Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Fatigue

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The Adrenal Fatigue Recipe Book

How to Reduce Stress and Fatigue Caused By Hormonal Imbalances
  • More than 50 energy-boosting recipes, including Grain-Free English Muffins, Apple Cardamom Muffins, Almond-Crusted Chicken Tenders, Coconut Chicken Curry, Carob Mousse, Pear & Pine Nut Scones, and many more
  • Exciting ways to prepare superfoods like organ meats, sprouts, broths and fermented foods
  • All recipes are gluten-free, contain no added sugar, and are designed to give you energy throughout the day

What Causes Fatigue In Women

Fatigue in women is simply an overall feeling of being tired or worn out day after day. Contrary to popular belief, fatigue is not just an inevitable product of age. Some of the causes of fatigue include:

  • Insomnia
  • Adrenal Insufficiency
  • Poor Nutrition

Fatigue saps your energy away limiting the number and quality of things you do in a day. Low estrogen levels many times found in menopause, often result in insomnia and night sweats. Diminished estrogen also causes irritability and mood swings in women which furthers exhaustion. Too little progesterone is also linked to fatigue in women. The progesterone decreases sex drive and results in an overall less optimistic outlook. This anxiety or depression brings with it fatigue. Severe fatigue in women may be a sign of adrenal fatiguesymptoms.

How Hormones Affect Your Energy Levels

Your hormones are chemicals that play a key role in controlling your bodys processes for example, your body temperature and heart rate. If these powerful chemicals are out of balance, even by a small amount, they can cause a wide range of symptoms. This includes feeling tired and having trouble sleeping.

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What Else Does Crashing Menopause Fatigue Feel Like

You might have other symptoms at the same time:

  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of overwhelm and emotional stress
  • Weight gain

Do these describe you? If so, your crashing fatigue is likely due to menopause.

And youre probably asking, How can I deal with this fatigue during menopause?

The first thing to note is that this is different from normal fatigue which a good nights sleep can put right and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which never really lets up.

Its also different from ongoing fatigue that might result from low thyroid levels or low iron levels during perimenopause and menopause.

For this sort of fatigue that doesnt ease, do schedule an appointment to talk it over with us.

But if youre thinking you might be experiencing menopausal crashing fatigue, read on and well discuss

  • the causes and
  • how you can deal with it.

What Is A Hormonal Imbalance


Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands and tissues, forming a part of the endocrine system.

Hormones travel to all of the bodys tissues and organs through the bloodstream. They give messages to these organs, letting them know what function to perform and when to do it.

Hormones help regulate a lot of processes in the body. Hormones manage appetite and metabolism, sleep cycles, heart rate, sexual function, general mood and stress levels, and body temperature. Because they affect so many functions, imbalances in certain hormones can lead to uncomfortable symptoms.

A hormonal imbalance occurs when a person has too much or too little of a certain hormone, such as insulin, cortisol, thyroxine, androgens, estrogen, or progesterone. Even slight changes can have a significant effect on your body.

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When Extreme Fatigue Reflects A Hormone Imbalance

Chronic fatigue is a health concern in which you can become so tired that you find it difficult to get out of bed much less get through your daily activities.

Thats when:

  • you feel tired when you get up,
  • you work, yet are feeling it difficult to focus and be productive,
  • you eat something and then feel like youve been hit by a bus and needs a nap,
  • you feel tired even as the afternoon goes on,
  • yet, when its time to go to bed, youre finding it extremely difficult to wind down and fall asleep.

When you hit this level of tiredness, something is going on inside your body that robs it of the ability to function normally.

And, did you know that women are twice more likely to experience chronic fatigue syndrome compared with men?

What you need to be aware of is that fatigue itself is not a diagnosis. Its a symptom that you have a medical situation going on that needs to be examined whether we call this chronic fatigue syndrome or something else.

There are several different causes of fatigue. Here I want to focus on a couple of them. Understanding these will help you make more informed decisions on your healing journey.

Signs Of Hormone Imbalance

Produced by our endocrine glandsadrenals, thyroid, pancreas and ovaries or testeshormones perform essential functions, relay important warnings and communicate messages throughout the body. In laymans terms, hormones assure that everything is running smoothly and that your rhythms stay in sync.

Despite their vital role, an estimated 80% of women suffer from some kind of hormonal imbalance. And for men, starting at age 20, their hormone levels decline about 14% every 10 years.

Often times the symptoms of hormone imbalance are difficult to discern, as they are commonly viewed as normal parts of aging or mistaken for other conditions. Here are X common signs of hormone imbalance that you should be aware of:

  • Fatigue: Sure, everyone gets tired from time to time. But, most people feel better once theyve had adequate rest, hydration and a healthy diet. Chronic fatigue is different. If you are taking care of yourself but are still frequently exhausted, you may want to consider a comprehensive evaluation of your hormone levels to rule out conditions such as adrenal fatigue or hypothyroidism.
  • Anxiety: Theres an entire discipline call neuroendocrinology dedicated to the study of the relationship between neurotransmitters in the brain and hormones. What researchers have learned is that cortisol and norepinephrine, which are produced and released by the adrenal glands, often underlie the feelings that may be perceived as anxiety.
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    Fertility Problems Caused By Hormone Imbalances

    Another common time women ask for a hormone checkup is when trying to conceive. Typically, 84% of women get pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. When conception doesnt happen, one reason could be a hormonal imbalance. To learn more, read our extensive article about fertility challenges here.

    Again, its important to track your menstrual cycle, including the dates you have unprotected sex, to give your doctor a picture of what your reproductive cycle is doing. Keep in mind that your partner should also be tested for structural or hormonal issues if you have been trying to conceive for some time.

    If youre having your period too often , then your uterus cant sustain a fertilized egg. If your periods are too far apart , your ovaries may not be releasing eggs often enough into your fallopian tubes.

    Cause #: Pushing Yourself Too Much

    My Adrenal Fatigue Cure: Adrenal Gland Fatigue Symptoms and Hormone Imbalance in Women

    One cause is when you push yourself beyond your bodys capabilities.

    But for most women, fatigue isnt caused by something they can point to and say that it happened because they overdid it. It builds over time to when youve exhausted your bodys capabilities, yet are not able to understand when it started. What matters there is to review everything that you are doing so that you can get a clearer idea as to where you are pushing yourself too much.

    Imagine that you are working from home. You are getting up, and the first thing you do is check your emails. Then you go on through the day, working hours after hours, barely taking a break for lunch. Then comes the evening and you are so exhausted that you dont make the best choices for your meals. Or you are even too exhausted to cook. This builds up over time.

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    Cause #: Hormonal Imbalance

    The leading cause of fatigue, especially in women, is due to a hormonal imbalance.

    I see it every day in my practice. Thats why women come to me, to help them understand how their hormones work and how to rebalance them so that they can address the symptoms that are hindering them . When youd like to understand more about the 5 steps for optimised health and balanced hormones, I invite you to sign up for this complimentary 10-day optimised health and wellness challenge.

    Your hormones dont get out of whack overnight. It takes some time for this to happen and because it happens so slowly, many women dont notice it until the fatigue sets in. By then, they feel addressing that fatigue is overwhelming. Yet, it doesnt have to be!

    When hormones get too high or too low, it impacts every aspect of your health. One of the causes of fatigue in women is when estrogen and progesterone levels arent where they should be.

    Hormonal, Ovarian, endometrial, and basal body temperature changes and relations throughout the normal menstrual cycle.(From Carr BR, Wilson JD. Disorders of the ovary and female reproductive tract. In: Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Petersdorf RG, et al., eds. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987: 1818-1837.

    When a young woman hits puberty, her hormones can suddenly change, and this can lead to that imbalance, followed by fatigue. During monthly menstrual cycles, the levels of estrogen can drop low and lead to fatigue.

    Substituting Provera For Natural Progesterone Causes Cancer

    The other, very often prescribed synthetic steroid the pharmaceutical industry developed is Provera. This is a substitute for natural progesterone. Provera has some progesterone-like effects in a womans body, but it also has several undesirable effects.

    The Womens Health Initiative clearly showed an increased risk of breast cancer in women who used Provera. The conclusion was that Provera, not Premarin, was the cause of an increased risk of breast cancer.

    So, when you ask the question are hormones safe?, the answer is yes. Although it depends upon the hormones. Bio-identical hormones have a proven safe track record as seen in many studies.

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    Biohack Your Way To Better Sleep

    When life is busy, often the first thing we sacrifice is sleep. Sleep or rather inadequate sleep quickly throws our body off balance. This is why its one of the first things our doctors ask about when patients come in for their initial visit. In a small study testing the impact of prolonged sleep restriction, participants that slept only 4 hours versus 10 or 12 hours experienced an increase in ghrelin, a hormone responsible for appetite regulation, alongside a decrease in leptin, a hormone responsible for communicating satiation. For many of us, 10 or 12 hours might be hard to achieve. Thats why here at Parsley we recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The benefits of adequate sleep will not only increase your glucose metabolism and leptin concentrations but increase your bodys secretion of growth hormones responsible for cell reproduction and regeneration, which all take place during periods of rest.

    Puberty & Menopause Problems Caused By Hormone Imbalances

    When a woman happens to be experiencing fatigue, there are ...

    Getting First Period too Young or too Old

    Typically, a girl will begin her period at a similar age to when her mother began getting hers. Some girls have their first period as early as 10 or 11. Others dont get their first period until theyre 15 or even 16. If you or your daughter are outside those age ranges and are concerned about that first period, it is worth a visit to her Pediatrician, Family Doctor or OBYGN.

    Common factors that affect when a girl begins her period are weight changes, environmental factors that stimulate the hormones, or adrenal gland problems.

    Irregular Periods in Teens

    Pre-teens and teenagers have very irregular periods as their bodies mature. Sometimes, teens have unusual bleeding because they arent ovulating regularly. In this case, they have some hormonal development that isnt complete so the uterus isnt getting a clear enough signal of what to do.

    Issues During Menopause

    When women approach their mid- to late-40s, their cycles may become irregular as they enter the perimenopausal stage. You can read more about what to expect in perimenopause in our recent article. Signs that you may be experiencing perimenopause include skipping periods and having lighter periods.

    If your periods are becoming heavier, more frequent, prolonged, or with spotting between periods, you should mention this to your doctor. These changes could indicate menopause, but they could also be caused by abnormalities in your cervix or uterus.

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    Signs You Might Be Suffering From A Hormonal Imbalance

    Most women experience pretty drastic physical changes when they hit their 40s and 50s.

    But a lot of the time, these bodily shifts arenât even visible.

    The substantial internal changes women go through reflect changes in their hormones.

    While some of these symptoms might be caused by changes in diet, lifestyle and environment â like how insomnia can be caused by cigarettes â more often than not, these symptoms reveal a natural hormone imbalance.

    In an exclusive guide below, we outline some of the general symptoms you should look out for if you suspect youâre undergoing hormone changes.

    These symptoms may very well be a side effect of perimenopause, which is a period when estrogen levels and egg production decline.

    Do You Have Any Of These Surprising Hormonal Symptoms

    If you have strange symptoms or think you may have a hormonal imbalance, you should talk to your doctor. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance are well-known, but these lesser-known symptoms may not appear related to hormones. Hair loss, cold hands and feet, difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety and skin problems can all be signs of an imbalance. If you have sudden changes in mood, weight, appetite, sleep pattern or brain fog, it may be time to see a primary care provider to have your hormone levels tested.

    Crump Medical is a concierge medical practice in Chattanooga, Tennessee providing mens and womens internal medicine, preventive care and hormone therapy. Dr. Chip Crump engages and educates his patients to help them achieve reasonable health goals through individualized dietary, supplement and fitness plans.

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    Indications Of Hormonal Imbalance

    Hormonal disequilibrium emerges in myriad ways and affects everything from how often you eat to your emotional state. Even a slight shift can cause big symptoms.

    Here are eight signs that point to hormonal imbalance. We hope the list can help you understand just how influential hormones are.

    1. Weight fluctuations: Your thyroid controls how your body uses energy from the food you eat. When it goes out of whack, you can either lose or gain weight.

    Hyperthyroidism means your thyroid is overactive and you may have trouble maintaining your weight, while hypothyroidism makes your thyroid sluggish, and you tend to put weight on, even when trying to lose it.

    2. Skin woes: If your body makes too much of the male hormone androgen, your oil glands go into overdrive and you suffer acne breakouts. Conversely, lower estrogen levels in later life contribute to skin dryness and a loss of elasticity.

    3. Lowered libido: If your testosterone levels are lower than they should be and this includes women because they make it too your sex drive can plummet.

    For women in perimenopause, lower progesterone levels also contribute to a loss of desire, while low estrogen during menopause causes vaginal dryness.

    4. Raised blood sugar levels: A host of hormones contribute to higher blood glucose levels, but the most well-known is insulin, which is made by your pancreas.

    6. Persistent sleep problems: If you have insomnia or dont sleep well night after night, the cause could be hormonal.

    What Causes Hormonal Imbalance

    Adrenal Fatigue and Female Hormone Imbalance

    Your hormones have to work together in balance to help your body thrive. However, hormone ups and downs in women are very common, so if you feel that you have a hormonal imbalance, you are not alone.

    Doctors from WebMD say that some of the common causes of an imbalance in hormone production in women are pre-menstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and the menopause. However, other lifestyle factors can cause hormones to fluctuate. Being overweight, not getting enough exercise, or a lack of sleep can all throw your hormones off balance.3

    Other reasons for hormone fluctuations are an underactive thyroid that doesnt produce enough thyroxine . Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that hypothyroidism can leave you feeling lethargic, cause changes in your menstrual system, or make it difficult to lose weight.4

    Also, diabetes is a common cause of hormonal imbalances and can affect, not just the insulin hormone, but also other blood sugar-related hormones, sex hormones, and growth hormones.5

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    Hormonal Imbalance In Women

    Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

    Bloating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss, palpitations, mood swings, problems with blood sugar, trouble concentrating, infertility — these are just a few symptoms of hormone imbalance. These compounds affect every cell and system in the body. Hormone imbalance can debilitate you. Some hormonal shifts are normal, like monthly fluctuations of sex hormones responsible for menstruation and ovulation or the changes that occur during pregnancy. Menopause is another time for a normal hormonal shift in a woman’s life. Many women may experience weight gain, mood swings, night sweats, and diminished sex drive during this time. Other times these fluctuations may be due to a medication or a medical condition.

    Balance Your Cortisol

    Cortisol is an important hormone that may become imbalanced with stress or illness. Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands that lie on top of the kidneys. Low intensity exercise can help lower elevated cortisol levels. Stress impacts adrenal function and hormone levels. Get acquainted with hormone imbalance symptoms and signs so you can notice when things in your body and mind don’t seem right.

    Signs Or Symptoms Of A Hormonal Imbalance

    Your hormones play an integral role in your overall health. As a result, theres a broad range of signs or symptoms that could signal a hormonal imbalance. Your signs or symptoms will depend on which hormones or glands arent working properly.

    Common hormonal conditions affecting both men and women could cause any of the following signs or symptoms:

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