Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Causes Fatigue In Menopause

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Autres Symptmes De La Mnopause Qui Accentuent La Fatigue

Menopause Fatigue Treatment | Why Am I So Tired?

Avant l’arrêt définitif des règles qui signe la ménopause, la pré-ménopause s’accompagne danomalies de lutérus avec un allongement de la durée des règles, qui deviennent plus abondantes. Sans aller jusqu’à provoquer une anémie, ces troubles du cycle engendrent de la fatigue, qui s’ajoute à celle provoquée par la chute hormonale.

Par ailleurs, la ménopause provoque une fonte musculaire et, par conséquent, une plus grande fatigue à l’effort.

Enfin, les autres symptômes de la ménopause, en particulier les bouffées de chaleur nocturnes, peuvent rendre le sommeil difficile, obligeant les femmes qui en souffrent à se lever plusieurs fois par nuit. Ces nuits hachées sont peu réparatrices et génèrent une dette de sommeil, qui va accentuer la sensation de fatigue au réveil.

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Use Herbal Or Nutritional Support

Many women find that they are deficient in certain key vitamins at menopause. For example, B Vitamins are vital to ensuring that you have adequate energy. Magnesium can help sleep – either take a supplement or use a spray oil before going to bed. It’s best to consult an expert nutritionist or herbalist who can advise on your needs and potential deficiencies at midlife. Many of us are depleted by the time we get to our late 40s having run ourselves ragged in our 30s and 40s – often despite having a very good diet. Avoid caffeine as much as possible – especially after lunch. Chamomile tea or other herbal teas of your choice are a great alternative. Siberian Ginseng or Adrenal Support help to give them more energy and aid in rebalancing hormones.

My Second Spring E-book

The Best Friends Guide: Anxiety – A Practical Toolkit For Moving Beyond Anxiety at Menopause – 12

Thanks Girls another great book ! Well done My Second Spring, the advice is practical, down to earth and Im already working on my toolkit. Thank you so much

Laide Des Complments Alimentaires Lors De La Mnopause

Il existe plusieurs produits et formulations spécifiques pour passer ce cap de la ménopause et la fatigue quelle entraîne. On peut en trouver à base de soja et phytoestrogènes.

Les extraits à base de ginseng, associés à certaines vitamines, peuvent aussi être recommandés temporairement pour lutter contre la fatigue et redonner un coup de fouet à lorganisme.

La phytothérapie vient également à la rescousse des femmes ménopausées souffrant de fatigue intense. Laubépine, la passiflore, la mélisse et la valériane sont de bonnes sources pour faciliter le sommeil. Elles peuvent aussi être consommées en infusions. Le magnésium, est lui aussi indiqué pour réduire la fatigue. Quant au millepertuis, il intervient pour mieux gérer les baisses de moral.

Pour une indication appropriée, mieux vaut demander conseil à un professionnel de santé.

Le saviez-vous ?
Lactée à grappes est utilisée depuis le 20ème siècle par certains médecins en solution de rechange à lhormonothérapie. Selon certaines études, cette plante contribuerait à réduire les bouffées de chaleur et les suées nocturnes responsables de fatigue durant la ménopause.
Lastuce en plus
Une douche fraîche avant de se coucher apaise, favorise le sommeil et reste bénéfique contre les bouffées de chaleur nocturnes.

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D’o Vient Cette Fatigue Intense La Mnopause

Souvent, la fatigue qui survient à la ménopause résulte de différents facteurs :

  • Le vieillissement : lorsque l’on prend de l’âge, on se fatigue plus vite pour des efforts moindres.
  • Des troubles du sommeil : les bouffées de chaleur peuvent perturber le sommeil et par conséquent, entraîner de la fatigue.
  • Des troubles de l’humeur : la frontière entre dépression et fatigue est mince.
  • Certaines pathologies, même des suites lointaines de chimiothérapie, peuvent entraîner une fatigue pendant longtemps.

Mnopause Et Fatigue : Comment Lutter Contre La Fatigue Intense


Dr Christian Jamin Validation médicale : Jesus Cardenas

Jusqu’alors dynamique malgré la quarantaine bien entamée, vous vous sentez, depuis peu, épuisée sans que rien n’explique cette fatigue. Le moindre effort vous demande beaucoup d’énergie et vous laisse à plat. Et si c’était la ménopause ? La fatigue en est en effet l’un des symptômes annonciateurs, relativement méconnu des femmes. Le Dr Christian Jamin, gynécologue et endocrinologue, nous explique les causes de cette fatigue à l’approche de la ménopause.


La ménopause est due au vieillissement des follicules ovariens, qui deviennent de moins en moins sensibles aux hormones hypophysaires. Résultat : l’ovulation n’est plus systématique, entraînant la baisse de production des strogènes. Ce déséquilibre provoque divers troubles qui caractérisent la ménopause.

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Natural Remedies To Boost Your Energy

Consider adding a B12 supplement to your midday meal.

If Fatigue and Menopause are marching hand in hand through your life and making it hard to focus, there are several natural remedies to:

1) Clear away the cobwebs of fatigue. Consider a supplement regime of Ashwaganda. This Ayurvedic supplement can both lower your cortisol production and make it easier to think clearly.

2) Boost your energy as the day goes on, especially after lunch. Consider adding a B12 supplement to your midday meal. This critical Vitamin benefits both your blood and your nervous system. In addition, if menopausal weight gain has been a challenge, B12 can help your body release fat.

3) If Fatigue and Menopause are two shadows you just cant get rid of, consider upping your iron intake. It should be noted that iron can be tough on your stomach. Try to take it with food, preferably early in the day.

4) Are you interested in bumping up your workouts for bone density? Consider adding Beetroot Powder to one of your meals. This will help your body make excellent use of the oxygen currently in your system and the efficiency of your heart. Beetroot power is a deep red color and may stain your urine or stool. Dont panic.

a dose of melatonin late in the day can reduce menopause symptoms such as stress and anxiety keeping you awake.

Conseils Pour Lutter Contre La Fatigue De La Mnopause

Si la fatigue est persistante et intense, il est toujours préférable de consulter pour éviter tout risque de passer à côté dune maladie, la ménopause étant la période idéale pour effectuer un bilan de santé. Mais bien souvent, le médecin savèrera rassurant.

Le traitement hormonal de la ménopause nest indiqué quen cas de symptômes forts et très gênants. Il peut venir à bout des bouffées de chaleur et réduire la fatigue associée.

Cest également le moment de revoir son hygiène de vie. Pendant la ménopause, il est important de saccorder du repos et du temps pour soi, de lâcher prise et, pourquoi pas, de faire des siestes lorsque lon en a loccasion.

Côté régime alimentaire, équilibre et variété sont de mise. Pour éviter de prendre trop de poids, fruits et légumes doivent être lessentiel des repas. La vitamine C permet de lutter contre la fatigue tout en favorisant labsorption du fer alimentaire. Les menus doivent être accompagnés de viandes blanches, ufs ou poissons et de glucides complexes tels que légumineuses ou céréales complètes, en évitant les sucres rapides et boissons sucrées, graisses saturées et plats industriels ou transformés, sources de prise pondérale dans les cellules graisseuses et de sécrétion de pics dinsuline, suivis de fatigue.

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Crashing Fatigue Menopause: How Do I Know If I Have It

Crashing fatigue menopause can catch you off guard, so it stands to reason youre left wondering if this is really whats happening to you.

Perhaps youve just gone down with some virus? Or caught a bug? Surely no one can become so totally exhausted several times a week?

Well, yes, they can. You can. For each woman, its different. But one of the first signs of perimenopause can be this sense of crashing fatigue: that horrible moment when a rush of exhaustion pours down on you. You might also experience a sudden onset of muscle weakness that frightens you.

The worst part is that you can be feeling fine one moment, and the next, you feel like you need to lay your head down on the desk and sleep. Even though youve had a good nights sleep.

Or you may feel drained, and your brains become so foggy that youre concerned you wont be able to follow through with your daily routine.

When To See A Gp

How to beat menopause fatigue

Its worth talking to a GP if you have menopausal symptoms that are troubling you or if youre experiencing symptoms of the menopause before 45 years of age.

They can usually confirm whether youre menopausal based on your symptoms, but a blood test to measure your hormone levels may be carried out if youre under 45.

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Why Is Fatigue A Common Symptom Of Menopause

As you enter the perimenopausal period, your hormone levels rise and fall in unpredictable ways. Eventually, your female hormone levels will decrease until your body stops making them completely.

The same hormonal changes that cause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats can also affect your mood and energy levels, leading to fatigue. Those hormone variations can also make it harder for you to sleep at night, which can leave you feeling tired during the day.

Even if youre in your 40s or 50s, fatigue isnt necessarily due to perimenopause or menopause. All of the following can cause fatigue:

  • alcohol and drug use

Make Time For Regular Exercise

It can be hard to drag yourself out of bed when youre exhausted, but exercise is one of the best solutions for fatigue. A of postmenopausal women found moderate- to high-intensity exercise is associated with higher energy levels.

According to

  • chronic pain
  • quality of life

Look for activities that are enjoyable and manageable. For example, you can take a short walk during your lunch break or join a yoga class. The important thing is to find something that you can regularly enjoy. If you pick an activity that you dont enjoy or cant find the time to do regularly, try something else. Youre more likely to turn exercise into a habit if you enjoy it.

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Consider Prescription Medications Or Dietary Supplements

If youre finding that lifestyle changes alone just arent cutting it, there are also prescription medications and over the counter solutions that can help to address menopause-related fatigue.

Hormone replacement therapies are commonly recommended during menopause as they target changing hormone levels and work to regain balance, ideally alleviating symptomsparticularly vasomotor symptoms like night sweats and hot flasheswhich can contribute to daytime fatigue by negatively impacting sleep quality at night. HRT isnt for everyone, however, so we do recommend speaking with your healthcare provider if youre interested in exploring a hormonal treatment option. In addition to HRT, your healthcare provider can also help determine if a prescription sleep medication should be considered, based on the severity of your symptoms.

If youd prefer to avoid hormones and prescription medications, dietary supplements can also be an effective option for reducing your menopause fatigue. Melatonin is one of the more well-known supplements, as it has been shown to help promote better quality sleep. Women may also choose to look to specific dietary supplements or natural alternatives that can help to calm their menopausal hot flashes and night sweats, which often contribute to poor quality of sleep, and in-turn, worsen fatigue.9 Remember to speak with your healthcare provider first before starting a new medication or supplement program as they know your medical history best.

Menopause Fatigue Remedies: Your Guide To Crashing Fatigue During Menopause

Pin on Health Tips for Women over 40

As you enter menopause, your body starts to undergo changes caused by hormone level fluctuations. You may start to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and insomnia.

Fatigue is also a common symptom of menopause, and it can interfere with your normal day-to-day activities. But there are ways you can boost your energy levels and beat menopausal fatigue.

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Can Menopause Affect My Sex Drive

Yes, menopause can affect your sex drive but it doesnt mean your sex life is over.

Dealing with the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can make you feel less sexual desire. The symptoms can also affect your sleep and lower your energy which might make you not so into sex. Vaginal dryness and decreased sensation can also feel like a turn-off. Its also normal to feel a range of emotions, including anxiety, sadness, or loss while going through menopause.

If you lose interest in sex during this time, itll probably come back when your symptoms stop.

A pretty common symptom that can affect your sexual desire is vaginal dryness, which can make sex uncomfortable or even painful.

For symptoms that affect your sex life, trying one or more of these things can help:

  • Use water- or silicone-based lube when you have sex. You can buy lube at most drugstores or online.

  • Give your yourself more time to feel aroused. Moisture from being aroused protects sensitive tissues.

  • Have sex and/or masturbate more often. This increases blood flow to your vagina, which helps keep your vaginal tissue healthy.

Some people may actually find that they want to have sex MORE after menopause, because they dont have to worry about getting pregnant. This may give you a sense of freedom to enjoy a renewed and exciting sex life.

Menopause is a natural biological process. And while it marks the end of your ability to get pregnant, it definitely doesnt have to be the end of your sexuality.

Take A Meditation Break

Stress can sap your energy and interrupt your sleep. One way to beat stress is meditation. To practice one of the most popular forms, mindfulness meditation, sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Slowly breathe in and out, clearing your mind while focusing on your breath. When negative thoughts try to enter your mind, steer them gently back out.

If you have trouble sitting still, try yoga or tai chi, which combine exercise with meditation to harness the benefits of both practices.

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Mnopause : Diffrentes Formes De Fatigue

La fatigue peut se manifester différemment chez chaque femme à la ménopause. Vous pouvez ressentir un manque dénergie, une faiblesse permanente. Vous pouvez aussi être touchée par des accès soudains de fatigue intenseà certains moments de la journée. Dans les deux cas, votre état vous empêche daccomplir les tâches quotidiennes ou de vous concentrer sur quelque chose.

La fatigue a des conséquences psychologiques : à la longue, vous pouvez vous sentir très facilement irritable ou déprimée.

What Causes Crashing Fatigue During Menopause

Menopause and Chronic Fatigue

Theres not really one cause of crashing fatigueits a combination of the way your hormones make you feel during the day and the way other menopause symptoms can keep you up at night. But the simple answer is that your body is going through some huge changes, and that can be exhausting.

As women age, their bodies begin to produce less estrogen and progesterone. This can affect your mood, leading to higher levels of stress and decreased motivation. Your body reacts to this sudden fluctuation in hormone levels by jumping into fight or flight mode, releasing both cortisol and adrenaline into your body. This can leave you feeling exhausted, but it can also disrupt your sleep cycle.

Producing less estrogen and progesterone also makes you more likely to have sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes you to momentarily stop breathing and disrupt your sleep as you wake up to resume your breathing. Other symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, night sweats, heartburn, or restless legs, can also disturb your sleep at night.

Crashing fatigue during menopause can feel like youre burning the candle at both endsyou arent getting enough rest to fully recharge your batteries, and youre draining your battery at a faster rate. If your menopause fatigue is leaving you feeling exhausted, there are steps you can take to help your body adjust to its new chemistry and boost your energy levels.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause Fatigue

People with menopause-related fatigue may feel they have less energy than usual. This may need to take more breaks while doing tasks, find activities such as walking upstairs more exerting, or take longer to recover from exercise.

Fatigue can affect people mentally, too. People with mental fatigue can have more difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.

However, it is worth noting that the signs of menopause-related fatigue can also be symptoms of physical or mental illnesses. It is a good idea to speak with a doctor so that they can determine if menopause is the likely cause.

When To Talk To Your Healthcare Provider

Not all fatigue is caused by menopause. Other conditions that can contribute to increased fatigue include thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders , diabetes, anemia, Lyme’s disease, certain cancers or heart conditions.10 If extreme exhaustion and fatigue is interfering with your daily routine, its time to check in with your healthcare provider to help identify what may be going on, assess your symptoms, and recommend a treatment option.

Fatigue during menopause isnt just annoying but it can also lead to an increased risk of serious health consequences if not addressed. Recent research has linked sleep deprivation to a greater incidence of high blood pressure, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and diabetes.11

At the very least, menopausal fatigue can rob you of the energy needed to do the things you love. Consider giving the above tips a try when it comes to combatting menopause fatigue so you can continue to work, play, and fully enjoy your family, friends, and favorite activities.


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Status Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Assessment of the risks versus the benefits of HRT has become a challenging task for the physicians. Controversial issues have surrounded the status of HRT for postmenopausal women lately. Several randomized controlled trials present contradicting evidence and have raised questions about the short-term risks of long-term benefits of HRT. Evidence from clinical trials like the WHI and The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study trial does not support HRT use for prevention of cardiovascular disease. The association of HRT with cancer, stroke, cognition, cardiovascular disease, venous thromboembolism, osteoporosis, gallbladder disease is under scrutiny. The latest controversial results of randomized controlled trials in recent years have posed newer challenges for the physicians in prescribing HRT for postmenopausal women.

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