Friday, July 26, 2024

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Cfids

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Key Points About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFIDS Healing (Binaural Beats and meditation for CFIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS, ME, SEID, PEM)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by profound tiredness.
  • Symptoms often worsen with physical or mental activity.
  • In addition to severe fatigue, symptoms include light sensitivity, headache, muscle and joint pain, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and depression.
  • Treatments may include medicines, exercise, supplements, and counseling.

Interaction Between Herpesvirus Infection Status And Lymphocyte Phenotype And Function

Herpesvirus infection, most notably infection with CMV, is known to affect both the maturational phenotype and the function of human CD8+ T cells and NK cells . We therefore compared lymphocyte phenotype and function among those subjects who were either seropositive or not for CMV. Across all the study groups, participants who were CMV-seropositive had significantly lower proportions of CD4+ and higher proportions of CD8+ T cells amongst their PBMC . Following stimulation with PMA and ionomycin, higher proportions of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells made IFN, and more cells were IL-2 and IFN double positive, amongst CMV seropositive individuals. The proportion of PBMC which were CD3+CD56+ cells was highly significantly enhanced amongst CMV-positive participants. In the NK cell population, more cells were NKG2C+, and there were decreased proportions of CD56dimCD57intermediate and increased proportions of CD56dimCD57bright amongst CMV-seropositive participants. Amongst CMV-seropositive individuals, there was a decreased in vitro response to IL-12 and IL-18 stimulation, with significantly reduced CD25, CD107, and IFN expression .

What Are The Symptoms Of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome

For many people, the symptoms of ME/CFS resemble other diseases, like influenza. Symptoms may come and go over time and may increase or decrease in severity. ME/CFS symptoms vary widely from person to person.

Many of the symptoms of ME/CFS make daily life difficult. These symptoms include:

  • Severe fatigue lasting at least 6 months that does not improve with rest or sleep
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes , headaches, and joint pain
  • Cognitive difficulties, including attention and memory problems
  • Muscle aches

Less common symptoms of ME/CFS include:

  • Problems with vision
  • Irritable bowel, an intestinal condition causing painful bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea
  • Psychological issues, including mood swings, irritability and anxiety
  • Tingling or numbness in the feet, hands or face

For many people, ME/CFS symptoms get worse following physical exercise or strenuous mental exertion. In some cases, orthostatic intolerance causes dizziness, weakness, and fainting.

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Chronic Fatigue And Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

The illness was once known as “yuppie flu” and chronic Epstein-Barr syndrome because of its suspected link to that viral disease. But more than 15 years after chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome entered the public eye, researchers learned the disorder is more than burnout among young urban professionals, and it’s not clearly linked to any specific viral infection.

Even though the cause is still unknown, CFIDS still carries a stigma, which frustrates people with the illness. At least one million Americans have CFIDS and millions more suffer worldwide. CFIDS is three to four times more common in women than men, but the condition strikes people of all age, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.

Diagnostic Criteria For Me/cfs Using The National Academy Of Medicine Clinical Criteria


For a diagnosis of ME/CFS, the person must have the following three symptoms:

  • Substantial reduction in functioning and persistent and profound fatigue for at least 6 months. The person is unable to undertake the same level of activity before they became ill. Their fatigue is not the result of significant exertion and is not substantially alleviated by rest.
  • Post-exertional malaise.
  • Diagnosis also requires at least one of the following two symptoms:

  • Cognitive impairment .
  • Orthostatic intolerance .
  • It is important to note that these are not the only symptoms of ME/CFS, just the minimum needed to meet the diagnostic criteria.

    While diagnosis requires that a person has had symptoms continually for six months, early intervention with pacing and rest can help reduce symptoms, improve quality of life and reduce the risk of exacerbating the disease. Research suggests that patients who are able to pace their activity and not push themselves tend to do better in the long term. Pacing and rest can start even prior to an official diagnosis.

    While there is currently no cure and no evidence-based treatments, it is important to find a doctor who is not only sympathetic to ME/CFS, but can work with you to help manage your symptoms.

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    How Does Me/cfs Affect People

    ME/CFS affects different people in different ways, some more severely than others. There are four levels of severity of ME/CFS, which give an indication of the level of disability ME/CFS can create:

    • mild: 50% reduction in pre-illness activity
    • moderate: mostly housebound
    • severe: mostly bedridden
    • very severe: totally bedridden and need help with basic activities including nutrition and hydration.

    The severity of ME/CFS can vary over time. A person living with ME/CFS could be at one level of severity now, then their disease could either improve or deteriorate over time. For some patients, their disease can worsen significantly with no known cause. Other patients have a fluctuating illness where they have better and worse periods, which last for months or years. It is unclear why this happens.

    For most people, ME/CFS is a lifelong disease. Full recovery is rare and estimated at less than 10%. For some people with ME/CFS, as time passes and their disease improves, they will find they can do more, but it is a slow and gradual process. However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people find their disease worsens over time, others may remain somewhat stable. With support and pacing, people can often improve their quality of life.

    How Is Cfs Treated

    Theres currently no specific cure for CFS.

    Each person has different symptoms and therefore may require different types of treatment to manage the disorder and relieve their symptoms.

    Work with your team of healthcare providers to create the best treatment plan for you. They can go over the possible benefits and side effects of the therapies with you.

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    I Don’t Have Insurance How Can The Affordable Care Act Help Me

    If you’re uninsured or have been denied coverage in the past for ME/CFS, the Health Insurance Marketplace may be able to provide you with access to affordable coverage. With health insurance plans in the Marketplace, you can no longer be refused coverage just because you have a pre-existing health condition. Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program also can’t refuse to cover you or charge you more because of a health condition. They also can’t charge women more than men. Learn more about the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace at

    What Are The Symptoms Of Me/cfs

    Stanford Unravels the Mysteries of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    ME/CFS symptoms, which can often be made worse by standing upright, include:

    • Post-exertional malaise , the worsening of symptoms following even minor physical or mental exertion, with symptoms typically worsening 12 to 48 hours after activity and lasting for days or even weeks
    • Persistent fatigue for six months or more
    • Non-restorative sleep/sleep disturbance
    • Sensitivity to light, sound, odors, chemicals, foods, and medications
    • Headaches

    If you think you may have ME/CFS, take our quick online quiz.

    Because these symptoms are shared with many other illnesses and because many of these conditions lack a diagnostic test or biomarker identifying which illnesses are present can be difficult. Some patients receive diagnoses for multiple conditions. Common conditions that occur along with ME/CFS include the following:

    • Fibromyalgia
    • Multiple chemical sensitivity disorder

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    Cfids Is Caused By Viralinfection Cure Is Possible With Electromedicine And Rebalancing Thehormonal/glandular System

    alternative treatmentelectricity against virusesmedical patentRobert Beckelectrify thebloodthislinkchronic fatigue alternative treatment testimony:Michael ForrestDiagnosisand Treatment OF Myalgic EncephalomyelitisTREATMENTCandidiasisSUMMARY

    1. Nutrition          Remove coffee/alcohol/tobacco          Vit B, C, B12          Magnesium Chloride          Proper healthy diet2. Hormones          Treat adrenal deficiency          Treat hypothyroidism          Treat male/female hormone deficiencies          Consider Oxytocin supplementation Vasopressin3. Candida          Avoid antibiotics where possible          Treat yeast with Nystatin          Removal of bowel parasites4. Treat food allergies but don't overdo it.

    What Are The Treatments For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    There is no cure or approved treatment for CFS, but you may be able to treat or manage some of your symptoms. You, your family, and your health care provider should work together to decide on a plan. You should figure out which symptom causes the most problems and try to treat that first. For example, if sleep problems affect you the most, you might first try using good sleep habits. If those do not help, you may need to take medicines or see a sleep specialist.

    Strategies such as learning new ways to manage activity can also be helpful. You need to make sure that you do not “push and crash.” This can happen when you feel better, do too much, and then get worse again.

    Since the process of developing a treatment plan and attending to self-care can be hard if you have CFS, it is important to have support from family members and friends.

    Don’t try any new treatments without talking to your health care provider. Some treatments that are promoted as cures for CFS are unproven, often costly, and could be dangerous.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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    Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: More Than Just Feeling Tired

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder of many names. It is also known as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis .

    Whatever it is referred to as, CFS is a complex, chronic illness that affects the entire body, including the brain. The immune system is especially affected by this disorder as well, compromising general health and necessitating treatment.

    In comparison to other illnesses, CFS is extremely rare, only occurring in 7 to 3,000 out of 100,000 individuals. Full recovery is extremely rare, but treatment can help improve the quality of life for individuals who experience this disorder.

    The chronic pain associated with CFS is often the most troubling component of the disorder as well, necessitating solutions for what can sometimes be long-term problems.

    What Is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex and disabling disease. It has been classified as a neurological disorder by the World Health Organization, though it affects many parts of the body, including the brain and muscles, digestive, immune and cardiac systems.

    The term myalgic encephalomyelitis means pain in the muscles, and inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. Scientists are starting to understand some of the biological changes in the bodies of people with ME/CFS, although they have not yet found how to prevent, or cure it.

    Research has found that ME/CFS is associated with problems involving:

    • The bodys ability to produce energy at a cellular level
    • Immune, neurological and hormonal systems
    • Blood pressure and heart rate regulation
    • Digestion
    • Sleep
    • Cognition how quickly information is processed

    ME/CFS affects men, women and children of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. 75-80% of people with the disease are female. It is estimated that up to 600,000 Victorians may be living with ME/CFS, and as many as 90% are undiagnosed.

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    Discharge And Home Healthcare Guidelines

    Instruct the patient to report any increase in physical symptoms or suicidal thoughts to the primary caregiver. Instruct the patient to obtain assistance as necessary to complete self-care activities and to meet family responsibilities. Teach the patient the proper route, dosage, and side effects to monitor with all medications. Make necessary plans for referrals and follow-up appointments.

    How Is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed

    Your doctor diagnoses ME/CFS by performing a mental and physical examination. Doctors will ask about your medical history and order blood and urine tests to check for infection. In many cases, doctors refer people with suspected ME/CFS to other specialists to rule out other illnesses that could be causing symptoms.

    For your doctor to diagnose ME/CFS, you must have these 3 symptoms:

    • Severe fatigue lasting at least 6 months that does not improve with rest or sleep
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Fatigue that gets worse after mental or physical exercise

    Additionally, you must have at least 1 of the following symptoms:

    • Orthostatic intolerance

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    Mental Health Support And Me/cfs

    ME/CFS is not a psychological disorder. However, living with a chronic illness is challenging, especially one that involves missing out on normal life activities, and this may lead to mental health problems like anxiety or depression.

    Speaking with a qualified mental health professional who understands the challenges of living with ME/CFS can be very helpful. They can help with things such as coping with changes to schooling, employment or social activities, and symptoms such as difficulty with sleep or pain. With the availability of Medicare rebates for telehealth, many mental health practitioners now offer remote consultations which makes healthcare more accessible for those who are housebound or bedbound with ME/CFS.

    Cellular Immune Function In Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Scientists Discover Robust Evidence That Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Is a Biological Illness
    • 1Department of Immunology and Infection, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
    • 2Centre of Statistics and Applications, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
    • 3Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

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    How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treated

    Treatment is determined by your healthcare provider and based on:

    • Your overall health and medical history
    • Extent of the condition
    • Your tolerance for specific medicines, procedures, or therapies
    • Expectations for the course of the condition
    • Your opinion or preference
    • Medicine, including corticosteroids, antidepressants, and others
    • Light-intensity aerobic exercise
    • Dietary supplements and herbal preparations
    • Psychotherapy and supportive counseling

    Workplacetesting Explains Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

    Because there is no diagnostic test for CFIDS and symptoms vary, the condition was thought to be a psychosomatic in the past. Many physicians believed that the CFIDS suffer’s physical symptoms were triggered by an emotional or mental disturbance. The fact that mental exertions or stress can worsen CFIDS may have served to reinforce this view.

    In 2015, the National Institute of Health announced plans to intensity research into the condition through a multi-institute research effort. In the same year, it was recommended that the disease be renamed systematic exertion intolerance disease and new diagnostic criteria be developed.

    Since 2015, researchers have identified molecular evidence implicating immune system molecules and mitochonial cells as potential sources for the cause of the disease. Research into the cause or causes and potential treatments for CFDIS is ongoing.

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    Difficult To Diagnose: How To Know If Cfs Is The Problem

    With no clear indication of what causes CFS, diagnosing the disorder can be a real problem. The process itself is both difficult and time-consuming. Ultimately, it is often the result of simply eliminating the possibility of the symptoms resulting from other illnesses that are better known.

    The process of diagnosis is tedious, involving a doctor that will ask questions about a patients medical history, past health and current health, both mental and physical.

    Because of the necessity to rule out other health conditions, a general exam, blood tests and tests specific to disorders such as Lyme Disease and Hypothyroidism are to be expected.

    There is a diagnostic criteria in existence for CFS, requiring that a minimum of four out of eight symptoms be present for a positive diagnosis to be achieved.

    The symptoms themselves must be in occurrence for at least six months as well, which can leave many people in distress over their prospect for immediate treatment.

    Some people may have to wait months or years to be diagnosed due to the ambiguity of the condition. For this reason, it is always good to visit a doctor after experiencing symptoms concurrently, beginning the process early when symptoms are less severe.

    How Is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treated

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    There is no cure for ME/CFS. Treatment goals include managing symptoms and returning you to a higher quality of life. Some people arenât able to regain the level of health and function they had before their diagnosis.

    First, your doctor works with you to determine which symptoms cause the most difficulty. Together, you will address those symptoms immediately.

    Counseling is helpful for many people with ME/CFS. This type of treatment helps people better tolerate symptoms by changing thoughts and behaviors. Your doctor may prescribe medications, like antidepressants or sleep aids, if your symptoms are especially severe. These medications can relieve symptoms like unrestful sleep for some people living with ME/CFS.

    Before prescribing sleep aids, however, your doctor may provide suggestions for improving sleep without drugs. For instance, he or she might suggest that you visit a sleep specialist. Other tips include:

    • Develop a regular bedtime routineâgo to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
    • Do not nap for more than 30 minutes total during the day.
    • Use your bed and bedroom only for sleeping and sex. Take out all electronics.
    • Avoid eating large meals before you go to bed also avoid alcohol and caffeine.
    • Do your exercising at least 4 hours before you go to sleep.

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    How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed

    CFS can be difficult to diagnose. There is no specific test for CFS, and other illnesses can cause similar symptoms. Your health care provider has to rule out other diseases before making a diagnosis of CFS. He or she will do a thorough medical exam, including:

    • Asking about your medical history and your family’s medical history
    • Asking about your current illness, including your symptoms. Your doctor will want to know how often you have symptoms, how bad they are, how long they have lasted, and how they affect your life.
    • A thorough physical and mental status exam
    • Blood, urine, or other tests

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