Saturday, July 27, 2024

Medical Reasons For Fatigue And Tiredness

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Heart Disease And Fatigue

The Doctor is In: Common Causes of Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue from an activity that should be easy

If youre exhausted after an activity that used to be easy — for example, walking up the steps — it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. If your fatigue is related to your heart, medication or treatments can usually help correct the problem, cut the fatigue, and restore your energy.

Seeing A Sleep Specialist

A sleep specialist will conduct a thorough evaluation and sleep study, in which you are monitored while sleeping, and then develop a treatment plan.

Your better sleep treatment plan may include medication as well as good sleep hygiene techniques â ways to prepare your body for sleep. Avoiding caffeine after lunch, not consuming alcohol within six hours of bedtime, and not smoking or using any type of nicotine product before bedtime are some sleep hygiene techniques. Experts may also teach you relaxation techniques and cognitive therapy, in which you learn to replace sleep worries with positive thoughts.

âWe also use a very powerful technology called âstimulus control,ââ says Auger. Essentially, stimulus control is a behavioral technique that limits the time you spend in bed.

“It teaches people to use the bedroom for sleep and sex, and to leave the bedroom after about 20 minutes if they canât fall asleep and engage in a relaxing activity,â he says. âIt can be as powerful as medications and possibly more powerful in the long term.â

Fact: A Companion Can Help During Long Road Trips

For long road trips, itâs best to bring a companion — if possible, someone who can share in the driving. Pull over and switch seats about every 100 miles or every two hours. Whoever is not behind the wheel should stay awake and talk to the driver. The passenger can also keep a watchful eye for signs that the driver might be nodding off.

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Medical Reasons For Feeling Tired All The Time

Chronic tiredness can affect all areas of life and make it difficult to maintain work, family and social life. While feeling tired all the time is a common problem, few people visit their doctor with the condition. However, there are several medical reasons for chronic tiredness, many of which could be easily treated. Here are 7 medical reasons for feeling tired all the time..

What Causes ‘your’ Fatigue

The Most Common Causes of Fatigue

Many physical and mental illnesses, as well as lifestyle factors, can cause your fatigue, and that can make it hard to diagnose. In some cases, it might be something simple and easy to fix, like having caffeine at bedtime. But other causes, like heart disease or COPD, are serious, and you may need to start long-term treatment right away.

Your doctor can help you sift through your health issues, as well as diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, in order to zero in on the cause and help you on the road to recovery.

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Can Fatigue Be Prevented

Fatigue as a symptom can occur as the result of many causes and therefore, prevention is not an issue. More importantly, the early recognition of fatigue will allow a person to seek medical care and potentially have an earlier diagnosis of the underlying cause made.

Sometimes, symptoms like fatigue arise gradually and it is difficult for the person to realize that there is a problem. It may take an outside perspective from a friend or family member to appreciate a difference in function. Self-awareness of gradual decline in body performance is often difficult as a person makes repeated small accommodations to complete daily activities.

Fatigue Cause No 1: Heart Disease

When fatigue strikes during everyday activities, such as cleaning the house or weeding the yard, it can be a sign that your heart is no longer up to the job. If you notice it’s becoming increasingly difficult to finish tasks that were once easy, talk to your doctor about heart disease.

Fix: Lifestyle changes, medication, and therapeutic procedures can get heart disease under control and restore your energy.

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What Are The Types Of Tiredness

Unlike fatigue, tiredness can typically be relieved by a good nights sleep and some rest. When the tiredness becomes overwhelming and sleep seems to have little to no effect, thats when you know its fatigue.

There are a number of different types of tiredness that we can all experience in our day to day lives, these include:

  • Energy highs and lows, usually during certain points of the day
  • Emptiness due to skipping breakfast or meals
  • Lack of stamina
  • Tired but unable to fall asleep

The above types of tiredness are typically a result of a poor diet, a general lack of important vitamins and minerals in your everyday diet or even drinking too much caffeine throughout the day – with the latter being one of the reasons you might find it hard to fall asleep even when you feel exhausted. Check-in on your vitamin levels from home with LetsGetChecked to make sure your levels are within a healthy range.

Why Are You So Tired 10 Common Causes Of Fatigue

Fatigue, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

We all get tired sometimes. But if youre sleepy all the time or unable to get out of bed even when you want to, then you may be experiencing fatigue. If youre wondering why youre so tired or are concerned that youre feeling exhausted too often, read on. Weve compiled a list of 10 reasons why you may be feeling tired all the time.

Fatigue, a feeling of weariness or tiredness, is a common symptom that people experience. You may feel a general lack of energy or wonder why youre so tired all the time. Sometimes fatigue is caused by a simple issue, such as lack of sleep, changing hormones during puberty or menopause, or a poor diet. Other times, it can be a symptom of a serious medical issue. There are many reasons why you may feel sleepy all the time. Here are some of them.

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Exercise Can Help Counter The Effects Of Fatigue

Exercise can often help relieve the effects of fatigue, especially more short-lived, acute forms of fatigue. Remaining physically active is important for patients with CFS, however, the approach to exercise must be individualized since exercise can cause the symptoms to become worse for some people. Other things that may help: better hydration, better diet, relaxation, and, of course, more rest and better sleep.

Caffeine and other stimulants may help fight fatigue in the short term, but longer-term, they may actually contribute to the problem.

Fatigue Cause No : Sleep Apnea

Some people think they’re sleeping enough, but sleep apnea gets in the way. It briefly stops your breathing throughout the night. Each interruption wakes you for a moment, but you may not be aware of it. The result: youâre sleep-deprived despite spending eight hours in bed. Your doctor may order a sleep study to check for this.

Fix: Lose weight if you’re overweight, quit smoking, and you may need a CPAP device to help keep your airway passages open while you sleep.

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How Is Fatigue Treated

To find out what is causing your fatigue, your doctor will ask you about any other symptoms and do a full examination. They may also order some blood tests or imaging tests, depending on what they think your condition might be.

Treatment will depend on the condition that is causing your fatigue. Sometimes, after treatment, you will feel better almost straight away. However, it might also take several weeks for your fatigue to lessen.

Non-medical treatments that have been shown to be effective for some people include mindfulness, meditation, yoga and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Why It Happens And How To Beat It


Tired all the time is a popular complaint tiredness and fatigue are common problems. Often, it is not a medical issue but one that can be reversed by a change of lifestyle.

Tiredness can negatively impact performance at work, family life, and social relationships. Fatigue has a reputation as a vague and difficult problem for doctors to investigate, and many people with fatigue do not report it to their doctor.

Doctors who are conscious of this take the problem seriously and attempt to determine an underlying cause. There are many reasons people become tired, and, consequently, there are many ways to rectify the situation.

Simply put, fatigue is the feeling of being tired.

It is generally different from the sleepy feeling of drowsiness, or the psychological feeling of apathy, although these might both accompany fatigue.

Other terms to describe fatigue include:

  • reduced or no energy
  • physical or mental exhaustion
  • lack of motivation

Fatigue is a common experience all humans become tired. However, this is not usually due to disease. There are numerous medical and non-medical causes of fatigue, including personal dietary and lifestyle habits.

The following factors can contribute to fatigue, either alone or in combination:

Some types of fatigue are not normally considered a medical problem, this includes tiredness as a result of:

  • physical activity
  • boredom
  • lack of sleep

The National Institute on Aging lists the following lifestyle habits that can lead to tiredness and fatigue:

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What Percentage Of Patients Complain To Their Primary Care Doctor About Fatigue That Interferes With Their Daily Lives

Fatigue is one of the most common complaints in medicine, accounting for an estimated 10 million doctor office visits each year.

Because fatigue is a common feature of everyday life but also a common symptom of so many different medical conditions, it can be difficult for doctors to properly assess and treat. In many cases, the most important medical response to persistent fatigue is to get tested for potential underlying physical or psychological medical conditions.

What Else Causes Fatigue

Some lifestyle habits can make you feel tired. Here are some things that may be draining your energy:

  • Staying up too late. A good night’s sleep is important to feeling refreshed and energetic. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • Having too much caffeine. Drinking caffeinated drinks like soda, tea, or coffee late in the day can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Limit the amount of caffeine you have during the day and avoid it in the evening.
  • Drinking too much alcohol.Alcohol changes the way you think and act. It may also interact with your medicines.
  • Eating junk food. Say “no thanks” to food with empty calories, like fried foods and sweets, which have few nutrients and are high in fat and sugars. Choose nutritious foods to get the energy you need to do the things you enjoy.
  • Getting too little or too much exercise. Regular exercise can boost your energy levels, but dont overdo it.

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When Is Fatigue Considered Extreme

There is no good criteria for assessing the level of fatigue it depends on the person. However, most people know when their tiredness is more than a lack of sleep. Some of my patients remember the exact day they got hit with fatigue so overwhelming that they knew something was wrong.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

POTS is a common condition affecting an estimated one to three million Americans. Researchers dont fully understand the causes of POTS, but it is more common in women than men and is more likely to develop in adolescents and young adults.

When To Contact A Medical Professional

Fatigue and Malaise (Medical Symptom)

Contact your provider right away if you have any of the following:

  • Confusion or dizziness
  • Little or no urine, or recent swelling and weight gain
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or of committing suicide
  • Unexplained weakness or fatigue, especially if you also have a fever or unintentional weight loss
  • Constipation, dry skin, weight gain, or you cannot tolerate cold
  • Wake up and fall back to sleep many times during the night
  • Headaches often
  • Are taking medicines, prescribed or non-prescribed, or using drugs that may cause fatigue or drowsiness
  • Feel sad or depressed

Treatment depends on the cause of your fatigue symptoms.

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What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome , also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS, is a condition in which fatigue lasts six months or longer and is not related to other diseases or conditions. People with CFS experience symptoms that make it hard to do daily tasks like dressing or bathing. Along with severe fatigue that doesnt get better with rest, CFS symptoms can include problems with sleep, memory and concentrating, pain, dizziness, sore throat, and tender lymph nodes. Learn more about CFS.

What Are The Common Causes Of Fatigue

Remember, feeling tired every now and then is something we all experience. This sort of tiredness might be caused by a change in eating habits, taking new medications, or simply not getting enough sleep. Still, if youre feeling fatigued and there have been no significant changes in your day to day, it might be a sign of something more.

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Who Gets Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome can affect people of all ethnicities and ages, but is most common in people in their forties or fifties. It’s very rare in kids. A few teens do get CFS, and it affects more girls than guys.

Sometimes different people in the same family get CFS. This may be because the tendency to develop CFS is genetic.

Psychological Causes Of Tiredness

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Psychological tiredness is much more common than tiredness caused by a physical problem. Both anxiety and depression can make you feel very tired. Eating disorders can make you feel tired, particularly if you are underweight or overweight. Any cause of a sleep problem will also cause tiredness during the day.

Stress is a common cause of tiredness, either because it interferes with sleep, or because of the effect of having a worry on your mind all the time.

Other possible causes include:

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When Is Being Too Tired A Problem

Let’s face it: We aren’twhat we used to be as we get on up there. Aging has many wonderful aspects, butone of the many problems is that we do not have the stamina and energy we didwhen younger. That is a normal part of aging and just something that comes withthe territory. However, being excessively tired or listless can be termedfatigue.

Medical Reasons Why You Are Feeling Tired And Fatigued All The Time

Nearly everyone gets overtired or overworked from time to time. Such instances of temporary tiredness can be a normal response to physical and mental activity.

It also may be related to lack of sleep, jet lag, lack of physical activity, side effects of medications or an unhealthy diet.

However, unrelenting exhaustion or fatigue is more profound. It is very different than drowsiness, though both can occur at the same time.

When suffering from fatigue, you experience unexplained, persistent and relapsing exhaustion that does not get better with rest.

If you have a constant lack of energy and ongoing fatigue, it may be due to some underlying health problem.

Here are 10 medical reasons that might be making you tired and fatigued all the time.


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Fatigue Cause No : Anemia

Anemia is one of the leading causes of fatigue in women. Menstrual blood loss can cause an iron deficiency, putting women at risk. Red blood cells are needed because they carry oxygen to your tissues and organs.

Fix: For anemia caused by an iron deficiency, taking iron supplements and eating iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, liver, shellfish, beans, and enriched cereal, can help.

When Should I Call My Doctor About Fatigue

Fatigue and Abdominal pain (Medical Symptom)

Itâs normal to feel tired now and then. Everyone experiences occasional, brief fatigue due to illness, sleep disturbances, travel or changes in diet or medication. But you should talk to your healthcare provider if youâre tired all the time. Call your provider if:

  • Your fatigue lasts longer than a few days
  • Youâre having a hard time going to work or performing daily activities.
  • There isnât a clear reason for your fatigue.
  • It comes on suddenly.
  • Youâre older .
  • Youâve also been losing weight.

Fatigue can be a sign of a serious health condition. You should seek immediate medical attention if you have fatigue along with other symptoms, such as:

  • Shortness of breath or pain in your chest, arm or upper back.
  • Fast, pounding, fluttering or irregular heartbeat.
  • Headache or vision problems .
  • Nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
  • Muscle weakness.

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What Medical Conditions Cause Fatigue

Hundreds of conditions and disorders lead to fatigue. Some of the most common causes of fatigue include:

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