Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Deal With Pms Fatigue

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Period Vlog 70 | Dealing with period fatigue…

Chronic fatigue syndrome involves multiple symptoms. The primary symptoms are:

  • Lowered ability to do activities that were usual before illness
  • Worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activity
  • Sleeping issues
  • Memory loss or failure to concentrate
  • Worsening of symptoms while standing or sitting upright

If you have similar symptoms, track them over time. If they dont go away after six months, make an appointment with your health care provider. They can help you find a way to ease and manage your fatigue.

Did We Answer Your Question About Pms

For more information about PMS, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or check out the following resources from other organizations:

How Is Pmdd Diagnosed

Aside from a complete medical history and physical and pelvic exam, there are very few diagnostic tests. Because there are mental health symptoms, your healthcare provider may want you to be evaluated for mental health concerns. In addition, your healthcare provider may ask that you keep a journal or diary of your symptoms for several months. In general, to diagnose PMDD the following symptoms must be present:

  • Over the course of a year, during most menstrual cycles, 5 or more of the following symptoms must be present:
  • Depressed mood
  • Insomnia or the need for more sleep
  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • Other physical symptoms, the most common being belly bloating, breast tenderness, and headache
  • Symptoms that disturb your ability to function in social, work, or other situations
  • Symptoms that are not related to, or exaggerated by, another medical condition
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    What Medications Can Be Used

    Various medications are used for the treatment of PMS. But only very few of them have been approved for this purpose. If a medication is used for the treatment of a medical condition that it hasn’t been approved for, it is called off-label use. Doctors are obliged to tell you that the use will be off-label, and you might have to pay for it yourself.

    Hormonal medications are often used to try to relieve typical PMS-related symptoms. These medications suppress the production of certain hormones made naturally in the body and interfere with the menstrual cycle. Other medications used include antidepressants, diuretics , painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs.

    For Some Women Pms Symptoms Can Be Mild And Easy To Handlefor Others They Can Be Debilitating But You Dont Have To Let It Hold You Back From Everyday Life Heres How To Control Your Symptoms Straight From A Doctor


    Cramping, bloating, mood swingsall common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, a condition that about 90 percent of women experience, according to the Office of Womens Health. PMS can stir up a wide range of issues, from the physical to the mental and the mild to the extremely severe. To start getting PMS relief and stop your PMS symptoms from controlling your day or your month, we talked to Jaclyn Tolentino, DO, lead physician at Parsley Health in Los Angeles. She shares what you need to know about PMS symptoms, plus what you can do to manage the mind and body side effects.

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    Pms Meaning: What Is Premenstrual Syndrome

    PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome is a combination of symptoms that some women experience after ovulation and prior to the beginning of another menstrual cycle. These can include physical and emotional changes, such as depression, anxiety, cramps, tender breasts, fatigue and more. If you are concerned about the severity of these symptoms please contact your physician.

    Your Plan For Relieving Pms Fatigue

    In summary, your plan for relieving PMS fatigue and other symptoms should include stress reduction, dietary changes, and a simple supplement protocol:

    Anyone struggling with PMS fatigue probably knows it can feel impossible to make changes to daily life when youre exhausted. So, I recommend using the days during your cycle when your energy levels are higher to start implementing your PMS relief plan. For many women, energy levels are highest the week or so after their period ends.

    Ideally, youll start to see improvements in your PMS symptoms within the first few menstrual cycles.

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    Work On Your Stress Levels

    Keep your mood swings to a minimum by getting your stress levels in check. If you have headaches, trouble falling asleep, or anxiety, try deep-breathing exercises. Reading and meditating are also calming activities, and you canât go wrong with a little yoga session some poses can even help with cramps and bloating.

    Make Note Of Your Stress

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    Stress can play a factor in PMS symptoms for a number of reasons, as well, including elevating the hormone cortisol, and messing with other hormones in the body. All hormones are connected in the body, so if one of them is off consistently or constantly, that can affect things like the thyroid and adrenal glands, Tolentino says, both responsible for metabolism and both of which, when theyre not running properly, can cause tiredness.

    Becoming aware of your stress and learning how to cope with it are super important. While exercise, meditation, breathwork, guided imagery, and other relaxation techniques can all help lower stress levels, Tolentino says, knowing your personal stress level, how stress affects you and what situations trigger stress are powerful ways to start addressing tension. She recommends journaling to get to know how you deal with stress.

    Your menstrual cycle is the fifth vital signits another tool and process we can use to understand our health and wellbeing, Tolentino says. Periods can be uncomfortable sometimes, but they should not be absolutely debilitating. Dont ignore serious symptoms! Your body is often trying to tell you something and its up to you to listen and respond to it.

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    Could Pms Really Be A Magnification Of An Existing Health Or Mental Health Condition

    Brands that capitalize off of premenstrual syndrome spend a lot of money on sophisticated advertising that might lead people to believe certain symptoms can be attributed to PMS. Itâs important to know that some existing conditions can be amplified in the premenstrual phase . Blaming any uncomfortable symptoms that occur during the premenstrual phase on PMS could mask an underlying health issue. Anxiety and depression often get misdiagnosed as PMS . Other health conditions could also be misdiagnosed as PMS.

    Dealing With A Hormonal Imbalance

    Unfortunately, correcting a hormonal imbalance is far more complicated than taking a pill or doing exercise. Medication can provide temporary relief, but it doesnt address the root of the problem, which is adrenal fatigue.

    Adrenal fatigue is a lifestyle condition. There is no quick fix to the problem. Most likely, adrenal fatigue has developed over time, so the road to recovery is a long one. There are small adjustments you can make in your lifestyle to feel better over time.

    One of the best ways to help adrenal fatigue is to change your eating habits. Overeating and poor diet dont help when it comes to your hormonal imbalance. Try eating a low-fat diet with some greens. This forces your body to work when digesting food, which helps moderate cortisol production.

    Eating lots of greens will also help your liver! The liver is the bodys main detoxification system because it works to eliminate waste from the body. Leafy green veggies, grapefruit, lemons, and green tea are excellent ways to detox your liver.

    Another way to help adrenal fatigue is to do moderate exercise, such as walking. This will help your fitness levels and your heart health! Dont shoot for working out three hours a day. Try starting slow and working your way up.

    The relationship between adrenal fatigue and PMS is extremely complex. The hormones in a womans body are affected by stress which causes adrenal fatigue.

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    Extreme Fatigue Before Your Period: Is It Normal

    There are many normal factors that affect your energy and alertness. Even occasional exhaustion is normal.

    However, if your energy takes a dip around your period, you might be experiencing fatigue due to premenstrual syndrome .

    Youre not alone. Many people experience extreme fatigue before their period and mistake it for depression, laziness, or social withdrawal. Dont feel bad for feeling this way youre not alone!

    PMS is a real condition that can be overwhelming at times. But there are ways to ease the fatigue.

    The first thing you can do for yourself is to take some time away from lifes stressors and try to relax. Try not to feel guilty for not being active. By resting when your body needs it, you are doing a lot for your health and long-term productivity.

    You dont have to constantly be active, especially around your period. Taking some time to restore and relax can be just what your body needs to stop fatigue symptoms before or during your period.

    How To Deal With Fatigue Caused By Your Period

    PMS Emotions: Here Is How To Deal With Extreme PMS Mood ...

    That time of the month is troublesome for a myriad of reasons.

    Periods bring pain, mood swings, bloating and breakouts.

    However, one of the most debilitating symptoms can be tiredness.

    Period fatigue is an offshoot of premenstrual syndrome , the group of symptoms that some people experience shortly before and during their period.

    There is still some debate as to what exactly causes PMS but experts believe it is related to hormonal changes.

    Because of decreasing levels of estrogen during the menstrual cycle, levels of serotonin decline too. These low levels can lead to low mood and depleting energy levels.

    Feeling this exhaustion can hamper day-to-day life, including a persons ability to work, exercise, socialise and carry out normal tasks.

    So how do we tackle it?

    One of the best places to start when trying to combat fatigue before your period starts is to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water, Dr Dan Bunstone tells

    The Chief Medical Officer at Push Doctor says not drinking enough water either before or on your period can exacerbate PMS symptoms such as fatigue.

    Another method that helps is concentrating on what you consume throughout the day, he advises. Reduce your intake of food and drinks that contain high levels of sugar and caffeine. These types of food provide you with a short-term rush of energy but quickly can leave you feeling fatigued once your blood sugar levels have decreased.

    He also maintains that adequate sleep is key.

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    What Exercises Help With Pms

    Research suggests that aerobic exercise can help improve PMS symptoms such as depression and fatigue. One study found that women who did 60-minute aerobic sessions three times a week for 8 weeks felt much improved physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Anything that boosts your heart rate is considered aerobic exercise. It helps improve your mood by boosting important brain chemicals called endorphins. Increased endorphins may also help reduce the amount of pain you feel from PMS.

    Good choices for aerobic exercise include:

    • Brisk walking
    • Biking
    • Swimming

    Yoga is another activity that might help you. It can help reduce stress, and thatâs a big part of managing your symptoms.

    One study found that many women who participated in a 12-week yoga program had less menstrual pain, cramps, and bloating. They also had more energy and a better mood. Another study showed that certain yoga poses — âcobra,â âcat,â and âfishâ — helped ease painful cramping .

    Exercise can not only ease your PMS symptoms, itâs an important way to stay strong, keep your weight in check, and reduce your chances of getting serious diseases like diabetes.

    Exercise tips

    Donât overdo it. Research suggests that your muscles may move differently during your period, making injuries more likely. Adding certain strengthening and balancing exercises to your fitness routine might lower your chances of getting hurt. Talk to your doctor before you start any new exercise routine.

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    Speak To Your Doctor To See If Theres Something More Serious Going On

    If youve done everything on your checklist and youre still exhausted, its time to chat with your doctor. Some women are so fatigued because they have an underlying problem, Dr. Dweck says. It could be an irregularity with your thyroid, a gland that controls your metabolism, which can cause fatigue, irritability, depressive symptoms, and weight gain.

    You might be dealing with anemia, a blood disease that affects 3.5 million Americans, which is linked to women who have super heavy flows. Dr. Dweck even lists Lyme disease as a possibility, which would show up alongside joint pain and a rash. Heavy bleeding with a lot of clotting may also cause you discomfort, so its a good idea to see a doctor to help, Dr. Ross says.

    Whatever the case may be, if your instinct is telling you to see a doctor about your ruthless fatigue, do it. You dont want to go through every period so tired you cant even get the smallest tasks done, and you definitely dont have to.


    Dr. Sherry Ross M.D., OB/GYN

    Dr. Alyssa Dweck M.D., OB/GYN

    Studies cited:

    Cao, H., Pan, X., Li, H., & Liu, J. . Acupuncture for treatment of insomnia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine , 15, 1171â1186.

    Okamoto-Mizuno, K., & Mizuno, K. . Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm. Journal of physiological anthropology, 31, 14.

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    What Causes Pms Fatigue

    One likely cause of fatigue in the days leading up to your period isthe low level of estrogen. This hormonal change causes a drop in several neurotransmitters that are important for preventing insomnia, fatigue, and depression .

    One of those neurotransmitters is serotonin, your happy-mood chemical that comes from a dietary amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is abundant in protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, and milk. When all is well in your gut, tryptophan from food gets converted into serotonin, which lifts your mood and energy levels.

    However, when too much stress and a poor diet cause gut inflammation, the tryptophan that comes with your food gets converted to inflammatory proteins instead of serotonin, robbing your brain of happy chemicals .

    In a nutshell, if low estrogen levels before your period reduce your serotonin and youre dealing with gut inflammation from stress and poor diet, you wont have enough serotonin to give you the positive outlook and energy you had before ovulation, when your estrogen was high. In other words, youll find yourself saddled with PMS fatigue.

    However, as mentioned before, there is much you can do to reduce or eliminate PMS symptoms, including fatigue.

    What Is Premenstrual Syndrome

    Irritability, PMS, Fatigue | Keto for Women

    Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a combination of symptoms that females experience a week or two before their periods. Over 90% of women say that they experience PMS symptoms such as moodiness, headaches, and bloating.

    Some women consider PMS symptoms severe and skip office or school on their onset. However, some women consider it normal and aren’t bothered by mild symptoms.

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    How To Deal With Pms

    Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle. It can affect menstruating women of any age and the effect is different for each woman. PMS symptoms occur 1-2 weeks before your period starts. The symptoms usually go away after you start bleeding. For some people, PMS is just a monthly bother. For others, it may be so severe that it makes it hard to even get through the day. Read on to learn how to deal with PMS symptoms.

    Causes of Premenstrual Syndrome

    Causes of PMS include

    • Low progesterone-to-estrogen ratio
    • Disrupted sodium metabolism often caused by stress or eating a lot of salty foods
    • Abnormal neurotransmitter response
    • Stress
    • Nutritional deficiencies
    • Low levels of vitamins and minerals
    • Consuming caffeine and alcohol, which may alter your mood and energy level

    Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome

    The majority of women experience PMS symptoms for a few days prior to the onset of menses however, some women experience symptoms for the full two weeks from ovulation through the first few days of menstruation.

    Symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman and range from mild to severe. Some women have several physical symptoms, some only a few or none.

    Physical symptoms of PMS include:

    • Bloating with periodic weight gain
    • Digestion issues
    • Changes in appetite with or without food cravings
    • Breast tenderness

    Emotional and behavioral symptoms of PMS include:

    • Moods swings
    • Depressed mood
    • Poor concentration and memory

    How to Deal With PMS

    1. Eat Whole Foods

    What Diet Changes Help With Pms

    Here are some ways to change your food choices and eating habits to improve the way you feel every month.

    Eat more complex carbs. Big swings in your insulin level are a common cause of intense cravings and bad moods. Complex carbohydrates are important nutrients that enter your bloodstream slowly over time, helping to curb those cravings and level off your mood.

    Whole grains, beans, and barley are all examples of foods rich in complex carbs. Fruits and vegetables are also good sources.

    Load up on calcium and vitamin D. Some research suggests that a high intake of calcium and vitamin D may help reduce PMS. Try adding foods like reduced-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese to your diet. If you canât eat dairy, consider taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement. Bonus: Calcium and vitamin D may also lower your chances of getting osteoporosis and some cancers.

    Cut back on salt. Sodium can cause your body to retain fluid. If bloating, swollen hands and feet, or tender breasts are part of your monthly period problems, reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

    Salt is hidden in a lot of unexpected places, so try to cook your own meals as often as you can and avoid processed, packaged foods.

    Limit alcohol and caffeine. Relying on coffee to help you wake up and a glass of wine to help you wind down can make your PMS worse. Both caffeine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep. Caffeine can aggravate PMS symptoms.

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