Friday, July 26, 2024

What Are Some Causes Of Extreme Fatigue

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Top 5 Extreme Fatigue Causes

Problems with the autonomic nervous system can be difficult to diagnose. The standard test for POTS is the tilt table test. During the test, you are secured to a table that tilts from being horizontal to almost a 90-degree angle. The test measures your hearts response to switching from laying down to standing up. Some people with POTS faint during this test, even if they rarely faint standing up.

Although the test seems straightforward, many things can interfere with it. Its important that a POTS specialist oversees it. Its best to work with a doctor who has diagnosed and treated patients with POTS. This could be a cardiologist, a neuromuscular specialist or another doctor.

When Is Being Too Tired A Problem

Let’s face it: We aren’twhat we used to be as we get on up there. Aging has many wonderful aspects, butone of the many problems is that we do not have the stamina and energy we didwhen younger. That is a normal part of aging and just something that comes withthe territory. However, being excessively tired or listless can be termedfatigue.

Muscle Damage Through Injury

There are many ways in which your muscles can be directly damaged. The most obvious is injury or trauma such as sporting injuries, pulls and sprains. In any muscle injury, bleeding from damaged muscle fibres occurs inside the muscle, followed by swelling and inflammation. This makes the muscle less strong and also painful to use. Localised pain is the primary symptom but weakness also results.

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The Impact Of Caffeine And Energy Drinks

90% of American adults drink caffeine-infused beverages almost every day. This includes coffee, tea, and energy drinks, which have high quantities of sugar in addition to containing the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Some of the smaller energy shots can contain up to 160mg of caffeine in a 60ml bottle. With extreme tiredness, you may start drinking too much of these drinks to give yourself a temporary energy boost.

The problem is that these caffeinated beverages have short-lived results and do not tackle your general fatigue. Caffeine has a stimulatory effect on the nervous system, and creates a momentary surge of adrenaline. However, once it subsides, you are left drained of energy the opposite effect to what you wanted. Caffeine can also lead to other problems such as:

So rather than improving your fatigue, caffeine can cause you to feel worse.

Erratic Or Changing Sleep Patterns

POTS: A Little Known Cause of Extreme Fatigue

Another common cause of fatigue is simply not getting enough sleep. Your teen may have lots of homework that keeps them up late during the week, and/or have to wake up early. On weekends they may go to bed even later and then not feel like getting up until noon on Saturday and Sunday.

These changes in sleep pattern, coupled with stress during the week, can lead to fatigue.

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What Causes Excessive Sleepiness

There are many possible causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. One of the most common reasons is a chronic lack of sleep, whether due to long work hours, an irregular schedule, insomnia, or other reasons.

Excessive sleepiness can also be caused by getting fragmented or otherwise poor-quality sleep. Getting up multiple times a night to use the washroom, for example, disrupts the natural progression of the sleep stages and may reduce the proportion of restorative slow-wave sleep. Smoking, not exercising enough, and other lifestyle habits may also interfere with sleep quality and cause daytime sleepiness.

Many people who experience excessive daytime sleepiness dont appear to have any problems sleeping enough. In these cases, sleepiness may be a sign of an underlying health condition or sleep disorder.

Fast Fix For Mild Fatigue

Some of us are simply tired with no medical cause. The good news is that exercise may give us a boost. Studies consistently show that people who engage in regular exercise feel less fatigue than those who don’t. When exercising for energy stay in the low-to-moderate exertion range, such as walking, yoga, or light resistance training to fight fatigue.

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    Alternative Treatments For Fatigue

    Alternative treatments may help some people with fatigue. Strategies include:

    • Brain games, which may help stimulate the brain and reduce brain fog that may accompany fatigue
    • Relaxation techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness
    • Mind-body exercises, such as Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi
    • Supplements, such as magnesium and NADH

    Talk with your doctor before adding supplements or changing your diet or exercise routine.

    People Say Its As If The Brain Shuts Off Or Its Like A Wave That Sweeps Over Them Out Of Nowhere

    What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

    In fact, studies suggest that when they are asked to open up about their symptoms, more than 60% of people with brain injury report it as one of their primary symptoms. Its absolutely huge, says Donna Malley at the Oliver Zangwill Centre for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Ely, UK. But even in the clinical services that support people with brain injury, theres a lack of understanding. People arent even being asked if they experience fatigue as a symptom.

    Often, she says, it is the more immediate, physical symptoms that have absorbed the doctors attention. After a brain injury, the doctors primary concern is whether the patient is able to feed, dress and wash themselves whereas the fatigue may only become apparent much later, as they try to go about their daily lives.

    Treacle brain

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    Can Emotions Cause Fatigue

    Are you fearful about the future? Do you worry about your health and who will take care of you? Are you afraid you are no longer needed? Emotional stresses like these can take a toll on your energy. Fatigue can be linked to many conditions, including:

    • Anxiety
    • Stress from financial or personal problems
    • Feeling that you no longer have control over your life

    Not getting enough sleep can also contribute to fatigue. Regular physical activity can improve your sleep. It may also help reduce feelings of depression and stress while improving your mood and overall well-being. Yoga, meditation, or cognitive behavioral therapy could also help you get more rest. Talk with your doctor if your mental well-being is affecting your sleep or making you tired.

    What Else Causes Fatigue

    Some lifestyle habits can make you feel tired. Here are some things that may be draining your energy:

    • Staying up too late. A good night’s sleep is important to feeling refreshed and energetic. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
    • Having too much caffeine. Drinking caffeinated drinks like soda, tea, or coffee late in the day can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Limit the amount of caffeine you have during the day and avoid it in the evening.
    • Drinking too much alcohol.Alcohol changes the way you think and act. It may also interact with your medicines.
    • Eating junk food. Say “no thanks” to food with empty calories, like fried foods and sweets, which have few nutrients and are high in fat and sugars. Choose nutritious foods to get the energy you need to do the things you enjoy.
    • Getting too little or too much exercise. Regular exercise can boost your energy levels, but dont overdo it.

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    Top 6 Most Common Causes Of Nausea And Fatigue

    Nausea and fatigue are common problems, and they affect many women worldwide. These symptoms are typically harmless, and so are many of their causes. However, as nausea and fatigue are common symptoms of many ailments, they can also be indicative of serious underlying conditions, and they can also interrupt daily routine. Read on to discover some of the most common causes of nausea and fatigue.

    Symptoms And Consequences Of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

    The Causes of Sudden Extreme Fatigue

    Sleep plays an important role in consolidating memory, restoring the immune system, and other vital processes. As a result, a lack of quality sleep may result in a host of symptoms that you may not immediately connect to sleep.

    Even if you dont consciously feel sleepy, you may be suffering from excessive sleepiness if youre experiencing any of the following:

    • Trouble staying alert
    • Slower reaction times
    • Risk-taking behaviors

    Being sleepy can have wide-ranging effects on health and daily life. Consequences of daytime sleepiness include:

    • Increased risk of car and work accidents
    • Worse quality of life
    • Problems regulating mood and emotions
    • Social and relationship problems

    Excessive sleepiness may be particularly dangerous for young adults, shift workers, medical staff, and people who drive a lot.

    Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked to a higher chance of developing diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. Daytime sleepiness in children may affect development, while in older adults, daytime sleepiness heightens the risk for falls and may be a risk factor for cognitive impairment, memory loss, and earlier mortality.

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    When To Call Your Doctor

    If your fatigue prevents you from engaging in work or school, social or personal activities, then you should see your doctor, Dr. Patane says.

    “When in doubt, it never hurts to speak to your doctor about this. It can be a simple evaluation, and we may be able to say there’s nothing seriously wrong and suggest lifestyle modifications,” he says. “One of the best ways to get better from fatigue is with good sleep hygiene and by slowly increasing daily exercise.”

    Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur when your blood doesn’t circulate properly, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Doctors don’t totally understand the condition or why it happens, but they know that when a person with POTS stands upright, more blood collects in their lower body, causing the heart to beat faster to pump blood up to the brain.

    Some people with POTS describe it as having sudden fatigue attacks, while others say it’s like having waves of sudden extreme fatigue and nausea or extreme fatigue “out of nowhere.” It can present differently depending on the person, but other symptoms might include:

    • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy when standing, or fainting
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Muscle cramps or muscle pain
    • Headaches
    • Feeling shaky
    • Sweating a lot

    POTS tends to run in families, and there’s a link between POTS and having highly mobile joints , per Johns Hopkins Medicine. If you think you have it, see your doctor, who can run a test and make a diagnosis.

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    What Exactly Is Fatigue

    Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness that many different things can cause. It can make it difficult to do everyday activities and may lead to feelings of frustration, irritability, and lack of energy.

    There are two main types of fatigue: mental and physical.

    Mental fatigue is the result of using your brain for prolonged periods of time and can be caused by activities such as studying, working, or attending social events.

    Physical fatigue is the result of physical activity and can cause a person to feel tired after exercise or work.

    Now that we know what brain fog and fatigue are, lets take a look at some of the most common causes for each condition.

    Conditions Affecting Brain ‘drive’ To Muscles

    Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms

    Anxiety: generalised tiredness can be caused by anxiety. This is due to overactivity of the body’s adrenaline system.

    Depression: general weariness and a feeling of generalised tiredness can also be caused by depression.

    Note: anxiety and depression are both conditions which tend to cause a sense of tiredness and ‘fatigability’ rather than true weakness.

    Chronic pain: a general effect on energy levels can result from chronic pain. Like anxiety, it stimulates the production of chemical substances in the body which respond to pain and injury. These chemicals lead to feelings of tiredness or fatigue. In chronic pain, true weakness can result, as muscles may not be used due to pain and discomfort.

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    Food Allergies Food Intolerance And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Fatigue, sleepiness, continued exhaustion

    Although food is supposed to give you energy, medical research suggests that hidden food intolerances — or allergies — can do the opposite. In fact, fatigue may be an early warning sign of food intolerance or food allergy. Celiac disease, which happens when you cant digest gluten, may also cause fatigue.

    Ask your doctor about the elimination diet. This is a diet in which you cut out certain foods linked to a variety of symptoms, including sleepiness within 10 to 30 minutes of eating them, for a certain period of time to see if that makes a difference. You can also talk to your doctor about a food allergy test — or invest in a home test such as ALCAT — which may help you identify the offending foods.

    What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Scientists have been researching chronic fatigue syndrome for many years, but they still aren’t sure what causes it.

    Many doctors believe that the way some conditions interact in the body and mind might leave some people at risk for CFS. For example, if someone has a and is under a lot of stress, this combination might make them more likely to develop CFS.

    Experts think that these things interact this way, putting some people at risk for chronic fatigue syndrome:

    • infections. Experts have wondered if infections like measles or Epstein-Barr virus might increase the risk for CFS. The role Epstein-Barr plays in CFS is not clear because studies have not confirmed it as a cause.
    • smoking and drinking habits

    They also will do an exam.

    Doctors also usually order blood, urine , or other tests to check for conditions that cause similar symptoms. They may send a person to see other specialists, such as a sleep specialist or a neurologist, to help with the diagnosis.

    The doctor may suggest meeting with a psychologist or a therapist to see whether mental health disorders might contribute to or mask CFS.

    Because kids and teens often feel tired for many reasons, CFS can be a misused or abused diagnosis. Kids sometimes use being tired as a way to avoid school or other activities. Many teens are active in different sports, which can make them tired. For these reasons, doctors are careful when making a diagnosis of CFS.

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    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /myalgic Encephalomyelitis

    Chronic fatigue syndrome , also termed myalgic encephalomyelitis is a disorder characterized by chronic fatigue. The disorder has no apparent cause.

    CFS has also been named systemic exertion intolerance disease to better reflect the conditions hallmark which is post-exertional malaise. Post-exertional malaise describes a massive energy crash after a relatively minor exertion.

    CSF is a heterogenous disorder. However, certain features are common to nearly all affected patients

    Key clinical features include :

    • Onset that may be sudden, often associated with a typical infection such as an upper respiratory infection or mononucleosis, or gradual over several months.
    • Overwhelming fatigue associated with additional symptoms .
    • Symptoms characteristically exacerbated by excessive physical activity.
    • A pre-CFS medical history that is not one of multiple somatic problems . Affected patients are typically highly functioning individuals who are struck down with this disease.

    The cause of CFS is unknown, but it is believed to be an infectious disease with immunologic manifestations. There is often a history of an antecedent infection that precipitated the prolonged state of fatigue following the initial illness. Some have suggested that the infectious agent responsible for CFS is Chlamydia pneumoniae.

    Recent evidence suggest that Covid-19 patients are at risk of developing CFS .

    It is estimated that between 836.000 and 2.5 million individuals are affected by CFS in the United States .

    Develop Good Sleep Habits

    Why Am I Always Tired? 12 Causes Of Low Energy And Extreme Fatigue ...

    There are well-known sleep tips, and you should follow themgo to bed at the same time each night, get up at the same time each day, establish a ritual so that your body will recognize its time to sleep . If you still have trouble falling or staying asleep, you may wish to discuss sleep medications with your healthcare provider.

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    Getting Adequate Rest Can Fight Short

    In most cases, chronic fatigue is not substantially improved by rest. Chronic fatigue often makes it more difficult to get adequate rest. Similarly, fatigue can interfere with sleep, resulting in unrefreshing sleep, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening, or sleep apnea.

    Rest is unlikely to relieve fatigue caused by a medical condition.

    Viral Or Bacterial Infection And Fatigue

    Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, head or body aches.

    Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV. If you have an infection, you’ll probably have other symptoms like fever, head or body aches, shortness of breath, or appetite loss.

    Infections that may cause fatigue include:

    • Flu

    Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, deep muscle pain, painful tender points, sleep problems, anxiety, depression

    Fibromyalgia is one of the more common causes of chronic fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, especially in women. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are considered separate but related disorders. They share a common symptom: severe fatigue that greatly interferes with people’s lives.

    With fibromyalgia, you may feel that no matter how long you sleep, it’s never restful. And you may feel as if you are always fatigued during daytime hours. Your sleep may be interrupted by frequent waking. Yet, you may not remember any sleep disruptions the next day. Some people with fibromyalgia live in a constant fibro fog — a hazy feeling that makes it hard to concentrate.

    Constant daytime fatigue with fibromyalgia often results in people not getting enough exercise. That causes a decline in physical fitness. It can also lead to mood-related problems. The best way to offset these effects is to try to exercise more. Exercise has tremendous benefits for sleep, mood, and fatigue.


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