What To Do If You Notice Heart Attack Symptoms
If you do suspect you might have heart attack symptoms and some do appear weeks or months before a heart attack dont discount them out of hand or let them linger for too long. Women often think its something else, says Dr. Cho. The sad thing is, women do tend to have more blockages in their heart when they do need to have something done.
In fact, women tend to get heart disease later than men do. Men get in their 50s and 60s, and women get it in their 60s and 70s, says Dr. Cho. Women always get it 10 years later because of the effect of estrogen.The sooner you report a problem, the better chance you have of catching an issue before it becomes a full-blown heart attack. If you experience any of these symptoms, take note and visit your doctor as quickly as possible. Its very important that you not become your own doctor but let somebody else be your doctor, Dr. Cho says.
How Are Back Pain And Dizziness Treated
Treatments for back pain and dizziness are dependent upon the cause. Rest after injury can often help reduce back pain. Physical therapy exercises to stretch and strengthen your back may help decrease dizziness related to intense pain.
In some instances, your symptoms may require more significant interventions, such as injections to relieve pain and surgery to reduce nerve compression. Your doctor can prescribe medications to reduce dizziness. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine and meclizine , also may help treat dizziness.
What Is Cervicogenic Dizziness
Cervicogenic dizziness is a condition in which symptoms of dizziness arise from the cervical spine. This condition can manifest itself as cervical vertigo, a rare condition that we discussed in our previous blog post on spine pain and vertigo. Often, however, cervicogenic dizziness does not produce symptoms of vertigo. It is often accompanied by neck pain, or at least stiffness of the neck.
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What Are The Symptoms
Common symptoms of upper and middle back pain are:
- A dull, burning, or sharp pain.
- Muscle tightness or stiffness.
More serious symptoms that need to be treated right away include:
- Weakness in your arms or legs.
- Numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, chest, or belly.
- Loss of bowel or bladder control.
How To Best Deal With Spine Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades
It is easy to dismiss upper back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, as just a consequence of working too hard and straining something.
This is often a fair assumption, and pain may simply be a result of overexertion and poor posture.
However, upper back pain an also be a clue that something more serious is going on.
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Dissection Of The Aorta
One of the lesser known causes of back pain and shortness of breath is the dissection of the aorta. Blood leaks out of the arterial lumen when there is an aortic dissection. Pain in the upper back region and chest pain are the most common symptoms of aortic dissection. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, sweating, fainting, weakness, and dizziness.
What Causes Headache Dizziness Fatigue And Neck Pain
A headache can be debilitating, along with neck pain , dizziness, and fatigue. Numerous disorders, including migraines, tumors, or even dehydration, can cause these symptoms. Some are relatively benign, whereas others may be life threatening or extreme.
This article discusses the possible causes, along with their treatment options, of headaches with dizziness , nausea, and neck pain. We also explain tips for preventing these symptoms and include guidance about when to see a doctor.
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Worsening Shortness Of Breath Could Be A Sign Of Heart Disease
Dont ignore shortness of breath by assuming its from a lack of conditioning or recent weight gain. If you experience shortness of breath after exertion that progressively gets worse, it could be a sign of a heart disease like aortic stenosis or coronary artery disease . Check with your doctor if you have shortness of breath that suddenly gets worse.
High Or Persistent Fever
The big worries: Fever is your body’s way of fighting infection. But “fever of 103 degrees and higher warrants a trip to the doctor period,” says David Bronson, M.D., president of the American College of Physicians. It may indicate a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, endocarditis or meningitis, which may require antibiotics to clear up. A persistent low-grade fever for several weeks with no obvious cause is characteristic of some infections, including a sinus infection, and some cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia. “Cancer is on the list of things we think about, but it is usually not the first thing,” says Ronan Factora, M.D., a geriatrician at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
What else it might be: Fever can be triggered by a virus, which, depending on your health and other symptoms, may require hospitalization.
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When Back Pain Is A Symptom Of Lung Cancer
Research suggests that the time between the onset of symptoms and a diagnosis of lung cancer is around 12 months. This is often because a person does not recognize the symptoms, or because they hope that they’ll go away. Back pain is one such symptom.
It is not uncommon for people to have back pain with lung cancer, or even to have back pain as their first symptom. In fact, there are certain defining symptoms that point to cancer as the cause of back pain.
Chief among them are the location and types of pain, which may be quite different from your typical, chronic backache. All told, around 25% of people with lung cancer will report back pain as a symptom at some point in their disease.
This article looks at how back pain is linked to lung cancer, and how this pain differs from other kinds of back pain. It also explains why early treatment for back pain is so important.
Verywell / Hugo Lin
When Back Pain Requires Immediate Care
A condition called malignant spinal cord compression may develop in some people who have lung cancer that spreads to the spine. These symptoms include worsening back pain, weakness in the legs, and sometimes loss of urinary or bowel control. This is a medical emergency, and immediate treatment is needed to prevent complications such as paralysis.
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Functional Articular Disorders The Second Causes Of Upper Back Pain And Nausea:
The ribs connect the vertebrae and the thoracic spine through joints on both sides.
These joints are vulnerable to injury due to erratic movements or positions, causing pain and discomfort. The methods of treatment here are not different from what we mentioned earlier.
Where Treatment of this type of injury involves physiotherapy with the help of orthopedic specialists to help move the joints and a home exercise program to stretch and strengthen the spine and shoulders. Medicine treatment includes painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills.
Upper Back pain and Nausea and dizziness are just a few symptoms will cause by the presence of gravel in the body.
What is surprising is that although gravel is common among millions of people, whether or not it exists is not always properly can diagnose, simply because few general practitioners understand it.
Upper back pain and nausea are not common, such as lower back pain or neck pain, because the bones of this part of the back do not bend or move as do the bones in the lower back or neck, but instead work with the thoracic cage to maintain back stability.
To protect vital organs such as the heart and lungs.
Pain Intensifies When You Move
You had a recent fall, but you didnt think your back would hurt this much! If you had a traumatic injury, like a heavy object lands on your back or you slip on the ice and fall with your back striking the edge of a step, you can break a vertebral bone or a rib, notes Dr. Tien. The pain can be moderate to severe, but it will get worse when you move. Talk to your doctor, especially after any bad injury.
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Unexpected Irregular Vaginal Bleeding
Irregular bleeding, especially if its accompanied by pain during sex, could signal a serious condition like cervical cancer or uterine cancer. If your menstrual period becomes unusually heavy or irregular, occurs more often than every three weeks, or you have spotting between periods, get these symptoms checked out.
Discuss any post-menopausal spotting with your doctor. Even a little bit of bleeding after menopause is abnormal, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Some of the common causes are polyps and either atrophy or thickening of the endometrium the lining of your uterus.
What You Can Do
Often you can stay home: There are many effective home remedies for upper back pain relief.A typical episode of muscle strain usually lasts only a few days, explains Dr. Chang. Staying comfortable during this time is key. He suggests resting, icing, and taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen.
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Head And Neck Anatomy For Balance
For the body to maintain balance, it relies on 3 sensory subsystems:
- The vestibular system, located primarily within the inner ear, detects motion and acceleration. It also constantly interacts with the brain and spinal cord to adjust the body accordingly to maintain balance and posture.
- The visual system gathers information from the eyes regarding the bodys relation to its surroundings.
- The proprioceptive system is comprised of proprioceptors in the muscles and joints throughout the body, which send information to the brain via the spinal cord about their relative positioning. The cervical spine is densely populated with proprioceptors. In particular, the upper cervical spines proprioceptors are thought to play a key role in helping the head and eyes stay balanced.1,2
The brain is constantly comparing information from all three of these subsystems to maintain balance. In theory, if any of these subsystems sense a problem or relays faulty information, it could lead to dizziness.1,2
In addition to the spinal cord, many critical nerves and blood vessels travel through the neckconnecting the head with the rest of the body and playing an important role in balance.
Youre Short Of Breath
Rarely, upper back pain may be due to a punctured lung, which can be caused by an injury. While it is less likely to be the cause of your discomfort, a punctured lung is something you need to know the signs of so you can take the right action. If the pain is accompanied by shortness of breath or severe pain taking a deep breath, seek urgent medical care, advises Dr. Chang.
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When To See A Healthcare Provider
The symptoms most commonly caused by heart disease can also be produced by other medical conditions, from very serious to entirely benign. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you need an evaluation by your healthcare provider to identify the cause. These are symptoms that should never be ignored.
Additionally, if you’re having any difficulty getting an erection, especially if the problem has been gradual, this is nearly always one of the first signs of either heart disease or diabetes in men. Be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as you notice any problem with erectile dysfunction.
If you have a family history of heart disease or you’re worried about your risk for developing it, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider. Staying proactive where your heart health is concerned can help you detect any problems early, giving you a better potential outcome.
Heart Disease Doctor Discussion Guide
Get our printable guide for your next healthcare provider’s appointment to help you ask the right questions.
When To Call A Doctor
911 or other emergency services immediately if:
- Back pain occurs with chest pain or other symptoms of a heart attack. Symptoms of a heart attack include:
- Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in your chest.
- Sweating.
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
- A fast or uneven heartbeat.
- You have a new loss of bowel or bladder control.
- You have new or worse numbness in your legs.
- You have new or worse weakness in your legs.
- You have new or increased back pain with fever, painful urination, or other signs of a urinary tract infection.
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When To See The Doctor For Neck Pain And Dizziness
While most cases of dizziness are mild and quickly go away on their own, sometimes the problem requires medical attention. If dizziness persists and interferes with routine activities or quality of life, it should be examined by a doctor.
In addition, any type of pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness that radiates down into the arm or hand should be evaluated by a doctor. If neck pain and/or dizziness are accompanied by severe headache, nausea, feeling faint, bowel/bladder dysfunction, and/or trouble with coordination or walking, medical attention is needed immediately.
Cervical Spine/nerve Root Problems
Another possible cause of upper back issues are injuries to the cervical spine. These will often be the result of whiplash or some other form of injury caused by a car accident.
Injuries may be both to the actual bone and to the muscle tissue in the area. This is especially true of the trapezius muscle and the deeper rhomboid muscles. It is also true of the levator scapulae muscles surrounding the neck.
What Causes Neck Pain And Dizziness
Dizziness and neck pain may occur together in some cases. For some people, the dizziness may be most noticeable and concerning. For others, the neck pain may be more worrisome with dizziness only presenting occasionally, such as when the pain worsens during a flare-up.
When neck pain and dizziness occur together, it may be related to the compression of a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain. Some associated medical conditions involve spinal degeneration or instability in the neck, which can put pressure on the vertebral artery.
Some potential causes of dizziness that stem from a problem in the neck, also called cervicogenic dizziness, including:
Other causes of cervicogenic dizziness may be possible. Although, there is currently no diagnostic test available to prove that a problem in the neck can directly cause dizziness. Cervicogenic dizziness is a diagnosis of exclusion and the medical community is currently split as to whether it exists.1–3
- What Causes Neck Pain and Dizziness?
What Is Upper And Middle Back Pain
Upper and middle back pain can occur anywhere from the base of your neck to the bottom of your rib cage.
Your ribs attach to a long, flat bone in the center of the chest called the sternum and attach to and wrap around your back. If a nerve in this area is pinched, irritated, or injured, you may also feel pain in other places where the nerve travels, such as your arms, legs, chest, and belly.
The upper and middle back has:
- 12 vertebrae. These bones attach to your rib cage. They make up the longest part of your back.
- Discs that separate each vertebra and absorb shock as you move.
- Muscles and ligaments that hold the spine together.
See a picture of the spine.
Upper and middle back pain is not as common as low back pain or neck pain, because the bones in this area of the back don’t flex or move as much as the bones in your lower back or neck. Instead, they work with the ribs to keep the back stable and help protect vital organs, such as the heart and lungs.
Get Treatment For Your Back Or Neck Problem
If your dizziness is linked to an issue with neck pain or back pain, its important that you get the neck/back pain treated as soon as possible. Undergoing medical care for a serious spinal condition or injury will often alleviate the side effects that are associated with the condition. We will work with you to address the root problem affecting your back, restoring total wellness in the process.
Prevention: Back Pain And Shortness Of Breath
You should first know how to prevent back pain and shortness of breath before studying about its causes and treatment. Lets take a look at the preventive measures:
- Have a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritious food, sleep for 8 hours.
- Exercise regularly for at least fifteen minutes.
- Maintain a healthy body weight.
- Quit smoking.
How Can You Care For Yourself At Home
There are several things you can do at home to help reduce your pain. For example:
- Rest. If your back hurts a lot, take a break. But try not to let too much time pass before you get moving again. Instead, return to your activities slowly.
- Use over-the-counter pain medicines, such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These can reduce pain and swelling. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
- Use a heating pad or ice pack. Heat can reduce pain and stiffness. Ice can help reduce pain and swelling.
- Exercise. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back, shoulders, and stomach can help improve your posture, decrease your chance of injury, and reduce pain.
- Practice good posture. Be sure to stand or sit tall. Don’t slump or slouch.
- Learn ways to reduce stress. You might try deep breathing and relaxation exercises or meditation.