Saturday, April 20, 2024

Chronic Fatigue Joint And Muscle Pain

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Q: Why Is Pots Often Misdiagnosed

UH COVID Recovery Clinic – Rheumatology

A: Many of the symptoms described above seem very cardiac-driven. However, at the hospital or ER, the doctors will find that the POTS patients heart is fine. Its actually the adrenaline thats producing a lot of these symptoms to compensate for a neurologic problem.

Often, patients have so many symptoms and are consulting so many different specialists that theres no cohesive assessment or treatment. In addition, POTS symptoms are often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue a term used to describe a group of symptoms when nothing else can be used to explain it.

Awareness of POTS in todays medical culture is limited. Recently, however, theres been a growing awareness of POTS thats evolving across the board. As the general population is learning more about it, the medical community is being educated as well.

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Q: How Is Pots Tested/assessed

A: Seeking answers from a medical center with autonomic expertise will give you a better chance of receiving an accurate diagnosis. If you think you may have POTS, its important that your doctor rules out other conditions, includingthyroid disease.

Your autonomic medical specialist will use a special tilt table test to diagnose your condition. The tilt table test is designed to measure heart rate and blood pressure as you change your body position from lying flat to a 60- to 70-degree angle. The title table is the best way to confirm a POTS diagnosis.

Caring For Someone With Me/cfs

Having a supportive community of family, friends, school, work, employers and health workers, who understand the potential seriousness of ME/CFS, can also help improve the quality of life of people living with ME/CFS.

Everyone involved in supporting someone with ME/CFS needs to understand Post Exertional Malaise, which is an abnormal, biological response to exercise or activity. This means the patient will not be able to do all of the activities they used to be able to do, and will benefit from practical and emotional support. People with ME/CFS will each have different needs and preferences, so it is important to talk with them about how best to provide support. This may include help with daily routines, family life, accessing healthcare and other personal priorities.

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As fresh flowers emerge in the springtime, so do seasonal allergies. The main culprit is pollen released into the air by the green grass, mold, trees, and colorful flowers in full bloom. Nasal congestion, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a sore throat are common symptoms. But can seasonal allergies cause joint pain? Yes, they can. Lets look at how seasonal allergies affect your joints:

Many people complain of an increase in joint pain around this time of the year. This is because the pollen in the air lands on your skin, eyes, and nose triggering an allergic reaction in the body. The immune system works hard to fight against the foreign allergens. This causes fatigue and inflammation within the body. The inflammatory reaction spreads to the joints and manifests as joint pain.

Steps to prevent seasonal allergies:

If your joint pain continues even after getting allergy symptoms under control, you should visit an orthopedic doctor for an in-depth evaluation and treatment recommendation.

Food Allergies Intolerance And Reactions

Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue

If a specific food makes you feel ill, the reaction could be an allergy, an intolerance or some other kind of reaction. Many people label all negative reactions to food as allergies. After all, the end result is the same whether you have an allergy or an intolerance to a certain food: you must avoid the food that triggers your reaction.

However, the reactions inside the body are different, and lead to varying symptoms. The Mayo Clinic reports that the most common food allergy symptoms are:

  • Itching and tingling in the mouth
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Itchy skin, associates with hives or eczema
  • Abdominal discomfort, including diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling in the mouth, throat or other parts of the body
  • Difficulty breathing, including wheezing and nasal congestion
  • Anaphylaxis, which is life threatening

As such, you are not likely to experience a food allergy with fever, headache and fatigue. Instead, such symptoms may be signs of intolerances, other underlying disorders, or contaminated food.

?Read More:?10 Facts You Need to Know About Food Allergies

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> > > Erase Joint Pain Without Surgery Or Injections

Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and Tylenol are available over-the-counter to alleviate joint pain. The same medications can be prescribed by a doctor. If you are experiencing more severe joint pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If your pain is caused by an injury, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should be aware of the symptoms and make sure that they are not caused by a serious condition.

Severe Muscle And Joint Pain With Fatigue Inflammation can lead to joint pain. Inflammation can lead to joint damage. Your doctor can prescribe medication to stop the inflammation. While over-the-counter medications can help relieve the pain, they have side effects and should be taken only as directed by your doctor. Your doctor will discuss your treatment options and advise you on any side effects that may occur. If your joint pain is chronic or doesnt respond to these medicines, you may need to see a surgeon.

Besides over-the-counter medications, doctors can recommend joint-related surgeries to treat joint pain. This is a serious problem and may require long-term treatment. Surgical treatment can be life-saving for patients suffering from chronic joint pain. Your doctor can also recommend physical therapy and help you manage your condition at home. If youve tried all of these methods and still have joint pain, you may need to consider surgery. In severe cases, the surgery can relieve the pain and prevent future problems.

Disturbances Of Intracellular Ions In Me/cfs

Disturbances of ionic transport are well known from experimental ischemiareperfusion injury situations in the heart and in skeletal muscle. Harmful ionic disturbances appear abruptly within a minute of reperfusion after a period of total ischemia whether it is the heart or skeletal muscle. Although ME/CFS is not an ischemiareperfusion situation we provide arguments that similar ionic disturbances could occur in skeletal muscles of ME/CFS patients but would appear more slowly and be less severe. These ionic changes in skeletal muscles finally result in calcium overload to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, muscular insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction in muscles with repeated exercise. Major players involved are the sodiumpotassium ATPase , the sodium-proton-exchanger and the sodium-calcium-exchanger . The isoform in skeletal muscle is NCX3 . The NCX can reverse its transport direction to import calcium instead of exporting it under conditions of a strong rise in intracellular sodium. In the following we try to work out how sodium overload could occur in ME/CFS which would then entail calcium overload as the final damaging mechanism.

Fig. 2

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How Does Me/cfs Affect People

ME/CFS affects different people in different ways, some more severely than others. There are four levels of severity of ME/CFS, which give an indication of the level of disability ME/CFS can create:

  • mild: 50% reduction in pre-illness activity
  • moderate: mostly housebound
  • severe: mostly bedridden
  • very severe: totally bedridden and need help with basic activities including nutrition and hydration.

The severity of ME/CFS can vary over time. A person living with ME/CFS could be at one level of severity now, then their disease could either improve or deteriorate over time. For some patients, their disease can worsen significantly with no known cause. Other patients have a fluctuating illness where they have better and worse periods, which last for months or years. It is unclear why this happens.

For most people, ME/CFS is a lifelong disease. Full recovery is rare and estimated at less than 10%. For some people with ME/CFS, as time passes and their disease improves, they will find they can do more, but it is a slow and gradual process. However, this is not the case for everyone. Some people find their disease worsens over time, others may remain somewhat stable. With support and pacing, people can often improve their quality of life.

Gluten And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic Fatigue, Muscle Aches/Pains, Anxiety, Inability to Focus: Patient Interview

With rheumatoid arthritis , your immune system attacks joint tissue commonly found in your hands, wrists, and knees. Swelling and inflammation occur, which leads to joint tissue damage. The tissue damage ultimately causes chronic pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity.

Several studies have linked RA with celiac disease. And researchers have even suggested that it may start in the gut and be triggered by food antigens, such as gluten.

In this case report, a 50-year old man presented with chronic diarrhea for two months. He also lost weight and his feet and legs were swollen. Antibodies for gluten proteins were found in his blood and damage to the lining of his small intestine was confirmed.

The patient was diagnosed with celiac disease and treated with a gluten-free diet. After three months, his initial symptoms improved significantly. However, he soon started to experience pain in his joints and laboratory tests confirmed he had RA.

In this study, 42 children with juvenile RA were tested for celiac disease even though they didnt have the usual symptoms. And it turned out that almost 43% of the group had antibodies for gluten proteins in their blood, which means their immune systems were reacting to gluten.

Sixteen of the children with gluten protein antibodies had intestinal biopsies performed and celiac disease was confirmed in all cases. So the children were treated with a gluten-free diet, which reduced their joint-related symptoms as well as improved their growth.

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What Can Cause Muscle Pain

Unlike joint pain, muscle pain is most commonly caused by overuse, strain, or injury to a specific muscle.4 This is common among athletes and people who begin exercising after long periods of inactivity. However, muscle pain can also be due to an illness or infection in the body, and this is where the symptoms can mirror joint pain.5 Individuals may feel pain in their muscles due to influenza, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hypothyroidism. Medical conditions that can cause muscle pain, as well as joint pain, include Lyme disease,6 fibromyalgia,7and polymyalgia rheumatica.8

Tips For Family Members

Chronic illnesses like ME/CFS may impact the whole family. Consult with a mental health professional to learn how to cope with changes in family dynamics. Don’t expect your loved one to “snap out of it” and return to their usual activities. Try to be supportive, because emotional health is vital for anyone coping with ME/CFS.

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What You Should Know About Muscle And Joint Pain With Fatigue

Body aches are a common symptom of many conditions. Although muscle and joint pain with fatigue can be a common symptom of body aches, this condition can be because of other health conditions. There is a possibility that these indications are due to lack of exercises or because you walk or stand for long periods. Whichever is the reason, it is always better to consult your doctor to avoid worsening the present situation. Moreover, having supplement like protein nutrients will help you boost your immune system to improve the performance of your body. You can visit this website to purchase your food supplements.

What Is The Difference Between Fibromyalgia And Myofascial Pain Syndrome

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Myofascial pain syndrome is similar to fibromyalgia, but there are important differences in symptoms and treatment. One big difference is that myosfascial pain is confined to a specific area and is associated with trigger points. For more information, see the Made for This Moment myofascial pain syndrome page.

A person can have both fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. That makes it especially important to consult with a medical specialist who can diagnose the difference and apply the proper treatments for each condition.

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Evaluation Of Pain In Many Joints

In evaluating joint pain, doctors first try to decide whether joint pain is caused by a disorder of the joints or a serious bodywide illness. Serious bodywide disorders may need specific immediate treatment. The following information can help people decide when to see a doctor and know what to expect during the evaluation.

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Abnormal Ampk Activation And Glucose Uptake

A recent study reported striking biochemical differences in skeletal muscle cultures established from 10 CFS/ME patients and 7 age-matched controls. Samples were subjected to electrical pulse stimulation , for 24 hours, and examined for exercise-associated changes. Key differences emerged, in the basal state there was increased myogenin expression in CFS/ME samples but a decrease in IL-6 secretion during differentiation when compared to control samples. Following 16 hours of EPS there was a significant increase in AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and glucose uptake in control samples when compared to unstimulated control cultures. Alternatively, CFS/ME samples demonstrated no increase in AMPK phosphorylation or glucose uptake. Nevertheless, glucose uptake remained responsive to insulin, suggesting exercise related dysfunction. Furthermore, IL-6 secretion in response to EPS was significantly reduced across all time points measured.

However, it is important to consider the role of physical activity on AMPK activation. For example, trained subjects have been reported to express higher levels of 1 AMPK in comparison to untrained individuals . Furthermore, a 3-week endurance training intervention with young male participants resulted in increases in 1 and 2 AMPK protein expression in addition to ACC- phosphorylation, which suggested basal activity of AMPK to be increased .

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The Pain Centre Versus Arthritis

In partnership with the University of Nottingham and local NHS Trusts, Versus Arthritis supports the worlds first national centre for research into pain.

The aims of the centre are to improve our understanding of pain and ways to stop it, through existing and new treatments.

The centre has experts in rheumatology, neuroimaging, psychology, neuropharmacology, neurosciences and orthopaedic surgery.

Pain And Tender Points


Almost all people with fibromyalgia ache all over. It can feel similar to osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis, but it’s over your entire body. This is usually what makes you go see your doctor.

The pain can be deep, sharp, dull, throbbing, or aching. You feel it in your muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the joints. For some people, the pain comes and goes. It could travel throughout your body.

You may also have tender points — specific spots around your joints that hurt when you press them with a finger. If you press a tender point on a person without fibromyalgia, they’ll just feel pressure. But that same pressure would be very painful for someone with fibro.

These tender points are in predictable places on the body. They’re often under the surface of the skin, not in areas of deep pain. It’s the tissue around the muscles and joints that hurts rather than the joints themselves.

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Protect Your Joints And Muscles

When you have muscle or joint pain, it can be hard to be active. But when youre less active, your muscles get weaker and that can make your joint pain worse.

Work with your rheumatologist to make a physical activity plan thats right for you. If you have muscle weakness, physical therapy can help strengthen your muscles. Your rheumatologist can refer you to a physical therapist.

When You Ache All Over

Muscle pain that affects a small part of your body is usually caused by overuse sore arms from lifting boxes all day, for example. Or it could be a minor injury, like a bruised shoulder after a fall. But when you ache all over your body, itâs more likely caused by an infection, illness, or medicine youâve taken.

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Are There Conditions That Put Me At Higher Risk For Musculoskeletal Pain

Some conditions can increase the risk of musculoskeletal pain, including:

  • Arthritis: Arthritis causes chronic joint inflammation. Many people who have arthritis experience joint pain and stiffness.
  • Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that causes all-over musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Usually, people with fibromyalgia experience muscle, tendon or ligament pain.
  • Tunnel syndromes: Some conditions cause nerve compression or pinched nerves. A few examples of these conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and tarsal tunnel syndrome. Often, overuse injuries lead to these conditions.

Swelling And Tingling In Hands And Feet

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While the cause of numbness, tingling, and burning is unclear, many people with fibro feel them. These sensations, called paresthesia, tend to happen randomly. They may last a few minutes, or they may be constant.

The feelings can be especially bothersome in the mornings along with morning stiffness. But they generally don’t get in the way of doing things.

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Clinical Burden Of Chronic Pain And Fatigue

Further understanding of pain and fatigue is clinically important as they are among the most frequent symptoms reported by patients.1 When these symptoms are persistent or unexplained they are associated with poorer quality of life and higher costs than other patient groups.2 They also pose a diagnostic conundrum and have a significant impact on healthcare utilisation costs and significant indirect costs.3,4

Fibromyalgia is characterised by chronic pain, fatigue and what are described as functional symptoms.5 Myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex, chronic condition characterised by symptom clusters that include pathological fatigue and malaise that is worse after exertion, cognitive dysfunction, immune dysfunction, unrefreshing sleep, pain, autonomic dysfunction, neuroendocrine and immune symptoms.6

Chronic pain affects between one-third and one-half of the population of the UK, whereby fibromyalgia has a reported prevalence of 5%.7 In a population-based sample of middle-aged individuals, fatigue was present in one out of five subjects.8

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