Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Causes Of Muscle Weakness And Fatigue

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What Are The Causes Of Muscle Weakness

Muscle pain, Fatigue & Weakness – Myositis 101 for patients – 6th video

Muscle weakness is commonly due to lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy. It can also occur with long-term conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. There are many other possible causes, which include stroke, multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome .

Fatigue In Persons With Multiple Sclerosis

It is beyond the scope of this review to discuss the impact of fatigue in a large number of neurological disorders. Therefore, in this section, we will discuss multiple sclerosis as an example of a neurological disorder in which fatigue is a frequently occurring symptom. MS is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, characterized by inflammation, demyelination and neurodegeneration. As early as 1949, fatigue was recognized as an important symptom of MS . Fatigue is often one of the first symptoms to occur, and can be present years before the diagnosis of MS . Although fatigue in MS has been studied for more than fifty years, mechanisms underlying fatigue are poorly understood.

Since perception of fatigue is a subjective parameter, several investigators have studied the association between MS and fatigue in an effort to develop objective performance measures. Although persons with MS differ from an age- and sex-matched healthy âcontrolâ population in both motor parameters as well as neuropsychological parameters associations were often not observed, weak, or conflicting . Nevertheless, in recent experiments , we discovered three examples in which perceived fatigue was associated with âperformance fatigabilityâ if measures of âperception of fatigabilityâ were simultaneously included in the explanatory model. These examples are briefly described in the next segment.

Genetic Conditions Affecting Muscles

Muscular dystrophies: these are inherited diseases which affect muscles. They are rare disorders but the best known and most common is Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This occurs in children and leads to gradual loss of muscle power from toddler-hood.

Some rare muscular dystrophies: these can present in adulthood and include Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome and the facioscapulohumeral dystrophies. They also cause gradual loss of power and function in muscles. Those who have these conditions may become wheelchair-bound.

Sarcoidosis: this is a rare disease in which clumps of cells form in skin, lungs and soft tissues, including muscles. The condition usually goes away after a few years.

Amyloidosis involves deposits of an ‘unhelpful’ abnormal protein called amyloid throughout the body, including muscles and kidneys.

Other rare causes: direct damage to muscles can occur in rare inherited metabolic conditions. Examples include:

  • Glycogen storage diseases .
  • Even rarer, mitochondrial diseases which occur when the energy systems inside muscle cells don’t work properly.

Myotonic dystrophy: this is a rare genetic muscle disorder in which muscles become extremely tired. Myotonic dystrophies are passed down through families and they tend to occur earlier and become worse as they move through the generations.

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Force Depression By Oxidants

Functional studies suggest that TNF depresses specific force at the myofibrillar level. Using intact murine myofibers, Reid, et al. showed that direct TNF exposure depresses tetanic force without altering tetanic calcium transients or resting calcium levels. The authors concluded that TNF acts downstream of voltage-dependent calcium release to lessen force production by muscle myofilaments. This interpretation was confirmed by Hardin and colleagues who used to permeablized single fibers from TNF-treated mice to assess myofilament function directly. They showed that fibers from TNF-treated animals generate less specific force across a range of activating calcium concentrations. TNF depression of the calcium-force relationship is consistent with the actions of ceramide and peroxynitrite , both of which depress the calcium-force curve in a manner similar to TNF.

Integrating the available data, Figure 3 depicts a working model of the key events by which chronic inflammatory disease might cause contractile dysfunction in skeletal muscle. In this model, inflammation of a distal organ causes persistent elevation of circulating TNF which exerts endocrine actions on skeletal muscle myofibers. TNF binding to TNFR1 stimulates nSMase3-dependent ceramide signaling which increases NO production by nNOS. NO reacts with mitochondrial superoxide anions to form peroxynitrite. Finally, peroxynitrite acts on muscle myofilaments to depress specific force.

Which Oxidants Are Involved

Fatigue, Exhaustion and Muscle Weakness concept

Like most eukaryotic cell types, skeletal muscle myofibers continually generate both ROS and NO derivatives. These two redox cascades contribute to general oxidant activity in the cell. They have similar chemistries and molecular targets. Plus they co-regulate many of the same physiologic processes. Yet the intracellular sources of ROS and NO can be quite distinct and their functional effects often oppose one another in biological systems. It is therefore useful to define the roles of these two cascades in any process regulated by redox signaling. However, most research studies that address TNF signaling in skeletal muscle have used nonspecific probes, e.g., redox assays, inhibitors, antioxidants, etc., that detect changes in general oxidant activity. The redox cascade that causes contractile dysfunction had not been defined until recently.

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Multiple Sclerosis As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

Multiple sclerosis affects the immune system by attacking the brain, optic nerves and spinal cord, say experts.

The disease also destroys myelin, the sheath that protects and covers the nerves. This hinders signals between the brain and the body. This can results in numbness, pain and tremors common symptoms of the disease.

In fact, MS can resemble lupus as well as Lyme disease. It can also cause fatigue and joint pain. One of the common symptoms include numbness and a tingling sensation.

Studies suggest that a majority of Americans have MS with the diseases affecting people between 20-40 years. Women are more likely to fall prey to MS as opposed to men.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Potassium Deficiency

Potassium is an essential mineral that has many roles in your body. It helps regulate muscle contractions, maintain healthy nerve function and regulate fluid balance.

However, a national survey found that approximately 98% of Americans are not meeting the recommended potassium intake. A Western diet is likely to blame, as it favors processed foods over whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts (

That said, a low-potassium diet is rarely the cause of potassium deficiency, or hypokalemia. Deficiency is characterized by a blood potassium level below 3.5 mmol per liter .

Instead, it occurs when your body suddenly loses a lot of fluid. Common causes include chronic vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating and blood loss (

Here are 8 signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency.

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Fibromyalgia As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

If you havent heard of Fibromyalgia yet, you will be surprised to learn that it causes joint pain and fatigue. It can be termed as a condition that is characterized by fatigue and pain in the joints. While there be little or absolutely no swelling or inflammation in your joints, those plagued by fibromyalgia have reported of severe pain in the neck and shoulder joints. As the condition worsens over time, the pain spreads to the entire body and in the process produces burning, sore or stiff muscles and joints. The fatigue fibromyalgia patients feel can be more debilitating than joint pain. Patients suffering from fibromyalgia say that they suffer from a lack of energy, minimized endurance levels and exhaustion, which is typically seen in people who are down with a bad case of the flu. These people also tend to feel tired after waking up from a good nights sleep.

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Everyone knows what being tired feels like at the end of a long day. But some people experience fatigue so severe and so seemingly random that its hard to describe. If that sounds familiar, there could be more going on than daily stress.

While there are many causes of fatigue, one of them is frequently missed and misdiagnosed: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome . Physical medicine and neuromuscular specialist Tae Chung, M.D., answers questions about POTS and extreme fatigue as one of its symptoms.

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What Causes Your Fatigue

Many physical and mental illnesses, as well as lifestyle factors, can cause your fatigue, and that can make it hard to diagnose. In some cases, it might be something simple and easy to fix, like having caffeine at bedtime. But other causes, like heart disease or COPD, are serious, and you may need to start long-term treatment right away.

Your doctor can help you sift through your health issues, as well as diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits, in order to zero in on the cause and help you on the road to recovery.

Specific Causes Of New Onset Muscle Weakness

  • Polio. A severe spinal cord disease that causes paralysis. It is prevented by the polio virus vaccine. Polio is almost wiped out in the entire world. There have been no cases in the US since 1979. Now, it only occurs in 2 countries.
  • Acute Flaccid Myelitis . A rare infection of the spinal cord. It acts like polio did. It causes sudden onset of arm or leg weakness in one or more places. The main cause has been an enterovirus. There has been a rise in cases since 2014.
  • West Nile Virus myelitis. See the Mosquito Bite care guide for details. Also acts like polio did.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome. A severe nerve weakness that starts in the feet and moves up the body over several days. It affects the same parts on both sides of the body. It can follow some viral infections.
  • Tick paralysis. A rare problem from a tick that has been attached for 5 or more days. Often it is hidden in the hair. Once the tick is removed, the weakness clears. It takes a few hours to a day.
  • Poisoning. Some types of poisoning can cause weakness, often with confusion.
  • Viral myositis. Muscle pain in the leg muscles is seen with some viral infections, such as influenza. The pain can make some children not want to walk. This is different than weakness. The muscle pain lasts a few days to a week.

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What Is Muscle Weakness

  • Muscle weakness is a lack of muscle strength. Its causes are many and can be divided into conditions that have real or perceived muscle weakness. Serious muscle weakness, like muscular dystrophy and inflammatory myopathy, is a primary sign of a variety of skeletal muscle diseases. It occurs in disorders of the neuromuscular junction, such as myasthenia gravis. Muscle weakness can also be due to low levels of potassium and other electrolytes within muscle cells.
  • It can be a symptom of an underlying health condition if you experience chronic muscle weakness or muscle weakness without a clear cause or a normal explanation.
  • When your brain signals a muscle through your spinal cord and nerves, voluntary muscle contractions are usually generated.
  • If your brain, nervous system, muscles, or the connections between them are injured or affected by the disease, your muscles may not contract normally. This can lead to muscle weakness.
  • Other Sources Of Fatigue

    Physio for Muscle Weakness

    Your fatigue is not always directly related to your arthritis disease activity, inflammation or pain. In fact according to a 2017 study published inCurrent Rheumatology Reports your fatigue level probably has more to do with other contributing factors, including obesity, physical inactivity, sleep disturbance and depression. Several of them may work together to cause your extreme tiredness, but identifying and treating even one of these factors can provide relief.

    Managing Pain

    Also Check: Cancer Fatigue Vs Normal Fatigue

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica And Giant Cell Arteritis

    Some people with polymyalgia rheumatica experience giant cell arteritis . Giant cell arteritis involves painful inflammation of the blood vessels of the skull. Symptoms include:

    • severe headache
    • pain in the side of your jaw or face when chewing
    • temples are tender to touch
    • scalp tenderness.

    Seek urgent medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. If not treated promptly, giant cell arteritis can cause damage to the arteries of the eye, which can lead to blindness.

    How Does Fatigue Affect Reaction Time

    fatiguedreactreaction timeFatigueaffectsThe 7 Best Pre-Workout Supplements to Try

  • Creatine. Creatine is a molecule found in your cells.
  • Caffeine. Caffeine is a natural molecule found in coffee, tea and other foods and beverages.
  • Beta-Alanine. Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps fight muscle fatigue.
  • Citrulline.
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    Were Worried About Syringe Shortage Says Prof Glenda Gray

    We are not going to withhold a vaccine. We would rather work with you to do it properly and we have had some people, who have had severe allergies who called us before they got the vaccine. We were able to manage that whole process much better. Dont be scared to tell us if you have had any severe allergies from vaccines.

    Speaking at the same webinar, Dr Simbarashe Takuva revealed out of the 145 215 vaccinations, about 3 030 adverse events had been reported.

    Takavu said some of the common adverse effects reported in the Sisonke implementation study included a small swelling, redness, induration/hardness and a rash. He said they had not seen any adverse events that were of concern.

    If you experience either rash, hives, difficulty breathing or a bad reaction, contact a medical provider. For pain or fever, you may take pain medication like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Apply a cool, wet cloth over the injected area.

    Individuals who are experiencing side effects or adverse effects may report via three different streams which are:

    • The safety desk call centre at 0800 014 956.
    • The electronic adverse report form which is available on the electronic vaccination data system .
    • Data is also captured manually from forms that are found at health facilities.

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    Myth: Cool Air Can Keep You Awake

    Muscle Fatigue: Why do muscles get tired and weak after exercise?

    Blasting your AC or opening the window may keep you cool, but this does little to counteract drowsiness. Think of how well people sleep on cold winter nights. In fact, keeping your room cool is a commonly given tip for getting better sleep. Playing loud music is also useless in fighting driver fatigue.

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    What Exams Procedures And Tests Diagnose The Cause Of Fatigue

    For the evaluation of fatigue, the health care practitioner will take a complete history of the patients fatigue, along with questions in regard to associated symptoms. The health care practitioner may inquire about the following activities and symptoms to determine the probable cause of the fatigue:

    Quality of Life

    Does the level of fatigue remain constant throughout the day? Does the fatigue get worse as the day goes on, or does the fatigue begin at the start of the day? Is there a pattern to the fatigue ? Does the fatigue occur at regular cycles? How is the persons emotional state? Does the person feel unhappiness or disappointment in life? Sleep pattern determination. How much sleep is the person getting? During what hours does the person sleep? Does the person awake rested or fatigued? How many times does the person awake during sleep? Are they able to fall back asleep? Does the person get regular exercise? Any exercise? Has the person had any new stressors in their life? Change in relationships, jobs, school, or living arrangements? What is the persons diet? Is there a high intake of coffee, sugar, or excessive amounts of food?

    The definitive diagnosis depends on discovering the underlying cause of the fatigue this is determined by evaluating the history, the physical exam and the appropriate test results.

    Mechanism Of Weakness: A Working Hypothesis

    Such findings raise obvious questions about the underlying mechanism. How do localized inflammatory events in the heart or lungs or distal joints cause contractile dysfunction in remote skeletal muscles? By defining this process, we may identify novel drug targets that can be used to develop new therapies that preserve muscle function in individuals with chronic inflammatory disease. Progress is being made. Human data suggest that pro-inflammatory cytokines are released from diseased tissues into the systemic circulation where they function as humoral mediators, exerting endocrine effects on skeletal muscle. Primary candidates for these endocrine stimuli include interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, sphingomyelinase, and tumor necrosis factor with TNF being implicated most robustly. In parallel, evidence of oxidative and nitrosative stress suggests that reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide derivatives also play an important role. Studies of cellular mechanism have led to the working hypothesis that TNF is a primary endocrine stimulus for contractile dysfunction in chronic inflammatory disease and that muscle-derived ROS and NO participate in post-receptor signaling events that depress specific force.

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    Fatigue Feeling Faint Lightheadedness And Muscle Weakness

    Reviewed on 12/21/2020

    These symptoms can be related to different types of medical conditions. Fatigue is a symptom that can accompany almost any illness. Muscle weakness can be a sign of stroke if it comes on suddenly on one side of the body seek emergency medical care if this occurs. Talk with your doctor any time you are worried about your symptoms.

    While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

    My Muscles Feel Sore Weak And Tired Should I See A Doctor

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    Everyone feels muscle pain, weakness and fatigue from time to time. But at what point should you see your doctor about it?

    Ambrosia Scott, DPT, LAT, CCI, says patients should see a doctor if theyre concerned about muscle weakness and pain.

    Ambrosia Scott, DPT, LAT, CCI is the outpatient rehabilitation manager for Regional One Health. She can help patients answer that question and provide insight on what can cause these common concerns.

    Better yet, Scott can help patients get better through physical therapy.

    If you have muscle pain or weakness, once you have an accurate diagnosis, therapy can help you gain strength and flexibility, Scott said.

    Regional One Healths Center for Rehabilitative Medicine at the East Campus offers a full range of therapy services.

    Patients can also transition to a Post-Rehab Wellness Program to protect the gains they achieve. Heres what you need to know:

    When should I seek help?

    Scott recommends seeing a doctor if you have sudden-onset weakness, fatigue or pain and cant identify the reason. You really need to consult with a physician if youre doing fine one minute and then all of a sudden youre not, she said.

    She described that as insidious onset. That means you start feeling unwell even though you didnt perform any physical activity that might have made you sore or tired.

    Even if you can identify a cause, you still might need to see a doctor if you arent getting better.

    Another red flag is if healthy changes dont bring relief.

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