Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fatigue That Comes And Goes

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‘can Covid Symptoms Come And Go’

Prismo – Weakness [NCS Release]

Like so many aspects of COVID-19, were still learning a lot about its symptoms and how they progress. If youve tested positive for COVID-19, started feeling better, and then developed symptoms again, you may wonder if thats normal. Can COVID-19 symptoms come and go like that?

Based on what we know right now, yes, COVID-19 symptoms can go up and down during the recovery period.

Some illnesses, like the common cold, run a pretty straight course: Your nose becomes stuffy, you feel fatigued, and then over the course of a few days your nose dries up and your energy returns. But people with COVID-19 report that their symptoms can go from good to bad overnight as they recover. They may be free from fever for a couple of days and then develop a new, low-grade fever. Or their cough may seem to be getting better, only to get much worse a day later.

As far as we know right now, these developments are normal, and most people do get better within a couple of weeks after their symptoms began, even if their symptoms spike and drop during the recovery period.

However, a few people seem to develop a chronic case of COVID-19. Sometimes described as long-haulers, these people cycle through the symptoms of COVID-19 for weeks on end. Some people report needing additional care for as much as 6 months after their initial diagnosis and subsequent recovery.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Shift work can wreak havoc on your body’s 24-hour internal clock, or circadian rhythm. When you work nights or rotate shifts, your body doesn’t know when to be awake and when to sleep, which causes fatigue.

Daylight is often a cue to be awake. If you must sleep during the day, try to make your sleeping area as dark, cool, and quiet as possible. If you must work at night, keep your workplace brightly lit. Try to work night shifts all in a row and avoid frequently rotating shifts. Stay away from caffeine, and stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule as much as possible on days off.

How Is Me/cfs Diagnosed

Because many symptoms of ME/CFS are also symptoms of other illnesses or side effects of medicine, your doctor will need to do physical exams and tests to help determine if you have ME/CFS. There are no standard lab tests to diagnose ME/CFS.

If you think you may have ME/CFS, see your doctor. Your doctor may:

  • Ask you about your physical and mental health.
  • Do a physical exam.
  • Order lab tests based on your symptoms, such as urine and blood tests, which will tell your doctor if something other than ME/CFS might be causing your symptoms.
  • Order tests that check for problems found in people with ME/CFS.
  • Classify you as having ME/CFS if:
  • You have the main symptoms of ME/CFS, including extreme fatigue or exhaustion that does not go away and that prevents you from doing the things you want and need to do for you and your family exhaustion that comes after mental or physical exercise sleep problems and pain AND
  • You have had the extreme fatigue and other symptoms for 6 months or longer AND
  • You and your doctor cannot find another explanation for your symptoms.

The process to make a final diagnosis of ME/CFS can take a long time, so try to be patient. It is usually best to develop a relationship and follow up often with one doctor so that he or she can get to know you and see how you respond to treatment over time.

Read Also: Causes Of Chronic Fatigue And Sleepiness

What Causes ‘your’ Fatigue

Many physical and mental illnesses, as well as lifestyle factors, can cause your fatigue, and that can make it hard to diagnose. In some cases, it might be something simple and easy to fix, like having caffeine at bedtime. But other causes, like heart disease or COPD, are serious, and you may need to start long-term treatment right away.

Your doctor can help you sift through your health issues, as well as diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, in order to zero in on the cause and help you on the road to recovery.

What Can You Do About A Heart Attack


There is not much that can be done to help people overcome a heart attack.

Medical intervention is needed as soon as possible and machines are needed to help the heart survive a heart attack.

If you or someone you know experiences a heart attack, the most effective thing you can do is seek medical attention as soon as possible.

People are often embarrassed or feel ashamed when something is wrong with them, so encourage them to seek help so they can find out for sure if they are okay or not.

Wait with the person while medical help arrives and dont try to give them anything to eat or drink.

If you call 911, or another emergency service in your area, follow the instructions the operator gives you.

If you have a family history of heart attacks and you think you might be having one or you have early symptoms of a heart attack, dont ignore it.

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What Medical Conditions Cause Fatigue

Hundreds of conditions and disorders lead to fatigue. Some of the most common causes of fatigue include:

Respiratory Causes Of Intermittent Shortness Of Breath

The cause of shortness of breath that comes and goes is usually attributed to the lungs if it is accompanied by the worsening of cough with clear, yellow, light brown, or green mucus or blood, stuffy nose and sore throat or wheezing.

Following diseases should be investigated, most of which can be diagnosed through chest x-Ray and complete blood count .

1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

These diseases cause obstruction in airway either by mucous congestion, spasm or damage to alveoli.

  • Asthma: allergic or non allergic constriction of trachea along with accumulation of mucous in airways usually accompanied by wheezing.
  • Emphysema: destruction and expansion of air spaces
  • Bronchitis: inflammation in the lower pulmonary tract i.e. the alveoli
  • Bronchiectasis: permanent dilatation of alveoli
2. Restrictive Lung Disease

These are conditions in which lung expansion is restricted either due to fibrosis or pressure on the outside in the form of fluid or blood.

  • Pneumoconiosis: deposition of substances like coal, asbestos and silicone in the lung causing restricted expansion
  • Pneumothorax: collapsed lung
  • Hemothorax: blood surrounding the lungs
  • Pleural Effusion: fluid surrounding the lungs
3. Lung Circulation
  • Pulmonary embolism: blockage of a pulmonary artery due to a blood clot
  • Pulmonary hypertension: high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs
  • Pregnancy

This usually occurs secondarily to other diseases causing fluid overload and can be found in:

5. Other Lung Related Causes

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Rheumatoid Arthritis And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, morning stiffness, joint pain, inflamed joints

Rheumatoid arthritis , a type of inflammatory arthritis, is another cause of excessive fatigue. Because joint damage can result in disability, early and aggressive treatment is the best approach for rheumatoid arthritis.

Medications that may be used early in mild RA include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs

Other drugs used in more serious forms of RA include the anti-cytokine therapies , as well as shots and other forms of treatment.

Other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and Sjogren’s disease, may also cause fatigue.

Does Anyone Else Get Fatigue That Comes And Goes In Waves

My Weakness Comes And Goes! PUBG MOBILE |

Hi everyone, as I have stated in previous posts, I have been ill for over 2 years now. My main symptoms have been a permenant 24/7 flu type headache, which is worse in the morning, also a strange dizziness. Plus several other symptoms.

Although I have suffered from occasional fatigue it has not until recently been a major problem. But since I had food poisoning in early November I have had it every day. My limbs feel as though they have had every bit of energy drained out of them, but I do not feel mentaly fatigued. I find it it seems to come in waves and lasts for between 2-6 hours and then recedes, this can happen more than once in one day, but not always.

Is this typical, I am still not sure that what I am suffering from is ME, although I agree it could be. If I had to list the most debilitating symptoms I have I would still say the permanent flu like head and dizziness, although the fatige is becoming more of a problem.

Regards Robert

Also Check: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Lupus

What Helps My Fatigue

Even though nothing can completely alleviate my fatigue, there are some things that make it more manageable. If I dont treat it, it gets worse. To combat fatigue, my go-to habits include:

  • Getting regular exercise and movement
  • Eating healthy and stay hydrated
  • Keeping a sleep routine
  • Minimizing stress and keeping things simple
  • Tracking my health and keeping a symptom journal
  • Writing down things that are important
  • Reminding others to remind me about things that are important
  • Reading things three times over to understand or save for later
  • Being kind to myself: I am fighting to climb an invisible mountain
  • Taking certain vitamins and supplements like B complex, vitamin D, iron, and green tea

Dr. Barlett emphasized to me the importance of maintaining a sleep schedule. Ive spoken with many people who have experienced more fatigue during the pandemic, in part because they have felt more stressed, but also because their sleep schedules have become more erratic, she says. One of the best things we can do to ensure we stick to a regular sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time each night and get enough sleep. Too much screen time in the evening, heavy meals eaten late at night, and even strenuous exercise shortly before bed can also make it more difficult to fall asleep.

You can get creative with chores, she says. Dont pile all the laundry into one overflowing basket. Use it as an opportunity to make two trips and get a few more steps.

Heart Attacks In Women

Women often experience heart attacks in different ways than men.

For instance, it is not uncommon to hear a woman say she didnt even know she was having a heart attack because she experienced back pain, or pain in another area that is not commonly associated with the heart, such as the stomach.

Most people think heart attacks cause chest pain, but everyone experiences pain differently and its important to note the differences so you can be prepared.

Women will feel tired and sick to their stomachs and feel confused or disoriented. This is true for men as well, but it often persists in women more than men.

Women tend to live high-stress lives and brush off physical symptoms of stress as fatigue, but its important to pay attention to signs that are new or symptoms that are not explained.

Even fatigue is something you should be paying attention to as it can lead to all kinds of other problems, including accidents.

Interesting enough, women are often surveyed about heart attacks and many say that they wouldnt seek medical help for those symptoms, citing they are too busy to let pain stop them.

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What Happens In The First Few Days After A Heart Attack

You will be closely monitored in the first few days after your heart attack

Depending on the severity of your heart attack, the treatmentyou have received and your home situation, you will usuallybe in hospital for 3 to 5 days.

  • The first 24-48 hours after a heart attack is when your condition will be most unstable.
  • This period is often spent in a coronary care unit , a specialised intensive care unit for heart patients, or in an acute medical ward where your heart function can be monitored closely.
  • Your blood sugar level will also be closely monitored. After a heart attack, some people have an increase in their blood sugar level. If this happens you might need treatment with insulin to reduce your blood sugar levels.
  • As a result of your heart attack, other conditions can develop. For example, your heart may not be able to pump blood around your body as well as it did before, or there may be damage to the control of the electrical activity of your heart.
  • It is normal to feel very tired after a heart attack. Initially try to limit any visiting to your immediate family and keep visits brief. Meals are intentionally light as a heavy meal will increase demand on your heart. Eating smaller meals more often means that your heart will not have to work so hard.

Catch The Signs Early

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Dont wait to get help if you experience any of these heart attack warning signs. Some heart attacks are sudden and intense. But most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Pay attention to your body and call 911 if you experience:

  • Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or it may go away and then return. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath. This can occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs. Other possible signs include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

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When Is Being Too Tired A Problem

Let’s face it: We aren’twhat we used to be as we get on up there. Aging has many wonderful aspects, butone of the many problems is that we do not have the stamina and energy we didwhen younger. That is a normal part of aging and just something that comes withthe territory. However, being excessively tired or listless can be termedfatigue.

Home Remedies And Lifestyle Changes

Making some lifestyle changes may help reduce your symptoms.

Limiting or eliminating your caffeine intake can help you sleep better and ease your insomnia. You should limit or avoid nicotine and alcohol too.

Try to avoid napping during the day if its hurting your ability to sleep at night.

Create a sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time every night and aim to wake up around the same time every day.

Recommended Reading: How To Heal Adrenal Fatigue Fast

Spotting The Difference: Cancer Related Fatigue Vs Everyday Fatigue

Each Sunday this year, we’ll be looking at a symptom of leukaemia as part of our #LC50 campaign. This month, we’re focussing on fatigue, and how cancer-related fatigue differs from everyday fatigue. Read all about this symptom and how to spot it.

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Fatigue is by far the most common symptom experienced by blood cancer patients prior to a diagnosis. According to our 2018 patient survey, 56% of leukaemia patients will experience fatigue in the lead up to their diagnosis.

The fatigue that comes with leukaemia or any cancer is known as cancer-related fatigue and it is characterised by extreme or persistent exhaustion that disrupts your daily activities and function. People who have CRF have no energy and find it extremely difficult to complete even the simple, everyday tasks that others take for granted. Spotting the difference between harmless and harmful fatigue may be key in diagnosing leukaemia early.

I was a physical guy, and then all of a sudden, no explanation, I felt like I was in treacle. Very fatigued and very tired.

Articles On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

My Weakness Comes And Goes

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is more than feeling tired all the time. It comes with a lot of other symptoms that can make it hard to handle daily life. Even simple things like walking to the mailbox or writing a letter can make it worse. The fatigue and symptoms can last 6 months, or can go on for years. Sleep and rest donât make it better, either.

A doctor can help relieve your symptoms, but first you need to get diagnosed.

If you have ME/CFS, youâll have these three âcoreâ symptoms:

  • Reduced ability to do usual activities for six months or more because of fatigue
  • Worsening of symptoms . after usual physical or mental activity
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

Along with the three symptoms, you must have one of these for a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Problems with thinking and memory
  • Worsening of symptoms while standing or sitting upright you might feel lightheaded, dizzy or weak, and you may have blurred vision or see spots.

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