Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Combat Menstrual Fatigue

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How Is Pms Diagnosed

4 Ways to Fight the Bloating and Fatigue of PMS

There is no single test for PMS. Your doctor will talk with you about your symptoms, including when they happen and how much they affect your life.

You probably have PMS if you have symptoms that:12

  • Happen in the five days before your period for at least three menstrual cycles in a row
  • End within four days after your period starts
  • Keep you from enjoying or doing some of your normal activities

Keep track of which PMS symptoms you have and how severe they are for a few months. Write down your symptoms each day on a calendar or with an app on your phone. Take this information with you when you see your doctor.

Speak To Your Doctor To See If There’s Something More Serious Going On

If you’ve done everything on your checklist and you’re still exhausted, it’s time to chat with your doctor. “Some women are so fatigued because they have an underlying problem,” Dr. Dweck says. It could be an irregularity with your thyroid, a gland that controls your metabolism, which can cause fatigue, irritability, depressive symptoms, and weight gain.

You might be dealing with anemia, a blood disease that affects 3.5 million Americans, which is linked to women who have super heavy flows. Dr. Dweck even lists Lyme disease as a possibility, which would show up alongside joint pain and a rash. Heavy bleeding with a lot of clotting may also cause you discomfort, so it’s a good idea to see a doctor to help, Dr. Ross says.

Whatever the case may be, if your instinct is telling you to see a doctor about your ruthless fatigue, do it. You don’t want to go through every period so tired you can’t even get the smallest tasks done, and you definitely don’t have to.


Dr. Sherry Ross M.D., OB/GYN

Dr. Alyssa Dweck M.D., OB/GYN

Studies cited:

Cao, H., Pan, X., Li, H., & Liu, J. . Acupuncture for treatment of insomnia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine , 15, 1171â1186.

Okamoto-Mizuno, K., & Mizuno, K. . Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm. Journal of physiological anthropology, 31, 14.

The 4 Stages Of The Menstrual Cycle

  • Menstrual phase: This starts on the first day of your period. In this time, your body discards the extra lining of the uterus that was formed for a possible pregnancy. It lasts for about 5-7 days.
  • Follicular phase: This is the developmental process of an egg cell inside of the ovaries. It starts on the first day of your period and typically lasts for 13 days.
  • Ovulation phase: In the ovulation phase, a mature egg is released by the ovary that usually starts on day 14.
  • Luteal phase: This lasts for about two weeks after ovulation. If a woman does not become pregnant, the luteal phase ends with menstruation to start a new cycle.

During the last days of the luteal phase leading into the start of a new cycle, your hormones decrease substantially if a pregnancy does not occur. These hormones, estrogen and progesterone, influence multiple systems in the body. When there is a decline, estrogen and progesterone can affect you physically and emotionally. This can lead you to having difficulty sleeping the days before and after your period.

Also Check: Does Low Platelet Count Cause Fatigue

What Vitamins Should I Take During My Period

Treatment For Dysmenorrhea: 4 Supplements To Help With Painful Periods Chasteberry. One of the most common supplements to help relieve period symptoms is chasteberry. Magnesium. Many women who struggle with PMS and dysmenorrhea are deficient in magnesium. Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is vital for many bodily functions. Omega-3s.

How Can I Boost My Energy When Tired

5 Ways to Fight the Menstrual Fatigue

Here are nine tips: Control stress. Stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy. Lighten your load. One of the main reasons for fatigue is overwork. Exercise. Exercise almost guarantees that youll sleep more soundly. Avoid smoking. Restrict your sleep. Eat for energy. Use caffeine to your advantage. Limit alcohol.

Recommended Reading: Stomach And Joint Pain Fatigue

Stressheightening Every Source Of Menstrual Exhaustion

Your period can throw off your hormonal balance in more ways than one. The emotional inconsistencies, physical aches, and other menstrual symptoms you may experience may result in some serious stress. These stressors are taxing on both your mind and your body.

When you feel tired, it can be challenging to perform well at work, school, or home. In this sense, fatigue is both caused by stress and creating it. This can create a toxic cycle of stress and fatigue that lasts for the duration of your period.

What Can I Do To Relieve Menstrual Fatigue

When it comes to abnormal period symptoms, the key is to find and treat the underlying cause. That is why it is important to find a doctor who is willing to take the time to really talk with you and understand your symptoms.

A functional medicine practitioner can help. Rather than taking a surface-level approach to your feminine care, a functional medicine doctor will take the time to get to know you. By discussing your symptoms, examining your medical history, and completing lab tests, your doctor can bring you the clarity and relief you need. When dealing with intimate and serious issues with your period, the last thing you need is a traditional in-and-out doctors visit.

Your period is not something you should have to suffer through each month. If you experience abnormal or intolerable levels of fatigue, pain, or other symptoms that might have been dismissed or undiagnosed by a traditional doctor, consider speaking with a functional medicine practitioner to find a better way forward.

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Not Getting Enough Of Good Nights Sleep

Just like with everything, lack of sleep can lead to several bad health conditions. One of them is heavy, painful, and tiring periods. Sleep helps our muscles and bones regenerate, prepares us for the next day, and balances various hormones.

Not getting enough sleep, which for adults should last anywhere from 7 to 9 hours a night can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and headache. Daytime sleepiness caused by sleep deprivation can lead to accidents, while prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to insomnia.

For periods, lack of sleep can be just as defeating and result in drowsiness, heavier periods. A study found that lack of sleep can affect the premenstrual period.

How to Fix It

Induce lifestyle changes that will allow you to get more sleep and maximize your nights rest.

  • Avoid large meals and exercising before bed
  • Make a bedtime routine that you will stick to, including sleep and wake up times. On our website, you can find a sleep calculator that will help you calculate the necessary time of sleep to maximize your nights rest.
  • Make sure to sleep in a calm and cool environment where theres no artificial light or too much noise. If making noise is difficult, make sure to use a white noise machine.

Note: We also recommend you do a sleep cycle test to know the best time to sleep and wake up.

Keep Time With Your Body Clock

Some coronavirus patients have extreme fatigue well beyond the anticipated recovery period | 7.30

Some people get a burst of energy first thing in the morning. They’re often called morning larks. Night owls are people who are at their best at the end of the day.

These individual differences in daily energy patterns are determined by brain structure and genetics, so they can be tough to change. Instead, become aware of your own circadian rhythms. Then schedule demanding activities when your energy levels are typically at their peak.

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Apply Heat To Relax & Wind Down

When you’re on your period and exhausted, a great way to prepare yourself for deep sleep is by adding some warmth to your evening. Dr. Dweck suggests you take a warm bath and grab a hot water bottle. It will help your menstrual cramps and overall discomfort. Too much heat can make you more wakeful, though, so be aware that your hot water bottle could keep you up at night.

Vegetables Are Winners On Every Count

To combat period fatigue, eat more vegetables or take vegetable capsules. This may read like a broken record and youve heard it many times before but the fact is that the lack of greens and green veggies in the diet means that you will be lacking the chlorophyll in the diet to prevent fatigue.

3. Antioxidants are a Big Key

Overcoming PMS fatigue may be a matter of taking more antioxidants. Fatigue is a clue that the body is tired, which means the oxidative processes have overwhelmed the antioxidant levels in your body. Your antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E, as well as glutathione, selenium, zinc and others. Its not difficult to take more antioxidants by consuming a period vitamin daily. This type of vitamin is different than regular vitamin and mineral supplements on the market that arent well suited for those who are menstruating. Your needs are vastly different because you are menstruating. The loss of monthly blood takes nutrients out of the body, such as iron and vitamin B12.

4. Another Way to Get More Antioxidants

Antioxidants also come in through the bottoms of your feet through the grass. By sitting outside for 10 minutes a day on a chair with your feet on the grass, thats all it takes to increase your antioxidant levels and decrease fatigue. Youll notice a big difference in a few days.

5. B Vitamins

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Menstrual Fatigue: Why Am I So Tired On My Period

Do you find yourself dragging to get out of bed while on your period, only to collapse back into it as soon as possible?

Menstrual fatigue is totally normal, and it doesnt mean anything is wrong with you.

Menstrual fatigue can happen before or during your period or both.

The sheer exhaustion of it can make it difficult to carry on with work and everyday tasks.

Even though its normal, you still may be wondering why it happens, and if theres anything you can do to combat it.

Track Your Menstrual Cycle With A Free App To Make Sure You’re Tired *because* Of Your Period

3 Simple Solutions To Relieve Menstrual Discomfort Without ...

“Women who have had periods for years and years donât recognize whatâs going on,” Dr. Dweck tells Bustle. She says half the battle is knowing when you’re due to menstruate, so you can properly prepare for the symptoms that affect your daily life the most. There are tons of apps at your fingertips that will help you keep track of your cycle. That way, you know what to expect.

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How Does Pms Affect Other Health Problems

About half of women who need relief from PMS also have another health problem, which may get worse in the time before their menstrual period.12 These health problems share many symptoms with PMS and include:

PMS may also worsen some health problems, such as asthma, allergies, and migraines.

How Is Pmdd Diagnosed

Aside from a complete medical history and physical and pelvic exam, there are very few diagnostic tests. Because there are mental health symptoms, your healthcare provider may want you to be evaluated for mental health concerns. In addition, your healthcare provider may ask that you keep a journal or diary of your symptoms for several months. In general, to diagnose PMDD the following symptoms must be present:

  • Over the course of a year, during most menstrual cycles, 5 or more of the following symptoms must be present:
  • Depressed mood
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Moodiness
  • Insomnia or the need for more sleep
  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • Other physical symptoms, the most common being belly bloating, breast tenderness, and headache
  • Symptoms that disturb your ability to function in social, work, or other situations
  • Symptoms that are not related to, or exaggerated by, another medical condition
  • Also Check: What Can You Do To Combat Fatigue

    What If There Is An Underlying Condition

    Some women experience menorrhagia, a condition that is also called a heavy period. Around 25% of women will seek help regarding heavy periods because it can come with a lot of discomforts, to the point that it may disrupt your daily activities and compromise both physical and mental health. Its not to be ignored, as it can be the culprit behind extreme tiredness during the period.

    If you experience some of these situations or symptoms, you could be suffering from menorrhagia.

    • You spend at least one pad or tampon throughout one to two hours because it got soaked.
    • Sometimes, you use both pads and tampons because your period is heavy.
    • You use two pads to make sure to cover all the spots.
    • In the early days of your period, you wake up multiple times per night to change pad or tampon.
    • There are large blood clots and discharges.
    • You go through heavy cramping, headache, and feel tired and drowsy at all times.
    • You can seldom participate in daily activities and sometimes you even have to skip work.

    Heavy periods could be the symptom of a more serious condition. Some of them, well list below.

    How To Feel Less Tired While On Your Period

    Relieve Period Pain, Fatigue, Back Ache, Mood Swings Naturally / Samyuktha Diaries

    Theres not much you can do about your bodys natural cycle, but the good news is that your energy levels tend to peak during ovulation, which is generally about two weeks after the start of your period.

    There are natural ways of helping your body out when its feeling tired though drinking water, getting at least eight hours sleep and exercising is all useful, general advice. But according to Nicole Telfer, Science Content Producer at period tracking app Clue, there are different ways to overcome your tiredness depending on what’s causing it.

    “People who experience premenstrual and menstrual symptoms may report disrupted sleep,” Nicole tells Cosmopolitan. “This can be from pain or from increased fatigue or insomnia. Using pain alleviating medications may help restore sleep quality by relieving pain.”

    If you have a premenstrual mood disorder, the expert suggests you’re “more likely to experience sleep disturbances like insomnia, hypersomnia, fatigue, and even disturbing dreams during the luteal phase which could be due to disruption in circadian rhythms.” In order to overcome this, Nicole explains that some researchers suggest using light therapy may help people with severe cases, but more research in the area is needed.

    People with PCOS are more likely have sleep disordered breathing like sleep apnea or snoring if they are obese, which in turn impacts sleep quality. “These people would benefit from seeing a healthcare provider specialising in sleep,” advises the expert.

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    Lack Of Physical Activity

    One of the main causes of menstrual fatigue can happen when youre living a sedentary office or in-home life with no physical activity whatsoever. When theres a lack of exercise there could be poor blood circulation which can result in heavier and more drowsy periods.

    When theres a lack of physical activity, theres also a lack of certain hormones that can reduce fatigue. One of them is serotonin which in great matter affects our mood.

    How to Fix It

    Exercising and working out frequently can stabilize the hormonal imbalances in your body. Exercising can lead to generating more serotonin which is responsible for happiness and controlling moods.

    • Avoid exercising late in the night so that you can get plenty of good nights rest
    • If youre unable to hit the gym and work out regularly, make sure to take walks 30 to 45 minutes a day.

    What Causes Pms Fatigue

    One likely cause of fatigue in the days leading up to your period isthe low level of estrogen. This hormonal change causes a drop in several neurotransmitters that are important for preventing insomnia, fatigue, and depression .

    One of those neurotransmitters is serotonin, your happy-mood chemical that comes from a dietary amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is abundant in protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, and milk. When all is well in your gut, tryptophan from food gets converted into serotonin, which lifts your mood and energy levels.

    However, when too much stress and a poor diet cause gut inflammation, the tryptophan that comes with your food gets converted to inflammatory proteins instead of serotonin, robbing your brain of happy chemicals .

    In a nutshell, if low estrogen levels before your period reduce your serotonin and youre dealing with gut inflammation from stress and poor diet, you wont have enough serotonin to give you the positive outlook and energy you had before ovulation, when your estrogen was high. In other words, youll find yourself saddled with PMS fatigue.

    However, as mentioned before, there is much you can do to reduce or eliminate PMS symptoms, including fatigue.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Cfs

    Chronic fatigue syndrome involves multiple symptoms. The primary symptoms are:

    • Lowered ability to do activities that were usual before illness
    • Worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activity
    • Sleeping issues
    • Memory loss or failure to concentrate
    • Worsening of symptoms while standing or sitting upright

    If you have similar symptoms, track them over time. If they dont go away after six months, make an appointment with your health care provider. They can help you find a way to ease and manage your fatigue.

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