Friday, May 3, 2024

How To Combat Pms Fatigue

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Speak To Your Doctor To See If There’s Something More Serious Going On

Crashing on the Couch Before Your Period? 5 Natural Remedies for PMS Fatigue

If you’ve done everything on your checklist and you’re still exhausted, it’s time to chat with your doctor. “Some women are so fatigued because they have an underlying problem,” Dr. Dweck says. It could be an irregularity with your thyroid, a gland that controls your metabolism, which can cause fatigue, irritability, depressive symptoms, and weight gain.

You might be dealing with anemia, a blood disease that affects 3.5 million Americans, which is linked to women who have super heavy flows. Dr. Dweck even lists Lyme disease as a possibility, which would show up alongside joint pain and a rash. Heavy bleeding with a lot of clotting may also cause you discomfort, so it’s a good idea to see a doctor to help, Dr. Ross says.

Whatever the case may be, if your instinct is telling you to see a doctor about your ruthless fatigue, do it. You don’t want to go through every period so tired you can’t even get the smallest tasks done, and you definitely don’t have to.


Dr. Sherry Ross M.D., OB/GYN

Dr. Alyssa Dweck M.D., OB/GYN

Studies cited:

Cao, H., Pan, X., Li, H., & Liu, J. . Acupuncture for treatment of insomnia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine , 15, 11711186.

Okamoto-Mizuno, K., & Mizuno, K. . Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm. Journal of physiological anthropology, 31, 14.

Vitex Or Chasteberry Supplements

Known to help rebalance hormones like estrogen and progesterone, vitex supplements such as the Vitex Chasteberry Supplement from Intimate Roseare highly recommended by womens health experts to relieve PMS symptoms.

In a recent study, 93% of women who took vitex supplements over three consecutive months reported a significant improvement in PMS symptoms such as fatigue, pelvic discomfort, irritability, and food cravings.Research also suggests that vitex can reduce headaches during menstrual cycles by 66%.

Extreme Tiredness May Be An Underlying Medical Condition

Heavy menstrual bleeding often causes women to feel tired, commonly known as period fatigue. This is normal due to the decrease in oestrogen levels, which occurs around this point in your menstrual cycle. Your energy levels will usually return to normal within a few days as your hormone levels begin to increase again. However, for some women, period fatigue and mood swings may last longer and be more extreme. Some women may experience pre-menstrual symptoms and find themselves completely sluggish and unable to properly carry out routine activities, signifying something more severe.

This should be investigated as there could, in fact, be a medical reason or underlining gynaecological conditions as to why your energy levels are low and you feel so fatigued during your period. You may generally be a person whose periods cause them to feel more tired than others, or you might have an underlying medical issue like anaemia or an underactive thyroid. The important point to make is that you should never ignore extreme menstrual fatigue.

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Don’t Overload On Sugar

“If you’re craving sugar, you’re craving it for a reason,” Somer says. That reason is shifting levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can also decrease levels of the chemical serotonin in the brain. These changes may affect a woman’s mood and trigger PMS symptoms.

In fact, studies have shown that some women with PMS may take in 200 to 500 more calories a day. Those additional calories typically come from fats, carbohydrates, or sweet foods.

Rather than turning to sugar to boost serotonin levels, Somer advises eating whole grains instead.

Is There A Cure For Premenstrual Syndrome

Nootropics for PMS

No. But your symptoms will eventually go away once you experience menopause and no longer have periods. Until then, theres plenty you can do to manage your symptoms so that they dont disrupt your life. Keep tabs on when you tend to notice symptoms, and take note of the treatments that relieve them. Put them to use each month when your symptoms usually begin.

Also Check: How Do You Get Diagnosed With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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  • Evaluate ingredients and composition:Do they have the potential to cause harm?
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Your Menstrual Cycle

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a chronic disease that is not directly related to your menstrual cycle. Even still, CFS can often get worse at some times of your menstrual cycle. Another name for CFS is myalgic encephalomyelitis.

The main symptom of CFS is constant fatigue and exhaustion that dramatically affect everyday life, dont disappear with rest or sleep, and persist for more than six months.

Medical researchers arent yet sure of the exact causes of CFS. Some of the current theories about what can lead to CFS include:

  • A viral infection

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Work Out In Your Favorite Gym Class

It might be the last place you want to go, but youll be happy after a sweaty workout you know you love. 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise may help improve mood and overall sense of well-being, said Dr. Walden, thanks to the release of mood-boosting endorphins.

So even if you’re dragging and want to bag yoga or dance class, do your best to get yourself there anyway think of it as a treat that you know will make you feel better fast. You can get lots of rest in, too.

What Are Normal Pms Symptoms

How to Get Rid of PMS Symptoms | Healthy Living | Fitness How To

About 50% of people who menstruate report experiencing some kind of physical symptom during this time , but many also report feeling emotionally sensitive or irritable as well as having food cravings or headaches that last for about 6-10 days, before their period starts.

PMS is made up of a variety of symptoms, including bloating and fatigue as well as mood swings or depression.

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Amp Up Your Exercise Routine During The Week Leading Up To Your Period

Exercise is known to be helpful for symptoms related to the menstrual cycle, like severe menstrual cramps and low mood. It also gives you some much needed energy when you’re feeling sleepy. Dr. Dweck says you should make time to move when you’re menstruating. You don’t have to go so hard that you completely wipe yourself out even the simplest of workouts or a short run will get the job done, increasing energy levels and then helping you sleep at night.

Could Pms Really Be A Magnification Of An Existing Health Or Mental Health Condition

Brands that capitalize off of premenstrual syndrome spend a lot of money on sophisticated advertising that might lead people to believe certain symptoms can be attributed to PMS. Itâs important to know that some existing conditions can be amplified in the premenstrual phase . Blaming any uncomfortable symptoms that occur during the premenstrual phase on PMS could mask an underlying health issue. Anxiety and depression often get misdiagnosed as PMS . Other health conditions could also be misdiagnosed as PMS.

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Dietary Changes For Pms

If you experience PMS symptoms you may crave high-fat and high-sugar foods like chocolate, biscuits and ice cream, which can cause weight gain.

You can manage your weight and help reduce your PMS symptoms by making a few dietary changes. You might like to try:

  • eating smaller meals more often for example, have six mini-meals instead of three main meals
  • reducing your intake of salty foods
  • including more fresh fruits and vegetables, and wholegrain foods in your daily diet
  • increasing your dairy food intake
  • not keeping high-fat and high-sugar food in the house
  • making sure you always have tasty and healthy snack alternatives on hand
  • recording your food choices in your PMS diary charting your food intake may help you become more aware of high-fat and high-sugar snacking.

What To Do If Pms Persists

Unexpected Option for relieving PMS

If you have intense PMS or PMDD that doesnt resolve after making diet and lifestyle changes, consider reaching out for professional support from a healthcare provider. Options include:

  • A gynecologist who can diagnose more complex gynecological conditions that may contribute to your symptoms
  • A functional health practitioner who can help with additional treatment options to improve gut health and balance hormones
  • A health coach who can help you to stay on track with dietary and lifestyle changes

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When Are Pms Symptoms Not Normal

There are approximately 3-8% of people who menstruate whose symptoms are so debilitating. Symptoms are so severe that they may cause them to miss work and damage relationships with their loved ones. They may feel severely depressed, anxious or even suicidal. This is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD.

However, there currently is no definitive test that can diagnose PMDD, making it very difficult for those experiencing it to get medical support.

What Medicines Can Treat Pms Symptoms

Over-the-counter and prescription medicines can help treat some PMS symptoms.

Over-the-counter pain relievers you can buy in most stores may help lessen physical symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, backaches, and breast tenderness. These include:

Some women find that taking an over-the-counter pain reliever right before their period starts lessens the amount of pain and bleeding they have during their period.

Prescription medicines may help if over-the-counter pain medicines dont work:22

  • Hormonal birth control may help with the physical symptoms of PMS,12 but it may make other symptoms worse. You may need to try several different types of birth control before you find one that helps your symptoms.
  • Antidepressants can help relieve emotional symptoms of PMS for some women when other medicines dont help. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are the most common type of antidepressant used to treat PMS.23
  • Diuretics may reduce symptoms of bloating and breast tenderness.
  • Anti-anxiety medicine may help reduce feelings of anxiousness.

All medicines have risks. Talk to your doctor or nurse about the benefits and risks.

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Is It Normal To Feel Tired Before A Period

Yes. In fact, fatigue is one of the most common PMS symptoms. So although it can be inconvenient and annoying to feel zapped of energy shortly before your period, its completely normal.

In most cases, feeling tired before your period is nothing to be worried about. However, severe tiredness accompanied by certain emotions can be a sign of premenstrual dysphoric disorder , a more severe form of PMS that often requires treatment.

PMDD usually occurs about 7 to 10 days before a period and has many of the same symptoms as PMS. In addition to symptoms like fatigue, bloating, digestive issues, and headaches, people with PMDD have emotional symptoms, such as:

How Can I Manage Symptoms

PMDD Treatment Strategies: a comprehensive natural medicine approach that you MUST hear!

You can usually manage mild symptoms with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications. More severe symptoms may require a prescription from your provider.


  • NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve breast pain and menstrual cramps if you take them during your period or around the time when your symptoms start. Options include Ibuprofen , Naproxen sodium , Acetaminophen and Aspirin. You can purchase them over-the-counter, or your provider can prescribe a stronger dosage if your symptoms are severe.
  • Hormonal birth control: Medicines that prevent you from ovulating can relieve unpleasant physical symptoms, like tenderness and pain. It may take some experimentation at first to figure out what kind of birth control helps you most. Options include birth control pills, the patch and the ring .
  • Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most common types of antidepressant prescribed to treat the mood-related issues associated with PMS. Options include fluoxetine , paroxetine and sertraline . Take them only as directed by your provider.
  • Diuretics: Diuretics can relieve symptoms like bloating and breast tenderness.

Lifestyle changes

You can modify your lifestyle to relieve pain and combat the mood-related symptoms of PMS.

Vitamins, minerals and supplements

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Stay Hydrated And Avoid Alcohol

Feeling dehydrated often goes hand in hand with feeling tired. Make sure youre glugging down at least 2 litres of water a day and staying refreshed. Choosing water over sugary drinks or caffeine means you wont have to deal with the crashes or any disturbed sleeps!

Alcohol is a depressant which worsens feelings of tiredness. Try and avoid having that glass of wine with dinner or those after work drinks.

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S For Relieving Your Pms Symptoms

In the days before menstruation begins, many women navigate body aches, cramps, mood swings, even constipation and diarrhea. A subset of women have premenstrual symptoms so severe that they interfere with daily life.

“True premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, describes emotional and physical changes in the days leading up to a woman’s period that interfere with her ability to perform daily activities,” says Page Animadu, M.D., an obstetrician/gynecologist at Henry Ford Health. “So while many women have premenstrual symptoms, only about 3 to 8% experience symptoms that are so severe that they can’t perform daily activities.”

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Tuck Yourself In Early

Sleep problems during PMS days are a common complaint. But if there’s one time when you should really make an effort not to stay up binging on Netflix, it’s during your pre-period dayswhen hormonal changes are messing with your energy level. A solid seven to eight hours of sleep will help you feel refreshed.

Sleep is a natural mood restorer when we get into REM sleep, our body can begin to repair itself to take on the next day, said Dr. Kelly-Jones, referring to the sleep stage that’s associated with learning and memory. That means repairing PMS-related muscle soreness as well, added Dr. Kelly-Jones.

Pms Symptoms Vs Early Pregnancy Signs

Six Foods That Trigger PMS

There are common symptoms, like fatigue, that overlap between PMS and pregnancy. Without a positive pregnancy test, you might be wondering is it PMS or am I pregnant? The two most common overlapping symptoms are breast tenderness and stomach cramping, but thankfully there are some ways to differentiate between the symptoms.

If youre pregnant, you may experience implantation cramps. If youre about to get your period, then you might experience cramps a day or two before you get your period. How do you tell the difference? Implantation cramps are typically felt shortly after ovulation rather than right before your period is due. Menstrual cramps occur a day or two before menstruation starts and are typically more intense than implantation cramps.

When it comes to breast changes, your breasts may feel tender with early pregnancy, as well as PMS. However, a breast change that is common with pregnancy, but not PMS, is a darkening of the areola.

Unique early pregnancy signs:

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Supplements Vitamins And Over The Counter Medications

Women who crave sugar as a PMS symptom may find relief by supplementing their diet with 300 to 500 mg of magnesium. Magnesium also may help reduce breast tenderness. S Women who experience premenstrual breast tenderness can lessen this symptom by taking 600 IU of vitamin E daily.

Other treatments that may be helpful include taking about 1500 mg of Primrose oil daily or using natural progesterone cream. Some women are able to control the symptoms of PMS by using oral contraceptives.

Over-the-counter treatments that may help include ibuprofen, naproxen, and other drugs specifically made for relieving premenstrual symptoms. Aspirin is not the best choice because of its potential to increase the length and severity of menstrual bleeding.

  • Kwan I, Onwude JL. Premenstrual syndrome. BMJ Clin Evid. 2015 2015:0806.

  • Remedies For Premenstrual Fatigue

    Now that you know some of the causes, letâs look at some premenstrual fatigue remedies:

    There is good scientific evidence that properly prescribed herbal medicine â not the over-the-counter variety, and can be very beneficial for many PMS symptoms.

    Disclaimer: This information aims to answer some of your questions or concerns. If you are worried about your health, talk to your family doctor or your gynecologist for professional medical advice.

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    Switch Up Your Products

    Menstrual products are a necessity but they can make PMS and PMDD symptoms worse. Tampons have been known to make cramping worse for some women, and pads can irritate those who have sensitive skin.

    If you notice discomfort and you have been using the same products for years, try switching up to something new to see if you get any relief.

    Eat The Right Foods At The Right Times

    PMS (premenstrual syndrome) can be really, really difficult | Melanie Murphy

    Cravings for fast food and sweet treats are hard to resist. There are better options that wont leave you with the mid-afternoon sugar comedown encouraging you to nap. Pack in protein-based foods like pulses and vegetables. Go for iron-rich foods like spinach too blood loss means being low in iron, which is also a cause for fatigue. Check out these 9 foods you should eat on your period to help cramps! Check out 9 foods you should eat on your period to help cramps!

    Smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day will also help stop your body from slumping. Large portions mean your body is putting more energy into digesting contributing to your tiredness and theres a longer wait for your next meal. Its an age-old trick for a reason!

    Using your diet and timings to control your energy levels will help to keep you going throughout the day!

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