Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Shortness Of Breath Cough Fatigue

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What Can You Expect For Dyspnea/shortness Of Breath Care

Emphysema vs Bronchitis

The Dyspnea Center brings together the full range of BWHs services and expertise. Our team of experts will examine your lung function to determine the severity of your shortness of breath. Your team will then diagnose the cause and collaborate with a range of specialists to treat this condition. Some causes of unexplained dyspnea are due to structural abnormalities including blood clots, structural heart disease, valvular heart disease, structural lung disease and abnormalities due to congenital heart and lung disease that could be treated with surgery.

In addition, patients have full access to the Brighams world-renowned academic medical community with its diverse specialists and state-of-the-art facilities.

Causes Of Glandular Fever

Glandular fever is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus . This virus is found in the saliva of infected people and can be spread through:

  • kissing glandular fever is often called the kissing disease
  • exposure to coughs and sneezes
  • sharing eating and drinking utensils, such as cups, glasses and unwashed cutlery

If you have EBV, its a good idea to take steps to avoid infecting others while you are ill, such as not kissing other people.

Possible Reasons For Shortness Of Breath And Fatigue

Shortness of breath literally means facing a difficulty in breathing due to lack of sufficient quantity of oxygen. It may affect one’s productivity while performing even daily tasks.

Shortness of breath literally means facing a difficulty in breathing due to lack of sufficient quantity of oxygen. It may affect ones productivity while performing even daily tasks.

Shortness of breath generally occurs due to infections, allergies, asthma or other nervous and respiratory disorders. Difficulty in breathing and fatigue are closely related to each other as the latter is a prominent indicator of a person suffering from shortness of breath. Frequent cough, fever and pain in the chest are the most general signs which highlight the presence of this disorder in an individual. You should contact your family doctor immediately, if you face any of the above problems as prevention is better than cure.

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Causes Of Hookworm Infection

Hookworms live in warm, moist climates around the world: in the U.S., as well as in the rest of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. Theyâre most likely to infect people living in places with poor sanitation or where human feces are used as fertilizer.

When people have a hookworm infection, their poop will have hookworm eggs in it. If an infected person poops outside or their poop is spread outside later, those hookworm eggs end up in the soil. When the eggs hatch, they release young hookworms, or larvae. If you walk barefoot over this soil, the young worms can enter your body through the skin on your feet and cause an infection. This is the most common way that people get hookworms. Itâs also possible to get them from eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water.

Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

Coronavirus Symptoms Concept. Dry Cough, Shortness Of Breath, Fever ...

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea. Learn more about the best sleep positions and see if sleeping on your stomach is bad or not.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. Thats because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


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Chest Pain Under Strain Get It Checked Out

In older white males, we know chest pain may be a sign of heart attack. But we havent gotten that same sort of education with women, Baechler says. Women fear breast cancer more than heart disease, but they are more likely to have heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the No.1 killer of women in America today, causing more deaths than all types of cancer combined.

If you lift something and have chest pain that youve never had before, get it checked out. You should also see your doctor about any new chest pain when you walk upstairs or exert yourself in some way. This is particularly important if the pain goes away after a short period of rest. Women are more likely than men to have atypical symptoms of a heart attack: shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, a cold sweat, or pain in the arms, back, neck, or stomach, Baechler says. Get these, and any of the more traditional symptoms, checked out.

When Should I Call The Doctor

You should call your healthcare provider if you experience:

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Many conditions can cause a dry cough. Often, an irritating dry cough will go away when you identify and treat the underlying condition. You can use home remedies to soothe dry coughs that develop after a respiratory illness like a cold. Coughing can inflame lungs and air passages, leading to chest tightness. This symptom should improve when the cough clears up. Rarely, a chronic dry cough indicates a more serious health problem. You should see your healthcare provider any time you have a lingering, unexplained cough.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/29/2021.


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Despite Symptoms Its Not The Flu

COVID-19 is not the flu.

As one of a class of pathogens known as coronaviruses, COVID-19 is actually more closely related to the common cold than the seasonal flu.

However, despite some overlap, the typical symptoms of COVID-19 are more similar to the flu than the common cold .

The Delta variant, however, may have more cold-like symptoms.

In terms of differentiating between flu and COVID-19, it can be almost impossible to distinguish, Dr. Jake Deutsch, co-founder and clinical director of Cure Urgent Care and Specialty Infusion in New York. Thats why people are recommended to have flu vaccinations so it can at least minimize the risk of flu in light of everything else.

Fevers, body aches, coughing, sneezing could all be equally attributed to them both, so it really means that if theres a concern for flu, theres a concern for COVID-19, Deutsch said.

When and where you get sick might be the best predictor of whether you have a cold, the flu, or COVID-19, Yildirim said.

People living in communities with low vaccination rates and high rates of COVID-19 are more likely to have COVID-19, she said, especially outside of cold and flu season.

However, she said, differentiating becomes more difficult during the winter, when all three diseases may be widespread.

If you have a mild case of COVID-19, the flu, or a cold, treatment is geared toward management of symptoms, said Cutler.

Mild cases of COVID-19 are thought to last approximately 2 weeks, said Cutler.

What Can You Do About Trigger Points That Might Be Interfering With Respiration

Cough Shortness of Breath

Muscle trigger points are unpredictable and mysterious: exactly what they are and how to treat them is controversial. Sometimes they seem to melt as easily as ice cream in the sun, and so the first thing to try is just a little simple self-massage, or a warm bath, or both. The problem could be solved by a self-treatment as simple as digging with your thumbs into some aching muscles between your ribs. Voila no more shortness of breath! Ive seen it go like that many times, and even experienced it myself

My story: I am generally prone to muscle pain, and one of the most persistent specific challenges Ive had is with breathing pain not shortness of breath in my case, but breathing limited by pain. For about twenty years, I had routine episodes of strong pain that choked off my breath. Once every few days, I would be nearly paralyzed by it for several minutes, and sometimes nightmarish episodes of an hour or more. The pain would ease when I relaxed for long enough but its hard to relax when you cant breathe.

I recovered! I experimented with self-massage of my intercostals, discovered that I could easily stop any attack of this pain within a minute just by rubbing between the ribs near the pain. It was a revelation. Ive probably never been so happy to learn anything! Over a year or two, I massaged my intercostals regularly until I stopped having these episodes at all, and that benefit has now persisted for many years.

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Youre Sweating Only At Night

Most people experience night sweats when its hot outside or the temperature in their bedroom is too high. But if youre keeping the temperature in your room cool, using breathable fabrics and bedding, and still sweating excessively at night, you might have a medical concern at hand.

Night sweats can mean an infection such as tuberculosis or the flu, or it can certain types of cancer such as lymphoma, Garshick said. It can also be related to hormonal changes such as menopause or due to a medication. Substance abuse and withdrawal can also lead to night sweats, she added.

Acute Vs Chronic Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis most often develops after youve had a viral or bacterial infection. But, other irritants, such as smoke, dust, or fumes, can also cause acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis symptoms usually subside after 7 to 10 days, but you might still cough for several weeks.

Chronic bronchitis happens when you have repeated attacks of bronchitis. Its defined as having a productive cough that lasts at least three months, with recurring episodes for at least two straight years. Smoking causes more than 80 percent of all cases of chronic bronchitis.

Sometimes, people who have frequent episodes of acute bronchitis go on to develop chronic bronchitis.

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Vascular Problems After Covid

COVID-19 seems to target the single layer of cells lining every blood vessel this layer is called the endothelium. If your endothelial cells are damaged, there is a possibility that you could develop blood clots throughout your body. Blood clots can make it hard for oxygen-rich blood to get where it needs to go. So depending on where and if blood clots form, COVID-19 can cause symptoms in the heart, lungs, brain, arms, legs and other parts of the body.

Is Bronchitis Contagious

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Acute bronchitis is contagious. This is because its caused by a short-term infection that can spread from person to person. The infection can spread through mucus droplets discharged when you cough, sneeze, or talk.

Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, isnt contagious. This is because its not caused by an infection. Rather, its caused by long-term inflammation, which is usually a result of irritants such as smoking. The inflammation cant be spread to another person.

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When To See Your Doctor

If your shortness of breath is accompanied by fever, chest pain, tightness in the throat, and wheezing, then you could be experiencing angina or a heart attack. These combinations of symptoms require immediate attention.

In general, if you are experiencing shortness of breath for no obvious reason like exercise, or it is on-going and frequent, speak with your doctor right away. Uncovering and treating the underlying cause will be the only way to correct the shortness of breath.

In This Article

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What Is Bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common conditions for which people seek medical advice. It can be a short-term disease or a long term disease . It occurs mostly in winter, especially during outbreaks of the flu.

Infection or irritation of the airways triggers them to inflame, narrow, and secrete thick mucus which clogs the small airways. That cause causes the characteristic cough of bronchitis, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The cough may produce sputum, which is phlegm coughed up from the lungs. This is known as a productive cough and is an attempt by the body to clear mucus that is clogging the airways.

With chronic bronchitis, long term inflammation can result in permanent damage to, and narrowing of, the airways which obstructs the flow of air in and out of the lungs. For this reason, chronic bronchitis is considered to be a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that results in the gradual worsening of lung function. It is estimated that at least 15% of New Zealanders over 45 years of age have COPD, with most cases linked to smoking.

People with bronchitis are more susceptible to developing pneumonia, which is a serious infection of the lungs.

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What Is A Covid

Most of the time when people get COVID-19, they get better within a couple weeks. But sometimes, people who had COVID-19 continue to experience new or ongoing symptoms for a month or even longer. These people are considered COVID-19 long-haulers.

For people with long-haul COVID-19, recovery can feel like a marathon and not a sprint. In fact, a few people who got COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic still have symptoms.

Other viruses, like the seasonal flu, can also have long-haul symptoms that last for a long time. But it appears that long COVID-19 is more common and the ongoing symptoms can be more severe.

When To Seek Medical Care

Shortness of breath: Is it stress, anxiety or a symptom of COVID-19?

Each person with COVID-19 experiences it differently and not all breathing issues mean that the disease is serious.

Shortness of breath may be mild, similar to that resulting from a cold or the flu. In this case, it is important to stay home and rest.

If any breathing issue seems serious, especially if it rapidly worsens, seek medical attention. Some that this is necessary include:

  • needing to pant or catch the breath constantly
  • being unable to fill the lungs with air
  • having pain in the chest while breathing
  • having pain while holding the breath or being unable to do so
  • coughing while inhaling

These may indicate a more severe infection that requires treatment in a hospital.

A person

  • feel persistent pressure or pain in the chest
  • have a pale or bluish tint to their lips, face, or nails
  • demonstrate confusion
  • find it difficult to wake up or stay awake

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Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Can Help Reveal Unusual Reasons For These Common Symptoms And Also Shed Light On Long Covid

One of the vexing things about certain common health complaints is the range of possible underlying causes. For example, feeling short of breath is perfectly normal after a burst of vigorous exercise. But for some people, even mild exertion can trigger a sensation of breathlessness, or what doctors call dyspnea. Its often accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue and lightheadedness.

Most of the time, heart or lung issues are to blame. In many cases, routine tests including a chest x-ray, echocardiogram , lung function tests, and blood tests can uncover the underlying reason for a persons breathlessness.

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When To Contact A Doctor

A person should contact a doctor if they are pregnant and experiencing shortness of breath alongside:

What triggers shortness of breath in some people may not trigger it in others. However, some common triggers include:

  • Exercise: Physical exertion, such as exercise, often causes an increase in breathing and possibly shortness of breath.
  • Intense emotions: Strong emotions, such as fear or panic, can lead to difficulty breathing and feelings of breathlessness.
  • Change in altitude: Air pressure decreases as altitude increases. Because of this reduced air pressure, the volume of air a person inhales contains fewer oxygen molecules, which makes the body work harder to breathe. Although it may vary, altitude levels of 5,000 feet and above may lead to changes in breathing, including shortness of breath.
  • Environmental pollutants: Breathing in certain fumes, pollutants, and chemicals can irritate the lungs. Once irritation occurs, narrowing of the airways and inflammation may develop, leading to shortness of breath.

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Symptoms Which Vary In Type Severity And Combination May Include:

  • Drooping of one or both eyelids
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Weakness in arms, hands, fingers, neck, face or legs
  • Difficulty in chewing, smiling, swallowing or talking
  • Excessive fatigue in exercised muscle groups
  • Shortness of breath, difficulty taking a deep breath or coughing

MG is often called the snowflake disease because it differs so much from person to person. The degree of muscle weakness and the muscles that are affected vary greatly from patient to patient and from time to time.

For most people, the first noticeable symptom is weakness of the eye muscles causing drooping eyelids or double vision. In others, difficulty in swallowing and slurred speech may be the first signs. The onset of the disease is usually gradual over weeks or months, but may be more sudden. Symptoms may come and go over time, and even resolve completely for months or longer. Symptoms often are not immediately recognized as MG, especially if they are subtle or variable.

Most individuals do not develop all of the symptoms of MG. In some patients weakness remains limited to the eyes for entire course of the disease. These patients have ocular MG. Most patients have generalized MG where symptoms also involve muscles besides the eyes. When muscles involving speech or swallowing are involved, this is sometimes called bulbar weakness.

This information was abstracted from these sources:

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