Saturday, July 27, 2024

Causes Of Fatigue And Weakness

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Get Worse With Activity And Improve With Rest

Muscle weakness and Fatigue (Medical Symptom)

Myasthenia gravis can affect any of the muscles that you control voluntarily. It can affect muscles of the face, hands, eyes, arms and legs and those muscles involved in chewing, swallowing and talking. Muscles that control breathing and neck movement also can be affected.

MG does not affect involuntary muscles such as the heart, smooth muscles of the gut, blood vessels, and uterus.

The hallmark of weakness related to MG is that is worsens with sustained activity of the involved muscle. Eye muscle weakness worsens with reading, and double vision may improve with a brief rest. When speech is affected, symptoms worsen with prolonged talking. Extremity weakness if often noticed when holding arms over the head. Drooping of the eyelids, neck weakness and other symptoms are usually worse at the end of the day.

Viral Or Bacterial Infection And Fatigue

Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, head or body aches.

Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV. If you have an infection, you’ll probably have other symptoms like fever, head or body aches, shortness of breath, or appetite loss.

Infections that may cause fatigue include:

  • Flu

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, deep muscle pain, painful tender points, sleep problems, anxiety, depression

Fibromyalgia is one of the more common causes of chronic fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, especially in women. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are considered separate but related disorders. They share a common symptom: severe fatigue that greatly interferes with people’s lives.

With fibromyalgia, you may feel that no matter how long you sleep, it’s never restful. And you may feel as if you are always fatigued during daytime hours. Your sleep may be interrupted by frequent waking. Yet, you may not remember any sleep disruptions the next day. Some people with fibromyalgia live in a constant fibro fog — a hazy feeling that makes it hard to concentrate.

Constant daytime fatigue with fibromyalgia often results in people not getting enough exercise. That causes a decline in physical fitness. It can also lead to mood-related problems. The best way to offset these effects is to try to exercise more. Exercise has tremendous benefits for sleep, mood, and fatigue.


Underactive Thyroid And Fatigue

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, sluggishness, feeling run-down, depression, cold intolerance, weight gain

The problem may be a slow or underactive thyroid. This is known as hypothyroidism. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the base of your neck. It helps set the rate of metabolism, which is the rate at which the body uses energy.

According to the American Thyroid Foundation, about 17% of all women will have a thyroid disorder by age 60. And most won’t know it. The most common cause is an autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hashimoto’s stops the gland from making enough thyroid hormones for the body to work the way it should. The result is hypothyroidism, or a slow metabolism.

Blood tests known as T3 and T4 will detect thyroid hormones. If these hormones are low, synthetic hormones can bring you up to speed, and you should begin to feel better fairly rapidly.

Recommended Reading: How To Deal With Fibromyalgia Fatigue

When To Call Your Doctor

If your fatigue prevents you from engaging in work or school, social or personal activities, then you should see your doctor, Dr. Patane says.

When in doubt, it never hurts to speak to your doctor about this. It can be a simple evaluation, and we may be able to say theres nothing seriously wrong and suggest lifestyle modifications, he says. One of the best ways to get better from fatigue is with good sleep hygiene and by slowly increasing daily exercise.

Muscle Damage Through Injury

Muscle Weakness  Causes, Symptoms, And 12 Remedies + Diet

There are many ways in which your muscles can be directly damaged. The most obvious is injury or trauma such as sporting injuries, pulls and sprains. In any muscle injury, bleeding from damaged muscle fibres occurs inside the muscle, followed by swelling and inflammation. This makes the muscle less strong and also painful to use. Localised pain is the primary symptom but weakness also results.

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What Is Microvascular Angina

Angina is any chest pain that occurs when your heart muscle doesnt get enough blood to meet its work demand, a condition called ischemia.

The most common source of angina is obstructive coronary disease, which happens when one of the hearts arteries is blocked. People with this type of angina might feel chest pain during exercise or exertion if not enough blood is supplied to the working heart muscle.

But according to the American Heart Association, up to 50 percent of women with angina symptoms dont have a blocked artery. In fact, they may not even have chest pain, though they may have other symptoms.

They may feel severely short of breath. They might feel extreme fatigue, which rest doesnt make better. They may have pain with exertion in their back, jaw or arm with no chest pain. They might have nausea and indigestion, says Michos.

These women should be evaluated for microvascular angina. Microvascular angina can occur when the hearts tiniest arteries are not able to supply enough oxygen-rich blood due to spasm or cellular dysfunction.

It can be difficult to diagnose microvascular angina because an angiogram a specialized X-ray of the heart wont show obstruction or blockages in these tiny arteries, and symptoms like nausea and indigestion mimic other illnesses. Often, your doctor will perform a stress test to monitor the hearts function during exercise to make a diagnosis.

Prioritize Rest And Sleep

If you’re tired, try to rest when you can and pace yourself. Spend evenings relaxing with your feet up. Dont feel obligated to join a dinner with friends or an after-work drink with colleagues.

Don’t wait until nightfall to take it easy, either: If you have the option, take a brief snooze during the day. Not much of a napper? There’s never been a better time to try!

If you’re at work all day, a nap may not be an option, but youll likely find that putting your feet up at your desk or in a break room during lunch or downtime may give you a quick boost of energy or simply help with swelling in the feet and ankles in the latter part of pregnancy.

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Primary Sarcopenia Muscling Up

If blood flow isnt the issue, your tired legs may be due to loss of leg muscles. The clinical term for a loss of leg muscle and muscle strength is primary sarcopenia. Primary sarcopenia is due to aging. Starting sometime in your 30s, you begin to lose muscle mass. Bone density also declines with age. And in women, the hormonal changes triggered by menopause make bones even more likely to fracture in a fall. Both women and men also see an acceleration in muscle mass loss and muscle weakening after age 50.

Even if youre not planning a career as a senior bodybuilder, losing muscle mass should be a concern. Tired, weak muscles can limit your ability to be active and enjoy such activities as tennis, dancing, hiking, and much more. Growing weaker can also affect your daily functioning and independence.

Around Half Of Patients Discharged From Hospital For Covid Still Suffer From At Least One Persistent Symptom

Causes of weight gain and fatigue with weakness in adults – Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

Fatigue and shortness of breath still afflict many patients a year after their hospitalisation for Covid-19, according to a new Chinese study calling for a better understanding of the pandemics long-term health effects.

Around half of patients discharged from hospital for Covid still suffer from at least one persistent symptom most often fatigue or muscle weakness after 12 months, said the study published in British medical journal The Lancet Friday.

The research, the largest yet on the condition known as long Covid, added that one in three patients still have shortness of breath a year after their diagnosis.

That number is even higher in patients hit more severely by the illness.

With no proven treatments or even rehabilitation guidance, long Covid affects peoples ability to resume normal life and their capacity to work, The Lancet said in an editorial published with the study.

The study shows that for many patients, full recovery from Covid-19 will take more than 1 year.

The study followed nearly 1,300 people hospitalised for Covid between January and May 2020 in the central Chinese city of Wuhan the first place affected by a pandemic that has since infected 214 million people worldwide, killing more than 4 million.

The share of observed patients with at least one symptom decreased from 68 percent after six months to 49 percent after 12 months.

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What Happens After Surgery

Nothing, really.

Good surgeons are able to leave healthy parathyroid glands intact. It is helpful to get enough calcium after surgery so that they do not have to work too hard.

Once the first few weeks have passed, the remaining glands pick up the slack for those that were lost and the calcium balance is normal again.

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How Can I Feel Less Tired

Some changes to your lifestyle can make you feel less tired. Here are some suggestions:

  • Keep a fatigue diary to help you find patterns throughout the day when you feel more or less tired.
  • Exercise regularly. Almost anyone, at any age, can do some type of physical activity. If you have concerns about starting an exercise program, ask your doctor if there are any activities you should avoid. Moderate exercise may improve your appetite, energy, and outlook. Some people find that exercises combining balance and breathing improve their energy.
  • Try to avoid long naps late in the day. Long naps can leave you feeling groggy and may make it harder to fall asleep at night. Read A Good Nights Sleep for tips on getting better rest at night.
  • Stop smoking.Smoking is linked to many diseases and disorders, such as cancer, heart disease, and breathing problems, which can drain your energy.
  • Ask for help if you feel swamped. Some people have so much to do that just thinking about their schedules can make them feel tired. Working with others may help a job go faster and be more fun.

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Can Emotions Cause Fatigue

Are you fearful about the future? Do you worry about your health and who will take care of you? Are you afraid you are no longer needed? Emotional stresses like these can take a toll on your energy. Fatigue can be linked to many conditions, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress from financial or personal problems
  • Feeling that you no longer have control over your life

Not getting enough sleep can also contribute to fatigue. Regular physical activity can improve your sleep. It may also help reduce feelings of depression and stress while improving your mood and overall well-being. Yoga, meditation, or cognitive behavioral therapy could also help you get more rest. Talk with your doctor if your mental well-being is affecting your sleep or making you tired.

Tired Legs: Causes Treatment Prevention And More

What is the Difference Between Muscle Fatigue and Weakness?

Why are my legs tired?

Tired legs are a fairly common symptom with a variety of underlying factors. You may have an increased risk for tired legs if youre female, overweight, or older. Tired legs can also occur in people who regularly sit or stand for extended periods of time.

Read on to learn more about this symptom, including common causes and treatments.

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What Exams Procedures And Tests Diagnose The Cause Of Fatigue

For the evaluation of fatigue, the health care practitioner will take a complete history of the patients fatigue, along with questions in regard to associated symptoms. The health care practitioner may inquire about the following activities and symptoms to determine the probable cause of the fatigue:

Quality of Life

Does the level of fatigue remain constant throughout the day? Does the fatigue get worse as the day goes on, or does the fatigue begin at the start of the day? Is there a pattern to the fatigue ? Does the fatigue occur at regular cycles? How is the persons emotional state? Does the person feel unhappiness or disappointment in life? Sleep pattern determination. How much sleep is the person getting? During what hours does the person sleep? Does the person awake rested or fatigued? How many times does the person awake during sleep? Are they able to fall back asleep? Does the person get regular exercise? Any exercise? Has the person had any new stressors in their life? Change in relationships, jobs, school, or living arrangements? What is the persons diet? Is there a high intake of coffee, sugar, or excessive amounts of food?

The definitive diagnosis depends on discovering the underlying cause of the fatigue this is determined by evaluating the history, the physical exam and the appropriate test results.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Fibromyalgia

Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are conditions that can cause persistent, unexplained fatigue that interferes with daily activities for more than six months.

Both conditions are chronic and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment, but lifestyle changes can often help ease some symptoms of fatigue. Strategies include good sleep habits , relaxation techniques, light exercise, pacing yourself, and eating a balanced diet.

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Nerve Conditions Which Damage Muscles

Conditions affecting nerves tend to lead to true muscle weakness. This is because if the nerve to a muscle fibre stops working, the muscle fibre can’t work either and it will become floppy and eventually shrivel.

Neurological conditions: muscle weakness can be caused by cerebrovascular disease such as stroke and brain haemorrhage and spinal injury. Tumours in the brain can also lead to muscle weakness. Muscles which become partially or completely paralysed lose their normal strength and will eventually waste. Some recovery is possible but it will be slow and may not be complete.

Spine-related conditions: when nerves are damaged as they emerge from the spine , weakness can result. When the discs slip out, they press on nerves headed lower down in the body. The weakness affects only the muscles served by the irritated or compressed nerve.

Other uncommon nerve conditions:Multiple sclerosis : this is caused by damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord and can cause sudden paralysis. This can recover partially but does not always do so.

: this is a post-viral paralysing disease which causes weakness and loss of muscle function from the fingers and toes upwards. It may last many months, although complete recovery is usual.

The Weird And Wonderful Symptoms Associated With Ibs

Fatigue, Dizziness and Nausea (Medical Symptom)

People with IBS often suffer from additional symptoms outside of their digestive tract. Doctors call these extra-intestinal symptoms. These symptoms are sometimes linked to the digestive tract. But at other times they can affect other parts of the body that seem to have nothing in common with the gut.

Those strange, seemingly unexplainable symptoms you have could actually be related to IBS!

The GI-related symptoms of IBS include:

  • Abdominal pain and/or cramping
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability

If youve already tried to get conventional treatment for IBS, you know how frustrating this can be. It only becomes more challenging when your IBS causes fatigue, headaches, or anxiety. Thats because medical professionals often dismiss these symptoms as they dont realize they are related.

And unfortunately that includes fatigue. Even though IBS and fatigue usually go hand in hand. Ill show you why IBS makes you tired in the next section!

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How Will Your Doctor Treat Fatigue

Your doctors recommended treatment plan will depend on whats causing your fatigue. To make a diagnosis, they will likely ask you questions about:

  • the nature of your fatigue, including when it started and whether it gets better or worse at certain times
  • other symptoms that youve been experiencing
  • other medical conditions that you have
  • your lifestyle and sources of stress
  • medications that youre taking

If your doctor suspects you have an underlying medical condition thats causing your fatigue, they may order some medical tests. For example, they may order blood or urine tests.

I Have Muscle Weakness

If you have muscle weakness and visit your doctor, they will first need to know the following:

  • How it began and how long you have had it for.
  • Whether it is getting worse, getting better or staying the same.
  • Whether you are otherwise well, are losing weight or have travelled abroad recently.
  • What medicines or other drugs you have been taking and whether there are any muscle problems in your family.

Your doctor will need to examine you to see which muscles are affected and whether you have true or perceived muscle weakness. They will check to see whether your muscles are tender to touch or unusually ‘fatigable’. They may want to watch you walk.

They will then need to test your nerves to see whether the muscles are getting the right signals to act. Your doctor may need to test your central nervous system, including your balance and co-ordination. They may need to perform blood tests to look for abnormalities of hormones, salts and blood cells.

Depending on the results of these tests your doctor may also order the following:

  • Nerve studies to make sure the nerves are conducting properly.
  • A muscle biopsy to see whether the muscles themselves show signs of inflammation or damage. A biopsy is a procedure where a small sample is taken to look at under the microscope.
  • Body scans such as CT or MRI to look for conditions elsewhere in the body which may affect muscle power and function.

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