Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Can Help Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Drug And Alternative Therapies

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – How Diet & Supplements Can Help

Specific chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms such as pain, depression, and poor sleep are treated.

Many different drugs and alternative therapies have been tried to relieve the chronic fatigue itself. Although many treatments, such as antidepressants and corticosteroids, seem to make a few people feel better, none are clearly effective for all. It can be hard for people and doctors to tell which treatments work because symptoms are different in different people and because symptoms may come and go on their own.

Controlled clinical trials The Science of Medicine Doctors have been treating people for many thousands of years. The earliest written description of medical treatment is from ancient Egypt and is over 3,500 years old. Even before that, healers… read more , which compare the benefits of a drug to those of a placebo , are the best way to test therapies, and no drug therapy has been shown to be effective for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in controlled trials. A number of treatments directed at possible causes, including use of interferons, intravenous injections of immune globulin, and antiviral drugs, have been mostly disappointing and potentially dangerous. Dietary supplements, such as evening primrose oil, fish oil supplements, and high-dose vitamins, are commonly used, but their benefits remain unproved. Other alternative treatments have also been ineffective. Treatments that have no proven benefits are best avoided because they can have side effects.

What To Expect At Your Provider’s Office

There is no laboratory test for chronic fatigue syndrome. But your health care provider may use tests to rule out other illnesses. Your provider will go over your symptoms, check your medical history, and do a physical examination.

If you have CFS, your provider may prescribe drugs to treat your symptoms, or suggest herbs, vitamins, or dietary changes to help you. Get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, and learn to pace yourself. Often this combination of treatments will help you get better.

If the usual treatments do not work, your provider may check for other conditions that can cause symptoms similar to those of CFS.

Coenzyme Q10 Plus Nadh And Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Coenzyme Q10 and NADH are common antioxidant supplements that have been used for several decades as dietary supplements for general maintenanceof health. The benefits of their administration have been extensively evaluated in several conditions . However, several studies have shown that there is a mitochondrial dysfunction, which reduces the ATP production, as an immediate effect primary or secondary to symptoms in most CFS/ME patients .

In the UK, Myhill et al. highlighted the power and usefulness of the ATP profile test as a diagnostic tool for differentiating between patients who have CFS/ME and other symptoms as a result of energy wastage due to stress and psychological factors and those who have insufficient energy due to cellular respiration dysfunction. The biochemical tests should be performed in CFS/ME patients before and after appropriate interventions, and possibly in other disabling fatigue conditions as well .

Relatively few pharmacological or other therapies for CFS/ME have been tested in large RCTs. Overall, a report commissioned by the AHRQ based on a systematic review for a US NIH Pathways to Prevention Workshop concluded that no available pharmacotherapy is of proven benefit in CFS/ME. Table summarizes the current drug therapeutic strategies for CFS/ME.

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Increase Potassium And Magnesium Intake

Research shows that both potassium and magnesium can help improve the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.


In a study published in the UK medical journal The Lancet, chronic fatigue syndrome patients were found to have low magnesium levels that accounted for a low red blood cell count.

In this study, patients that were treated with magnesium supplements self-reported improved energy levels, a more balanced emotional state and less pain. At the end of the six-week study, all patients that were given magnesium had their red cell magnesium levels return to normal.

If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, consider adding these magnesiumrich foods to add to your diet: spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt and kefir, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, dark chocolate and bananas.

These delicious foods can help you overcome chronic fatigue, one of the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, and support healthy nerve function, healthy blood sugar levels, blood pressure regulation, and much more. Its estimated that nearly 80 percent of Americans are currently deficient in this essential mineral.


Potassium is responsible for proper electrolyte balance in the body. Potassium-rich foods include avocados, spinach, sweet potatoes, coconut water, kefir and yogurt, white beans, bananas, acorn squash, dried apricots and mushrooms.

Mild Pain Relievers And Nsaids

How Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Treated

CFS/ME patients may benefit from NSAIDs, which are commonly used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In this context, the NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen. They sometimes relieve frequent or severe joint and muscle pain, headaches, and fevers .

Other prescription medicines include anticonvulsants, also called antiseizure medicines. These drugs are sometimes prescribed for pain and sleep problems. They seem to work best when used for nerve pain. Antidepressant medicine is also prescribed to ease depression and anxiety, to enhance the ability to concentrate and to improve sleep quality . For their part, narcotic medicines are sometimes prescribed for pain that is not relieved by overthecounter drugs. Narcotics are generally reserved for the most severe cases because of the risk of addiction, and are used only for a short time .

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How Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is Treated

It is believe to affect approximately 20% of the people living in Scotland. Chronic fatigue syndrome affects approximately 17 million people across the globe, with 250,000 living in the United Kingdom. More women suffer from it than men, and it can affect both children and adults of all ages. It originates from all social and ethnic groups.

What Else Should I Know

  • Strong emotions can be a part of the illness, so it’s important to recognize and express your feelings. Feelings like sadness, anger, and frustration are completely normal and it’s important to acknowledge how you feel and recognize that it’s not your fault. Recognizing emotions can help you figure out what’s behind your feelings and help you manage problems.
  • It can help to keep a daily diary of feelings and energy highs and lows. This also can let you share information that might help your doctor. You can also track trends for example, if your energy is high at one time of day and low at another that will help you figure out when to exercise or do other activities.
  • Give yourself more time to do things, especially activities that take concentration or physical exertion.
  • Get support from family, teachers, and friends.
  • Get information about CFS from reliable sources. There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion about this disease. So it’s important to know and trust your sources.

Most important, don’t give up. Having chronic fatigue syndrome can be hard. But for most people, the symptoms are most severe in the beginning. Later, they may come and go. Teens with CFS generally get better faster and recover more completely than adults do. Most teens get partial or full recovery within 5 years after symptoms began.

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How Is Cfs Diagnosed

CFS is a very challenging condition to diagnose.

According to the Institute of Medicine, as of 2015, CFS occurs in about 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans. Its estimated, however, that 84 to 91 percent have yet to receive a diagnosis.

There are no medical tests to screen for CFS. Its symptoms are similar to many other conditions. Many people with CFS dont look sick, so doctors may not recognize that they indeed have a health condition.

In order to receive a CFS diagnosis, your doctor will rule out other potential causes and review your medical history with you.

Theyll confirm that you at least have the core symptoms previously mentioned. Theyll also ask about the duration and severity of your unexplained fatigue.

Ruling out other potential causes of your fatigue is a key part of the diagnosis process. Some conditions with symptoms that resemble those of CFS include:

  • severe obesity
  • sleep disorders

The side effects of certain drugs, such as antihistamines and alcohol, can mimic symptoms of CFS as well.

Because of the similarities between symptoms of CFS and many other conditions, its important to not self-diagnose. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. They can work with you to get relief.

Get The Most From Your Reiki Session

Researchers find similarities between long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome

When you book your session, allow plenty of time to get there, as well as some time afterward to stay still and calm. This way, you will benefit more from the session, rather than rushing about the business of the day.

Fit the session into your daily routine as far as possible, without squeezing it in as an afterthought if you are constantly worrying about having to be elsewhere, you may not get the best results from your session.

If possible, wear loose-fitting clothes. Dont be afraid to communicate with the practitioner. They are there to help you, after all! They will want whats best for you, to allow the maximum benefit from the energy they are passing on to you. So let them know if you are uncomfortable in any way

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How Is German Measles Treated

Most cases of German measles are treated at home. Your doctor may tell you to rest in bed and to take acetaminophen , which can help relieve discomfort from fever and aches. They may also recommend that you stay home from work or school to prevent spreading the virus to others.

Pregnant women may be treated with antibodies called hyperimmune globulin that can fight off the virus. This can help reduce your symptoms. However, theres still a chance that your baby will develop congenital rubella syndrome. Babies who are born with congenital rubella will require treatment from a team of specialists. Talk to your doctor if youre concerned about passing German measles on to your baby.

Etiology Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Etiology of CFS is unknown. No infectious, hormonal, immunologic, or psychiatric cause has been established. Among the many proposed infectious causes, Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme disease, candidiasis, and cytomegalovirus have been proven not to cause CFS. Similarly, there are no allergic markers and no immunosuppression.

Some people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection COVID-19 COVID-19 is an acute, sometimes severe, respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 was first reported in late 2019 in Wuhan, China and has since spread extensively… read more have become “long-haulers” with persistent symptoms. Some of these symptoms result from organ damage from the infection and/or treatment, and others may be from posttraumatic stress disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder is recurring, intrusive recollections of an overwhelming traumatic event recollections last > 1 month and begin within 6 months of the event. The pathophysiology… read more . In addition, in some patients COVID-19 seems to trigger typical CFS, but further study is needed to confirm this association and determine causality.

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How Does Reiki Help With Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue along with Fibromyalgia and other illnesses present a range of very similar symptoms. These can be debilitating, uncomfortable, and hugely unpleasant. They affect the body and the mind, bringing pain, lethargy, exhaustion, and confusion.

And that is why reiki offers a perfect way of treating them. Unlike conventional medicine, Reiki treats the whole body, as well as the mind and the spirit.

It is painless, gentle, and, best of all, non-invasive. The last thing you need is more stress from surgery or side effects from powerful drugs. These frequently bring their own set of problems.

With neurological issues such as CFS/ME, you need a way of restoring the bodys balance. Stress is a common factor and even a cause of many illnesses. It is self-perpetuating, as you become more stressed due to the symptoms you are suffering from.

Although stress is a natural part of life, our bodies are designed for short term bursts. We live in two basic states Fight or Flight, and Rest and Digest.

In these states, different hormones are released which help us to react to our circumstances and environment. The thing is, we often become accustomed to living in fight or flight mode. And over time this damages the body, contributing to many diseases, disorders, conditions, and syndromes.

This helps the body to start to heal, bringing relief from pain and discomfort. You should find that your sleep becomes less disturbed, more restful, and far more restorative.

How Can I Help My Child

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

To help your child cope with the emotional symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Encourage your child to keep a daily diary to identify times when he or she has the most energy and help plan activities for these times.
  • Have your doctor plan an exercise program to maintain strength at whatever level is possible. This can help your child feel better physically and emotionally.
  • Help your child to recognize and express feelings, such as sadness, anger, and frustration. It’s OK to grieve the loss of energy.
  • Get support from family and friends because emotional health is important when coping with a chronic health problem.
  • Allow more time for your child to do things, especially activities that take concentration or physical exertion.

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How Is German Measles Diagnosed

Since German measles appears similar to other viruses that cause rashes, your doctor will confirm your diagnosis with a blood test. This can check for the presence of different types of rubella antibodies in your blood. Antibodies are proteins that recognize and destroy harmful substances, such as viruses and bacteria. The test results can indicate whether you currently have the virus or are immune to it.

Explainer: What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, Griffith University

Chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a highly debilitating, but often misunderstood, disorder.

As its name suggests, the illness is characterised by profound fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and impaired memory and concentration. Sufferers also experience impaired cardiovascular function, gut disorders, and sensory dysfunction, such as noise intolerance and problems with balance.

The symptoms tend to be so deliberating and severe that chronic fatigue patients often experience family and social breakdown and isolation. Many cases can continue for months or years, and often symptoms dont improve with rest.

Chronic fatigue syndrome was trivialised for years due to the lack of scientific evidence supporting its diagnosis, and dismissed as the yuppie flu. Sufferers continue to endure the stigma of a condition that is often poorly recognised by the medical community and treated with scepticism by family, friends, and co-workers.

All this despite the fact that chronic fatigue is thought to have a global prevalence rate of 0.2 to 2.6% . A conservative estimate puts the number of people in Australia with chronic fatigue disorder at 180,000.

Chronic fatigue predominantly affects young adults between the ages of 20 and 40 years. The female-to-male diagnosis ratio is six-to-one but why the disorder is more prevalent in women than men is unknown.

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How Does Sauna Therapy Help Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFS is chronic and in most cases treatment focuses on managing the symptoms. Medication and CBT can have a positive effect. However, in most cases these treatment options prove to be insufficient. A study performed in Japans Kagoshima Respiratory and Stress Center observed great improvements in CFS patients treated with heat or thermal therapy.

It reported that symptoms such as pain, fatigue, low-grade fever, and even sleep disturbance significantly improved after about 15 to 30 sessions of heat sauna therapy. These results suggested that long-term moderate thermal therapy is a promising treatment method for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Another observing two patients with CFS put them through sauna therapy once per day for a period lasting 35 days. They were then put under a program where they underwent further infrared sauna sessions twice a week for a year. This study found drastic improvements in CFS symptoms such as mental and physical complaints, confusion, pain, insomnia, depression, and fatigue. The results were consistent in both patients, suggesting that sauna can help reduce the symptom of chronic fatigue.

Get 7 9 Hours Of Sleep Nightly

Scientists Discover Robust Evidence That Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Is a Biological Illness

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Some questions you can ask yourself to see if you are not sleeping enough include: Does it take me a long time to fall asleep? Do I wake up often or am I restless? Do I feel sleepy when driving? Do I need caffeine to get through the day? Answer, yes, to any of these indicates you may not be getting enough quality sleep.

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Pragmatic Rehabilitation: The Fine Trial

Pragmatic rehabilitation is a programme involving gradually increasing activity designed collaboratively by the patient and the therapist. In response to an earlier successful trial, a larger trial was conducted. In this trial, patients fulfilling 1991 Oxford CFS criteria who were allocated to pragmatic rehabilitation reported a statistically significant though clinically modest improvement in fatigue compared with patients allocated to either supportive listening or treatment as usual, but after 12 months followup the differences were no longer statistically significant nor was there was any significant improvement in physical functioning at any time. About 10% of the trial participants were nonambulatory and about 30% met 1994 London criteria for ME, but separate results for these groups were not published . An accompanying editorial gave some possible reasons for the failure to replicate the earlier success in this trial, and called for further research. The patients in this trial had higher comorbidity and disability than patients in the earlier trial and in most other trials, and received fewer sessions than most successful trials of CBT and GET. The editorial also raised the question of whether generalists are as successful as specialists in offering behavioural interventions .

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