Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How Long Does Fatigue Last During Menopause

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Higher Risk Of Heart Disease

Questions on IBS, how long menopause lasts and fatigue during menopause

The end of menopause means that your age becomes solid. It causes certain health problems and heart disease is one out of the list of when is menopause over. This problem also derives from low levels of estrogen and so, induces various complications from the part of the cardiovascular system. Commonly, this issue can be averted if you follow a healthy lifestyle. Its vital to consult a specialist in this field to define the necessary preventive measures.

How I Beat Menopausal Fatigue

Every time I went to bed, I suffered from heart palpitations these were really scary for me as I have always been fit and healthy with loads of energy.

I was certain the heart palpitations and feelings of panic were caused by due excess weight gain that occurred during menopause. I decided I needed to make some lifestyle changes, and Ive listed the things I tried to fight menopausal tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamins for menopause fatigue

The first thing I tried to combat perimenopause fatigue was vitamin supplements and herbal remedies

  • Black Cosh: this helped slightly with the extreme hot sweats, but was not an effective menopause fatigue treatment. There has been more than one study to show Black Cosh to have worrying side effects, so I decided to stop taking it.
  • Starflower: I found absolutely no relief to any of my menopause symptoms or extreme menopause fatigue after taking starflower.
  • Magnesium: taking magnesium did help me to sleep slightly better but not so significantly that it cured my hot sweats and tiredness.
  • Sage: I found this to be no help with perimenopause fatigue or post-menopause fatigue.
  • CBD oil: taking CBD oil helped with menopause aches and pains. However, it didnt help with exhaustion, and it was very costly, so I decided it wasnt worth the cost.

Sadly, none of the natural menopause fatigue remedies worked for me, however, I do know many women who find the natural supplements work very well for them.


  • Rice
  • Pasta

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Reasons You’re Always Tired During Menopause

Constantly feeling tired is a common complaint for many menopausal women, so this week on A.Vogel Talks Menopause I thought I would talk about 7 reasons why you might be feeling tired all the time. I also recommend some quick and easy tips that you can add into your daily life to help with tiredness and fatigue.

Eileen Durward

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Mental And Physical Effects

You may find that during menopause and perimenopause a persistent lack of energy or feelings of weakness can be experienced both physically and mentally. Your sense of exhaustion may seem unexplainable and can include feelings of:

It is important to note that if you are currently taking any medications, you should consult with your doctor before turning to herbal remedies as they can sometimes interfere with various medicines.

What Extreme Fatigue Is Not

Menopause Fatigue, Tiredness and Low Energy. It Is Real!

Extreme fatigue IS NOT Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Adrenal Fatigue.

CFS is a more serious condition. Its caused by a specific condition and can last for six months.

Adrenal fatigue is also another thing. This condition happens when you have chronic stress. Your adrenals go into override and exhaustion. As a result, you dont have control over cortisol and your body. Adrenal Fatigue Solution has an easy explanation about the difference between CFS and Adrenal Fatigue.

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Fatigue During Postmenopause: Faqs

Fatigue can mean feeling a lack of concentration and energy throughout the day, and this can be very upsetting and distressing for many women, especially when it starts taking a toll on relationships and everyday life. Fatigue during postmenopause is common, often due to the natural energy decline that comes with age as well as the lack of certain hormones that regulated mood and energy prior to menopause. Fatigue during postmenopause can be confusing, and many women have questions. Read on to find out answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

When To Get Help For Your Fatigue

There are other issues that could be causing or contributing to your fatigue, such as thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders like arthritis or chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, or heart conditions. If fatigue is extreme, a recent onset, or generally disrupting your day-to-day life, check with a doctor to identify and treat all the factors.

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End Stress In Your Life

Prolonged stress creates excess cortisol! This hormone slows down your functions and suppresses your organs from working properly. It makes your body dormant, draining your energy. Reduce stress by learning how to say NO and set your priorities straight. Slow down and calm yourself down with proper breathing techniques. It will help relax your mind and body.

Does Menopause Make You Tired

How Long Does Menopause Last?

Of course, menopause can make you tired!

From the early stages of perimenopause, many women find themselves dealing with unpredictable symptoms and an upheaval in the way their body works.

Some women feel physically exhausted by menopause, while for others menopause tiredness is more a case of being emotionally drained.


And, because menopause is a process rather than a switch that gets flipped, these feelings of tiredness can go on for several years.

To cap it off, menopause usually hits during your 40s or 50s, when you dont have a lot of extra energy to give out whether thats because youre caring for children, helping older relatives, or sailing to new heights in your career.

To put it simply, menopause and fatigue generally go hand in hand.

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The Search For Reliable Information

The problem for me was that I couldnt find anything that helped me to decide on what might help. I thought HRT wasnt an option for me because of the migraines and looking for alternatives was fraught with marketing claim and counter claim, hearsay and opinion.

I scoured bookshop shelves for information that was sensible, informed and accessible. There were books on womens health that included it as a section usually a short and not very detailed section. One had a bibliography, there were rarely any references. In magazines and on web forums there were people enthusing about wild yams, black cohosh and red clover. In health food shops I felt like I was a marketing persons dream slightly desperate, willing to try anything and unable to discriminate.

Cochrane is a source of reliable, evidence-based information

The Relationship Between Melatonin And Perimenopause Fatigue

Melatonin, the sleep hormone, has also been found to change profoundly during perimenopause. In the journal Sleep Science, a comprehensive study was conducted to evaluate the links between sleep, melatonin, and menopause. The research demonstrated that melatonin levels decrease during the perimenopausal period. However, melatonin levels decline more slowly compared to estrogen and progesterone. Furthermore, the study found that exogenous melatonin can improve sleep quality in perimenopausal women.

Research has further suggested that a decrease in melatonin may be linked to the onset of perimenopause. While a decline in melatonin has been linked between perimenopause and extreme fatigue, it is important to note that men also experience a decline in sleep quality around the same time as women. Along with a decrease in melatonin secretion in both men and women, aging also leads to impairments in your circadian system. Therefore, changes in sleep quality are a part of the normal aging process in both women and men.

Despite knowing that your sleep changes as you age, it still doesnt make living with fatigue any easier. Many women in perimenopause find their fatigue extremely debilitating. For example, fatigue can cause depression, poor concentration, and an overall decrease in quality of life. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve fatigue during menopause.

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What About Conventional Medicine

If you have found that home or herbal remedies are not working for you, then it may be worth speaking to a pharmacist or doctor. There are some conventional treatments available to ease your symptoms of fatigue. However, as your fatigue is likely to be caused by the menopause, you may be asked to consider a hormone treatment such as HRT to tackle the root of the problem.

If you are worried about your condition, have experienced persistent episodes of severe fatigue, or are experiencing fatigue even when you are getting enough sleep, then seeking medical advice is also advised. This is particularly important if you are also experiencing heavy periods as you could be anaemic, or worried about other symptoms such as the condition of your hair which may be an indication of an underactive thyroid gland.

How Long Do Symptoms Last

How Long Does Menopause Last?

Perimenopausal symptoms can last four years on average. The symptoms associated with this phase will gradually ease during menopause and postmenopause. Women whove gone an entire year without a period are considered postmenopausal.

Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are a common symptom of perimenopause. One study found that moderate to severe hot flashes could continue past perimenopause and last for a

Researchers also found that Black women and women of average weight experience hot flashes for a longer period than white women and women who are considered overweight.

Its possible for a woman to experience menopause before the age of 55. Early menopause occurs in women who go through menopause before theyre 45 years old. Its considered premature menopause if youre menopausal and are 40 years old or younger.

Early or premature menopause can happen for many reasons. Some women can go through early or premature menopause because of surgical intervention, like a hysterectomy. It can also happen if the ovaries are damaged by chemotherapy or other conditions and treatments.

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Fuel Yourself With The Right Stuff

Carbohydrates, protein, and fats are the three main macronutrients – and each plays a role in keeping us energized. Carbs provide quick energy to help you feel better right away, whereas protein and fats digest more slowly for sustainable energy until your next meal. Combining all three macronutrients sets you up for the best of both worlds.

Balanced bites to try:

  • A pear with a side of pistachios

  • A hearty slice of toast with mashed avocado and white beans

  • Sliced apple wrapped in prosciutto

  • A sprinkle of breakfast cereal on top of yogurt

A quick walk in the morning or evening will boost your energy level. A great playlist or audio book are useful tools to keep you moving.

How Long Does Menopause Last After Monthly Cycles End

Symptoms typically increase during the first year after menopause begins . Hot flashes, chills, mood and sleep issues, and weight gain are all likely to increase during this time period. However, the exact onset of these symptoms can vary, with some women experiencing them during the six years prior to the loss of a monthly cycle. On average, these symptoms can last for around four to five years after the beginning of menopause.

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Causes Of Menopause Fatigue

As a woman nears menopause, her hormone levels fluctuate dramatically, which causes the brain to wake up at all hours of the night. Also, lower levels of progesterone make some women short-tempered and less able to relax.

Hormones like progesterone and estrogen are also known to help protect women from a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. When women go through menopause, they no longer produce progesterone which means theyre no longer as naturally protected from this sleep disorder, ultimately putting them more at risk.

If you have sleep apnea, oxygen deprivation may cause you to awaken several times during the night.

But hormones arent the only thing that will keep women up at night. Other symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats are also likely culprits of poor sleep.


There are changes in the brain that lead to hot flashes, and those changes not just the feeling of heat can also be what triggers the body to wake up while youre trying to sleep. Even women who dont report having sleep disturbances from hot flashes often say that they have more trouble sleeping than they did before menopause.

In short, the more uncomfortable you are, the more likely youll wake up throughout the night, often more than once.

Things To Know About Dizziness During Menopause

How Long Does Perimenopause Last – What Is Premature Menopause

Dizziness is linked to the health of the inner ear, which is responsible for balance. The inner ear senses movement or a change in the position of your head and communicates this change to your brain. When this information is not relayed properly, it can cause dizziness, which is common among menopausal women. Read on for more information on six basic aspects of dizziness during menopause.

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Natural Boosters To Beat Menopause Fatigue

The onset of menopause can bring many new challenges and symptoms for women, especially in the early stages as your body adjusts to these new changes. One of the most common symptoms that women experience is menopause fatigue. And while lower energy levels are not uncommon, they can make it very difficult to go about your daily activities.

Though most menopause symptoms will fade on their own with time, you dont have to accept them as they are for the present time. There are steps you can take to alleviate fatigue and low energy to make your transition easier.

Lets take a look at some of the natural boosters for boosting the symptoms associated with a hormonal imbalance.

Keep A Diary And Note Your Sleeping Habits

Keep a diary or journal to log your thoughts and emotions. You may have a lot of different changes going on in your life and it can be very helpful to write to yourself about them as a way of getting perspective and charting change.

Some of your fatigue may be associated with poor sleep/Insomnia or Night Sweat or Hot Flushes .Try to create good routines for yourself including a regular bedtime and rising time. A good night time routine will ensure better sleep. Is your phone and tablet etc out of the bedroom?

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Are There Treatments That Can Ease The Symptoms Of Perimenopause

Many women get relief from hot flashes after taking low-dose birth control pills for a short time. Other options that may control hot flashes include the birth control skin patch, vaginal ring, and progesterone injections. Certain women should not use birth control hormones, so talk to your doctor to see if they are right for you.

You may also feel better if you do things that enhance your general well-being, such as:

  • Exercise.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Get more sleep and try going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day.
  • Drink less alcohol.
  • Get to a healthy weight and stay there.
  • Get enough calcium in your diet.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take a multivitamin.

Talk to your doctor if you are having problems with your sex drive. They may be able to recommend a counselor or therapist to help you and your partner work through this problem. Vaginal lubricants may also be recommended, if vaginal dryness is a problem.

Other treatments available to help with the various symptoms of perimenopause may include antidepressant medications for mood swings.

Talk to your doctor about your specific symptoms and goals of treatment. This will help them make a plan that is right for you.

How Long Does Menopause Last On Average

How Long Does Menopause Last?

If you are going through menopause, youre probably wondering how long the symptoms will last. While the answer to this question is different for every woman, it lasts an average of four or five years. The nature of the symptoms also varies from person to person, and the specific timeline of symptoms is highly variable as well. Heres what you need to know.

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How Do I Deal With Fatigue

Fatigue can be distressing and leave little time or energy to do what you really enjoy, so it is important to treat it. Fortunately, unless the fatigue is caused by an illness, there are a number of home remedies you can try in order to deal with it. Some ideas are:

  • Eat small meals more regularly
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
  • Get plenty of magnesium and iron in your diet
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Read about vitamins that can combat fatigue

There is no cure for fatigue itself, but rather, treatment depends on dealing with the underlying cause. This could mean treating the illness causing it, or modifying your diet and lifestyle to give you more energy. Fatigue during postmenopause should be dealt with as soon as possible or it could get worse and lead to other issues, like anxiety or depression.

Does Menopause Cause Extreme Fatigue

Our body relies on estrogen and progesterone during menopause. Its important to keep their delicate balance, but it is tricky to do so.

Estrogen dominance is common in perimenopause. It happens when you have an imbalance in the estrogen to progesterone ratio. Progesterone is the first hormone to decrease during menopause. As a result, estrogen becomes the dominant hormone.

Too much estrogen is bad for our bodies. It creates a cascade of symptoms and causes a ripple effect on our whole body. Without the calming progesterone, nothing can stop the negative effects of too much estrogen.

With ED, your metabolism slows down, so energy production decreases. Your gut becomes sluggish, and absorbing nutrients becomes a challenge. Your adrenal glands notice these changes, and it will release stress hormones. Excessive stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, suppress some body functions.

In all these hormonal changes, your body works hard to bring back balance. But over time, it runs out of energy.

Estrogen and progesterone also relax the body. For this reason, sleep and rest depend on these hormones. Low testosterone may also contribute to extreme fatigue. This is because the hormone is an energy booster.

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