Saturday, July 27, 2024

Type 2 Diabetes And Fatigue

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Treatment And Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

Signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes

If you observe any of the signs of diabetes, your doctor may order a blood test to confirm the possibility of type 2 diabetes. But, if the glucose levels are extremely high, additional tests as the following may be required.

  • HbA1c test or A1c test: A Simple blood test that records the average blood glucose level of the past 2 or 3 months.
  • Fasting blood sugar test: A blood test that measures the blood sugar levels on an empty stomach. This test is usually done after 8 hours of having solid food, and only water is permissible.
  • Oral glucose tolerance test : This test measures the blood glucose before and two hours after having something with high sugar. This test is done to observe how the body handles sugar when consumed.

Psychological Pressure And Burnout

A chronic disease that requires constant management and attention, Type 1 diabetes is a source of stress and psychological pressure for both patients themselves and their families, which can sometimes lead to a phenomenon of burnout. People with the condition are also more prone to depression², which may develop after the diabetes is diagnosed or after living with it for several years. In this case, fatigue is a physical manifestation of angst or psychological distress that should not be ignored.

What Are The Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes

Certain risk factors such as medical conditions, genetics, environmental, or lifestyle agents contribute to increasing the chances of having type 2 diabetes.

  • People who are 45 and above,
  • Family with parents or siblings with diabetes,
  • Certain ethnic groups such as Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian people, and Pacific Islanders,
  • People with prediabetic conditions, heart diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or triglycerides,
  • Being obese or overweight,
  • Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ,
  • People who exercise less or perform less physical activities,
  • People with depression, stress, and insomnia,
  • People who smoke,
  • Those who have depression are more likely to have type 2 diabetes.

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Diabetes Fatigue: Know About Causes And Effective Ways To Manage

Many people with diabetes complain about feeling tired, lethargic, or fatigued most of the time. Well, diabetes and fatigue are commonly associated together. In fact, people with diabetes are more likely to experience fatigue at some point in time. Diabetes affects the blood glucose uptake and the production of insulin by the pancreas and has high levels of inflammatory markers. Extensive research has looked at the possible correlations between diabetes and fatigue. The symptoms of both hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia are tiredness and fatigue. Thus, in the long run, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to unexplained tiredness, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Read this article to understand the cause of diabetes and fatigue and simple ways to handle it.

Changes In Blood Sugar Levels

Why does having diabetes cause fatigue?

Diabetes affects the way the body regulates and uses blood sugar.

When a person eats, the body breaks down food into simple sugars, or glucose. In people with diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body does not use insulin effectively. Cells need insulin to absorb glucose from the blood.

If the cells do not take in enough glucose, it can build up in the blood. The cells need glucose to provide energy.

Fatigue and weakness might result when the cells do not get enough glucose. Diabetes medications, such as insulin or metformin, help more of this sugar to move into the cells and prevent it from building to harmful levels in the blood.

A potential side effect of diabetes medications is low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia.

Low blood sugar can also cause fatigue, especially in people who do not get enough warning that their blood sugars levels are dropping. A person can also feel fatigued after treatment of low blood sugar.

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Dealing With Diabetes Fatigue

My days have been getting shorter, Ron told me. I sleep ten hours a night and still need naps in the day. Even when Im awake, Im dragging. What can I do?

Rons doctor wasnt much help. At his last appointment six weeks ago, Rons A1c was 8.1, and the doc started him on nateglinide , but his energy level hasnt improved. At family picnics, he just watches or naps while the others play softball. Im starting to feel depressed, like life is passing me by he told me.

Excessive tiredness like Rons is often called fatigue. Its one of the classic symptoms of diabetes and many other illnesses. But what causes it and what can you do about it? Most experts blame insulin resistance for the fatigue. If your cells are resisting glucose, they wont have enough fuel, so they tire out. At the same time, the glucose level in your blood will be higher than normal, so blood flows less well , which could also be tiring. Hypoglycemia can also cause fatigue.

Blood glucose is far from the whole story, though. Inflammation makes people very tired. Part of the inflammatory response includes cytokines and white blood cells that influence the nervous system and tell us to sleep. Thats why people are so tired with the flu our immune systems are trying to get us to rest. If you have chronic inflammation, which many people with diabetes do, that could cause fatigue.

Why Does Type 2 Diabetes Make You Feel So Tired

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms associated with poorly controlled blood sugar.

If you have type 2 diabetes and youre feeling tired, youre not alone. Fatigue is a symptom thats often associated with the condition. There are many possible causes, including everything from diabetes-related complications to underlying conditions. Simply managing diabetes on a daily basis can zap your energy from time to time.

However, the most common cause, by far, is uncontrolled blood glucose, says Joel Zonszein, MD, director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at the University Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Health System in the Bronx, New York.

With type 2 diabetes, poor blood sugar control typically results in or , which can cause fatigue among other symptoms. But Dr. Zonszein notes that high blood glucose isnt the only cause. Some people especially the elderly get dehydrated because their blood sugars are so high . The fatigue, in part, comes from the , he says. It can also come from kidney disease.

Underlying conditions and diabetes-related complications are additional factors that can contribute to tiredness. Dr. Zonszein explains that when people have had type 2 diabetes for a long time, they can develop damage in their kidneys, heart, and liver. Abnormalities in these organs can also cause fatigue, he says.

Medications should also be reviewed, as fatigue can be a side effect in some, especially those used to like .

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High Prevalence Of Post

Post-Covid syndrome or Long Covid has emerged as a major roadblock in the recovery of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, a new study showed.

Fatigue is most prevalent and makes a coronavirus disease patient severely debilitated, among other symptoms such as myalgia , headache, cough and breathlessness.

A recent study conceived by Dr Anoop Misra, executive chairman and director at the department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Fortis C-DOC and conducted jointly by Fortis C-DOC, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, C-NET, N-DOC reveals that Type 2 diabetes patients who had Covid-19 showed significantly more fatigue when compared with patients who did not have the infection.

The results show that diabetes complicates course of Covid-19 and results in excess morbidity and mortality presence of diabetes also influences post-Covid syndrome via various pathophysiological mechanisms. Further, diabetes poses challenges in the recovery of patients. This is a first of its kind study globally.

The study assessed the prevalence of fatigue using the CFQ-11 and handgrip strength in patients with Type 2 diabetes after Covid-19 infection, and to compare them against patients with diabetes without a history of Covid-19. The sample size assessed was 108 type 2 diabetes patients.

Key findings

Rehabilitation of those with fatigue score above 4 after acute infection would require careful attention to nutrition, glycemic control and graduated physical activity protocol

How Can You Fight Diabetes Fatigue

Scientists examine weakening in muscles for those with type-2 diabetes

You want to lead a normal life and diabetes fatigue does not enable you to do so. As such, you will need to take all the necessary steps to fight tiredness and fatigue in diabetes. The following are some of the ways of achieving the same:

  • Blood glucose monitoring is the most important way in which you can achieve diabetes management.As seen above, both high and low blood glucose levels lead to fatigues.
  • Another important way of managing fatigue effectively is eating the right type of diet as may have been prescribed by your doctor.
  • Exercising plays a great role in managing your blood glucose levels, and thereby diabetes fatigue and sleepiness. Physical activity reduces fatigue by as much as 65 percent.
  • Also, vitamin D is good for your body and as such, you need to step out in the sun
  • Walk after you have had a heavy meal
  • You can also take small naps in between
  • Make walking a daily habit. Walk as much as you can even if it is in your house.
  • Keep yourself free from stress
  • Meditate as much as you can
  • Sleep for at least six to eight hours a day
  • Stay optimistic and positive

It is also important for you to remember that there are various other reasons that can lead to a feeling of fatigue and tiredness in your body. Hence, the changes in your diet, exercise regime, insulin dose, medication, etc. should be made only after careful analyses and considerations of the following:

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Type 2 Diabetes: What Is It

Normally, the pancreas produces insulin to get absorbed into the cells and convert the blood glucose/ sugar into energy. Diabetes is defined as a disorder in the way the insulin is utilised and does not get absorbed to cause an increase in blood glucose while not being able to convert it to energy.

In type 2 diabetes, either there is low insulin production in the pancreas, or the cells have developed resistance to insulin- insulin resistance. In either of the cases, the insulin does not get absorbed by the cells. The rise in circulating blood glucose is the main indicator of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes mostly affects people in their middle ages and so known to be an adult-onset disease. Even young children and teens, especially due to obesity at a young age, can have this condition. High blood sugar levels are eventually associated with disorders of the heart, immune system, nerves, kidneys, and other organs.

People with type 2 diabetes will have a long-term association with medications, insulin therapy, diet, and regular blood glucose monitoring.

Is There A Cure For Diabetes

In order to fight your fatigue, it will be up to you to monitor your blood glucose level regularly. Maintaining good management of your diabetes and regaining a stable glycaemic balance, are an effective means of fighting a lack of energy.

Adopting a healthy diet can also help combat tiredness. In practice, this involves managing a daily lifestyle that combines:

  • maintaining a healthy weight

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Type 2 Diabetes Nursing Care Plans Diagnosis And Interventions

Type 2 Diabetes NCLEX Review and Nursing Care Plans

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by a malfunction in how the body controls and utilizes blood glucose as an energy source. This health condition is a long-term chronic disorder that causes excess sugar to circulate in the bloodstream.

High blood glucose levels will eventually result in cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological system problems. Two connected complications also happen in type 2 diabetes mellitus the pancreas does not create sufficient insulin, a hormone that modulates the transport of sugar into the body cells, and the cells respond poorly to insulin, allowing the body to consume less sugar.

In addition, type 2 diabetes mellitus was previously referred to as adult-onset diabetes since it is more common in older adults. However, an increase in obese children has led to the growth of type 2 diabetes mellitus cases in younger people.

Furthermore, type 2 diabetes mellitus currently has no cure, although decreasing weight, eating healthily, and exercising can help a diabetic individual manage the disease. If food and exercise are not enough to keep the blood sugar under control, the patient may need diabetic medication or insulin therapy.

Fatigue In Type 2 Diabetes: Impact On Quality Of Life And Predictors

Does Diabetes Type 2 Make You Tired
  • Affiliation School of Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, United States of America

  • Affiliation Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, United States of America

  • Affiliation Department of Physical Therapy, Stockton University, Galloway, New Jersey, United States of America

  • Affiliation Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, United States of America

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Tiredness And High Blood Sugar Levels

Blood glucose levels go high when there is either insufficient insulin or the insulin is not working effectively enough .

To provide us with energy, insulin is needed to transport glucose from blood into our cells to be used for energy.

When there is not enough insulin, or the insulin isnt working effectively, it means the sugar in our blood cannot get into our cells and therefore our cells do not receive the energy they need. As a result, we feel tired.

What Are The Causes Of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by increased blood sugar level. Diabetes is caused by either insufficient insulin secretion or resistance to that hormones action.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and helps process the glucose in the blood. Thus, with inadequate insulin, the bodies cant burn all the blood sugar for energy in an efficient way. This means the glucose level in the blood rises, causing a variety of symptoms and when severe may even lead to death.

An estimated 9.4% of the population in the United States were affected by diabetes in 2017, according to the report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Factors that influence the development of type 2 diabetes include:

  • Genetic factors

Most frequently, however, type 2 diabetes does not cause any symptoms for several years and may go unnoticed.

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Diabetes Type 2 Nursing Care Plan 4


Nursing Diagnosis: Powerlessness related to a chronic or progressive disease that is incurable and reliance on others secondary to Type 2 diabetes mellitus as evidenced by depression related to physiological deterioration or complications despite patient compliance with the treatment plan and a hesitancy to convey genuine emotions.

Desired Outcome: The patient will be able to recognize feelings of hopelessness and identify healthy coping strategies.

The Lowdown On Low Energy

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: #3: Sugar Cravings & Fatigue

People living with type 2 diabetes can sometimes have low energy. This isnt necessarily about being sleepy. If you are feeling more tired than usual, check with your healthcare team. There are several issues that may contribute to feeling low energy. Not sure what they are? Let us fill you in.

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When To See A Doctor

A person with diabetes should see their doctor regularly to monitor and manage their diabetes.

They may also wish to consult a doctor who specializes in treating new or worsening fatigue that interferes with daily life.

People should seek medical attention for fatigue that occurs alongside other symptoms, such as fever, chills, or malaise, as these could indicate an infection.

What Causes Fatigue In Prediabetes

Chronic tiredness or fatigue is more than just feeling a bit weary. If you are struggling to get up in the morning feeling a total lack of energy or fogginess or not able to perform the tasks you normally do as simply too exhausted it may be that you actually are suffering from fatigue… and it could be a side effect of your diabetes.

Although diabetes medications generally do not result in symptoms, fluctuations in blood sugars can definitely have an effect.

It is always a good idea to check with your doctor if you are feeling fatigued as it could be a number of other health problems such as anaemia cancer coeliac disease vitamin B12 deficiency low testosterone levels, kidney disease, thyroid issues or even as a consequence of depression.

PreDiabetes Content

Fatigue can occur for many reasons but here are 3 important ones to consider:

  • Poor blood circulation which results in less oxygen and energy supply to the brain
  • Longterm inflammation in the body so effectively the body is at war and the brain is sent messages that the body needs to rest and repair itself.
  • Complications such as kidney disease where there is red cell damage and less oxygen in the body.

Fatigue in prediabetes is common and occurs for a number of reasons. High and low blood sugars can cause tiredness so it is important to check your sugars when feeling like this to try and get a clearer picture of the cause.

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Do Blood Sugar Levels Make A Person With Diabetes Tired

Blood sugar levels can definitely make someone tired. If blood sugar levels are too high or too low, the body is not able to operate 100% like it should and it can wear the body down. Also, having to chase blood sugar with insulin and battle to keep it under control is very tiring. One study found that 29% of people with diabetes said fatigue was caused by adjusting insulin dosages and 23% percent said that it was caused by stress from managing their disease.

Hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar, can cause fatigue because it deprives the brain and other organs of fuel and oxygen to work properly. If blood sugar gets too low, then it can cause major problems such as confusion or even seizures.

Hyperglycemia, which is blood sugar that is too high, can cause fatigue because the blood carrying the fuel to the organs is like maple syrup instead of water. When it takes longer for the cells to reach their destination, the body is tired and worn out.

Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. She didnt like the porridge too cold or too hot, it had to be just right in the middle. Blood sugar is the same way. The body operates best when it stays in the target range.

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