Monday, April 22, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Fatigue And Weakness

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Different Activities And Therapies

How to Get Rid of Fatigue, Tiredness, and Weakness Motivational Clip By Soban Attari

Exercise, yoga, massage therapy, counseling, and dietary or nutritional counseling are all used to help treat fatigue and weakness.

If youre having problems sleeping or sleeping too much, your doctor or nurse may suggest sleep therapy. This therapy can help you minimize sleep disturbances and learn improved sleep hygiene.

More research is needed and is being done in this area, but there are stimulant drugs your health care team may prescribe you if your fatigue doesn’t improve. These stimulants are only prescribed for a short period. It’s important you talk to your doctor about the benefits of taking these drugs, as well as the different side effects that may occur such as daytime sleepiness, withdrawal symptoms, insomnia, memory problems, or allergic reactions.

Keep Time With Your Body Clock

Some people get a burst of energy first thing in the morning. They’re often called morning larks. Night owls are people who are at their best at the end of the day.

These individual differences in daily energy patterns are determined by brain structure and genetics, so they can be tough to change. Instead, become aware of your own circadian rhythms. Then schedule demanding activities when your energy levels are typically at their peak.

Know When To Say ‘enough’

Rather than lying in bed tossing and turning, you could get up and watch television or read a book. Wait until you feel tired again and then go back to bed. Audiotapes with stories may help you to sleep, and are stocked in most bookshops and libraries.

Mental exercises can also help you to sleep. These usually take about 10 minutes and include:

  • trying to remember the lines of a song or poem
  • making alphabetical lists of girls or boys names, countries, trees or flowers
  • reliving a favourite experience in every detail
  • writing a letter in your head
  • relaxation exercises

Your body will still get some benefit from lying quietly in bed resting, even if you are not actually asleep. Although you may feel as if you have been awake all night, you may well have managed to have several hours of good quality sleep.

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Ways To Cope With Cancer

Merry Jennifer Markham, MD, FACP, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the University of Florida College of Medicine. She specializes in the treatment of gynecologic cancers and lymphoma, and she is the Program Leader for the UF Health Cancer Centers Multidisciplinary Gynecologic Oncology Program.

Youre tired. You feel wiped out and cant seem to find an ounce of energy. This isnt the I need to get more sleep feeling you sometimes had before you were diagnosed with cancer. Its a persistent and distressing sense of physical or emotional exhaustion that doesnt match the amount of activity youre doing.

Its cancer-related fatigue.

Fatigue can be a common side effect of almost any type of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and can occur weeks or months after treatment ends. Cancer itself can also cause fatigue. For many people, fatigue interferes with normal, everyday functioning and significantly impacts their quality of life.

But there are several strategies you can use to manage it.

1.Get treated for medical conditions or causes that make fatigue worse. Tell your doctor if youre experiencing fatigue. You should be screened for:

2. Get moving. Whether its walking, swimming, or going to the gym, move your body every day, if you can. Physical activity is one of the best ways to counteract cancer-related fatigue. Talk with your doctor about how to start exercising safely.

Fatigue Cause No 1: Cfs And Fibromyalgia

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If your fatigue lasts more than six months and is so severe that you can’t manage your daily activities, chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia are a possibility. Both can have various symptoms, but persistent, unexplained exhaustion is a main one.

Fix: While there’s no quick fix for CFS or fibromyalgia, patients often benefit from changing their daily schedule, learning better sleep habits, and starting a gentle exercise program.

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What Does Treating Fatigue Involve

If you are experiencing prolonged excessive fatigue, it is important to investigate the underlying causes with your doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history and conduct any necessary medical tests to help you work out why you are experiencing fatigue. This may include a blood test, urine test or X-ray. Once they have determined the cause, your doctor will offer suggestions on how to find relief, and organise further investigation if the cause may be more serious.

Fortunately, in most cases, your energy levels may improve with some simple, practical lifestyle changes.

General Suggestions For Exercise

  • Regular, light exercise such as walking has been shown to reduce fatigue as well as nausea and vomiting, and can help some people to sleep better
  • Plan some activity or light exercise into your day
  • If exercise is impossible, try to stay active in your daily routine
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts to exercise: how did you sleep? How did you feel the next day?
  • Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise
  • Perhaps keep a record of your activities to share with your doctor or nurse, so they can help monitor your progress
  • It’s important to find a balance between activity and rest, and to exercise in a way that allows the muscles to recover after activity
  • Dont exercise if you feel unwell, are in pain or have any other symptoms that worry you, such as feeling breathless. Let your doctor know if you feel unwell or have worrying symptoms

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Lifestyle Changes That Combat Fatigue

According to studies, including several by Patti Katz, PhD, of the University of California San Francisco, the most effective interventions for fatigue are good lifestyle choices, such as these.

Get Up and Move. Exercise helps with fatigue in many ways. It increases muscle mass, strength, blood circulation and flexibility, all of which boost energy and reduce pain. Exercise also generates endorphins, brain chemicals that produce a sense of well-being and vitality and help improve nighttime sleep.

Hydrate. Dehydration can be a hidden source of fatigue. There’s no set amount of fluids you should consume, but a rule of thumb is to drink at least a half-gallon or more a day, depending on your activity level and how hot and dry the weather is.

Eat Well. Nourish your body with good, whole foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and be sure to get adequate lean protein and healthy fats. If you need to lose weight, reduce your portions and limit processed, high-salt, sugary foods. Always start your day with breakfast that includes lean protein and complex carbohydrates to provide long-lasting energy.

Ease Your Mind. If depression or stress is adding to your fatigue or keeping you awake at night, you might want to see a therapist. Cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction and mind-body exercise like yoga and tai chi can help calm your thoughts and boost your energy.

Managing Pain

Figuring Out Causes Of Fatigue

How To Get Rid Of Fatigue And Weakness

The first step in easing the fatigue associated with Parkinsons disease is to rule out other causes of tiredness, says Liana Rosenthal, M.D., assistant professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of clinical core at the Morris K. Udall Center Parkinsons Disease Research Center of Excellence. We evaluate patients to see if there are other things contributing to the fatigue besides their disease, she says.

Sometimes patients may be referred to a sleep specialist for an evaluation. That can help identify causes of tiredness, like sleep apnea. Rosenthal says: Our aim is to first treat any sleep issues, like insomnia, sleep apnea or other causes of poor sleep. Once we treat and address those issues, we can see if fatigue still persists.

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What May Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Why chronic fatigue syndrome occurs is unclear and complex. Researchers conclude that infections, like pneumonia and bronchitis, and other immune deficiencies can be related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Depression, pain, and sleep disturbances frequently occur with chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you suspect chronic fatigue syndrome, you should find a healthcare practitioner who can take a holistic approach to your health and uncover underlying health issues and lifestyle factors that may contribute to your fatigue.

Unfortunately, patients sometimes feel frustrated that they havent been able to get answers from their doctors or by asking . They might see symptoms like chronic fatigue as in their head or they lack motivation or willpower.

Exercise To Help Cope With Covid

Experts say exercise is the best thing we can do for coping with COVID-19. Even a simple walk can help. Exercise releases endorphins, which relieve stress and boost our sense of pleasure. Exercise also channels out adrenaline when frustration builds up. If the air quality is bad outside, try a yoga or workout video inside your home.

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Ways Of Boosting Energy Levels And Reducing Fatigue

Having energy has never been as important as it is today with the rise of the online rat-race. Stress is at an all-time high in todays generation and both men and women experience it daily.

Balancing a career, a healthy lifestyle, kids, a family, and an online social media presence has become the norm for a large portion of the western world. Our body, however, is not designed to be in a constant state of stress and has not caught up to this new way of living.

For this reason, fatigue is something a lot of us experience. It causes us to feel unmotivated, tired, and left with no energy to pursue the things we love.

The goal of this article is to analyze the role that fatigue plays in our daily lives and our overall health and to underline the best ways to get our energy back ASAP.


Can Boredom Cause Fatigue

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Being bored can make you feel tired. That may sound strange, but it’s true. If you were very busy during your working years, you may feel lost about how to spend your time when you retire. When you wake up in the morning, you may see long days stretching before you with nothing planned. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Engaging in social and productive activities that you enjoy, like volunteering in your community, may help maintain your well-being. Think about what interests you and what skills or knowledge you have to offer and look for places to volunteer. Read Participating in Activities You Enjoy for ways to find volunteer opportunities.

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How To Cope With The Mid

Most people feel drowsy after lunch. This mid-afternoon drop in energy levels is linked to the brains circadian rhythm and is hard wired into the human body. Prevention may be impossible, but there are ways to reduce the severity of the slump, including:

  • Incorporate as many of the above fatigue-fighting suggestions as you can into your lifestyle. A fit, healthy and well-rested body is less prone to severe drowsiness in the afternoon.
  • Eat a combination of protein and carbohydrates for lunch, for example a tuna sandwich. Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy. Protein helps keep your mind attentive and alert.
  • Get moving. A brisk walk or even 10 minutes of stretching at your desk improves blood flow and boosts energy.

How Does A Doctor Diagnose Fatigue

Your doctor may diagnose fatigue using a number of medical tests. These include:

  • Confirmation of your medical history
  • Physical examination to check for signs of illness or disease
  • Tests such as blood tests, urine tests, or X-rays

Your doctor may also ask detailed questions about your diet, lifestyle and life events.

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What Caregivers Can Do

  • Help schedule friends and family members to prepare meals, clean the house, do yard work, or run errands for the patient. You can use websites that help organize these things, or ask a family member to look into this for you.
  • Try not to push the patient to do more than they are able to.
  • Help the patient set up a routine for activities during the day.

How To Get Rid Of Fatigue And Weakness

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If you have an outgoing and energetic personality, constant feeling of tiredness or weariness is highly bothersome.

Moreover, most of the time you know whats causing you to be fatigued and it doesnt go away if you dont work on it.

Adding to this, fatigue could be a sign of underlying medical issues or mere exhaustion.

However, if it still persists even after a sound sleep, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.

With that being said, take a look at how to get rid of fatigue instantly.

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Too Much Or Too Little Activity

A person with fatigue may not feel able to exercise, and a lack of exercise can cause further fatigue. A lack of exercise may eventually cause , making it harder and more tiring to perform a physical task.

Fatigue can also affect healthy individuals after prolonged, intense mental or physical activity.

/9catch Plenty Of Vitamin D Outdoors

Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D which is an active form of vitamin involved in health promoting activities such as calcium metabolism, neuromuscular and immune system functioning of the body. Try that you spend 15-20 minutes outside, each day. Dont forget safety precautions. Whenever youre outdoors, wear a mask and maintain social distance.

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Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Doctors have narrowed down some of the triggers for chronic fatigue syndrome. Everyone is different, though, and may experience symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome differently, but theCenters for Disease Control and doctors classifychronic fatigue syndrome as having at least four of the following physical symptoms for at least six months:

  • Post-exertional malaise
  • Unrefreshing sleep

Chronic fatigue syndrome can only be diagnosed when other diseases have been ruled out, but thats the problem: You may experience fatigue as a symptom of other health conditions.

/9try And Follow A Routine

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Our bodies thrive along with routines on a daily basis. One of the best things to do would be to keep a daily routine, follow it well and get used to the tasks that need attention. This is also a way to spend your energy wisely and not get too exhausted. The more you get used to it, the easier it will be for you to get back to normal life.

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Psychological Issues And Fatigue

Studies suggest that between 50 and 80 per cent of fatigue cases are mainly due to psychological factors. Suggestions include:

  • Talk about it Theres some evidence that talking therapies such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy might help to fight fatigue. See your doctor for a referral for talking treatment.
  • Reduce stress Stress uses up a lot of energy. Try to introduce relaxing activities into your day. This could be working out at the gym, or a gentler option such as meditation, yoga, listening to music, reading or spending time with friends. Whatever relaxes you will improve your energy.
  • Assess your lifestyle for example, are you putting yourself under unnecessary stress? Are there ongoing problems in your life that may be causing prolonged anxiety or depression? It may help to seek professional counselling to work out family, career or personal issues.
  • Learn to do nothing one of the drawbacks of modern life is the pressure to drive ourselves to bigger and better heights. A hectic lifestyle is exhausting. Try to carve out a few more hours in your week to simply relax and hang out. If you cant find a few more hours, it may be time to rethink your priorities and commitments.
  • Have more fun maybe youre so preoccupied with commitments and pressures that you dont give yourself enough time for fun. Laughter is one of the best energy boosters around.

How To Stop Feeling Tired All The Time

Fatigue is a feeling that you’re chronically tired – mentally and physically.

It can be caused by a number of factors, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, workplace problems and stress.

There are many different ways you can boost your energy, but see your health practitioner first to make sure you don’t have an underlying medical problem.

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Fatigue Cause No : Dehydration

Your fatigue can be a sign of dehydration. Whether you’re working out or working a desk job, your body needs water to work well and keep cool. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

Fix: Drink water throughout the day so your urine is light colored. Have at least two cups of water an hour or more before a planned physical activity. Then, sip throughout your workout, and afterward drink another two cups.

Lose Weight To Gain Energy

How To Get Rid Of Tiredness, Body Pain, Aches & Fatigue: Natural Home Remedies

If your body is carrying excess weight, it can be exhausting. It also puts extra strain on your heart, which can make you tired. Lose weight and you’ll feel much more energetic.

Apart from eating healthily, the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to be more active and do more exercise.

Whatever relaxes you will improve your energy.

Read more about how to relieve stress.

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