Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Extreme Fatigue And Low Blood Pressure

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When To Call Your Doctor

Low Blood Pressure caused by Adrenal Fatigue (SOLUTIONS)

If your fatigue prevents you from engaging in work or school, social or personal activities, then you should see your doctor, Dr. Patane says.

“When in doubt, it never hurts to speak to your doctor about this. It can be a simple evaluation, and we may be able to say there’s nothing seriously wrong and suggest lifestyle modifications,” he says. “One of the best ways to get better from fatigue is with good sleep hygiene and by slowly increasing daily exercise.”

When Should I Talk To My Doctor

Feeling dizzy when you stand every once in a while is probably no cause for concern. But if you have the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension often, you should bring it up with your doctor so they can figure out whatâs causing it. Before your appointment, keep a record of your symptoms, when they happen, and how long they last. If you fall during one of your dizzy spells, or have any of the following symptoms of heart failure, you should get medical help ASAP:

How Would You Describe Fatigue Associated With Pots

People with POTS experience fatigue differently. Many describe it as feeling beyond exhausted. Its as if your energy is completely depleted. The fatigue is probably hundreds of times worse than your worst flu. People with POTS may also have trouble concentrating and thinking straight. Doing simple tasks may feel like youve just run a marathon.

This fatigue might come and go, hitting you without warning daily, weekly or less frequently. For some people, extreme fatigue lasts for days. Others may experience periodic attacks. It can come on at any moment even if you just woke up. And there is no amount of sleep or coffee that can make it go away.

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Derivation Of A Potential Autonomic Biomarker

All variables also underwent ROC analysis. Those parameters that showed a significant relationship on ROC analysis are shown in . We then choose those resting variables that performed well on ROC in order to ensure that any potential biomarker would have greater clinical utility. Using the 85% sensitivity levels, we determined a threshold for three chosen resting BPV parameters and incorporated these into models. The specific thresholds chosen were LF dBP> 3.185, rest HF dBP> 0.86, rest PSD dBP> 7.05. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for each combination of ROC significant variables are shown in . Achieving all these threshold values differentiated between CFS and controls with 77% sensitivity and 53% specificity.

Why Does High Blood Pressure Make Us Feel Tired

Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

High blood pressure is often called the silent killer because, in most cases, it doesnt have any apparent symptoms. However, fatigue and chest pains are among the very few indicators of high blood pressure. Fatigue caused by high blood pressure occurs as a result of many different factors including the effects of condition itself, medication management and lifestyle choices. High blood pressure causes tiredness as a result of elevated pressure on vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys.

Often though, medication plays a larger role in contributing to fatigue than the actual condition does. Tiredness is often a common side effect of many medications used to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure medications may slow the pumping action of the heart, in the case of diuretics, the body can easily become depleted of essential electrolytes. The body reacts to this by producing less energy and so results in increased tiredness and fatigue. Unexplained tiredness that doesnt appear to have a cause can be a result of high blood pressure.

Recommended Reading: How I Cured My Adrenal Fatigue

How To Repair Your Blood Pressure System

If your symptoms improved after adding the salt to your diet, youll now need to repair the neurological blood pressure mechanism to your brain. This is done by reducing the number of carbohydrates youre consuming on a daily basis. Follow these instructions:

  • Continue drinking the chicken broth for about 2-3 more weeks after you have reduced the carbohydrates in your diet . You can switch to other salty foods instead of drinking only chicken stock over these few weeks. Tomato juice has a lot of salt in it as do pickles, salsa, sardines, greek olives and beef broth. Some patients will pour about a 1/4 teaspoon of salt in the palm of their hand and swallow it plain along with some water to wash it down. For convenience, some patients will take a Top Ramen oriental noodle cup to work and drink only the broth from it.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. It seems switching to higher fiber carbs such as whole grain bread, brown rice or fruit doesnt help your blood pressure mechanism to repair itself if your total carb intake is still above 100 grams per day. You need to get the total carb count down.
  • Within a few weeks, you will be able to stop the added salt because your blood pressure mechanism will of completely recovered. Your symptoms of low brain blood pressure should be gone for the most part without the need of the added salt in your diet.
  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur when your blood doesn’t circulate properly, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Doctors don’t totally understand the condition or why it happens, but they know that when a person with POTS stands upright, more blood collects in their lower body, causing the heart to beat faster to pump blood up to the brain.

    Some people with POTS describe it as having sudden fatigue attacks, while others say it’s like having waves of sudden extreme fatigue and nausea or extreme fatigue “out of nowhere.” It can present differently depending on the person, but other symptoms might include:

    • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy when standing, or fainting
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Muscle cramps or muscle pain
    • Headaches
    • Feeling shaky
    • Sweating a lot

    POTS tends to run in families, and there’s a link between POTS and having highly mobile joints , per Johns Hopkins Medicine. If you think you have it, see your doctor, who can run a test and make a diagnosis.

    Don’t Miss: Medications For Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia

    Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

    Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

    Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

    Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

    Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

    Chronic Fatigue & Heart Disease

    Low Blood Pressure caused by Adrenal Fatigue

    If youre chronically tired, this can be a sign of many other heart problems. Fatigue can be a sign of heart valve problems or heart failure. Also, studies have linked chronic fatigue with several heart problems. For example, many people who experience chronic fatigue also have left ventricular dysfunction. This is a heart condition where your left ventricle doesnt pump blood properly. The left ventricle is the thickest heart chamber and is responsible for pumping blood full of oxygen to your organs. Congestive heart failure commonly follows left ventricular dysfunction. Therefore, its important to talk to our womens health care provider if youre feeling extra tired without an explanation.

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    Is Pots More Common In Certain People

    There are no established risk factors for POTS. However, it is known to run in families, so it could have a genetic component. Researchers have also established a link between POTS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome . So if you have one of these conditions, you might also have the other.

    A big group of those diagnosed with POTS is young women and teens. However, this doesnt mean they are more likely to develop this condition.

    How Can You Prevent Low Blood Pressure

    You may be able to prevent hypotension by making changes to your lifestyle and diet, such as:

    • Eating fewer carbohydrates and choosing small, healthy meals.
    • Staying hydrated and avoiding alcoholic drinks.
    • Rising slowly when youve been sitting or lying down.
    • Taking a few deep breaths before you change position.
    • Wearing compression stockings.

    Also Check: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group

    Nervous System Is One Culprit

    He described these problems as being more of a nervous system than a blood flow problem and noted that when patients get really vagal their heart rate and blood pressure can drop low enough so that they lose consciousness.

    Getting more to the heart of the matter he identified vaso-active substances such as hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide and carbon dioxide that cause a permanent increase in the size of the larger blood vessels in ME/CFS patients. As those blood vessels become flaccid the blood pressure drops forcing the small blood vessels tighten up in an attempt to squeeze blood to the organs and muscles.

    Dilated blood vessels, low blood pressure, and low blood volume are often found in chronic fatigue syndrome

    Using Marian Lemles hydrogen sulfide theory Dr. DeMeirlier devised a hydrogen sulfide test he believes is diagnostic for ME/CFS. These and other vaso-active substances are being studied in ME/CFS and we should find out a lot more about them in the not too distant future as some big NIH studies wrap up. )

    Dr. DeMeirlier believes these enlarged big blood vessels play a key role in producing both the low blood volume, low cardiac filling and low heart pump action. He noted the heart contractions are less forceful because less force is needed to push out the reduced blood that is present. Blood volume can be so low in this disorder that the mitral valve will not close properly.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue

    Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure): Causes,Symptoms, Risks,Control,Types

    Adrenal fatigue symptoms can vary from individual to individual, but there are some common symptoms experienced by almost all. These include insomnia, a feeling of being overwhelmed by stressful situations, food cravings, high levels of fatigue each day, and weak immunity.

    These symptoms are mostly related to the changing hormone and neurotransmitter levels that come with Adrenal Fatigue. There are a number of other, less common, symptoms that can also appear. These might include vertical lines on the fingertips, frequent urination, and low blood pressure. Again, these are all related to the dysregulation of the HPA axis and the various hormone levels that depend on it.

    Recommended Reading: How To Combat Fatigue From Blood Pressure Medication

    If You Notice A Sudden Decline In Blood Pressure

    A single lower-than-normal reading is not cause for alarm, unless you are experiencing any other symptoms or problems. If you experience any dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea or other symptoms, its a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider. To help with your diagnosis, keep a record of your symptoms and activities at the time they occurred.

    Is low blood pressure related to low heart rate? Find out.

    Written by American Heart Association editorial staff and reviewed by science and medicine advisers. See our editorial policies and staff.

    Last Reviewed: Oct 31, 2016

    Food Allergies Food Intolerance And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Fatigue, sleepiness, continued exhaustion

    Although food is supposed to give you energy, medical research suggests that hidden food intolerances — or allergies — can do the opposite. In fact, fatigue may be an early warning sign of food intolerance or food allergy. Celiac disease, which happens when you cant digest gluten, may also cause fatigue.

    Ask your doctor about the elimination diet. This is a diet in which you cut out certain foods linked to a variety of symptoms, including sleepiness within 10 to 30 minutes of eating them, for a certain period of time to see if that makes a difference. You can also talk to your doctor about a food allergy test — or invest in a home test such as ALCAT — which may help you identify the offending foods.

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    A Weakened Immune System

    Cortisol has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps to regulate your immune system. Inflammation is often simply a sign that your body is fighting an infection, but cortisol prevents this reaction from getting out of control. Maintaining a balanced cortisol level not too low and not too high is an important part of our health.

    If stress is causing your cortisol levels to be elevated, this anti-inflammatory effect becomes too strong. This effectively stops your immune system from working as it should, and this weakened state can last for the duration of whatever is causing the stress. Without a properly functioning immune system, you become vulnerable to disease. Conversely, a lower level of cortisol allows your immune system to over-react to pathogens. This can lead to chronic inflammation and a number of respiratory or auto-immune diseases.

    So what does this mean for Adrenal Fatigue sufferers? It depends on which stage of the condition you have reached. In the early stages, consistently high levels of cortisol suppress your immune response and leave you vulnerable to infection. In the later stages of Adrenal Fatigue, low levels of cortisol can lead to chronic inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune diseases. Neither is a good outcome, and so your Adrenal Fatigue treatment should focus on restoring cortisol to a sustainable, balanced level.

    Difficulty Getting Up Each Morning Even After A Long Sleep

    Adrenal Fatigue – How It Effects Brain Function and Low Blood Pressure

    As we discuss in The Adrenal Fatigue Solution, one of the major causes of Adrenal Fatigue is getting insufficient sleep. Getting more rest is, therefore, one of the best ways to recover. However, when suffering from Adrenal Fatigue many patients wake up extremely tired and foggy, even after getting a long sleep. This can be caused by one of two factors.

    Adrenal Fatigue sufferers in the early stages of their condition tend to be under significant stress, and therefore their adrenaline and cortisol levels are high. This interrupts the natural 24-hour cycle of cortisol levels, leading to a state of alertness in the evening that prevents restful sleep.

    Those Adrenal Fatigue sufferers who are at a later stage of the condition will have consistently lower levels of cortisol. However, their blood sugar will tend to be much lower during the early morning . Your body realizes its hungry and forces you to wake up. Many Adrenal Fatigue sufferers are chronic late-night snackers for exactly this reason. You can get a better nights sleep by improving your sleep hygiene.

    Also Check: Is There A Blood Test For Adrenal Fatigue

    How Blood Pressure Is Measured And What The Readings Mean

    Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers, with one “over” the other. The first, or top, number is the systolic blood pressure. This indicates the amount of pressure your blood exerts against the walls of your arteries when your heart contracts. The second, or bottom, number is the diastolic pressure, which refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart refills between beats.

    Your healthcare provider typically measures your blood pressure using a stethoscope and an inflatable cuff that wraps around your upper arm. The cuff is inflated until it is tight enough to stop the blood from flowing, then it is slowly deflated. Through the stethoscope, your doctor or nurse will hear the whooshing sound of the blood returning this is the systolic pressure. The moment the whooshing sound disappears marks the diastolic pressure.

    The commonly accepted ideal blood pressure for adults is 120/80 mm Hg or lower. But since blood pressure naturally rises with age, your BP might be higher than that without any cause for concern. For instance, according to a chart from Disabled World, a normal blood pressure reading for an 80-year-old woman could be 134/84 mm Hg.

    So, what is considered low blood pressure in elderly people? Typically, the low blood pressure range is anything below 90/60 mm Hg. This is called hypotension. The Disabled World chart shows that a dangerous blood pressure level is 50/33 mm Hg.

    Postprandial Hypotension: Feeling Dizzy Tired After Eating Get Tested For Low Blood Pressure

    If you are experiencing a certain amount of dizziness, light-headed feeling or that sensation of extreme tiredness after eating, it could be a case of postprandial hypotension.

    Many of us are aware of postprandial blood sugar but what is postprandial hypotension? Though a very common symptom, especially among the elderly, it is often ignored and is attributed to general weakness or low blood sugars in case of diabetics.

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    What Is Normal Blood Pressure

    A blood pressure reading involves two numbers: The top number measures systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when the heart pushes blood out into the arteries. Diastolic blood pressure is the measure of pressure in the arteries between heartbeats.

    According to the American Heart Association, normal blood pressure is 120 millimeters of mercury systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic, usually spoken as “120 over 80.” High blood pressure is defined by the following stages:

    High blood pressure stage

    Comparison Between Cfs Patients And Matched Controls In Autonomic Responses At Rest

    Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure): Causes,Symptoms, Risks,Control,Types

    As has been shown in previous studies, HRV markers of sympathetic function were significantly increased in the CFS group compared to controls, particularly LF-nuRRI, while parasympathetic markers were significantly reduced . Although the total power was not significantly different between the CFS and control groups, there was a clear shift in the sympathovagal balance with the LF/HF ratio being increased in the CFS group .

    The balance between LF and HF SBPV at rest is significantly increased in CFS compared to controls.

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