oxygen flow and anemia may develop.

If you show up at the doctors office looking pale, especially around the eyes, and complaining of constant chills and exhaustion, your doctor is likely to test for iron deficiency. Other symptoms include bruising, dry skin and a bloated feeling.

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Oxygen Transport Requires Iron And Vitamins B6 B9 And B12

Approximately two-thirds of the iron in the body is found in hemoglobin, a heme-containing protein concentrated in red blood cells. Heme iron is present in its ferrous state , enabling a reversible binding of oxygen. One hemoglobin molecule can thus transport four oxygen molecules, and as a result blood carries 5070 times more oxygen than would plasma alone. The vital role of hemoglobin is derived from the unique ability provided by iron to acquire oxygen rapidly during the transient period in contact with the lungs, and to release oxygen as needed during its circulation through the tissues . Myoglobin, another heme protein, allows the transport and short-term storage of oxygen in muscle cells, helping to match the supply of oxygen to the high demand of working muscles. Iron deficiency anemia reduces blood transport and supply of oxygen to muscle, impairing endurance capacity and energetic efficiency .

Metabolic and functional interactions of vitamins B9, B12 and B6.

Blood-borne oxygen transport in the blood depends on vitamin B6, as PLP is the cofactor of alpha-amino levulinate synthase, an enzyme needed for the synthesis of the porphyrin ring of hemoglobin. Chronic deficiency in vitamin B6 may trigger microcytic anemia, characterised by a low concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes .

Clinical Evidence Of The Role Of Vitamins And Minerals On Physical Fatigue

When vitamins and minerals are supplied in adequate amounts to humans, their biochemical properties translate into normal physiological functions. When the supply is below requirements, frank deficiencies may occur, that manifest themselves with clinical symptoms. There is growing evidence that intermediate situations, often referred to as suboptimal or inadequate nutrient status, marginal deficiency or insufficiency may be associated with subclinical functional deficits and/or with enhanced risks of pathologies. Both clinical and subclinical deficiencies can be addressed by nutrient supplementation .

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Heart Disease And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue from an activity that should be easy

If youââ¬â¢re exhausted after an activity that used to be easy — for example, walking up the steps — it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. If your fatigue is related to your heart, medication or treatments can usually help correct the problem, cut the fatigue, and restore your energy.

The Interplay Of B Vitamins In Cellular Energy Production

B12 deficiency symptoms. Suffer from migraines?

All the B vitamins except folate are involved in at least one and often in several steps of the energy-production system within the cell . Adequate supply of each B vitamin is required for appropriate functioning of the energy-production system and a shortfall in any one of them will be rate limiting for energy production, with potentially severe metabolic and health consequences.

Vitamin B1 occurs in the body as free thiamine and as various phosphorylated forms, including thiamine pyrophosphate . TPP is involved in dehydrogenase reactions, which result in the decarboxylation of pyruvate and of branched-chain amino acids to form acetyl-CoA . Within the citric acid cycle, TPP supports the decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate into succinyl-CoA .

Riboflavin is an integral part of the coenzymes flavin adenine dinucleotide and flavin mononucleotide , which are mandatory in the function of the flavoprotein enzymes. FAD and FMN act as proton carriers in redox reactions critical for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins . FAD is involved in the production of acetyl-CoA from fatty acids via beta-oxidation, from glucose via the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate and from catabolism of branched amino acids . FAD is required in the citric acid cycle steps that produce succinyl-CoA from alpha-ketoglutarate and fumarate from succinate , and FADH2 acts as an electron donor in the electron transport chain .

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Is It Possible That I Have Pots And Was Incorrectly Diagnosed

This is entirely possible. Given how common POTS symptoms are and how unfamiliar many doctors are with this condition, diagnostic mishaps happen. POTS is frequently misidentified as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, anxiety disorder, ADHD, irritable bowel syndrome, myositis, etc. It is also possible that you have both POTS and one of these conditions, which may complicate the diagnosis. Sometimes people with POTS are told that its all in your head, implying that the cause of their symptoms is psychological. If you feel like something is physically wrong, dont hesitate to seek a second, and even a third or fourth opinion.

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Vitamin C Iron And Magnesium Are Also Involved In Energy

Vitamin C is needed for two dioxygenase enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of carnitine, an essential cofactor in the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. It thus plays an important role in the production of energy via beta-oxidation so impaired carnitine metabolism, including through insufficient vitamin C supply, can be responsible for weakness or muscle aching .

Iron is included within the porphyrin ring structure of heme enzymes, such as for the family of cytochromes required for cellular energy production. Cytochromes serve as electron carriers during the synthesis of ATP in the electron transport chain: the reduction of ferrous iron to ferric iron is coupled with the acceptance of electrons. Among the 40 different proteins that constitute the respiratory chain, there are six different heme iron proteins and six others with iron-sulphur, located in complexes I, II and III . Among those, succinate dehydrogenase is as a key enzyme in the citric acid cycle .

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Fatigue Cause No : Not Enough Fuel

Eating too little causes fatigue, but eating the wrong foods can also be a problem. Eating a balanced diet helps keep your blood sugar in a normal range and prevents that sluggish feeling when your blood sugar drops.

Fix: Always eat breakfast and try to include protein and complex carbs in every meal. For example, eat eggs with whole-grain toast. Also eat small meals and snacks throughout the day for sustained energy.

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Why Am I So Tired And Have A Headache

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If you’re suffering from fatigue and constant headaches, it may be time to see a doctor. Headache could be a sign of a migraine disorder, sleep disorder, dehydration, or several other chronic illnesses. Fatigue is a common symptom of many conditions including depression, sleep disorders, and fibromyalgia.

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Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron is an essential mineral that we get from food, especially red meat, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals and breads. Deficiencies may arise from your diet, from bleeding, or other causes. They include pregnancy, which increases the body’s iron demand, or certain diseases that interfere with absorption, such as celiac disease, chronic diarrhea, and other digestive problems.

Swelling And Soreness Of The Tongue And Mouth

According to Healthline, just looking inside or around your mouth can give you an indication of whether you are suffering from iron-deficiency anaemia.

Signs can include a swollen, inflamed, pale or strangely smooth tongue. Low haemoglobin in iron deficiency can cause the tongue to become pale, while lower levels of myoglobin can cause it to become sore, smooth and swollen. Besides sapping the colour out of your tongue, low iron counts can reduce levels of myoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that supports muscle health, like the muscle that makes up the tongue. As a result, many people who are iron deficient complain of a sore, inflamed, and strangely smooth tongue.

Iron deficiency can also cause dry mouth, sore red cracks at the corners of the mouth or mouth ulcers.

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The Doctor May Examine You

The doctor may check your weight and height, if it seems relevant. You may not be examined, as it may depend on your answers to some of the questions above however, the doctor may think it relevant to:

  • Check your lymph glands to see if they are enlarged.
  • Check your thyroid gland to see if it is enlarged.
  • Look at your eyes to see if you might be anaemic.
  • Listen to your chest and feel your tummy and the organs in your tummy.
  • Check your joints for swelling or inflammation.
  • Check the strength of your arms and/or legs.
  • Ask you for a sample of your urine to check for sugar or infection.

What Causes ‘your’ Fatigue

Fatigue, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Many physical and mental illnesses, as well as lifestyle factors, can cause your fatigue, and that can make it hard to diagnose. In some cases, it might be something simple and easy to fix, like havingcaffeine at bedtime. But other causes, like heart disease or COPD, are serious, and you may need to start long-term treatment right away.

Your doctor can help you sift through your health issues, as well as diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, in order to zero in on the cause and help you on the road to recovery.

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Nutrient Deficiencies That Cause Fatigue

Your body operates like a well-oiled machine, and nutrients are the gas that keep your engines running. When youre low on these essential vitamins and minerals, your body cant function as effectively cue struggling to keep your eyes open in those back-to-back Zoom meetings!

Many of these nutrients arent produced by your body naturally, so you have to ingest them through food. But since the food you eat isnt as nutrient-dense these days, you might not be getting the nutrients that give you energy.

To fix that, here are 6 of the most common nutrient deficiencies that could be causing your fatigue:

  • Vitamin D. The cholesterol in your skin produces this important nutrient when its exposed to sunlight. But lets face it: youre not getting a ton of sunlight these days inside at your desk. So you might be lacking the sweet Vitamin D that keeps your energy levels up and supports your immune system and gut health.

  • Magnesium. This key mineral is important for building bone and teeth structure, relaxing muscles, promoting sleep, helping digestion, and so much more. But its also essential for converting your food into energy. Thats why fatigue is often a sign of magnesium deficiency.

  • Iron. An iron deficiency can also cause anemia which impairs your blood cells ability to carry oxygen. Iron deficiency anemia makes you feel tired and weak and its so common it affects a quarter of the population.

  • Varied Diets Are The Answer

    If a varied diet is eaten, few people need to worry about getting enough vitamin B12.

    Derbyshire adds: “As vitamin B12 is water-soluble, it isn’t stored in the body so there is no risk of overdosing, but if you are taking supplements, always follow the manufacturer’s advice on dosage. There is no proven advantage to consuming more than the recommended 1.5 micrograms per day.”

    For those at heightened risk of deficiency, particularly elderly, long-term vegans and people with certain medical conditions, keep a close watch on your diet and make sure that any concerns are discussed with your GP or practice nurse. Carers of elderly people need to be aware of the early symptoms of pernicious anaemia and alert relevant healthcare professionals should any of these be noted.

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    When To See Your Healthcare Provider

    Low-iron anemia can have a common and easily treatable cause. Changes to your diet, for example, can help to boost iron levels when including lean meat, seafood, and other iron-rich sources. But anemia also can be a sign of cancer or its treatments, as well as other serious conditions.

    See your healthcare provider about an anemia diagnosis if you have chronic fatigue symptoms or experience:

    • Headaches that don’t go away or worsen
    • Shortness of breath

    Severe headaches also can be the sign of a serious condition, such as a tumor, stroke, or a meningitis infection. Seek immediate medical attention or call 911 if you experience a headache along with:

    • A sudden, severe onset

    What Is Vitamin D

    Pin on Migraines

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that exists in two forms:

    • Cholecalciferol : It is made by the body after exposure to ultraviolet light and is present in certain foods such as tuna and salmon.
    • Ergocalciferol : This form can be derived from the fungal sterol “ergosterol” and is found naturally in foods such as sun-dried shiitake mushrooms.

    Both forms of vitamin D are used in the fortification of foods and in vitamin D supplements.

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    How Does Low Vitamin D Cause Headaches

    According to the 2020 Nutrients article, vitamin D deficiency can cause migraines and other headaches through multiple pathways. Too little vitamin D can cause inflammation, make some neurons more sensitive, change brain chemical levels, increase Nitric Oxide formation, decrease Magnesium absorption, and decrease melatoninall of which can cause headaches.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Low Vitamin D

    Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can include muscle weakness, pain, fatigue and depression.Can you ever have too much vitamin D?

    Is headache a symptom of vitamin D deficiency?

    Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms vary for each patient, depending on the severity of their deficiency. Common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency include joint pain, weak or cramping muscles, frequent bone fractures, weight gain, moodiness, fatigue, depression and headaches.

    What Vitamin Am I lacking if I get dizzy?

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is easy to detect and treat, but is an often overlooked cause of dizziness, he notes. Ask your doctor about having a simple blood test to check your B12 levels if youre having dizzy spells.

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