Friday, July 26, 2024

Specialist For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Causes Of Chronic Fatigue

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS, SEID)? A Doctor Explains

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is still largely unknown, although it is believed that some patients may be born with a susceptibility to the disorder which is later provoked by potential triggers.

These possible triggers include:

  • Hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome undergo abnormal blood levels of hormones produced in the endocrine glands. This said, the significance of this hormonal imbalance is still largely unknown.
  • Immune system problems. Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome often show signs of a weakened immune system.
  • Physical or emotional trauma. Prior to the appearance of initial chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms in patients, some reported having just undergone surgery, emotional stress or physical trauma.
  • Viral infections. Although no definitive link has been found, some researchers have begun theorizing that the diagnosis of a viral infection may trigger this disease in some individuals. Viruses individuals have become particularly wary of are the Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus 6.

Other Lifestyle Changes To Manage Me/cfs

Other ways to manage ME/CFS include:

  • equipment â some people may need a blue badge for parking, a wheelchair, a stairlift, or other adaptations for their home
  • changes in your place of work or study â when you’re ready and well enough to return to work or studies, your doctor should be able to advise you on changes that could ease your return

There’s limited or no evidence to recommend:

  • resting completely â there’s no evidence this helps
  • complementary medicine â there is not enough evidence that it’s helpful for ME/CFS

You should not take up vigorous unsupervised exercise such as going to the gym or for a run as this may make your symptoms worse.

Me/cfs Is Not A Somatization Disorder

Somatization disorders occur when a person misidentifies psychiatric symptoms for physical ones. The high levels of mood disorders present in ME/CFS and its many symptoms have sparked efforts by psychiatrists to label the disease as a somatization disorder.

A 2019 study which assessed the effects of having a comorbid disorder such as fibromyalgia or a mood disorder on the symptoms associated with ME/CFS attempted to clear up that issue. Since mood disorders have a multiplier effect on somatization disorders the researchers determined if the presence of mood disorders (or comorbid disorders such as exacerbated the symptoms associated with ME/CFS.

Because mood disorders did not exacerbate the symptoms associated with ME/CFS but have a comorbid disease did, the researchers determined that ME/CFS is not somatization disorder and is not closely allied with mood disorder but that it is closely allied with diseases like FM and irritable bowel syndrome . The increased rate of mood disorders in ME/CFS is most likely simply the result of having a difficult, chronic illness.

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Which Doctor Should I See For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If a person suspects having CFS, it is best to see a GP. The GP will recommend having physical and blood tests done. He or she will also ask about the patients medical history. It is also important to be aware that not all GPs and health care providers have CFS programs in place. It will be best to do some research to find the health care practitioner who can alleviate the CFS symptoms.

Dont Miss: How Long Does Fatigue Last During Menopause

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials Of Diagnosis And Management

CPD: Fit to drop? Managing chronic fatigue syndrome in the workplace ...
  • Alison C. BestedAffiliations
  • Lily ChuCorrespondenceCorrespondence: Address to Lily Chu, MD, MSHS, Independent Consultant, 16 Lorton Ave, Unit 4, Burlingame, CA 94010.
  • Nancy G. KlimasAffiliationsInstitute for Neuro Immune Medicine, Dr Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Jose G. MontoyaAffiliationsDr Jack S. Remington Laboratory for Specialty Diagnostics, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA
  • Irma R. ReyAffiliationsInstitute for Neuro Immune Medicine, Dr Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Children Young People And Me/cfs

ME/CFS can affect people of all ages, including the very young. Young people with ME/CFS, especially children under the age of ten, might have trouble knowing or articulating that something is wrong. They may not realise that their loss of stamina, or other symptoms they are experiencing, are not normal. Alternatively, they may not have the words to describe what they are feeling.

For both younger children and teenagers, schooling can be affected but ME/CFS is not school refusal. While school refusal can often be accompanied by physical complaints , and these complaints may tend to disappear when the young person stays home, the pattern is different with ME/CFS. In a young person with ME/CFS, some symptoms never ease and symptom exacerbation is triggered by activity. In ME/CFS, symptoms are likely to be worse after school attendance, and can reduce with pacing and rest, which includes time away from school or during holidays.

Some young people with ME/CFS can continue to attend school, and others may be too unwell for regular classroom attendance. Parents, healthcare providers, schools and the child or teenager need to work together to come up with a plan for the young persons continued education. This plan needs to take into account the energy limits of ME/CFS. Being creative and flexible is key and might include things like fewer subjects or school from home.

Find A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healthcare Provider

The more you know about chronic fatigue syndrome , the better prepared youll be when trying to find a healthcare provider. Its a difficult process, and you may need to educate a few health-care professionals along the way. Be sure you know the list of symptoms and become familiar with the various ways ME/CFS is treated.

The crux of the problem is that no medical specialty has claimed ME/CFS, so finding a knowledgeable healthcare provider isnt as easy as with most illnesses. Even fibromyalgia, which is considered closely related to CFS, falls under the auspices of rheumatology. Chronic fatigue syndrome is not well understood, and many health-care providers have a hard time recognizing it. Some dont even believe it is an actual condition.

All this means that the burden of finding someone qualified to treat you falls squarely on your shoulders. However, you have a number of resources to use in your search.

Thereâs no simple blood test or X-ray to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome â also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis . And many of the symptoms of the illness deep tiredness, unrelieved by rest or sleep, feeling worse after physical or mental exertion, trouble concentrating, feeling worse after standing and remaining on oneâs feet and other symptoms are also seen in other conditions, too, making the diagnosis of ME/CFS more difficult.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Gradually Figuring Out Whats Wrong

In 1983, a health professional in her 30s walked into my office and said, Ive been healthy all of my life. A year ago, I came down with some kind of virus sore throat, aching muscles, swollen lymph glands, fever. My fatigue was so bad I was in bed for nearly a week. Many of the symptoms gradually improved, but the terrible fatigue and difficulty thinking have not gotten better. Theyre so bad I cant fulfill my responsibilities at home or at work. This illness is affecting my brain, stealing my energy, and affecting my immune system. Its keeping me from realizing my dreams.

Theres a piece of advice attributed to a famous physician, William Osler, that every medical student probably has heard: Listen to your patient. The patient is telling you the diagnosis. But I wasnt sure it applied in this case.

How Long Does Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Last

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Advancing Research and Clinical Education

CFS is usually diagnosed after a period of six months from the time that you first presented with the fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is an ongoing condition with no outright cure. Treatment is usually focused on pain relief and managing the disease effectively.

Sometimes your symptoms can affect you in cycles periods of feeling worse alternating with periods where you feel much better. Some patients even enter a period of remission, but it is still possible to suffer a relapse. It is important to stay realistic and cautious when managing your health.

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How We Properly Treat Cfs In Calgary

The problem with both alternative and conventional medicines approach to CFS is that both systems of medicine dont identify and treat the underlying or root cause. They just look at the symptoms.

When you dont treat the underlying or root cause of CFS, supplements or medication are not going to improve your energy. This is why your chronic fatigue never seems to improve.

To help you start regaining just a little more energy, weve created a free eBook that outlines seven super small steps you can take tomorrow.

How To Prove To Your Doctor You’ve Got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Me/cfs And Are Not Just Depressed

by Cort Johnson | Apr 26, 2014 | Depression, Diagnosis, Homepage |

Wrong diagnoses hurt. They lead doctors to prescribe treatments that dont work and may even be harmful and they keep doctors from prescribing treatments that do work. They waste patients money and, given the fact that the earlier a person is diagnosed with ME/CFS the better chance they have of improving their health, they contribute to poor health.

Many people with ME/CFS and FM are mistakenly diagnosed with depression first

The fact that only from 15-20% of people in the U.S. with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have been diagnosed with it suggests wrong diagnoses run rampant in this disorder. Of all the wrong diagnoses, being diagnosed with depression is surely the most common.

Who has not been diagnosed with depression at some point? I was diagnosed with depression by my primary care provider only to have the psychologist I was sent to tell me, I know what depression is and youre not depressed.

I was lucky.

Fortunately, Dr. Lenny Jason has come up with a way to convince your doctor that youre not simply depressed. But first, a little history.

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Meet With The Healthcare Provider

Before making a final decision, you might want to consider a “get acquainted” appointment where you can meet the healthcare provider face to face, ask more questions and get a feel for whether this is someone you’d like to work with. Managing chronic fatigue syndrome requires teamwork between the practitioner and patient, so it’s important for you to have a positive relationship. If it’s not possible to meet this way, treat your first appointment in the same way so you can decide whether this healthcare provider is a good fit for you.

We Help You Get Your Life Back

Always Exhausted? 4 Secret Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (#4 Is ...

Let us be your guide.

In working together, youll develop:

  • Understanding
  • finally, youll realize what has been keeping you sick and tired for so long. You no longer have to keep guessing or moving from one practitioner to the next.
  • Reduced anxiety
  • you now have a clear path back to wellness.
  • Inspiration
  • You will finally have the energy to be the person you want to be. The one you were before you got sick.
  • Remember that person you used to be?

    That one who had such zest for life. The woman filled with huge goals and dreams. Shes still there inside you. All you need to do is remove the illness in order to let her light shine through one again.

    Let us be your guide back to health.

    Overcoming fatigue doesn’t need to be exhausting

    Did you know your food might be causing your fatigue?

    Find out and finally put a stop to cravings with your very own personalized nutrition plan.

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    Why Flourish Clinic Is A Cfs Health Centre

    We follow a four-step process in all of our chronic fatigue treatment protocols. The four steps to move you from fatigued to flourishing include:

    1. Identify your fatigue-fighting nutrition plan

    No templates here. Weve developed a proprietary system to help you learn exactly which foods work with your body.

    2. Identify and remove hidden gut issues

    Even though your family doc or specialist says your gut is fine, most people dealing with chronic fatigue have hidden gut issues. Until these are identified and resolved, your fatigue will remain.

    3. Balance your stress hormones

    Being tired for a long time creates an imbalance in your stress hormones. An imbalance in these hormones will prevent your body from healing no matter what you do.

    4. Uncover the hidden toxins making you sick

    Strange substances like mold, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins could be making you sick and tired. Until these are removed, youre not going to get better.

    Its not that any one of these steps has magical healing powers. Its the synergy that occurs when your practitioner helps you implement each of these steps in the correct order at the appropriate time. Thats when you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I know or have worked with hundreds of alternative medicine practitioners. And Ive never seen any of them implement these four steps into a cohesive treatment plan for their patients.

    Impact And Prognosis Of Me/cfs

    • Nacul L.
    • Lacerda E.M.

    Pharmacoecon Open.

    • Campion P.
    • et al.

    BMC Public Health.J Chronic Fatigue Syndr.

    • Cox D.L.
    • Findley L.J.

    Br J Occup Ther.

    • Mild: mobile and self-caring may continue working but will have reduced other activities
    • Moderate: reduced mobility, restricted in instrumental activities of daily living, needs frequent periods of rest usually not working
    • Severe: mostly housebound limited to minimal activities of daily living severe cognitive difficulties may be wheelchair dependent
    • Very severe: mostly bedridden unable to independently carry out most activities of daily living often experience extreme sensitivity to light, sound, and other sensory input
    • Tian H.
    • et al.

    Am J Epidemiol.Chronic Illn.

    Qual Life Res.Disabil Rehabil.Occup Med .

    Rehabil Psychol.Front Pediatr.Fatigue.

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    Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In Leesburg Va

    Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome do not suffer from any sort of underlying medical condition, yet experience extreme tiredness after physical or mental activity that is not resolved with any amount of rest. This disorder is also often referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or systemic exertion intolerance disease .

    Dr. Seth Tuwiner provides comprehensive testing and treatment for chronic fatigue at his offices in Leesburg and Dulles, VA. Learn more about your treatment options and call the Virginia Center for Neuroscience today at.

    What Makes Our Treatment Process Different

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | A Doctor Explains. #shorts

    Most doctors, especially those who specialize in a certain area of the body, focus on treating your symptoms. As a result of this approach, you are never actually cured. In many cases, you must rely on medication or treatments for the rest of your life because you are merely treating the symptoms of your condition.

    We focus on treating the underlying cause of your condition which means we are able to get to the root of the problem and give you a treatment plan focused on curing you of chronic fatigue.

    Chronic fatigue occurs in varying degrees of severity and people who suffer from this often have a combination of several different underlying problems that cause this condition.

    Usually, there are about five to six factors and it is important to treat each of these factors simultaneously. Chronic fatigue is unusual in that each separate underlying problem can trigger other problems. This is why it is essential to determine all the underlying factors and treat all of them simultaneously. It never ceases to amaze us how quickly a case of chronic fatigue can resolve once the underlying problems are treated.

    Generally our process can be broken down as follows:

  • Initial comprehensive consultation and extensive lab work
  • Address pain and sleep disturbances
  • Introduce exercise into daily routine
  • Enhance mitochondria by improving nutrition with a customized diet program
  • Administer needed vitamins orally or via IV vitamin therapy
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    Worlds Apart: The Doctors Who Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Fibromyalgia

    OverviewReviews Discussion20 well-known chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia doctorswant

    • Denver – 660,000 people
    • San Diego, Ca – 1.4 million
    • Kansas City – 467,000
    • Seattle, WA – 652,000
    • Minneapolis, MN – 400,000

    Findings FM Much More PopularSpecialists Common in FM: Rare in ME/CFSHigh Practitioner Heterogeneity in ME/CFSLittle OverlapStable Practitioner Base in FM: Not So in ME/CFSFinding a PractitionerME/CFSFMTypes of PractitionersChronic Fatigue SyndromeFibromyalgiaProcedures Used

    What Causes Me/cfs

    Despite researchers identifying many biological abnormalities in people living with the disease, we do not yet know the cause. For some people, the disease may be triggered suddenly by an infection, toxic exposure, anaesthetic, immunisation, or trauma such as car accident. In other people, ME/CFS may develop slowly over months or years.

    Research clearly demonstrates that ME/CFS is a biological illness, and it is not caused by being unfit or mental health problems.

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    How We Do It

    The CPFRC provides educational opportunities for patients and health care providers through this Website, participation in research studies, presentations at scientific and patient conferences, studies and articles published in peer-reviewed scientific and patient-advocacy journals.

    Internally, we continue to educate ourselves by attending lectures given by faculty and researchers from our team, other U-M divisions and invited external speakers. In addition, we encourage junior faculty from U-M and elsewhere to become involved in this field.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    For many people, the symptoms of ME/CFS resemble other diseases, like influenza. Symptoms may come and go over time and may increase or decrease in severity. ME/CFS symptoms vary widely from person to person.

    Many of the symptoms of ME/CFS make daily life difficult. These symptoms include:

    • Severe fatigue lasting at least 6 months that does not improve with rest or sleep
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes , headaches, and joint pain
    • Cognitive difficulties, including attention and memory problems
    • Muscle aches

    Less common symptoms of ME/CFS include:

    • Problems with vision
    • Irritable bowel, an intestinal condition causing painful bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea
    • Psychological issues, including mood swings, irritability and anxiety
    • Tingling or numbness in the feet, hands or face

    For many people, ME/CFS symptoms get worse following physical exercise or strenuous mental exertion. In some cases, orthostatic intolerance causes dizziness, weakness, and fainting.

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