Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Eosinophilic Esophagitis Cause Fatigue

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What Is The Treatment For Eosinophilic Esophagitis

What is Eosinophilic Esophagitis?

Esophageal dilatation


  • The medications primarily used in treating eosinophilic esophagitis are
  • fluticasone propionate ,
  • proton pump inhibitors .

Fluticasone propionate

  • Although oral steroids are effective in treating eosinophilic esophagitis, the side effects of orally-administered steroids limit their use.
  • One new oral steroid that is being tested is budesonide, an orally-administered steroid that is absorbed into the body but is rapidly destroyed, resulting in fewer serious side effects.
  • The current treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis is with swallowed fluticasone propionate. Fluticasone propionate is a synthetic steroid that is related to the naturally occurring steroid hormone, cortisol or hydrocortisone, produced by the adrenal glands. These steroids have potent anti-inflammatory actions.
  • When used as an inhaler, fluticasone propionate reduces inflammation in the airways of patients with asthma, thus relieving wheezing and breathing difficulties. When fluticasone propionate is swallowed, it has been shown to reduce the eosinophils in the esophagus and relieve dysphagia in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.

Proton pump inhibitors

Is Eoe A Cancer

Is EoE a cancer? Eosinophilic esophagitis is a disorder characterized by long-term chronic eosinophilic inflammation, which may predispose patients for malignant transformation. To determine if EoE is associated with an increased risk for esophageal cancer over time.

Is EoE a serious disease? If you have EoE, white blood cells called eosinophils build up in your esophagus. This causes damage and inflammation, which can cause pain and may lead to trouble swallowing and food getting stuck in your throat. EoE is rare. But because it is a newly recognized disease, more people are now getting diagnosed with it.

Is EoE life long? EoE is often a life-long condition. Management includes avoiding the foods or allergens that cause the allergic reaction, or medications. It is important to work with your allergen and gastroenterologist to develop a management plan that works best for you.

Has anyone ever died from EoE? Mortality from eosinophilic esophagitis has not been reported, in contrast to asthma, currently at over 3000 deaths per year.

Mitochondrial Disease And Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Ryans Story

At 12 years old, Ryan loves sports, but can only play when he has the energy. He has two serious medical conditions, one that makes him allergic to most foods and another that drains his energy. But with the help of multiple CHOP specialists, he is able to attend school and remain active.

Ryan was a normal, healthy baby, with one exception: He threw up a lot. His pediatrician told his parents, Marlene and Kevin, not to worry. Ryans reflux was not unusual and it was likely hed grow out of it but he didnt. At 1 ½ years old, he was still throwing up.

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How Common Is Eoe

EoE can affect both men and woman of any age, but it appears to be most common in men in their 30s and 40s. It is currently estimated that EoE may affect up to one in 2,000 adults in the US, and evidence suggests that the numbers have been growing. A recent review of nearly 30 studies in Europe and North America found that there has been a progressive increase in the number of new EoE cases, especially since the early 2000s.

The rise in EoE cases may be partly due to greater awareness of the condition and more widespread use of endoscopy. But a number of studies have confirmed a true rise in the incidence of the disease.

Health Can Be Restored When Causes Are Identified And Addressed

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Paul A. Goldberg, MPH,DC,DACBN,DCBCNThe Goldberg Tener Clinic For Chronic Disease Reversal

The cascade of new disease titles created by both the Conventional and Alternative Medical Systems continues to grow as humans struggle to adapt to an increasingly incompatible environment. With each new disease name created comes additional medical specialists, pharmaceuticals and alternative medical treatments, ignoring the causes behind the problems.

When I wrote my Thesis at the University of Texas Graduate School Medical Center forty plus years ago on Rheumatoid and other Autoimmune Disorders, there were about forty autoimmune disorders. Today the number tops 80 and continues to increase. The list of new medical diseases marches on and on. As a business model it performs well as a way to help patients it leaves much to be desired.

One of the newer titles is Eosinophilic Esophagitis and its siblings Eosinophilic Gastritis and Eosinophilic Colitis. Many receiving these diagnoses are children. While the names sounds ominous, breaking them down reveals simply the assignment of titles for the manifestations of symptoms and signs a patient is experiencing, all unrelated to causal factors.

When the body is bombarded with foreign materials alien to its physiology, inflammation is the normal response.

Diet factors are important, but diet is but one aspect of nutrition and health.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

The most common symptoms of EoE can depend on your age.

In infants and toddlers::

  • Poor weight gain and growth
  • Reflux that does not get better with medicines

In older children::

  • Trouble swallowing, especially with solid foods
  • Food getting stuck in the esophagus
  • Reflux that does not get better with medicines

Epidemiology Etiology And Pathogenesis

EE has been studied most extensively in pediatric populations and only recently has further data been compiled in adults. EE can present in the third and fourth decades of life and various studies implicate it to be more predominant in men. Among different races and ethnic groups, EE has been seen to be more prevalent in the white population. Geographic distribution is wide, with cases now being reported not only in the United States but also Europe, Canada, Brazil, Japan and Australia. The preponderance of EE in developed nations has unclear etiology and could either be secondary to the increased prevalence of atopic diseases like asthma or simply because of better reporting and data collection. To probe this further, Cherian et al conducted a blind retrospective study of western Australian children investigated for esophageal disease in 1995, 1999 and 2004 and found the prevalence of EE to be indeed increased by 18-fold during this time period. The most recent US study in 74162 patients used a national pathology database of subjects undergoing upper endoscopy with biopsy. The data confirmed that EE is a male-predominant disorder and that it can occur at any age. Over the study period , an increasing prevalence was noted. Whether this reflects a true increase in prevalence or increased recognition due to heightened awareness among physicians remains to be determined.

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How Is Eosinophilia Treated

Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Treatments might include stopping certain medications , avoiding certain foods , or taking an anti-infective or anti-inflammatory medication. Treatments that target eosinophils in asthma specifically have been approved by the Food & Drug Administration and are being used in the clinic, while treatments for other eosinophil-mediated conditions are under further investigation.

Symptoms Of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Esophagitis (Esophagus Inflammation): Causes, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Eosinophilic esophagitis is an inflammatory condition that causes dysphagia, which makes swallowing solid foods extremely difficult. The condition can strike any age and any gender however, men and young boys are more prone than females to EoE.

Although the exact cause of EoE is unknown, the vast majority of doctors consider that EoE develops due to an allergen that causes the overproduction of eosinophils. This is because eosinophils overrun the system in other allergy-related conditionslike asthma, atopic dermatitis, and allergic rhinitis, which are also prevalent in those who suffer with eosinophilic esophagitis.

Here are the eight most prevalent EoE symptoms

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Hanging Onto Hope One Day At A Time With Eosinophilic Esophagitis

For years, Samantha has lived with Eosinophilic Esophagitis , an incurable disease that causes her body to view most food as a parasite and attack. When Samanthas condition was first diagnosed in 2007, her doctors and her family worked hard to try anything that could help her feel better. Trials included oral steroids, the Top 8 Elimination Diet , and eliminating beef and corn from her diet. Nothing seemed to help. Samantha was still sick.

In January 2011, she underwent surgery and had a g-tube put in, which functioned as a feeding tube in her stomach. For two years, she was fed a special formula and had only potatoes in her diet. This year, she was able to have the feeding tube removed and add a few foods to her diet. However, she is still dependent on a special formula that she drinks for nutrition.

Samanthas second diagnosis came late last year: mitochondrial disease. Mitochondrial disease is a horrific illness that affects multiple organs in the body. The disease is a chronic, genetic disorder that occurs when the mitochondria of the cell fails to produce enough energy for cell or organ function. It causes Samantha to experience extreme fatigue, cold/heat intolerance, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, tachycardia , and so many other symptoms.

Why Might Eoe Be On The Rise

The exact reasons for the rise of EoE are unknown, and it is especially puzzling that in many cases EoE results from an allergic sensitivity to a food that has been well tolerated up to that point.

There are several hypotheses about why EoE is increasing. Many of them relate back to the idea that EoE, and other allergic and autoimmune diseases, seem to correlate with decreased exposure to microbes and infections. Possible explanations that have been explored include:

  • The hygiene hypothesis: do fewer childhood infections equal more allergic diseases?
  • Microbial dysbiosis: has the modern/Western diet and lifestyle changed our microbiome?
  • Environmental factors: might changes in food production, genetic modification of crops, chemical additives, food processing, and pollutants play a role?
  • Declining frequency of H. pylori infection: might this common stomach bacteria be protective against some allergic diseases?
  • Increasing frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease : could acid reflux break the barrier of the esophagus and allow food allergens to stimulate the immune system?
  • Increasing use of acid-suppressing medications: does the use of antacids, especially early in life, change the microbes in the esophagus or somehow otherwise alter the risk of later food allergy?

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This Factsheet Is About Eosinophilic Diseases

Eosinophilic Diseases are often misdiagnosed because symptoms can mimic other more common diseases. Eosinophilic Diseases that affect the gut are identified by the presence of a type of inflammatory white blood cell called an eosinophil, which are raised above a normal level. When too many eosinophils congregate where they would not be usually present they can cause chronic inflammation, resulting in tissue damage.

Eosinophilic Diseases are diagnosed according to where the levels of eosinophils are elevated. In the gut they appear in two main categories: Eosinophilic Oesophagitis and Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders . Current actual diagnosis figures are one in 3,000 for EoE in the UK and 1 in 100,000 for EGID in the USA.

Eosinophilic Diseases are often found in those with a family history of allergic diseases such as rhinitis, asthma and/or eczema. In fact a personal history of atopy is found prior to EOE diagnosis in 50-60% of cases. When the body wants to attack a substance, such as an allergy-triggering food or airborne allergen, eosinophils respond by moving into the area and releasing a variety of toxins.

Finding the appropriate medical care can be difficult as Eosinophilic Diseases are currently not widely recognised or understood.

A Definitive Mitochondrial Diagnosis

Pin by Mary Pietruszewski on Hope for a Cure

As it turned out, Ryans form of mitochondrial disease was particularly difficult to diagnose. It wasnt until he was 10 that his medical team found the answer. Ryan had mitochondrial complex V deficiency, due to a novel mutation in a specific mitochondrial DNA encoded ATP6 protein that works within the final mitochondrial complex to directly generate energy.

There is currently no cure for mitochondrial disease, nor is there a highly effective treatment, even when the underlying genetic cause is known. But the disease is managed similarly as in Ryan, with supportive therapy, which may include nutritional management, exercise and vitamin or amino acid supplements.

The diagnosis has provided important information for Ryans overall care. Mitochondrial complex V deficiency is associated with heart and vision problems. So, Ryan has regular appointments with a CHOP eye doctor and a cardiologist in addition to his follow-ups with Mitochondrial Medicine, which are now with Amy Goldstein, MD, and with Dr. Liacouras for his EoE. Rebecca Ganetzky, MD, in Mitochondrial Medicine continues to study Ryans cells in the research laboratory to better understand how his specific MTATP6 mutation might be more effectively treated.

The genetic information also helped in another way. Marlene had been experiencing occasional numbness in her hands and feet. Ryans diagnosis led to her own diagnosis of a milder case of the same condition. Dr. Goldstein has taken her on as patient, too.

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How To Manage The Recent #eoe Flare

July 1, 2019 By John Smith

Managing meals allergy symptoms and Eosinophilic meals reactions get tough. My youngest son had been steady for the previous two years. He was capable of have many meals we misplaced when he wanted to get his feeding tube positioned. At the moment, the one meals left have been: candy potato, pineapple, tapioca, chocolate, cranberries, and carrots. We ultimately have been in a position so as to add in lots of extra meals to his weight loss program: hen, turkey, salmon, apple, broccoli, rice, corn, potato, blueberries, strawberries, orange, lemon, cranberries, raspberries, avocado, peaches, banana, watermelon, mango.

Then, this previous August we scheduled an endoscopy to gauge the place his illness was. He was exhibiting no signs however had been a yr or extra since his final endoscopy. The final scope regarded respectable with a slight improvement in decrease oesophagus considered on account of acid reflux disease which was why each day dose of Prevacid was added to his each day drugs regime. He wanted up to date allergy testing previous to beginning faculty, and I knew he had been getting the uncovered exterior of our residence to meals he was allergic to on earlier allergy checks. The outcomes have been disheartening.

Eoe Sufferer Greatly Improved

When we first met Ms. Jane McGill, she had so much discomfort, fatigue and pain that it took, in her words, sheer grit just to get through the day. Having gone to a litany of medical physicians including Gastroenterologists and Rheumatologists, Jane was taking Tramadol, Claritin, Pantoprazole when she came in to see us, none of which was improving her health. As with many patients Jane had also had multiple courses of antibiotics. Her medical doctors told her that she would continue to have bad days and that nothing could change her situation.

The drugs Jane was taking, like all drugs, had numerous side effects including further unbalancing her GI tract and its microbiome . Jane had been labeled with Eosinophilic Esophagitis , an increasingly common medical diagnosis that inevitably involves ongoing steroids and endoscopic evaluations which offer no light at the end of the tunnel.

Coming from New Jersey for her initial visit, Jane could barely make it through the airport, having to stop to rest many times. At her follow up visit five months later, Jane zipped through the airport and chose to walk through the entire Atlanta Zoo as a side excursion.

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Is Fatigue An Allergy Symptom

As we head into fall, there are all kinds of illnesses going aroundCOVID-19, colds, flu and seasonal allergies. Fatigue can be a symptom of all of the above.

Why do allergies cause fatigue?

When most people think of allergies, they think of hay fevernot fatigue. And yet, in my 40 years of clinical practice, I discovered that fatigue was one of the most commonly reported allergy symptoms.People often experience allergic fatigue in the form of a fuzzy head or brain fog that makes it hard for them to concentrate. It can affect school and work performance and leave you feeling too exhausted to do the things you want to do. One of my patients described having to leave work to take a nap on a daily basis. Allergic fatigue disrupts life.

Here are a few factors that may contribute to allergic fatigue:

  • Sleep disruptions from medications. Many allergy patients are on a steady dose of allergy medications like antihistamines, which can cause them to be drowsy, or decongestants, which may make it hard to fall asleep. These medications may tame allergy symptoms, but they wreak havoc on the bodys sleep rhythms.
  • Difficulty breathing. Stuffed-up or runny noses and coughs make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Chemicals. When the immune system unleashes its barrage of chemicals to fight off allergens, it just ends up depleting the body. Fatigue is a by-product of this chemical warfare.

How do I know if my fatigue is allergy-related?

Talk to your doctor.

Seek treatment.

What Causes Eosinophilia

Do You Have Eosinophilic Esophagitis?

Causes range from less serious but very common conditions such as nasal allergy and asthma to more serious hematologic conditions, including:

  • Allergies and asthma
  • Diseases involving organs and systems, including the:
  • Skin
  • Joints, muscles and connective tissue
  • Heart

Eosinophilic disorders are often called by names that reflect where the problem is located. These include:

  • Eosinophilic cystitis, a disorder of the bladder
  • Eosinophilic fasciitis, a disorder of the fascia, or the connective tissue throughout the body
  • Eosinophilic pneumonia, a disorder of the lungs
  • Eosinophilic colitis, a disorder of the colon
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis, a disorder of the esophagus
  • Eosinophilic gastritis, a disorder of the stomach
  • Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, a disorder of both the stomach and the small intestine

The last four types on the list are known as eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders . This category of disease is increasing. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis involves the lungs, heart, sinuses, and other organs. It is also known as Churg-Strauss syndrome. Another condition is hypereosinophilic syndrome, which is a primary hematologic disorder involving the blood and other organs.

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