Saturday, April 20, 2024

How To Address Adrenal Fatigue

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Understanding How To Heal Adrenal Fatigue Effectively

How To Fix Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue manifests in various ways for different patients, which makes it tricky to recognize. Its the end result of imbalances in bodily systems, triggered by an overburdened Stress Response System. The Stress Response System is more sensitive in some people, and it affects the whole body.

Because of this, effective treatment of Adrenal Fatigue must balance the body on all levels, not merely symptomatically. This requires focusing on physical, psychological, emotional, and environmental factors. An effective approach toward how to heal Adrenal Fatigue takes all of these factors into account.

The Limits Of Conventional Adrenal Testing

If youre worried that your adrenal glands arent functioning properly, you probably want to know if theres a test for that. The frustrating answer is that the current conventional testing protocol for cortisol only calls for evaluating the extremes of adrenal imbalance that require immediate medical intervention: Addisons disease, when cortisol production is severely deficient, and Cushings syndrome, when cortisol production is excessive.

If your test results fall between those high and low cut-off points on the test even if youre very close youll probably be told that your adrenal function is normal, no matter how many symptoms you have. Saliva tests for adrenal function typically measure cortisol at different times of the day and can therefore pick up more subtle imbalances, but many conventional practitioners are unaware of them or dont trust them.

As you will see, the best indicator of your adrenal health is whether you are feeling well or not. Your symptoms are your best guide to choosing an approach that will help you feel better.

Why Does Adrenal Fatigue Happen

Adrenal fatigue might be attributed to prolonged physical, emotional, and mental stress. In turn, this can give rise to a variety of health issues like poor sleep quality, inflammation, or even blood sugar spikes. Adrenal fatigue is believed to be caused when the adrenal glands become incapable of meeting the demands of a constant fight or flight response attributable to chronic stress. When you are subjected to stressful situations, your adrenals react by releasing cortisol to help your body prepare for a dangerous predicament. However, if such a situation is for one reason or the other prolonged, your adrenals will in the long run become worn down. This makes them unable to respond to stressful circumstances.

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Recovery According To The Different Stages Of Adrenal Fatigue

Just like each individual is unique and so each case of AFS is different, each stage and phase of adrenal fatigue is different. Thats why recovery must be individualized. It must also be holistic, taking into account your constitution, your age, your weight, your sex, your current state of health, any concomitant conditions, your lifestyle, and your needs.

An example of how a recovery tool changes depending on the stage of AFS youre in would be exercise. If you were in stage one, youd be much more capable of exercising than if you were in stage three. Gentle adrenal exercises would be very helpful if you’re in the beginning stages of AFS. But if you’re in the more advanced stages, it could actually add to the stress on your body. Instead, you should be focusing on getting a lot of rest and sleep.

Even something as simple as increasing your water intake could pose a problem if youre in a very weak state. The sodium-potassium ratio is usually out of balance in people with AFS, and drinking more water suddenly can exacerbate that. Adding a dash of salt to the water you drink can remedy this issue.

How Is Adrenal Fatigue Diagnosed

Adrenal Boost

There is no test which can tell whether or not you have adrenal fatigue. A 24-hour salivary adrenal test has been used to check the function of the adrenal glands. However, many doctors, including adrenal gland specialists, do not consider that this test is appropriate to measure the function of the adrenal glands.

A 24-hour salivary adrenal test involves taking saliva samples four times during 24 hours. The samples are usually taken at 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm and midnight. The early-morning steroid level should be the highest level of the day but may be reduced if the adrenal gland is not working properly.

You may need blood tests to make sure there are no other reasons why you feel very tired, such as anaemia or an underactive thyroid gland. Further tests will also be needed if there is any concern that your adrenal glands are not working properly.

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What Is The Treatment For Adrenal Fatigue

The treatment for adrenal fatigue is essentially lifestyle advice, including sleep, diet and exercise. Talk with your doctor to discuss how you are feeling so that your doctor can arrange tests if needed and also provide you with advice and support.

It is very important to reduce stress and improve relaxation. See also the separate leaflets called Acute Stress Reaction and Stress Management and also the leaflet called Relaxation exercises.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Avoid junk foods and processed foods. Also avoid or reduce coffee and any other stimulant drinks and reduce your intake of sugary drinks and foods. See also the separate leaflet called Healthy Eating.

Regular exercise is also important. See the separate leaflet called Exercise and Physical Activity.

It is very important to have enough sleep and to stick to a consistent sleep routine. For more information see the separate leaflet called Insomnia and the leaflet called Sleep diary.

There is no evidence that supplements are of any value, and some supplements may be harmful.

Here Are Some Common Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue:

A tendency to be a night personHair lossWaking up in the middle of the night with difficulty falling back asleepYoure a slow starter in the morningFeeling keyed up and having trouble calming downLow blood pressureClenching or grinding your teethChronic low- or middle-back painDifficulty maintaining chiropractic adjustmentsChronic fatigue or getting drowsy oftenAfternoon yawningPain on the medial side of the knee or kneesNeeding to wear sunglassesDizziness when you stand upDifficulty losing weightGaining weight around the waistlineGetting upset or angry easily

Doesnt that sound like modern life? No wonder people are having so many endocrine issues!

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What Supplements Help Adrenal Fatigue

There are several categories of supplements that can help to treat adrenal fatigue. They should be used in combination with lifestyle changes like avoiding stress, improving diet, and getting more sleep.

There are a few basic nutrients that are particularly important for supporting the adrenal glands and HPA axis, especially during times of stress. These include vitamins B5, B6, and B12, vitamin C, and magnesium. Omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, and probiotics can also be tremendously supportive during this time.

Herbal supplements can be useful for regulating cortisol levels and moderating the stress response. These include ashwagandha, licorice, Rhodiola rosea, Siberian ginseng, and maca.

For the best results, discuss your supplementation with your healthcare professional. Here is some more information on supplements for adrenal fatigue.

Signs And Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue:

7 Steps to Adrenal Fatigue Recovery – An overview of our proven recovery system
  • An inclination to gain weight and inability to lose it. Particularly around the waist.

  • High recurrence of getting the flu virus and other respiratory diseases with symptoms that tends to last longer than common.

  • The tendency to tremble when underweight.

  • Lessened sex drive.

  • Lack of energy in the evening.

  • Dependence on coffee to get through the day.

None of these signs or symptoms by themselves can definitively point to Adrenal Fatigue. However, as a group of symptoms, in the context of a generally healthy person, they do form a specific Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome or picture, that is, of a person under pressure and the body is failing physiological response to manage such a burden. Adrenal Fatigue, as a debilitating condition, is not recognized by conventional medicine and is hence missed by most conventionally trained physicians.

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How Is Adrenal Fatigue Treated

Your alternative health practitioner may treat adrenal fatigue by recommending that you quit alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and cigarettes, eat certain foods, exercise more and get more sleep. All of this advice should make you feel better.

Some practitioners may recommend you take supplements and vitamins for adrenal fatigue. Always check with your doctor before you take supplements in case they are harmful for you or might react with your other medicines.

If you have unexplained fatigue or exhaustion that doesnt go away, see your doctor. Your doctor will probably ask you about your symptoms and run some tests to rule out other health problems. Treating an underlying issue, such as iron deficiency or a low thyroid level, can help reverse fatigue.

Stage Two: Resistance Response

Now the stress is chronic and the adrenal glands cannot produce enough cortisol to meet this growing demand. You enter the second stage of the four stages of adrenal fatigue, and its called the resistance response. Your fatigue starts to get in the way of your daily activities, and you notice your performance at work or at home decreasing.

You might also start to experience new symptoms such as anxiety, PMS, irritability, frequent colds and flus , and insomnia. Even if you do manage to sleep, you dont feel rested and refreshed afterwards.

At this stage, your NEMs Hormone Circuit is starting to dysregulate. Your hormones go out of balance and different hormone systems begin to affect the other circuits like the Neuroaffect and the Inflammation Circuits.

Because AFS is not yet recognized by mainstream medicine, each symptom you report will most likely be treated as a separate condition. For example, if you complain of feeling depressed, you may be prescribed antidepressants. If you complain of fatigue, you may be put on thyroid medication. If you get blood work done and it shows hormone imbalance, you may be put on hormone replacement. However, routine labs will not show adrenal issues. So your medical practitioners will likely not address your adrenal fatigue and it will progress to the next stage.

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Stage One: Alarm Reaction

When your body is first bombarded with different stressors, it goes into alarm mode. Your fight or flight response switches on, and it floods your body with different anti-stress hormones, such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. This response is a normal and healthy one when encountering stress in an acute setting. However if the stress prolongs, this alarm reaction can become chronic.

However, because this is just the first of the stages of adrenal fatigue, your symptoms at this point will be virtually unnoticeable. You might be a little more tired than usual, but if youre like most people, you wouldnt be affected enough to question this change. You might increase your intake of stimulants, such as coffee or energy drinks, to get through the day. Youll still be able to maintain much of your focus and productivity, even if you no longer achieve peak performance.

Although your NEM is engaged at this stage, the Hormone Circuit is still able to work efficiently and produce the amount of anti-stress hormones needed.

What Do The Adrenals Do

Signs of Adrenal Fatigue and How to Address It

The adrenal glands are the bodys emergency system. When the body is under chronic stress, the adrenals will send out cortisol into the bloodstream. Over time, chronic cortisol output can weaken the endocrine system, immune system, liver, digestive system, and brain. It can also cause the thyroid to slow down and in some rare cases, it will speed up . So, if you are wanting to reduce your thyroid symptoms, start with healthy adrenal glands.

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Risks And Side Effects

First, remember that any new dietary regimen or addition of supplements in your lifestyle should be implemented under the supervision of a physician/naturopath you trust.

In general, introducing more plant-based foods into your lifestyle and eliminating stimulants, sugary foods and processed items with a ton of sodium or chemicals added to them is going to help you feel and live better, regardless of conditions you may or may not have.

The larger concern comes when referring to herbs, spices, supplements and essential oils used to combat adrenal fatigue. Dont blindly use any new supplements, herb or essential oil without medical supervision or proper education on how, how much, how often and how long to use these supplements.

There are several herbs that should not be used when pregnant or breastfeeding. This includes medicinal mushrooms, adaptogenic herbs and some essential oils.

Consume Adequate Salts And Trace Minerals:

Minerals are essential to the production and utilization of stress hormones. Using the highest quality pink salts on your foods throughout the day is a great strategy to boost mineral content. My favorite salt brands include the pink salts you can get with Himalayan Sea Salt and Redmonds Real Salt. Celtic sea salt is another great brand.

In addition to salts, consuming celery, cucumbers, fermented vegetables like pickles and sauerkraut and sea vegetables on a regular basis can improve mineral levels and stress hormone production and utilization.

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What Is Adrenal Insufficiency

Unlike adrenal fatigue, this is a recognized disease that can be diagnosed. There are two forms of this condition, and both are caused by damage or problems with your adrenal glands that result in them not making enough of the hormone cortisol.

Symptoms of both forms include chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, weight loss, and stomach pain. You might also have nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, diarrhea, depression, or darkening of the skin.

Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed with a blood test that checks to see if your cortisol levels are too low. If you have it, youâll need to take a hormone replacement.

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When Stress Becomes Distress

How to Naturally Heal Adrenal Fatigue

The dark side of chronic hypervigilance is anxiety! Your brain and body get stuck in survival mode, and you end up with:

  • Afternoon fatigue, caffeine, or sugar cravings
  • Allergies, food reactions, hives
  • Perfectionism, feeling that youre never doing enough
  • Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up still tired

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Adrenal Fatigue Is More Than Adrenal Fatigue

If youve been suffering from the debilitating effects of Adrenal Fatigue for 6 months or more, you know by now that its not just a passing illness or a condition that will just run its course. Its stubborn and seems here to stay. Many Adrenal Fatigue patients try several western and alternative treatments, desperate to reverse Adrenal Fatigue and their whirlwind of mysterious symptoms. And yet, any relief they do find is short-lived.

It is possible to reverse Adrenal Fatigue successfully and recapture your zest and energy for life. It just takes focused guidance and dedication.

They first key is understand: Adrenal Fatigue is not really Adrenal Fatigue. Its actually a dysfunction of the crucial Stress Response System. Thats why it affects the whole body, in so many mysterious ways.

Thus, treating Adrenal Fatigue effectively requires healing the entire stress response system, not just the sluggish adrenal glands. The first step is a careful, individualized assessment of what parts of your Stress Response system are particularly out-of-balance.

Any attempt to treat Adrenal Fatigue without addressing whats occurring in the rest of the Stress Response System, including the brain , is ultimately designed to fail.

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How To Know If You Are Suffering From Adrenal Dysfunction

If you are dealing with any of the symptoms or conditions listed above, you might be suspecting that you are in one of the stages of adrenal dysfunction. The only way to truly determine if this is true is to have your adrenal hormone levels tested with a saliva test. Salivary cortisol is used because it is the most convenient way to measure cortisol.

These adrenal hormone tests are noninvasive and easy to do in the comfort of your own home. Saliva testing involves spitting into a tube at specific intervals throughout the day. These saliva samples are then graphed and compared to the range of normal cortisol levels.

The adrenals produce cortisol in what is called the circadian rhythm. This means that naturally, cortisol is produced throughout the day in a typical, distinct pattern.

Comparing your cortisol values to the standard circadian rhythm allows your functional medicine dietitian to determine whether or not youre in adrenal dysfunction, and if so, which stage you are in. This information is usually enough for your practitioner to give you a treatment protocol that will help you get back into the normal range. Sometimes, other testing may be required in your personal adrenal fatigue recovery journey.

So how exactly do we begin our journey to adrenal fatigue recovery?

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Fast Facts On Adrenal Fatigue

  • There is no scientific evidence that adrenal fatigue exists.
  • Adrenal fatigue proponents claim that the condition is due to overworked adrenal glands producing too little hormones.
  • There are a number of disorders that do affect the adrenal glands.
  • Some supplements prescribed for adrenal fatigue might be dangerous.
  • Alleged symptoms of adrenal fatigue are tiredness, craving salt, and loss of body hair.

In 1998, the chiropractor and naturopath James Wilson first coined the term adrenal fatigue in his book of the same name.

According to people who propose adrenal fatigue as a real condition, it strikes people who endure long stretches of mental, physical, or emotional stress.

People who are allegedly more likely to contract adrenal fatigue are shift workers, single parents, people with alcohol or drug dependence, and those with stressful jobs.

However, as mentioned above, there is no scientific evidence that this condition exists.

The Endocrine Society, which represents the opinions of 1,400 of endocrinologists, released an official statement regarding adrenal fatigue:

No scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition. Doctors are concerned that if you are told you have this condition, the real cause of your symptoms may not be found and treated correctly. Also, treatment for adrenal fatigue may be expensive, since insurance companies are unlikely to cover the costs.

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are said to include:

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