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Extreme Fatigue And Leg Pain

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Muscle Aches Extreme Fatigue: Coronavirus Symptoms Go Beyond Fever And Cough

Causes and management of fatigue with leg pain – Dr. Mohan M R

Fever, cough, shortness of breath.

Those are the three symptoms prominently listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website under coronavirus symptoms.

But as case counts continue to rise in the United States and across the world, it’s clear that COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, causes a much wider range of symptoms. The more detailed descriptions of the illness that are emerging show how doctors and researchers are still learning about the disease, which was first reported just three months ago, in real time.

COVID-19 can begin in similar ways among patients, regardless of a person’s age or health status.

Very often, extreme fatigue hits first.

Hedy Bauman, 74, was so weak she could barely make it home from a short walk to the store. Reading a few pages of the newspaper was exhausting.

“My bathroom is maybe 15 steps from my bed,” Bauman, of Silver Spring, Maryland, told NBC News. “I wasn’t sure I could get from the bathroom to my bed.” She developed chills, but no fever.

Bauman’s doctor said her symptoms were consistent with what physicians are learning about other coronavirus cases, though they are still waiting for the results from Bauman’s COVID-19 test.

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Brendan McLaughlin, 28, felt lightheaded and weak before the fever, chills and body aches began.

“I’d been healthy,” McLaughlin said. “I try to eat right. I take care of myself.”

Inflammatory Bowel Disease As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

IBD can include Crohns disease as well as ulcerative colitis . They are both chronic conditions that affect the digestive system.

Ulcerative Colitis leads to inflammation in the large intestine. Crohns results in sores and ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the common symptoms of IBD include joint pain and fatigue. With the onset of chronic inflammation, the digestive tract can get infected or damaged with ulcerations, abscesses and fistulas. This leads to rectal bleeding and diarrhea.

IBD can also have life-threatening perforations of the intestines. In fact, hemorrhages may require emergency blood transfusions and surgery.

Inflammatory bowel disease may look different in different patients. It can be quite difficult to diagnose because people will confuse IBS with diarrhea or constipation. However, it cannot be called an autoimmune disease.

Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: November 30, 2017

Fatigue Tiredness Light Headed Heavy Legs And Pain In The

Alexandra18 over a year ago


Emilly1111 over a year ago

Hey, a constant lightheadedness can be a result of low blood pressure, so you might have check this as well. Sometimes, all of those symptoms that you are saying that you have can be related to this. Also, your blood is something that you generally need to check, maybe your eye pressure as well. Whenever you have something like this, it should be exanimate by your doctor, step by step, every detail, until you see what your problem is exactly. But, I bet that you have problems with your blood pressure and you need to do something to change this. With some natural ways or with some pills. Consult your doctor anyway.

jillian22108792 over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

whitney over a year ago

over a year ago

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Understanding Muscle Weakness Symptoms

Lets talk about the role that muscles play in your legs and throughout your body. Your body has around 600 or so muscles consisting of three types of muscles: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Muscles comprise 40% of your body weight.

Smooth muscles help aid in digestion, while cardiac muscles enable your heart to beat correctly. The muscles responsible for movement are skeletal muscles. When your body works right, you should be able to move your skeletal muscles at will, that is, whenever you want to.

While each muscle type has a specific purpose, the different muscle types work together to help your body function at its best. So, its possible that when theres a problem with one type of muscle, it can affect other areas of your body.

Skeletal muscles give your body the power and strength it needs to move. When the skeletal muscles in your legs contract, they allow motion in your legs. The smaller muscles in your legs help you to rotate the joints in your legs and promote stability.

When your leg muscles dont contract as they should, you may feel as though the muscles in your legs are weak. Some people say their legs feel like rubber or jelly when their leg strength is diminished. Weak leg muscles can make it difficult to walk or stand. Because you may not feel as stable, you may experience a fall.

Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

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Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea. Learn more about the best sleep positions and see if sleeping on your stomach is bad or not.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. That’s because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


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Food Allergies Food Intolerance And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, sleepiness, continued exhaustion

Although food is supposed to give you energy, medical research suggests that hidden food intolerances or allergies can do the opposite. In fact, fatigue may be an early warning sign of food intolerance or food allergy. Celiac disease, which happens when you cant digest gluten, may also cause fatigue.

Ask your doctor about the elimination diet. This is a diet in which you cut out certain foods linked to a variety of symptoms, including sleepiness within 10 to 30 minutes of eating them, for a certain period of time to see if that makes a difference. You can also talk to your doctor about a food allergy test or invest in a home test such as ALCAT which may help you identify the offending foods.

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Causes Of New Onset Muscle Weakness

  • Most causes of new onset muscle weakness are serious. True weakness points to diseases of the spinal cord or its nerves. Nerves carry messages from the spinal cord to the muscles in the arms and legs. Diseases that cause muscle weakness are very rare.
  • Most children with new onset weakness need special tests to make the right diagnosis. If the weakness gets worse, most children need to be admitted to the hospital.

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Seek Medical Help For Heart Palpitations That Last 15 Minutes

An intermittent extra heartbeat here or there isnt something that should concern you. But if you have heart palpitations that last longer than 15 minutes especially if theyre accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness you should be checked out, Simmons says. These symptoms could indicate a heart condition called atrial fibrillation.

In atrial fibrillation, the top chambers of the heart beat more quickly than the lower chambers. When prolonged, this can result in blood clots that can move to other parts of the body and may lead to stroke or heart failure over time.

Essentials For Older People: Weakness

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As people age, the amount of muscle tissue and muscle strength tend to decrease. These changes occur partly because older people may become less active but also because the production of the hormones that stimulate muscle development decreases. Thus, for older people, bed rest during an illness can have a devastating effect. Compared with younger people, older people start out with less muscle tissue and strength at the beginning of the illness and lose muscle tissue more quickly during the illness.

Drugs are another common cause of weakness in older people because older people take more drugs and are more susceptible to side effects of drugs .

When evaluating older people who report weakness, doctors also focus on conditions that do not cause weakness but interfere with balance, coordination, vision, or mobility or that make movement painful . Older people may mistakenly describe the effects of such conditions as weakness.

Regardless of what is causing weakness, physical therapy can usually help older people function better.

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Worsening Shortness Of Breath Could Be A Sign Of Heart Disease

Dont ignore shortness of breath by assuming its from a lack of conditioning or recent weight gain. If you experience shortness of breath after exertion that progressively gets worse, it could be a sign of a heart disease like aortic stenosis or coronary artery disease . Check with your doctor if you have shortness of breath that suddenly gets worse.

Q: How Is Pots Tested/assessed

A: Seeking answers from a medical center with autonomic expertise will give you a better chance of receiving an accurate diagnosis. If you think you may have POTS, its important that your doctor rules out other conditions, including thyroid disease.

Your autonomic medical specialist will use a special tilt table test to diagnose your condition. The tilt table test is designed to measure heart rate and blood pressure as you change your body position from lying flat to a 60- to 70-degree angle. The title table is the best way to confirm a POTS diagnosis.

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Pots: A Little Known Cause Of Extreme Fatigue

Everyone knows what being tired feels like at the end of a long day. But some people experience fatigue so severe and so seemingly random that its hard to describe. If that sounds familiar, there could be more going on than daily stress.

While there are many causes of fatigue, one of them is frequently missed and misdiagnosed: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome . Physical medicine and neuromuscular specialist Tae Chung, M.D., answers questions about POTS and extreme fatigue as one of its symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

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Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

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Spinal Lesion Or Tumor

A spinal lesion or tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue within or surround the spinal cord or column. Spinal tumors can be cancerous or noncancerous, and originate in the spine or spinal column or spread there from another site.

Back pain, which is worse at night or increases with activity, is the most common symptom. If the tumor presses on a nerve, it can cause numbness or weakness in the arms, legs, or chest.

Treatment depends on the type and location of the lesion or tumor, and whether or not its cancerous or noncancerous. Surgery to remove the tumor, or radiation therapy or chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, can usually resolve leg weakness.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. Its a progressive neurological disease that damages nerve cells and often begins with muscle twitching and weakness in the legs.

Other early symptoms include:

  • slurred speech
  • difficulty holding up your head

Theres currently no cure for ALS, but treatments are available that can help control symptoms and complications and improve quality of life.

Causes Of Fatigue & Aching Legs

Many medical conditions can cause both pain in the legs and fatigue, and determining the cause of these symptoms often requires a trip to the doctor. To make a diagnosis, your doctor needs a thorough understanding of your symptoms, including what brings them on, what improves them, and other symptoms you may have.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Problems With Thinking Memory And Concentration

If you have ME/CFS, it’s also common to have:

  • problems remembering certain words, names or numbers
  • difficulty concentrating or difficulty focusing on more than one thing at a time
  • problems remembering things that happened recently
  • being slow to speak or react to things

These problems are sometimes described “brain fog”.

Heart Disease And Fatigue

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Symptoms: Fatigue from an activity that should be easy

If youre exhausted after an activity that used to be easy — for example, walking up the steps — it may be time to talk to your doctor about the possibility of heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. If your fatigue is related to your heart, medication or treatments can usually help correct the problem, cut the fatigue, and restore your energy.

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General Measures For Leg Weakness

In general, some general measures can be used to improve the feeling of weakness in the legs , however, a medical evaluation is necessary in any of the aforementioned cases to indicate the specific treatment:

  • It is advisable to reduce daily activity to avoid exacerbation of weakness in the legs.
  • Do light exercises to stimulate circulation in your legs. It is recommended to stand up and gently move your legs.
  • Sit in high chairs to facilitate blood flow.
  • Maintain proper leg postures to avoid overload.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time.
  • Wear comfortable and comfortable shoes.
  • Alternate hot and cold baths on your legs.
  • Eat a balanced diet in terms of vitamins and minerals and use vitamin supplements if necessary.
  • Avoid cigarette smoking.
  • Q: Why Is Pots Often Misdiagnosed

    A: Many of the symptoms described above seem very cardiac-driven. However, at the hospital or ER, the doctors will find that the POTS patients heart is fine. Its actually the adrenaline thats producing a lot of these symptoms to compensate for a neurologic problem.

    Often, patients have so many symptoms and are consulting so many different specialists that theres no cohesive assessment or treatment. In addition, POTS symptoms are often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue a term used to describe a group of symptoms when nothing else can be used to explain it.

    Awareness of POTS in todays medical culture is limited. Recently, however, theres been a growing awareness of POTS thats evolving across the board. As the general population is learning more about it, the medical community is being educated as well.

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    Primary Sarcopenia Muscling Up

    If blood flow isnt the issue, your tired legs may be due to loss of leg muscles. The clinical term for a loss of leg muscle and muscle strength is primary sarcopenia. Primary sarcopenia is due to aging. Starting sometime in your 30s, you begin to lose muscle mass. Bone density also declines with age. And in women, the hormonal changes triggered by menopause make bones even more likely to fracture in a fall. Both women and men also see an acceleration in muscle mass loss and muscle weakening after age 50.

    Even if youre not planning a career as a senior bodybuilder, losing muscle mass should be a concern. Tired, weak muscles can limit your ability to be active and enjoy such activities as tennis, dancing, hiking, and much more. Growing weaker can also affect your daily functioning and independence.

    Schedule A Consultation With Usa Vascular Centers

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    If your aching legs are impacting your daily activities and quality of life, you dont have to continue to suffer. USA Vascular Centers offers treatments that will help alleviate leg pain and other symptoms of PAD. Our vascular specialists will work with you to find the right treatment that allows you to regain mobility and live your life.

    Give us a call at 888.773.2193 or schedule a consultation online to visit one of our over 40 treatment centers throughout the country.

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    Is This Really Muscle Pain

    The words that most people use to describe muscle pain are cramping, tight, aching and deep. These may sound unique, but sometimes leg muscle pain is hard to tell from other causes.

    Of course, there are times when it is obvious that the cause of pain is from the bones, joints or skin. Also, sometimes it is clear that the pain is a result of peripheral neuropathy. The pain in these conditions is different than muscle pain and there are often other signs that give away the cause. Having said that, some types of pain are hard to localize. For instance, spinal stenosis can cause leg pain when walking that is hard to distinguish from muscle pain from artery blockages.

    For this reason, I would never assume that pain is from the muscles, unless it is very obvious. Sometimes, objective testing will not be a mistake to help pinpoint the cause.

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