Thursday, July 25, 2024

Causes Of Fatigue And Brain Fog

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Tips For Relieving Brain Fog

Chronic Fatigue – Brain Fog – Anemia

There areplenty of ways to alleviate brain fog, and what works for you may not work for someone else, but here are some of thestandard methods that many people attest to be effective:

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated
  • Get enough sleep every night and get the right amount of rest during the day
  • Reduce stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly

How To Cope With Brain Fog

Here are a few research-backed strategies for coping with brain fog:

  • Get regular aerobic exercise
  • Try cognitive stimulation, like puzzles, games, brain training apps, or learning a new language
  • Make sure to get enough sleep
  • Eat a diet high in monounsaturated fats, plant protein, whole grains, and fish
  • Stay socially connected and active

Cerebral Blood Flow Is Decreased In Cfs

Much research has studied CBF alterations in CFS. Early work measured regional CBF using single photon emission computed tomography in those with CFS. Ichise et al. found that 80% of CFS subjects exhibited decreased regional CBF particularly in the frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, and basal ganglia regions compared to control subjects without CFS or other neurological/neuropsychiatric disorders. Similarly using SPECT, Schwartz et al. found decreased regional CBF in CFS subjects in the frontal and temporal lobes. Costa et al. studied brainstem perfusion in CFS subjects and found hypoperfusion compared to both control subjects and subjects with major depression. However, work by Fischler et al. did not find significant differences in regional CBF between CFS and control subjects, and MacHale et al. actually found increased CBF in CFS subjects in the thalamus, pallidum, and putamen regions. Technical differences with SPECT and methodological inconsistencies between studies may account for the contradictory results.

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Are There Ways That This May Affect My Memory And Cognitive Function

The short answer is yes brain fog can affect memory and cognitive function. Fog makes it difficult to think clearly. This may affect both the current cognitive function of the brain causing difficulty with problem solving for example, as well as hindering memory recall causing fuzzy headedness. If symptoms other than fog are present and persistent, it may be time to consider a cause like chronic fatigue syndrome, that is contributing to cognitive difficulties.

How Long Does This Last?

Brain fog may last any amount of time ranging from a few minutes to years. Since the mental fog is a symptom rather than a true disorder it is important to find the underlying cause of the fog. Working with a doctor and having a test performed may be the easiest way to find the cause. Even when the cause of fog, like chronic fatigue syndrome, is found it might not be so simple to find a treatment. Some recommended changes to try and alleviate brain fog and return to normal cognitive function are mentioned in another section of this article.

What Kind Of Doctor Should I See If I Have Clouding of Consciousness Associated Cognitive Thinking And Perception Problems?

Patients should seek help and schedule a consultation at a medical center or with your Primary care Medical Dr. for initial patient care.

What causes Brain fog after eating?

If you are experiencing brain fog after eating, then there are a number of potential etiologies that could be the cause, including:

2. Gluten sensitivity:

Mitochondria Dont Like Inflammation

Brain Fog: What Is It? Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Mitochondria are well known as the key energy generators in our cells, but we found that during inflammation they switch that role instead to making toxic productswhich promotes inflammation.

Inflammation reduces the ability of mitochondria to make energy and as they fail at this, they actually become a source of inflammation. It becomes a vicious circle of inflammation, toxicity and neuron damage and even neuron death.

Any reduction in energy production will result in fatigue and brain fog. You feel fatigue because your brain is fatigued you have brain fog because your neurons cant function properlythey cannot store or transmit information.

There is not a drug or medication to fix this.

With the help of a functional medicine doctor, you can identify the root cause of brain inflammation and restore your brains ability to make the energy it requires to function the way that is should.

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Diet And Sleep Impact Your Gut Health To Cause Brain Fog

If you have a gut imbalance, a diet high in carbohydrates and high-fiber foods can feed the harmful microorganisms in your digestive tract. The result is much like fertilizing a patch of weeds, causing overgrowth of harmful organisms in the gut.

In response, your immune system reacts by trying to fight off the bad bugs. With chronic immune activation comes chronic inflammation in your gut and elsewhere. Gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, and brain fog are common symptoms of this condition.

In fact, one patient who had indigestion, gas, and brain fog initially tried to resolve his health problems by eating a healthy, high-fiber diet. Unfortunately, high-fiber foods only made his mental fatigue worse. This is a common mistake for people who try to diagnose and resolve their own health problem.

Also, poor sleep habits and sleep disorders that lead to poor sleep quality can affect your gut ecosystem. We all know that a lack of sleep reduces mental clarity and causes sluggishness in the short term, so you feel tired and cranky the next day. What few people recognize is that, in the long run, insufficient sleep increases intestinal permeability, leading to gut ailments like leaky gut syndrome.

With leaky gut, undigested food particles and bacterial fragments pass from the digestive tract into the bloodstream, once again triggering your immune system and creating inflammation. This not only causes health problems in your GI tract but also causes issues like brain fog.

Understanding Chronic Brain Fog

  • There are both pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions to reduce brain fog.
  • Brain Fog can be unsettling, but it is possible to reduce your symptoms.

Weve all been there. You have a bout with insomnia and theres no amount of caffeine that will clear your head in the morning. Or you take an antihistamine for your hay fever and it leaves your mind feeling a bit groggy and sluggish. This is what many describe as brain fog.

For most of us, this type of sluggish, fuzzy, or blurry feeling goes away after we get some rest or stop taking the antihistamine. But what if your thinking doesnt return to normal? What do you do if you find yourself dealing with chronic brain fog?

There are many causes of chronic brain fog and while currently there are no FDA-approved medications for treating it, some antidepressants, psychotherapy, and at-home remedies may reduce the symptoms.

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What Was I Saying Again Six Common Causes For Brain Fog

Darn it! Where did I park my car again?

Wait, what was I saying?

At some point or another, weve all had these thoughts. Whether youre unsure where you parked at the grocery store or youve lost your train of thought during a great story, brain lapses happen to us all. Its called brain fog, or among some parents, mommy brain.”

But why does this happen and is it something to be concerned about?

What Your Brain Fog Might Be Saying About Your Gut Health

AskDrKanEpisode39 – Seven causes of fatigue and brain fog

Brain fog, characterized by symptoms such as slowed thinking, forgetfulness, inability to focus, and poor mental stamina, is a type of cognitive dysfunction. Instead of a stand-alone medical condition, brain fog is usually a symptom of other health problems, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Autoimmune ailments, like multiple sclerosis and thyroid disorders, are also associated with it. Brain fog is a sign of declining cognitive health that may lead to worsening cognitive health over time.

But you may be surprised to learn that in many cases, poor gut health is the actual root cause of many cases of brain fog.

The digestive system plays an integral part in your overall health. Imbalances in your gut ecosystem can activate immune responses and lead to inflammation in other parts of your body besides the gut. Poor gut health can lead to brain inflammation, mental fatigue, haziness, and even memory problems.

Fortunately, a healthy gut can help alleviate your symptoms of brain fog. In this article, we will show you how you can improve your gut health to address this cognitive dysfunction.

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How Much Sleep Keeps Cognitive Decline At Bay

To keep cognitive decline at bay, aim to get betweenseven and eight hours of sleep each night. Sleeping less than this can increase your risk of developing fatigue and brain fog.

Additionally, make sure you get regular exercise and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

If you still experience fatigue and brain fog after making these lifestyle changes, be sure to speak with your doctor. They may be able to help you identify and treat the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Brain Fog And Inflammation

Inflammation is an essential part of the immune system. We need inflammation to protects us from injury, infection, and illness. However, as with everything else in the human body, it is all about balance. An excessive amount of inflammation can cause the blood-brain barrier to become more permeable, leading to brain inflammation. Neuroinflammation is sometimes known as leaky brain syndrome and this inflammatory oxidative stress in the hypothalamus of the brain is ultimately believed to be the root cause of brain fog, among other neurological diseases, such as Alzheimers disease.

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Home Remedies For Brain Fog

Some of the best remedies for brain fog listed in reputable websites are:

1 Get some good sleep

Hormones in your brain stay at the right levels when you get a good nights sleep. Remember that you cannot replace your night sleep if you choose to work during that part of the day. As an adult, you should sleep for at least seven hours per day.

2 Include some exercise in your daily schedule

Brain fog comes as a consequence of body fatigue. That is why engaging in a mild exercise could significantly improve your health, make your thyroid gland work better, and give you less stress and anxiety.

3 Take care of your diet

You are the sole responsible for your diet. Eating more healthy fats and proteins give you the amino acids needed for the right brain function. A good diet can fight against your depression, especially when you choose healthy foods.

4 Reduce stress

Adopt a lifestyle that promotes peacefulness to your relations with other people. Anxiety and stress can increase cortisol levels in your blood and worsen the cognitive fatigue symptoms and the memory loss you experience with brain fog.

Is There A Medical Link Between Brain Fog Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Covid 19

Brain fog really throws a wrench into things, right? After ...

Medical theories have been discussed that link brain fog symptomology with a COVID-19 post-viral syndrome in a letter to the editor by Perrin et al. in Elsevier published in June 2020 .

Many subjects infected with COVID-19 go on to develop brain fog among many other physiological symptoms long after their acute infection has passed. In some subjects, post-viral fatigue may last long enough to be classified as chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis syndrome. Other symptoms of CFS/ME include persistent fatigue, depression, diffuse muscle pains and non-restful sleep. One hypothesized pathway in which COVID-19 and similar viruses cause CFS/ME is through disturbance of lymphatic drainage in the brain. The lymphatic drainage in the brain normally passes through the cribiform plate of the skull into the nasal mucosa. However, in CFS and perhaps after infection with COVID-19, the drainage is blocked causing a build up in the lymphatic fluid in the brain and lung. If COVID-19 affects this drainage pathway in the brain or one very similar, it could also explain why some individuals infected with COVID 19-19 lose their sense of smell. In CFS/ME, the inadequate drainage of lymphatic fluid in the brain leads to an accumulation of pro-inflammatory molecules termed cytokines. The abundance of inflammatory molecules may be the cause of symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, disrupted sleep etc. in CFS.

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Trouble In The Microbiome

Disruptions in the gut microbiome particularly when theres an overgrowth of a variety of candida, a naturally occurring type of yeast can cause fatigue, anxiety, and depression and can lead to a state of low-level intoxication much like alcohol intake, all of which can affect the focus, memory, and concentration.

How Is A Pots Diagnosis Made

Problems with the autonomic nervous system can be difficult to diagnose. The standard test for POTS is the tilt table test. During the test, you are secured to a table that tilts from being horizontal to almost a 90-degree angle. The test measures your hearts response to switching from laying down to standing up. Some people with POTS faint during this test, even if they rarely faint standing up.

Although the test seems straightforward, many things can interfere with it. Its important that a POTS specialist oversees it. Its best to work with a doctor who has diagnosed and treated patients with POTS. This could be a cardiologist, a neuromuscular specialist or another doctor.

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Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog

Do you feel tired, even when youve gotten plenty of sleep the night before? Does your mind feel foggy all day long, no matter how many cups of coffee you have?

While many people think that having low energy is a byproduct of not getting enough sleep, it can be more serious and actually the symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Signs of chronic fatigue often include extreme tiredness that can occur following light movement or exercise. Poor decision-making, fogginess/memory loss, and cognitive decline may also be signs of a chronic fatigue issue.

As for what causes this condition, food allergies and other chronic issues such as adrenal dysfunction or leaky gut syndrome are most common. A poor diet, a dormant infection, or exposure to environmental toxins are other potential causes for chronic fatigue.

At Advanced Metabolic & Functional Medicine Center, our team has access to the most recent insights about the root causes of chronic fatigue. They will have a detailed conversation with you about your medical history and the severity of your symptoms before developing an effective root cause treatment method.

If you have been experiencing symptoms relating to chronic fatigue and are looking for answers, schedule an appointment with AMFM Center today!

When Should I Seek Help For Brain Fog

ADD | Brain Fog | Chronic Fatigue : Causes and Effective Protocols

Here are some signs that there may be an underlying medical cause to your brain fog:

  • Sudden onset without a clear reason

  • Your brain fog seems to be getting worse with time.

  • You have trouble completing daily tasks.

  • Your level of brain fog is interfering in your social relationships or functioning at work.

  • You are experiencing any other unusual physical symptoms, such as weight loss, night sweats, hair loss, diarrhea, unusual rashes, numbness, or tingling.

For persistent brain fog, you should contact your healthcare provider for an evaluation. They will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms and may run blood tests to look for a cause. Depending on your specific symptoms, your provider may refer you to a specialist as well. Together you can come up with a plan to help bring your brain back into focus.

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The Late Evening Energy Boost

The least common time that people experience brain fog is in the late evening. As notedon the chart at the start of the article, only 7% of those that get brain fog experience it in the late evening.

71.6% of visitors to this site reported that they have increased energy in the evening. That make sense.Less brain fog during the same period when energy levels are higher.

A 2005 study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome subjects foud that they low cortisol levels throughout the day ….except for 9:00 pm4.

Note: See the article

Eat Healthy Fats & Brain

The brain requires a supply of amino acids and essential fatty acids in order to produce the chemicals that make us think.

Complete proteins like meat, dairy products, and fish provide an ample supply of essential amino acids to keep the brain creating the hormones that result in a positive mindset. That said, be balanced about it. Eating too many red meats and high-fat dairy increases the level of saturated fat in the body, which researchers have found to reduce memory and cognitive ability over time.

Healthy fats that contain omega-3 fatty acids are an excellent addition to a diet to reduce brain fog. They play a role in the blood-brain barrier and in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. You can find omega-3s in supplements, olive oil, avocado oil, and walnut oil.

Finally, make sure to eat foods that reduce inflammation to improve the brains ability to clear the fog. Vegetables and fruits that contain free radical-fighting antioxidants are a good place to start. These include leafy green veggies, berries, and spices like turmeric.

Make sure to get tested by a medical professional if you have recurring brain fog that may be the result of a food allergy or sensitivity. They will be able to diagnose and recommend a proper protocol.

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Stress Overwhelm And Worry

The first thing to take a look at is the stress level and check in on whats going on in life. If a woman is stressed out, frequently worried or overwhelmed, this is itself might be the source of brain fog. Stress, worry and overwhelm lead to activation of the stress response system , which has several impacts on the brain that can lead to brain fog.

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