Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Help Eye Fatigue

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Wear Prescriptive Computer Glasses

Word Quick Tip: Reduce Eye Strain with Read Mode

Sometimes, for chronic eye fatigue or extreme eye fatigue, taking a break from the screen, using eye drops, and changing the lighting just doesnt help enough. An additional solution may be wearing glasses which block excessive blue light from a digital screen to protect your eyes.

For these glasses, you want to visit your optometrist, who will carry out an eye examination and then provide you with a pair of customised computer glasses. These glasses are preferable to wearing contact lenses, since they do not dry up, nor make your eyes uncomfortable by wearing them for long periods of time.

Remove Your Contacts At Night

Isnt it amazing that actors in movies and soap operas awaken in the morning with perfect hair, makeup, and shiny contacts? Thats Hollywood and not reality. In the real world, you can jeopardize your vision health by sleeping in your contacts.

Just because your contacts say extended wear doesnt mean theyre safe for a night of slumber. According to an article published by the American Academy of Optometry, sleeping in contact lenses can deprive your eyes of oxygen and cause eye infections and corneal ulcers.

Reduce eye fatigue, minimize your risks of infections, and remember to take your contact lenses out before you nap or retire for the night. Its also a good practice to wash your hands before touching your eyes to remove the contacts. Always remember to keep your lenses in a sterile saline solution overnight.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Dehydration zaps energy and impairs physical performance. âOur research shows that dehydration makes it harder for athletes to complete a weight lifting workout,â says Dan Judelson, PhD, assistant professor of kinesiology at California State University at Fullerton. “Itâs reasonable to think that dehydration causes fatigue even for people who are just doing chores.”

Dehydration has also been shown to decrease alertness and concentration.

How to know if youâre drinking enough water?âUrine should be pale yellow or straw colored,â Judelson says. âIf itâs darker than that, you need to drink water.â

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How Computer Glasses Help Alleviate Eye Fatigue

If you find yourself with a tired pair of eyes at the end of a long day consider investing in a pair of quality computer glasses for eye fatigue relief.

Digital devices and computers have become an integral part of our lives, whether it be at work or at home ,there are a lot of the things we do today that are all done on our smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Digital gadgets have made our lives a lot more convenient, but there is a downside.

Relax Your Eyes With Warm Compress

healthcare infographic cartoon character about eyestrain ...

A warm compress is another way to reduce eye strain. It relaxes the muscles around your eyes, reduces strain, and soothes dry eyes. It is also effective in reducing the pain and swelling of a stye.

  • Dip a clean, soft cloth in warm water and wring out the excess moisture.
  • Lie down comfortably, close your eyes, and place the warm cloth over your eyelids.
  • Relax and breathe slowly for 1 minute.
  • Repeat the process three or four times.
  • Follow this treatment one or two times daily.
  • You can also add 2-3 drops of menthol on the compress for a soothing effect.
  • Recommended Reading: What Can Cause Extreme Fatigue And Muscle Weakness

    Ways To Relieve Digital Eye Strain

    Digital devices are here to stay, but you can be proactive about protecting your vision at work. Here are five ways to preserve your eyesight and prevent digital eye strain:

  • Take at least three breaks per hour. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something at least 20 feet away. This is called the 20-20-20 rule. Taking regular breaks will help prevent eye fatigue, dry eye, and neck and shoulder stiffness. Instead of taking a break in your chair, try to walk around. Get a sip of water and stretch your legs to increase blood circulation.
  • Blink often. Staring at digital screens decreases the rate at which you blink your eyes and can make you more susceptible to dry eye. Make a conscious effort to blink slowly and frequently to maintain moisture levels in your eyes.
  • Maintain distance between your eyes and your screen. The preferred viewing distance between your eyes and a computer monitor is 20-28 inches, so adjust the default settings for font size if necessary. You may find that a few minor changes can make a big difference in your eye comfort.
  • Check your screen angle. Your computer screen should be 15-20 degrees, or about 4-5 inches, below eye level as measured from the center of the screen.
  • What Is Eye Fatigue

    The rest of your body doesnât have to be tired for your eyes to be overwhelmed and exhausted, says Dr. Arunima Agarwal, M.D., a board-certified general pediatrician. And while folks typically associate eye fatigue with staring at Instagram â erm, spreadsheets â all day long, Agarwal says that any type of visual fixation can make your eyes drag.

    âTiredness of the eyes is caused by intensely focusing,â she explains. âFor example, from driving long distances, long periods of detail work , reading, and now most commonly computer, cellphone, and screen time.â That intense focusing means youâre not blinking as often, neuro-ophthalmologist Dr. Howard Krauss M.D. previously told Bustle â and, according to The American Academy of Ophthalmology, digital screens can reduce your blink rate by a third to a half. And that leaves your pupils dry and often irritated.

    In other words, when your eyes spend so long straining â whether youâre looking out at the road or over digital interfaces with little to no break â theyâre going to need some rest.

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    Invest In A Pair Of Quality Computer Glasses

    If you spend 2 hours or more in front of a digital screen, be sure to wear computer glasses. They are a better option compared to contact lenses, which can dry out when you are constantly working in front of the screen.

    Computer glasses are a great way to reduce the stress on your eyes and provide eye fatigue relief. Computer glasses are especially useful if you wear progressive lenses or bifocals to block the harmful blue light.

    Strategy #: Follow The 20

    Relieve Eye Strain with these Expert Tips

    Recommended by both the American Optometric Association and the American Academy of Ophthalmology , the rule states that during prolonged screen use, you should look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.

    “By looking for 20 seconds, you give your eyes time to adjust to the point where distance vision is clear,” she says.

    To remind yourself to give your eyes a break, try setting a timer or using an app, such as Eyecare 20 20 20 .

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    How To Prevent Eye Strain

    Learn how to prevent eye strain, but first, what is eyestrain and is it impacting your life? Eyestrain, or eye fatigue, can be challenging to diagnose because many may describe the symptoms they are experiencing as just feeling tired. Does this sound familiar? Besides being tired, are your eyes sore or are they burning or itchy? Perhaps your eyes are watery, or you may have dry eyes. Maybe you have blurred or double vision, or you could be sensitive to light. If you have those symptoms that accompany your tiredness, you may be suffering from eyestrain.

    Cassidy is a pharmacist. Shes in her mid-40s and enjoys her job working in the pharmacy of the hospital 20 minutes from her home. She spends her day interacting with patients and filling prescriptions the doctors in her hospital prescribe to the sick and infirm. Much of her job is spent staring at a computer screen and then looking at the labels of hundreds of bottles of medicine sitting on the shelves. Cassidy makes sure the names on the pills match the labels on the bottle before filling the prescription. Precision is necessary. Someones life could depend on the accuracy of her work.

    When Cassidy arrives home, she discovers that her eighth-grade daughter needs help on her algebra, again. She spends an hour at the kitchen table looking from the textbook spread open in front of her daughter to the computer screen where a YouTuber explains how to do a similar problem.

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    Common Reasons Our Eyes Gettired

    It is usually easy to pinpoint the cause of your tired eyes. Here are a few common reasons for swollen, droopy eyes and heavy eyelids:

    • Too little or too much sleep
    • Prolonged staring at digital devices this is known as Computer Vision Syndrome
    • Allergies
    • Overworking the eyes by performing an activity that requires intense use of the eyes, such driving or reading, for an extended period without taking a break
    • Incorrect vision prescription
    • Dry eye syndrome
    • Farsightedness
    • Astigmatism
    • Exposure to bright light or straining to see in dim light
    • Presbyopia is normal as you get older people with presbyopia often have headaches or strained, tired eyes, and may require reading glasses

    All these conditions force the eye muscles to work harder than usual. Ophthalmologists speculate that much eye fatigue is really caused by dryness. People normally blink about 12 to 15 times per minute. This naturally refreshes the eyes.

    When you are tired, the blink rate slows down and the eyes are not properly lubricated, causing irritation. Studies suggest that computer users blink much less frequently, about four or five blinks per minute.

    The less you blink, the more productive you may be, but this can take a toll on your eyes. The symptoms that accompany eye strain from computer use have been summed up as Computer Vision Syndrome:

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    How Can You Relieve Eye Fatigue

    If your eyes are already exhausted, try to start implementing some of the prevention techniques â and give yourself a complete break, too. âDefinitely stop looking at any screen until you are feeling better,â Agarwal recommends. She also suggests making use of lubricating eye drops and warm compresses.

    Agarwal says that itâs also important to get your vision checked by an eye doctor once a year. âEye fatigue is not permanent, but can be worsened by underlying eye problems, and underlying eye problems like myopia can be worsened by digital eye fatigue,â she explains. âMaking changes in your work environment will help, as will a regular eye exam.â Then maybe your eyes wonât be too tired to catch up on The L Word: Generation Q tonight after work.

    Studies referenced:

    Baird, P. . Myopia. Nat Rev Dis Primers.

    Sheppard, A. . Digital eye strain: prevalence, measurement and amelioration. BMJ Open Opthalmology.


    Top Tips For Reducing Eye Strain

    New UAB Eye Care clinic helps improve vision in the ...

    If you are completing a task for a prolonged period of time, its important that you take regular breaks in order to let your eyes rest. This is crucial in reducing the symptoms of eye strain.

    It can also be helpful to adjust your working space, including decreasing any bright light or glare in your environment.

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    Ways To Reduce Eye Strain From Technology

    By Veroniiiica on December 25, 2016

    I don’t watch any TV, proudly says a person who spends her entire day on her computer, iPad, phone, and other assistive technology devices. When I first meet someone who doesn’t understand vision loss, they often are confused as to how I can see my devices, shortly followed by how I can use them for such long periods of time. Here are ten ways I help to fight eye fatigue when using my devices. While this is targeted towards people with low vision, anyone who uses computers for a long period of time can benefit from these techniques.

    1. Blue light filter guard for Google Chrome – this extension helps to remove blue light, which can cause fatigue, eye strain, and blurry vision. It puts a warm tint over the page allowing the user to look at the screen for long periods of time. This has never affected my ability to see pictures, as images look very natural against this background. I use this extension.

    3. Non-prescription tinted glasses – One of my friends likes to use these when using electronics, and it helps them to see with a high contrast display. These have a yellow tint to them and help to reduce eye strain further. I have not tried wearing them over my thick glasses so I’m not sure how they will fit, but I do like the wraparound design. Here are the ones they have.

    This post was originally published on veroniiica. com.

    How To Reduce Eye Strain

    Spending less time in front of your computer seems like the simplest solution for digital eye strain, but if you’re working from home, that might not be a viable option for you. If you have no choice but to spend eight hours in front of the computer every day, there are some actions you can take to give your eyes a break and reduce the screen’s negative impact.

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    Strategy #: Optimize Your Screen Settings

    Enlarging the type and adjusting the brightness level on digital devices may make your eyes feel better.

    “I try to keep it on the lowest brightness that is readable for me,” Dr. Collins says.

    Experiment with your settings to find what’s best for you. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a warmer, yellowish hue in dark rooms, and a cooler, bluer hue in bright rooms.

    Check for smartphone apps that automatically adjust your display based on your computer or smartphone’s location.

    Change Your Computer Setup


    Small tweaks can make a big difference to your eyes. Make sure your screen is about arm’s length away from your face. The center of the screen should be slightly below eye level . It helps to have a chair you can move up and down. Adjust the text size so you don’t squint. And try a document holder next to your monitor for printed papers. This limits how much you move your eyes back and forth.

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    Increase Your Font Size

    If you notice yourself squinting to try to read the text on your computer screen, increase your font size. This can reduce some of the stress on your eyes and prevent unnecessary strain.

    If it’s within your budget, you can also opt for a bigger monitor, which naturally increases the size of whatever you’re working on.

    A Little Drop Will Do You

    Another great way to ease eye fatigue is to use eye drops. Sometimes, your eyes get tired, dry, and itchy because they are overworked, and the rooms atmosphere is arid. Consider using simple over-the-counter eye drops to lubricate your eyes.

    These drops can also gently flush away any microscopic dust or irritants that are bothering you. Some are formulated to reduce redness, and some add extra lubrication. Keep a bottle handy at work, home, in the car, or your purse.

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    Do Your Eyes Feel Tired Irritated Or Dry After Spending Too Much Time On Your Computer If So You May Have Computer Vision Syndrome

    If you spend more than two hours a day on a computer, you may have a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome .

    CVS affects 64% to 90% of all office workers and while it does not cause permanent eye damage, it can be an unpleasant side effect of too much screen time.

    CVS symptoms include:

    • Redness
    • Iritation or dryness

    You may also experience burning eyes, double or blurred vision, headaches and neck or shoulder pain.

    If this sounds all too familiar, here are some guidelines and computer eye strain tips to help alleviate these nagging symptoms.

    Give Chamomile Tea A Go

    How to Help Relieve Eye Strain

    Another quick treatment for eye strain is chamomile tea bags. The soothing and relaxing nature of chamomile relieves the stress in your eyes quickly. It can even help reduce swelling around your eyes.

  • Steep 2 chamomile tea bags in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bags, and put one in the refrigerator and the other on the kitchen counter.
  • For a warm treatment, put the tea bag from the kitchen counter on your closed eyelids for 5 minutes. But before applying the tea bag, make sure its not too hot to the touch.
  • For a cool treatment, place the refrigerated tea bag on your eyelids.
  • Repeat this treatment as often as you like.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea to alleviate a headache, one of the common symptoms of eye strain.

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    Science Reveals 15 Things That Help Reduce Eye Fatigue

    Do you often feel a burning sensation and weakness in your eyes? Is your vision blurry, and do your eyes feel itchy? You may be experiencing eye fatigue.

    From the moment you awaken in the morning, your eyes stay busy absorbing colors, shapes, and movement for your brain to interpret. With the added burden of reading and technology, its no wonder your eyes are exhausted.

    Do Blue Light Glasses Help Digital Eye Strain

    Over the past few years, blue light glasses have been marketed as a way to prevent eye strain and other types of computer-related eye damage. However, per the American Academy of Ophthalmology, they arent effective in preventing digital eye strain. Instead, the symptoms of DES are linked to how digital devices are used, and not the blue light coming out of them.

    Digital eye strain is caused by more than just glare from a screen, and thats why blue light glasses arent a full solution. Instead, the eye strain and discomfort is caused by prolonged periods of time at a close working distance with a highly visually demanding task, so the best way to prevent or reduce symptoms is to take breaks and reduce time looking at devices.

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