Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Causes Adrenal Fatigue And How To Fix It

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Cause #: Chemicals And Pollutants

Adrenal Fatigue Fix (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment)

I mentioned toxic load in the first paragraph of this article. When I say that, Im referring to the overall level of toxicity that we face through our daily existence. Toxins in our food, pollutants in the air, chlorine in our drinking water, antibiotics in our meat, and pesticides in our vegetables These are all factors that contribute to our toxic load.

Each year an estimated 2,000 chemicals are introduced to the consumer marketplace. Some go into our food and some go into products we purchase, but very few are fully tested for human safety. Taken together, these chemicals and toxins can ultimately lead to serious conditions like Alzheimers, cancer or heart disease. But even if you dont suffer from these, they can materially affect your quality of life by affecting your immune system, your digestion and more.

How does this affect your adrenals? Well, many of these chemicals are known to directly disrupt adrenal function. Often your body will make a temporary adjustment to compensate. But if you continue to disrupt your adrenal glands over a longer period, adrenal fatigue becomes a more likely outcome.

What Is The Treatment For Adrenal Fatigue

The treatment for adrenal fatigue is essentially lifestyle advice, including sleep, diet and exercise. Talk with your doctor to discuss how you are feeling so that your doctor can arrange tests if needed and also provide you with advice and support.

It is very important to reduce stress and improve relaxation. See also the separate leaflets called Acute Stress Reaction and Stress Management and also the leaflet called Relaxation exercises.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Avoid junk foods and processed foods. Also avoid or reduce coffee and any other stimulant drinks and reduce your intake of sugary drinks and foods. See also the separate leaflet called Healthy Eating.

Regular exercise is also important. See the separate leaflet called Exercise and Physical Activity.

It is very important to have enough sleep and to stick to a consistent sleep routine. For more information see the separate leaflet called Insomnia and the leaflet called Sleep diary.

There is no evidence that supplements are of any value, and some supplements may be harmful.

Zinc B Vitamins And Magnesium:

Be sure to optimize your zinc and magnesium levels. Both of these nutrients work to improve blood sugar signaling problems. Pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of both zinc and magnesium.

Additionally, make green drinks or use super green powders and consume healthy organic meat products. This combination of foods provides a lot of bioactive B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

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Extreme Fatigue But Blood Tests Are Normal

When reporting extreme fatigue, a doctor may do blood work to rule out causes including low iron levels/anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, celiac disease, inflammation, liver or kidney function problems, or specific infections. If these tests come back normal, it just means these are not the causes, and more tests may need to be done.

However, chronic fatigue is common and can be caused by myriad issuesmany of them not discoverable through blood work. A doctor will also ask about your sleep habits, diet, exercise regimen, stress levels and medications to consider how these may be contributing to how you feel.

If your extreme fatigue is accompanied by abnormal bleeding severe headache chest pain shortness of breath irregular heartbeat severe abdominal, pelvic or back pain or lightheadedness, seek treatment immediately.

Also consider that errors on lab tests do occur. You are free to ask your doctor how often false-negative or false-positive results occur with your specific tests, or whether a retest could be done under different conditions . You can also get a second opinion.

Consider creating a symptom journal to track how you feel and when. Doing so can help you connect whether specific actions or foods are contributing to a feeling, or whether any changes to your routine are helping.

Q: What Is Adrenal Insufficiency

What Is Adrenal Fatigue? (And How To Fix It!)

A: Adrenal insufficiency is a state in which your adrenal glands dont function properly and cannot secrete the vital hormones your body needs to function normally.

Adrenal insufficiency can be caused by Addisons disease, a pituitary disorder or another disorder. Some symptoms of this life-threatening dysfunction include extreme exhaustion, lack of appetite , diarrhea, nausea, low blood pressure and low blood sugar.

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We Underestimate Just How Important Sleep Is In The Maintenance Of Health Its So Significant That When Altered Sleep Challenges Can Be The Sole Cause Of Adrenal Fatigue

Our circadian rhythm is intertwined with our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Meaning, if our sleep is suffering, we have a high probability of developing adrenal fatigue.

All of us living on Earth abide under the influence of day-night cycles. Some activities, like sleep, are done at night. While others, like eating, are done in the day. When the light-dark cycle changes with a season, organisms sense these changes and synchronize their activities to be aligned with the new seasons rhythms.

The body system in charge of regulating our sleep-wake cycle is known as the CLOCK system. The CLOCK and stress systems are both fundamental for survival. Therefore, they regularly communicate with each other.

The constant communication between the stress system and CLOCK system ensures our bodys energy expenditures are always in balance with its available resources. This is why we have low energy after staying up all night. The stress caused by a lack of sleep creates a state where we dont have the resources to expend a lot of energy.

The largest stressors to our body in regards to our circadian rhythm include:

  • Working night shift
  • Using electronic media before bed
  • Air travel/jet lag
  • Working indoors with minimal daytime light exposure

Did you catch that?They have found that the key to healthy aging is to maintain a consistent sleep schedule that is aligned with the natural light-dark cycle of where you live.

  • Sleep quantity and quality
  • Circadian disruption
  • Sleep

    The Initial Causes Hair Loss Adrenal Fatigue

    The main cause of hair loss is stress. While most of us shed about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, we also continue to grow new ones at the same rate. This shedding is normal, and its perfectly natural to replace lost hair with new ones. However, if youre losing hair that is excessively slow or isnt growing back, youre experiencing hair fall. There are many possible causes for this condition, but theres no one single solution.

    Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. Symptoms include bald spots and patches of hair loss. Infection may be caused by fungus, and scaly, red patches may develop. In severe cases, sores may develop on the scalp and oozing pus may be present. Treatment with a prescription may be necessary, but the long-term results of taking these medications are not always permanent.

    In some cases, temporary hair loss may be the result of a hormonal imbalance. While some women experience hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, others may experience permanent loss of hair. These changes can be caused by hormones in the body, such as those produced by the thyroid or by the adrenal glands. In severe cases, the loss of hair is caused by medical conditions. Inflammatory diseases can cause an excess of androgen, a male hormone. High levels of vitamin A in the blood and in the body can also result in hair thinning.

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    The Initial Causes Adrenal Fatigue Causes Hair Loss

    The main cause of hair loss is stress. While most of us shed about 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, we also continue to grow new ones at the same rate. This shedding is normal, and its perfectly natural to replace lost hair with new ones. However, if youre losing hair that is excessively slow or isnt growing back, youre experiencing hair fall. There are many possible causes for this condition, but theres no one single solution.

    Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the scalp. Symptoms include bald spots and patches of hair loss. Infection may be caused by fungus, and scaly, red patches may develop. In severe cases, sores may develop on the scalp and oozing pus may be present. Treatment with a prescription may be necessary, but the long-term results of taking these medications are not always permanent.

    In some cases, temporary hair loss may be the result of a hormonal imbalance. While some women experience hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, others may experience permanent loss of hair. These changes can be caused by hormones in the body, such as those produced by the thyroid or by the adrenal glands. In severe cases, the loss of hair is caused by medical conditions. Inflammatory diseases can cause an excess of androgen, a male hormone. High levels of vitamin A in the blood and in the body can also result in hair thinning.

    Cause #: Insufficient Sleep

    How to Fix Adrenal Fatigue

    Do you ever feel like youre burning the candle at both ends? If youre struggling to find a work-life balance and finding that you just cant fit enough into a day, youre probably not getting enough sleep. Our ancestors got a healthy 9 hours of sleep per night, but these days some of us survive on half of that. The average American now sleeps 6.1 hours each night, but those who are in the early stages of adrenal fatigue are often getting much less.

    Why does this matter? A long restful sleep is exactly what your body needs to repair itself. The body is an extraordinary self-healing organism, but it needs time to work its magic. Stick to at least 7-8 hours of sleep and you will much less likely to suffer from adrenal fatigue. Start cutting that short and your adrenals will begin to suffer.

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    Sympathetic Vs Parasympathetic Tone:

    When the body is under stress, it increases sympathetic tone, which is a part of our nervous system that wires us into a fight or flight mode. This is a normal and natural way our body protects itself. The problem is when this goes on for a long-period of time and creates a state of sympathetic dominance.

    On the contrary, when we are able to relax, have fun, play, laugh, spend time deep breathing and in gratitude and prayer, we stimulate parasympathetic tone. This is the part of our nervous system that enhances healing and repair mechanisms.

    We need good balance between both our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. We want them both to be good at responding to the environmental demands. Most often, we want to be in a state of parasympathetic dominance so we can heal and repair effectively from the daily stressors .

    Adrenal Fatigue Treatment: Medical And Home Remedies

    Adrenal fatigue vs adrenal insufficiency Also known as Addisons disease,

    Chronic stress is the culprit of adrenal fatigue, start by unplugging or shutting down these devices when theyre not in use and keep them out of your bedroom when sleeping, Our bodies are responding to physical, at the wrong times.Adrenal dysfunction can disrupt the bodys blood sugar metabolism, and a feeling of being run down, when the adrenal glands arent producing proper levels of hormones, making a person feel worn out even after a full nights sleep, muscle tone, diet or toxin exposure), the condition is referred to as insufficiency, Adrenal fatigue can also be related to decreased thyroid function.Adrenal fatigue Signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue Physiology, over working, leading to constant feeling of fatigue and tiredness.Reviews: 13Adrenal fatigue happens when your adrenal glands get fatigued and stop functioning correctly to give you the energy you need, parasympathetic system, Anger Fear / Worry /Anxiety

    Also Check: Vitamins To Help Adrenal Fatigue

    Dangers Of Unregulated Vitamins And Supplements

    The FDA does not review or approve dietary supplements based on their safety and effectiveness. This means that many supplements and herbal remedies sold in stores can contain ingredients that may interact with other medications youre taking, or the dosages may be out of FDA-regulated guidelines.

    Its best to run any dietary supplements by your doctor first. Not all vitamins, supplements, and herbs are dangerous , but everyones personal health issues are unique. Talk to your doctor if you have other medically diagnosed conditions, or are currently taking prescription medication.

    How To Treat Adrenal Fatigue Caused By Circadian Disruption

    What Is Adrenal Fatigue? (And How To Fix It!)

    There are three specific techniques we recommend for treating adrenal fatigue caused by circadian disruption:

  • Sleep entrainment
  • Avoid the use of electronics before bed
  • Sleep Entrainment

    The most obvious is to regulate your sleep-wake cycle with that of your locations natural sunrise and sunsets. You should aim to be asleep when it is dark out and awake during the daylight hours. This is the rhythm our bodies have adapted to over thousands of years.

    In our culture of high performance, sleep is often regarded as an inconvenience. Therefore, in order to ensure you are getting 7-8 hours each night, this duration of time needs to be scheduled. It is unlikely that you will be able to alter the time in which you wake due to your work commitments. Therefore, the time that you have control over is the time in which you go to bed.

    You need to consciously make the effort to put yourself in bed so that you have 7-8 hours before your alarm goes off.

    Access to morning sunlight

    One of the first things our body needs upon waking is a large dose of sunshine. Exposure to sunlight ensures a large release of cortisol. This is called the cortisol awakening response for more information refer to my initial post in the series.

    For those of us residing in the northern hemisphere, access to sunlight before work may not be plausible during the winter months. In this circumstances, I recommend purchasing a light-therapy device. After rising, spend 10-15 minutes in front of this device.


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    What Causes Adrenal Fatigue : Treatment

    While knowing the cause is indeed important, putting this information into an actionable plan is what will ensure you have a resilient HPA axis for years to come. The remainder of this post will focus on the steps we take here at Flourish Clinic when treating a patient for adrenal fatigue.

    The first step required in treatment is identifying whether a patient actually has adrenal fatigue or whether something else is masquerading as adrenal fatigue. We run the DUTCH test with all our patients to establish a baseline measurement of cortisol levels and rhythm.

    I do not advise treatment of adrenal fatigue without first having a baseline measurement. The symptoms of high cortisol and low cortisol can be identical, yet the treatment of each is very different. Test, dont guess. After baseline levels are established, a treatment plan can be implemented. For the purpose of this post, all guidelines will be general treatment principles that should benefit all patients with adrenal fatigue.

    After baseline levels are established, a treatment plan can be implemented. For the purpose of this post, all guidelines will be general treatment principles that should benefit all patients with adrenal fatigue.

    Please note that specific recommendations are tailored to individual symptoms. No two cases of adrenal fatigue are alike. This can only be done under the supervision of a trained practitioner.

    Get Serious About Meditation

    Meditation of any kind is one of the most powerful ways to deal with stress, and it can go a long way toward normalizing your cortisol levels and treating adrenal fatigue.

    If you want to take your meditation to the next level, I suggest 40 Years Of Zen. It uses advanced neurofeedback technology to give you the brain of a lifelong Zen monk in five days. You can also check out this Biohackers Guide To Meditation for other ways to improve your meditation and find more inner calm. If youre new to meditation, start slow, with just 5 minutes a day, and work your way up.

    Related: Use This Guided Meditation to Clear Your Mind and Find Happiness

    Read Also: How To Deal With Adrenal Fatigue Naturally

    How To Fix Adrenal Fatigue

    Imagine your body is a car.

    In the morning, you get in, start it up, and begin driving only to notice that the gas tank is almost empty. Instead of cruising to your destination, youre left sputtering along, hoping and praying desperately that it wont run dry before your day is over.

    Worst of all, when you wake up the next morning anticipating a full gas tank , youre left disappointed.

    No matter what, your gas tank or reservoir of energy never seems to get completely full.

    This is a little bit like how it feels when you suffer from adrenal fatigue.

    Constant fatigue and the feeling of being drained, overwhelmed, and stressed out are just a few hallmark symptoms that come when your bodys gas tank runs dry.

    Our body depends on a few important hormones to give us energy and keep our engines running smoothly. When these hormones arent being produced the way theyre supposed to or in adequate amounts, it can leave us feeling tired, worn out, and empty.

    What You Need To Know About Hair Loss


    If your condition is not due to a hormonal imbalance, your doctor may recommend treatment that includes topical corticosteroids. Topical corticosteroids may lead to red or puffy face and can reduce your immune systems ability to fight infection. In some cases, fungal infections, such as tinea capitis, can lead to hair loss. Fortunately, you can take antifungal medications to treat it and get a full head of hair again.

    Hair loss is a normal part of aging, and there is no need to worry. In fact, it is perfectly normal for most people to lose a bit of hair every day, and it will grow back eventually. Some men and women experience hair loss as they age, while others simply have a genetic predisposition to the problem. If youre experiencing a lack of hair, you may have a weakened immune system, which can lead to hair loss.

    For more severe cases of hair loss, a dermatologist may recommend a hair transplant. This procedure involves a surgeon removing plugs of hair from your scalp. It may take several hours and multiple sessions to complete the process. Its an invasive treatment, and may not be the best option for everyone. Your doctor will need to examine your scalp to determine the cause of your condition. In addition to a healthy diet, your doctor may recommend taking supplements of various vitamins and minerals.

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