Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Chronic Sinusitis Cause Fatigue

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Chronic Sinusitis & Depression

Chronic Sinusitis

Sinusitis occurs when the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. It is deemed chronic when symptoms persist for 12 weeks or longer. Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis in Mechanicsburg experience cold-like symptoms that include facial pain and pressure, nasal congestion, headaches, postnasal drip, and loss of smell. Additional symptoms range from ear pain and sore throat to nausea and fatigue. Because of its unrelenting nature, people diagnosed with chronic sinusitis often experience a lower quality of life and have problems with physical, social, emotional and cognitive functioning. A recent study of 16,224 patients in South Korea suggests that depression and anxiety are also common in chronic sinusitis sufferers.

The study looked at patients treated forchronic sinusitis between 2002 and 2013, alongside a comparison group of 32,448people of similar demographic who did not suffer from sinus issues. None of theparticipants had a history of depression or anxiety. Researchers discoveredthat the patients with chronic sinusitis were over 50 percent more likely todevelop depression or anxiety. Those with the worst symptoms were the most likelyto experience mental health problems.

Signs Of Painful Chronic Sinusitis You Should Be Aware Of

Do you feel like every time you turn around, youre getting another sinus infection? Are you constantly complaining about sinus pain and discomfort? You may have a condition known as chronic sinusitis. Nearly 30 million American adults suffer from sinusitis, so you are not alone.

At ExcelENT of Alabama, we understand that these ongoing sinus challenges can be frustrating and cause you to miss school, work, or other important occasions.

Learn more about what chronic sinusitis is, signs that you may suffer from chronic sinusitis, and the treatment options available.

Home Remedies For Sinus Infections

We all know that the internet and TV are both full of people trying to sell the ânatural miracle cureâ for sinus infections. Many of the claims that are made are not backed up by science but there are some natural remedies out there that can help reduce symptoms. You can find some home remedies for nasal congestion and make sure to speak with a physician about incorporating them into your treatment plan.

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What Have Hormones Got To Do With Sinus Infections

Having a balance of this particular hormone, MSH, is very importantas it is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial it protects themucous membranes in the nose from colonisation of more serious strains ofbacteria like MARCoNS.

When other biotoxins stressors are present (such as moulds, Lyme pathogens and viruses, the mucus membranes in the nose go virtually unprotected and MARCoNS takes up residence. The natural fungal colonies in the nose may also overgrow, and other fungal species may produce large amounts of mycotoxins and wreak havoc on your health.

To complicate things further, biofilms are often present with such resistant Staph bacteria. Other pathogens, particularly Lyme bacteria can also hide under this shield of biofilm. If youve been struggling to get well from Lyme disease, this sinus infection may be why.

MSH generally rises in the initial period of a biotoxin stressand will then drop significantly after 5+ years. This can often distinguish aninitial, acute exposure to a long-term/chronic exposure.

Lowered MSH can lead to fatigue,chronic pain and inflammation. Eventually hormone imbalances, leaky gut, andlowered melatonin can inevitably lead to adrenalfatigue and further the exhaustion you may already feel. Just likemitochondrial damage in CFS, this cycle can be a viscous and tricky one tobreak without help.

Fatigue Cause Lives Inside The Nose

Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms and Treatments

You must be surprised to know but it is true that real cause of fatigue lives inside the nose. Exactly, inside the nose you will find chronic fatigue causes. It is seen that most of the people who have sinusitis problem also suffer from chronic fatigue. Even fatigue is known as the biggest troubling symptom of sinusitis. In starting stage of sinusitis, every patient undergoes fatigue. Even, fatigue keeps on troubling the patient until he does not get rid of sinusitis. It is as troubling as blocked nasal passages and facial pain. So, in case you too feel fatigue, then check if you ever had sinusitis or if there is any kind of facial pressure or headache.

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The Link Between Histamine And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Cytokines are not the only chemicals released during an immune response. Histamine is also released as part of the inflammatory process in response to pathogens, allergens, or wounds. When released as part of the immune response, histamines role is to increase capillary permeability so white blood cells can enter capillaries and target pathogens and irritants.

Histamine also plays an important role in maintaining numerous bodily functions, including:

  • Digestion
  • Sexual function
  • Smooth muscle contraction

Our bodies are designed to handle small amounts of histamine to function properly with occasional spikes when responding to foreign invaders. But when your body is in a constant state of inflammation, you end up with an overload of histamine, meaning your body has more histamine floating around than it can break down.

This overabundance of histamine in the body can contribute to many of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. To learn more about how histamine overload can cause fatigue, head over to my post about what to do when histamine goes haywire.

Is Chronic Sinusitis A Disability

You must have one of the following conditions to be considered completely disabled: bacterial infections, fungal infections, protozoan infections, helminthic infections, viral infections, malignant neoplasms, non-responsive ulcerations or lesions, motor or cognitive dysfunction, wasting syndrome, sinusitis, sepsis,

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Treat Other Issues First

In order to address an underlying chronic infection, your body will need your immune system firing on all cylinders. By first addressing things that may be suppressing your immune system, such as food sensitivities, heavy metal exposure, or an overload of environmental toxins, your immune system can then direct all resources to zap those hidden bugs.

What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Causes, Symptoms & Treatments – Chronic Rhinosinusitis

The term chronic fatigue syndrome is not necessarily a diagnosis in itself. Rather, its a label to identify a group of symptoms caused by an unidentified underlying condition.

A diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome is often a diagnosis of exclusion. Meaning, doctors will first rule out other potential conditions that can cause fatigue, such as hypothyroidism, sleep deprivation, or adrenal burnout, before diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome.

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is often multifactorial and different in each individual. Researchers have identified several underlying issues that can contribute to the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, including: 2,3,4

  • Poor immune system response
  • Increased activity in mast cells
  • Food allergies and sensitivities
  • Oxidative stress
  • Hormonal imbalances

Nearly all of the identified potential root causes have something in common. They all share a common pathway of dysfunctional immune activation and long-term inflammation.

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Discharge From The Nose Or In The Throat

The most noticeable symptom of a sinus infection is the presence of discharge from the nose. This sign is similar to what you would experience with a regular cold or seasonal flu. The mucus from your sinuses may also drip down the back of your throat .

The color of the discharge may help you identify whether youre experiencing a common cold or a sinus infection. The former will often cause nasal mucus that is watery and clear or cloudy. The latter often comes with mucus that has a green or yellow tint. The discoloration is not a product of the bacteria itself. Instead, it is a result of your immune system fighting the infection by increasing white blood cells.

Can Sinusitis Make You Feel Ill

Sinusitis causes a lot of mucus production, and a person may find they are unable to clear the sinuses no matter how often they blow their nose. Fighting a sinus infection demands energy from the body, so it is common to feel fatigued. Some people feel exhausted because they cannot breathe easily or are in pain.

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Reduced Sense Of Taste And Smell

Sense of smell is an especially essential thing to address and unfortunately, it’s frequently not addressed. Changes in smell/taste or loss of taste and smell because of sinusitis can be extremely frustrating, particularly when there’s a lot going on in your life.

Being able to smell impacts your ability to taste. Both work together, therefore, when you can’t smell, your taste buds can’t detect many flavors. An ongoing process in the sinuses or nose, such as chronic sinusitis, is the most common cause of loss of smell.

Some individuals with this issue report their sense of smell comes back after showering or exercising. But, it’s only temporary relief. Others report a temporary improvement with medicine like corticosteroids or antibiotics.

What Is A Sinus Infection

Sinus fatigue cure, relieve your respiratory symptoms with ...

A sinus infection, commonly known as sinusitis, is when the sinus passageways become inflamed. The sinuses are small, empty spaces located behind the cheekbones and forehead in the areas around your nose and eyes, and they connect to the inside of the nose.

The nose and sinuses are filled with air and are lined with mucus membranes, which act as a filtering system. Sinusitis causes the lining of the sinuses to swell up, which can stop mucus from properly draining into the nose and throat and can result in bacterial growth .

Clogged sinuses can make it difficult to breathe through your nose and make the area around your nose, cheeks, eyes, and forehead painful and tender to the touch. Sinusitis is more common following a cold or flu, but environmental irritants, certain medical conditions, upper respiratory infections, and structural abnormalities can also contribute to sinusitis and may lead to chronic sinusitis.

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Sore Throat And Cough

The fluid trickling down your throat can cause irritation and produces a cough. When you lie down at night, you’ll experience more flow of fluid down the back of your throat, making your cough worse. Post-nasal drip could also make your voice sound hoarse and possibly cause a sore throat and bad breath.

Medications For Treating Chronic Sinus Infections

There are other medications other than antibiotics that can help to fight the symptoms of sinus infections. Medications like decongestants, nasal sprays, and corticosteroids may be helpful in your treatment plan. Often, these medications are misused. They are used to treat the symptoms and don’t get to the root of the problem. Consult a professional ENT to discover the best way for you to include these medications in your treatment plan.

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Treating Sinusitis Restores Energy

Acute sinusitis resolves on its own as your body clears the virus or bacteria that is causing your symptoms. Chronic sinusitis requires comprehensive evaluation and treatment. The good news? Effective treatment restores energy in patients with sinusitis-associated fatigue.

The treatment we recommend depends on the underlying cause. If polyps are the cause, we may suggest surgery to remove the polyps and restore nasal airflow and drainage.

For patients with allergies, a treatment plan to manage your allergies should improve your sinusitis symptoms. You can rely on our skilled providers at Southern ENT to provide a thorough evaluation and recommend the most appropriate treatment to help you get relief from chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis can make you feel miserable. If youre struggling with symptoms, visit us at Southern ENT to get to the root of the problem and on the road feeling better. To get started, the office nearest you to schedule a visit.

Southern ENT is a premier provider of ear, nose, and throat services in southern Louisiana. Our offices are located in Thibodaux, Houma, Raceland, Morgan City, New Iberia, and Youngsville, Louisiana.

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Ph: Tell Us About Your Health Story

Sinusitis & Fatigue

I am usually very healthy and active. However, since moving to NYC I tended to get sick around the same time every year . In 2015, I got sick and never got better. I had headaches, intense sinus pressure, and fatigue. I later found out, that much of this fatigue was due to work-related stress.

I saw three GPs, five specialists, had X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs and even an operation on my sinuses and nothing helped. Because each specialist was treating me in their specialized area, vs. connecting the dots and looking at the bigger picture, none of them were improving my quality of life. It was like the healthcare version of pass the buck.

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Is Adrenal Fatigue Connected To Your Illness

As you might have read in my article on the causes of Adrenal Fatigue, many diseases are capable of greatly weakening the adrenals over time. This is because diseases are just another form of stress on the body, requiring a physiological response that is not so different from emotional stress. In particular, the burden of managing a long term condition can reduce the ability of your adrenals to produce the hormones that you need.

The definition of a chronic disease can vary, depending on whom you are talking to. However the World Health Organization defines a chronic disease as one that has lasted for 3 months or more. Compare this to acute conditions which last for less than 3 months. Of course in some cases chronic conditions last far longer than 3 months, and may even last a lifetime, but 3 months is the accepted cut-off point after which an acute condition can be termed chronic.

Tired All The Time: Sinusitis And Chronic Fatigue

We have all experienced fatigue. Between long work hours and the demands of family, many find themselves exhausted at the end of each day. However, the pace of modern life may not always be to blame. If you are having symptoms such as feeling exhausted after walking two blocks, having chronic sore throats and muscle pain, or feeling heavy and sluggish rather than rested after a nights sleep, you may be experiencing chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome disrupts work and family life for hundreds of thousands of people.

The causes of chronic fatigue remain a mystery, but some research suggests that for many sufferers the answer may be right under, or more accurately inside, their noses. People who suffer from sinusitis often list chronic fatigue as one of their most troubling symptoms, equal to facial pain and a blocked nose. If you have symptoms of chronic fatigue, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have a history of sinusitis?
  • Do you feel facial pressure or have frontal headaches?
  • Do you have unexplained body pain?

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When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider About Chronic Sinusitis

Remember, your health is your business. You do not have to put up with feeling ill for long periods of time. Pay attention to how long you have sinus symptoms because this is something that your care provider will ask you. Keep track of things that you have done to make yourself feel better. If medications are prescribed, make sure you store them and take them as instructed.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 06/04/2020.


What Is Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic Fatigue and Sinus Problems: Whatâs the connection?

Sinusitis is inflammation of your nasal or sinus passage. Chronic sinusitis is where you have chronic inflammation of your nasal or sinus passages that lasts for over 12 weeks at a time. If you experience more than four sinusitis episodes within a one-year period, it’s considered recurrent sinusitis.

Often, a bacterial infection causes it. In some cases, fungi and viruses cause it. Individuals with weak immune systems have a higher risk of developing a fungal or bacterial sinus infection. Some individuals who have allergies experience “allergic fungal sinus infections.”

Your sinuses are cavities filled with air. They’re located:

  • Behind your eyebrows and forehead

  • Within your cheeks’ bony structure

  • Behind your nose directly in front of your brain

  • On both sides of the bridge of your nose

A sinus cavity infection close to your brain could become life-threatening if you don’t have it treated. It could spread to your brain, in rare cases.

You normally have a thin layer of mucus that lines your sinuses and traps germs, dust and other particles in the air. Your sinuses have tiny hair-like projections that sweep the mucus towards openings leading to the back of your throat. It slides down to your stomach from there. This is a continuous process which is a normal body function.

Some individuals experience bodily defects contributing to sinus infection. Common defects include:

  • Nasal polyps

  • Bony partition deformity between your two nasal passages

  • Narrowing of your sinus openings

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Symptoms Of Chronic Sinusitis

Nasal polyps: Abnormal, noncancerous tissue growths develop in the sinus and nasal cavities. Anyone can develop them. Many people with chronic sinusitis are not aware they have nasal polyps until they become large enough to interfere with their ability to breathe. They may also cause pain or bleed. It is not uncommon for chronic sinusitis sufferers to breathe through their mouths because their nasal passages are blocked or narrowed by multiple polyps. The presence of nasal polyps increases the risk of snoring, sleep apnea, asthma and other chronic sinusitis symptoms and medical concerns.

Chronic inflammation and swelling: Ongoing exposure to airborne irritants, allergens, environmental substances, and or inflammatory stimuli enables the infection to spread throughout the body, damaging other organ systems and cause other health concerns. Inflammation can cause your eyes to feel sore and puffy and congestion can make your nose feel stuffy. It can also cause additional infections and sinus headaches and pressure.

Sore throat and cough: The persistent mucus drainage into the back of the throat causes the area to become sore and irritated. The irritation usually triggers a cough, its a natural reaction that helps clear phlegm and mucus out of the throat. Persistent coughing taxes the muscles in the throat, causing additional soreness and in some cases voice hoarseness.

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