Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Help Fibromyalgia Fatigue

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Fibromyalgia Diet Needs To Limit Refined Carbohydrates

How to improve Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, arthritis symptoms NATURALLY.

It is good to avoid foods containing refined carbs if you have fibromyalgia. Foods containing added sugar and refined grains are not recommended on the fibro diet.

Research published in 2017 found that restricting some carbohydrates and eliminating others can help to put many fibromyalgia symptoms into remission. Simple carbs can disrupt the microbiota in the gut that leads to low serotonin levels. Scientists say that this can trigger fibromyalgia flare-ups.

Other studies indicate that consuming fewer carbohydrates and getting more energy from protein in the diet can benefit fibromyalgia sufferers. You will also find that you lose weight at the same time.

Learn more about the function of carbs and how healthy, complex carbohydrates can be a good source of vitamins and fiber.

My Top 6 Favorite Treatments For Fibromyalgia

This article was first published on and is being reprinted here with permission from the editor. This article contains affiliate links.

I bet that headline caught your attention. I know it did because Ive read my share of these types of articles over the years, hoping one of my fellow fibromyalgia warriors finally figured out a way to bring my suffering to an end.

But if you have fibromyalgia, then you know it is the ficklest of conditions. What works for one of us does not necessarily work for others. We have three FDA-approved drugs on the market, and yet none of them work more than half of the time. No one even knows what causes fibromyalgia, much less how to get rid of it.

So we are left to cobble together our own treatment plans, rejoicing for small victories when a particular drug, supplement or dietary change seems to help.

We are all on our own paths of managing this challenging condition, but I do think its valuable for us to share what has helped our symptoms and what hasnt. That way, we can all learn from one another.

So, today Im sharing a few things that have helped reduce my fibromyalgia symptoms, in hopes that this information might help others.

I want to be clear: None of these are cures, and they wont take away all of the pain, fatigue and other symptoms. Theyre just tools Ive found helpful in my own treatment plan and maybe you will, too.

How Can I Exercise When I Feel Tired

At times, moving may be the last thing you feel like doing. But moving can actually make you feel better and more energized. Regular, gentle exercise can help ease pain, stress, and other fibromyalgia symptoms. Start slowly and try activities like walking, swimming, and stretching, even if it’s only for a minute or two at a time. If you feel good, you can increase how long you work out and how hard.

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How To Use Energy Pacing For Fatigue Management In Your Daily Life

Activity pacing sounds good in theory, but how do you put it into practice? An occupational therapist and/or a pain management psychologist can help you tailor your activity pacing based on your individual needs. I always listen to patients and ask them where they find the greatest challenges, Dodge says. Then we break down the tasks one by one together to develop solutions to try out. Dodge has patients work on one or two things between visits so as to not overwhelm with too much to do at once.

Here are some specific fatigue management techniques you can try:

What Causes Chronic Fatigue

How I Cured My Fibromyalgia With One Simple Medicine ...

The most common causes of fatigue are chronic medical or psychiatric illnesses, accounting for 70% of chronic fatigue in the general population. However, at least 30% of the time no specific cause is found for chronic fatigue.8

In population-based studies, it has been very difficult to separate idiopathic chronic fatigue that has been associated with chronic depression and other chronic mood disturbances. Depression-associated fatigue versus pure fatigue was evaluated in a report that prospectively followed 1,177 primary care patients, with 3 separate measurements of fatigue and psychiatric symptoms.9 The depression and fatigue scores correlated closely over time. They replicated previous findings of a strong correlation between fatigue and psychiatric morbidity, but also identified a group of patients with persistent, independent fatigue, which was not associated with any increase in psychological morbidity. This persistent, independent fatigue state was uncommon and found in only 2.5% of the population.

In a population survey of more than 10,000 adolescents, 13 to 18 years old, chronic fatigue was found in 3%, of which one-half had associated depression or anxiety.11 Although the prevalence is lower than in adults, more than half the adolescents with chronic fatigue had severe or very severe disability. Comorbid mood correlated with greater disability and health service utilization.

Assessment of Chronic Fatigue

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Let Go Of Negative Energy

Dont worry about what you should be doing. Work on not letting worry or negative thoughts steal your energy. Love yourself enough to pay attention and not make excuses later for how you feel, Nana says.

Dr. Mirgain offers psychological strategies for dealing with tasks youre having a hard time pacing: Reflect on what is it that makes pacing difficult, such as social pressure, guilt, you dont know another way to do it, anger, anxiety, she says. Then, you can address how to change your attitude toward it.

Do Some Serious Soaking

Soaking in a warm bath or hot tub can relax tense muscles, reduce pain, and help you move more easily. If it’s difficult for you to get in and out of the tub, try a sauna or put a stool in the shower so you can sit and let the water do its work. Moist heat may increase endorphins, which block pain signals, and help you sleep more soundly.

Also Check: Adrenal Fatigue And Hair Loss

How Can I Improve My Quality Of Life

  • Get physically active. Experts recommend that adults be moderately physically active for 150 minutes per week. Walk, swim, or bike 30 minutes a day for five days a week. These 30 minutes can be broken into three separate ten-minute sessions during the day. Regular physical activity can also reduce the risk of developing other chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Learn more about physical activity for arthritis. You can exercise on your own or participate in a CDC-recommended physical activity program.
  • Go to recommended physical activity programs. Those concerned about how to safely exercise can participate in physical activity programs that are proven effective for reducing pain and disability related to arthritis and improving mood and the ability to move. Classes take place at local Ys, parks, and community centers. These classes can help you feel better. Learn more about CDC-recommended physical activity programs.
  • Join a self-management education class, which helps people with arthritis or other conditionsincluding fibromyalgiabe more confident in how to control their symptoms, how to live well and understand how the condition affects their lives. Learn more about the CDC-recommended self-management education programs.

Fibromyalgia And Diet: Can What You Eat Help You

Fibromyalgia, (Have Pain, Fatigue, Brain Fog & Memory Loss), 4 Steps to Success!

Rheumatology experts like Alex Shikhman, MD, believe the diversity of dietary approaches may have less to do with the impact on fibromyalgia, and more to do with treating a secondary, possibly undiagnosed illness. “When patients are helped by a specific dietary measure,” says Shikhman, who is director and founder of the Institute for Specialized Medicine in San Diego, “it is often because of the presence of a secondary condition that does have a recognized response to diet. And when you take care of that, you do get some relief from all the symptoms. You feel better overall.”

There are a number of co-existing health conditions that have a tendency to occur in people with fibromyalgia. Many of these have overlapping symptoms. These include gluten intolerance, gout , and restless legs syndrome. Some doctors believe food sensitivity itself could sometimes be responsible for some of the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia.

Moreover, Holtorf points out that because each of these secondary conditions responds to a different dietary approach, it’s not hard to understand why “different dietary recommendations are reported to work.”

Shikhman believes that sometimes fibromyalgia may even be the wrong diagnosis. That’s another reason, he says, we can sometimes see such dramatic and immediate response to so many different dietary measures.

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Make Your Day More Fibro

Take a fibromyalgia education program to learn healthy behaviors and how to tweak everyday activities for less stress.

If you work outside the home, talk to your employer about things that might help you do your job:

  • Take breaks more often
  • Change your work schedule
  • Switch to a different position that better matches your abilities

A psychologist or neurologist may be able to suggest more adaptations, or use biofeedback or cognitive behavior therapy to boost your focus. An occupational therapist can show you how to make physical changes, from a better workstation to stretches you can do at your desk.

Fibromyalgia: The Diet Connection

Find out what experts say really matters about the foods you eat — and why staying away from certain foods might help your fibromyalgia symptoms.

WebMD Feature

Reviewed by Matthew Hoffman, MD

The condition is called fibromyalgia. It consists of a complex array of symptoms that include widespread muscle and joint pain along with overwhelming fatigue. And none of it goes away, no matter how much rest you get.

Fibromyalgia affects up to 4% of the population — mostly women. And there is still no known cause or recognized treatment that works for everyone. That’s one reason, say experts, that so many people have turned to diet as a way to relieve some of the symptoms.

The fact is there’s little scientific evidence to support any single eating plan as a way to deal with fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, a trip around the Internet will show that dietary approaches to fibromyalgia abound. The variety is so diverse it’s hard to imagine they are all aimed at treating the same disease.

Eat more whole grains. Don’t eat any whole grains. All fruit is good. Some fruit is bad. Tomatoes are healthy. Tomatoes are harmful. Sugar is bad. Sugar has no impact. Avoid meat. Eat. . . .

Confused? Don’t be. Experts say diversity is another hallmark of fibromyalgia.

And this, say experts, includes dietary measures.

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What Is The Treatment For Fibromyalgia

There is no cure for fibromyalgia. Treatments aim to reduce symptoms as much as possible. Over the years several different treatments have been advocated, with variable rates of success.

Fibromyalgia has been quite intensively studied by scientists and clinicians trying to find the best treatment, in order to determine which treatments should be recommended. Their recommendations were based on reviewing the results of research that had shown a treatment to be beneficial to at least some people with fibromyalgia. They published a guideline called ‘EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome’. It was first published in 2005 but is regularly updated, the last time in 2017. EULAR makes a number of recommendations, and these are briefly mentioned below.

Each person is different and has different symptoms. Not all treatments help in all cases, and not all treatments may be locally available. Your doctor is likely to discuss the pros and cons of the various options, and help you to decide which is the best option to try. Most people need a combination of treatments: this won’t always include medication, but it may do. Treatment should be tailored to you according to how your fibromyalgia affects you, and what additional symptoms you have.

How To Fight Fibromyalgia Fatigue

5 Tips to Help Fibromyalgia Patients Sleep Better

Besides pain, anxiety and mental fog, fibromyalgia patients may also suffer from chronic fatigue symptoms. But natural remedies can go a long way toward restoring lost energy. Heres an expert guide to what really works for fibromyalgia fatigue…On bad days, Holly Scott can barely drag herself out of bed, shuffle to the couch and sit down. Ordinary activities seem virtually impossible.When my fibromyalgia flares up, I miss my daughters soccer games and dance recitals, says the 39-year-old Tucson mother of two. Im too tired even to sit through a movie with my husband. Scotts exhaustion is typical of fibromyalgia, a condition that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, and can often bring about debilitating fatigue.Thats the result of the body trying to fight chronic pain both physically and mentally, says Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of From Fatigued to Fantastic! and a leading expert on both fibromyalgia support and chronic fatigue. After a flare-up, women with fibromyalgia find themselves with lagging energy levels because theyve spent a great deal of battling the depression and emotional anguish associated with the disease, Dr. Teitelbaum says.

For optimum fibromyalgia support, meditate at least once a day for a minimum of 10 minutes, Dr. Yee suggests.Build up to twice a day: once in the morning and once at night.Heres how to get started:

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Order Your Weighted Blanket For Fibromyalgia

Chronic pain can wreak havoc on your daily life. A weighted blanket may help you manage your fibromyalgia symptoms, get higher quality sleep, and improve your overall health. SensaCalm has made the finest quality weighted blankets right here in the U.S.A. for a decade. Order your weighted blanket today. Questions? We love to hear from our customers. Give us a call at 855-736-7222 or use our contact form to get in touch.

How do you manage your fibromyalgia symptoms? Let us know by tweeting us .

Disclaimer: The content on this website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before undertaking any type of therapy or treatment.

Emotional & Mental Health Therapies For Fibromyalgia

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

One of the most successful types of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapeutic approach where patients work with a therapist to help change the thoughts and fears that influence behaviors. In a review of clinical trials, researchers have identified that CBT is effective for a wide range of conditions including anxiety disorders, insomnia, anger, stress, distress due to medical condition, fatigue and chronic pain.

One of the keys to effective CBT is to find a therapist who you are comfortable with and who has experience with individuals with chronic medical conditions. Interview several therapists until you find one who complements your goals.

2. Music Therapy

Listening to music may be a potential natural fibromyalgia treatment. In a pilot study published in the journal Pain Management Nursing, study participants with fibromyalgia who were given music therapyexperienced a significant reduction in both pain and depression. In this small study, patients were instructed to listen to music daily for four consecutive weeks. Researchers encourage further study and investigation for music as a self-management intervention to reduce both depression and pain.

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Learning About The Body’s Reaction To Certain Foods

If a food appears to trigger symptoms in an individual, eliminating the food entirely for several weeks is a good way to determine its impact. Keeping a detailed food log to track symptoms when the food is removed and added back may also be helpful.

Reducing sugar and sugary foods can have an additional benefit, helping the individual overcome a craving for sweets for the long term.

The doctor can be a good resource on food sensitivities and should be informed of problems encountered with different foods and ingredients. In some cases, the doctor may suggest testing for food sensitivities or allergies to narrow the list of potential problem foods.

See Doctors Who Treat Fibromyalgia

Understanding The Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

How Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Are Related

Not everyone with fibromyalgia has the same symptoms, and some people have more severe symptoms than others. The most common complaint from people with fibromyalgia is widespread and chronic pain. It ranges in intensity from a constant, dull ache to sharp, incapacitating pain. Muscles and joints in various parts of the body are affected, especially the back, shoulders, upper arms, hips, and legs. Pain may move from one part of the body to another.

People with fibromyalgia might have spots on the body that feel painful to the touch. They are known as tender points. People often have joint stiffness, especially first thing in the morning. Although the pain occurs in muscles and joints, it has one major difference compared with pain caused by an injury or muscle strain: theres no swelling, no redness, and no other signs of inflammation.

While the pain of fibromyalgia appears to be associated with abnormal nervous system responses, its not clear whether other symptoms are caused by physical triggers in the body or by the stress of living with pain. For example, does fibromyalgia itself cause disrupted sleep? Or does the pain offibromyalgia keep people awake? Experts suspect that the pain may directly or indirectly cause the other symptoms. So far, though, they dont have a definitive answer to that question.

Fatigue. About 90% of people with fibromyalgia report intense fatigue. This symptom may be caused by sleep problems, but its not certain.

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What Is The Outcome In Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia can last a short or a long time. It can make life extremely tough, but it does not shorten your life. In some cases, symptoms ease or go after a few months. However, in many cases it is a persistent condition which tends to wax and wane in severity, with a severe effect on your quality of life.

How To Help Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally

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My wife has suffered fibromyalgia pain for as long as I known her, I wasnt for a number of years we got a formal diagnosis.

We have seen specialist after specialist and numerous alternative health practitioners with no results and mounting expenses.

I would like to share with you what I have done and the reason why I think this is working the way it does, please feel free to share this with anyone you know that suffers fibromyalgia

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