Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Blood Thinners Cause Fatigue

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Pain With Breathing Or Other Chest Pains

Can One Take Blood Thinners Post-COVID? Expert Answers FAQs

Most people immediately consider that they may be having a heart attack when chest pain strikes. However, they do not know that a blood clot might have caused the heart trouble. For that reason, any chest pains you may experience could indicate that you have a blood clot. If you are sweating, and it is painful to breathe deeply, these are additional warning signs. Experts say that a blood clot that causes a pulmonary embolism feels like sharp pains in your chest. However, if your chest feels like it is holding a heavy weight, that is likely a heart problem. You should remember that both of these feelings can be a threat to your life.

Living With Polycythemia Vera

There is no cure for polycythemia vera, but proper treatment can help to reduce or delay any problems. Work with your healthcare provider to create a treatment plan that fits your needs. You should also be physically active in order to increase your heart rate and improve your blood flow.

Other ways to improve your blood flow include:

  • Stretching your legs and ankles
  • Wearing warm gloves and socks during cold weather
  • Avoiding extreme heat
  • Drinking plenty of water

You should also avoid situations in which you could be hurt, and check your feet for any sores.

Things To Know About Taking Blood Thinners Safely

If youve been diagnosed with an abnormal heart rhythm, such as atrial fibrillation or afib, your doctor may recommend taking blood thinners, also called anticoagulants. These medications reduce the bloods ability to clot, lowering your risk of stroke.

Your body creates clots to stop you from bleeding. If you fall or bump your head while taking a blood thinner, you may have internal bleeding even if theres no external sign youve been hurt.

Dr. Matthew Cozart with Mercy Clinic Cardiology has 7 things you should know about blood thinners:

  • They can make you feel green. Aside from bleeding-related issues, there are several side effects that have been linked to blood thinners, such as nausea and low counts of cells in your blood. Low blood cell count can cause fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath.
  • Be careful mixing medications. Some antibiotics and anti-fungal medications can make blood thinners more potent and increase the risk of bleeding. Talk to your Mercy doctor before you combine any medicines including over-the-counter or supplements.
  • Tell all of your health care providers that youre taking blood thinners. Even your dentist. If you use different pharmacies, make sure all your pharmacists know.
  • Talk to your Mercy doctor about which blood thinner, if any, is right for you.

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    Xarelto And Herbs And Supplements

    Its possible that some herbs and supplements may interact with Xarelto. Interactions could affect the way Xarelto is either absorbed into or removed from your body. To be safe, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist before using any herbal products or supplements while youre taking Xarelto.

    Xarelto and St. Johns wort

    St. Johns wort is known to interact with Xarelto. In fact, this herb can lower the level of Xarelto in your body, which makes Xarelto less effective for you.

    Because of this, you should avoid taking St. Johns wort while youre using Xarelto.

    How To Stop Taking Xarelto

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    You should keep taking Xarelto for as long as your doctor recommends that you do so.

    Dont stop taking Xarelto without first discussing it with your doctor. Stopping Xarelto increases your risk of having a blood clot. If youre taking Xarelto because you have heart disease or disease in your arteries, stopping the drug increases your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

    If you need to stop taking Xarelto temporarily because youre going to have a surgical, medical, or dental procedure, you should usually stop taking it at least 24 hours before the procedure. However, always follow the instructions given by your doctor.

    If you need to stop taking Xarelto for any other reason, talk with your doctor about when to stop taking it. Your doctor will usually prescribe a different anticoagulant drug to help prevent blood clots while youre not taking Xarelto.

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    The Straight Story On Xarelto:

    Rivaroxaban is one of the oral anticoagulant medicines that have come on the market within the last decade. It is prescribed to prevent stroke in people with atrial fibrillation. Doctors also use it to prevent or treat a blood clot in the lungs or the veins of the legs.

    People who stop Xarelto suddenly may develop blood clots. But research shows that this anticoagulant increases the risk for the kind of internal bleeding that led to the death of our readers mother.

    A recent study involving more than 118,000 patients with atrial fibrillation concluded that treatment with Xarelto increased the possibility of bleeding within the skull or digestive tract more than another anticoagulant, dabigatran. Older people were especially vulnerable.

    The patients were taking anticoagulants like Xarelto or dabigatran to prevent strokes. Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm that may allow blood to clot within the heart. A clot that escapes and lodges in the brain can be catastrophic.

    Pradaxa, Xarelto and the newer apixaban and edoxaban are being promoted as substitutes to the old anticoagulant warfarin . The newer blood thinners are presented as being easier to use since they dont have dietary restrictions or regular blood tests as warfarin does.

    Do Blood Thinners Cause Fatigue

    4.7/5blood thinnersbloodbloodcan cause fatigue

    Also asked, what are the side effects of blood thinners?

    Blood thinners may cause side effects in some people. Excessive bleeding is the most common reaction.Possible side effects of blood thinners

    • heavy periods.
    • bloody or discolored urine or feces.
    • nosebleeds.
    • bleeding gums.
    • prolonged bleeding from a cut.

    Also Know, what is the safest blood thinner to take? The newer medications are Pradaxa , Xarelto , Eliquis , and most recently Savaysa which work by preventing pooled blood in the heart from clotting. Unlike warfarin, the newer drugs are safer and easier for patients to use.

    Keeping this in consideration, do blood thinners make you cold?

    A blood thinner works by slowing or impairing the blood’s ability to clot, Dr. Andersen said, and will not make someone feel colder.

    What vitamins should be avoided when on blood thinners?

    Examples of supplements which may reduce warfarin’s ability to thin the blood include vitamin K, ginseng, St. John’s wort, and, in very high doses, green tea. CoQ10 is chemically similar to vitamin K2 and may also decrease the effects of warfarin, although the evidence for this is mixed.

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    Risk Of Blood Clots If You Stop Taking Xarelto

    Xarelto has a boxed warning for risk of blood clots if you stop taking the drug. A boxed warning is a serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration . It alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

    When you stop taking Xarelto, your risk for having a blood clot increases. If you have a condition that affects your arteries or heart, stopping Xarelto also increases your risk for heart attack and stroke. Examples of these conditions include peripheral artery disease and coronary artery disease.

    Symptoms of a blood clot vary depending on the location of the clot and may include:

    • pain and swelling, which can affect a specific area of the body, such as the calf
    • trouble breathing
    • nausea
    • lightheadedness

    For more information about this warning, see Xareltos drug label information. You can also talk with your doctor.

    What you can do

    You shouldnt stop taking Xarelto unless your doctor instructs you to do so.

    Sometimes, you may need to temporarily stop taking Xarelto, with your doctors approval. This may be recommended before certain dental, medical, or surgical procedures. Your doctor will give you specific dates for when to stop taking Xarelto and when to start taking it again after your procedure. And, in the time leading up to your procedure, your doctor may prescribe a medication other than Xarelto for your condition.

    Vitamins And Nutrients: Find Out What Youre Missing

    Can blood thinners cause bleeding? Are they safe?

    While you may try your best to get the vitamins you need through a diet of whole foods and complex carbs, you might still be low on a few of them. This can be caused by a variety of normal circumstances, ranging from quantities of the nutrient youre providing your body, as well as your bodys ability to absorb it when it is provided with it.

    The most common nutrient deficiencies that tend to cause fatigue or low energy are that of iron, coenzyme Q10, and vitamins B12 and D. If you suspect a deficiency, ask your doctor to test your levels of these nutrients to see whether or not they are low. If they are, this is an easier fix than most simply ask your doctor for dosage suggestions on whatever youre low on, and begin taking a daily supplement. You should notice your energy levels rise as you get more of the missing nutrient in your system, if a nutrient deficiency is the underlying cause of your fatigue.

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    Ways To Prevent Bleeding Risks

    If youre taking blood thinners, following these steps can reduce your risk for potentially serious bleeding:

    1. Follow your treatment plan to a T. Be sure you’re taking your medication exactly as directed by your doctor. If you dont take enough of the blood thinner, it might not be able to prevent a clot. But if you take too much, it can increase your risk for bleeding even further, according to the American Heart Association . Typically, the AHA recommends that people on blood thinners should have their blood monitored on a monthly basis.

    2. Avoid taking drugs that can increase your risk of heavy bleeding. That includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil and Motrin , and Aleve , says , associate staff member in the section of vascular medicine at the Robert and Suzanne Tomsich Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Some supplements also can increase your risk of bleeding, says Dr. Gomes. St. Johns wort is one theres also some concern that high doses of omega-3 supplements can make blood thinners more potent, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you haven’t done so already, tell your doctor about every dietary supplement you are currently using and consult with him or her before taking any new ones even if those products are labeled as safe or all natural.

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    When To See A Doctor For Eliquis Side Effects

    While Eliquis is an effective medication, certain side effects will require immediate medical attention. Call your doctor right away if you are experiencing:

    • Severe bleeding that wont stop
    • Recurring nosebleeds that last longer than 10 minutes
    • Bloody pink, red, or brown urine
    • Bloody or black tarry stool
    • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
    • Bloody or coffee ground-like vomit
    • Potent headaches
    • Coughing up blood
    • Difficulty breathing

    Experiencing any of the above side effects you must contact your doctor immediately and it might also be a good indicator that its time to stop taking Eliquis and consider alternative medications, such as warfarin or Heparin.

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    If I Have Chronic Kidney Disease Can I Take Xarelto

    Typically, yes, although this may depend on how well your kidneys are working.

    Your doctor will check your kidney function by calculating your creatinine clearance.

    If you have chronic kidney disease and your creatinine clearance is at least 15 mL/min, its fine to take Xarelto to treat or prevent blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis * and pulmonary embolism .** But if your creatinine clearance is lower than this, Xarelto isnt usually recommended.

    If you have chronic kidney disease, and youre taking Xarelto to reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, its fine to take the drug regardless of your creatinine clearance. In this case, Xarelto can also be used to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other complications from blood clots.

    However, if you have atrial fibrillation *** and your creatinine clearance is 50 mL/min or less, youll be prescribed a dosage of Xarelto thats lower than the typical dosage.

    The clinical studies of Xarelto for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke didnt include people who were having dialysis for end stage kidney disease. So its not known how effective the drug is for reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke in this group of people.

    If you have kidney disease, talk with your doctor about whether youll be able to take Xarelto.

    Xarelto And Lab Tests

    Can Blood Thinners Make You Tired

    Xarelto isnt known to interact with any lab tests. Its unlikely that youll have lab tests with incorrect results caused by this drug during treatment.

    Xarelto and PT or INR

    Xarelto doesnt affect the results of a lab test called prothrombin time , which is sometimes reported as international normalized ratio . PT is often used to monitor your bloods ability to clot while youre taking warfarin , which is a different type of anticoagulant drug.

    But you wont take these drugs together, so you wont have PT tests while youre taking Xarelto.

    In fact, you wont need to have any lab tests done to monitor your clotting ability while youre taking Xarelto. Unlike with warfarin, your dosage of Xarelto wont be adjusted based on these types of lab tests.

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    Will I Need To Use This Drug Long Term

    You might, but it depends on why youre taking Xarelto. The length of time Xarelto treatment is used is based on why youre taking the drug. Typical treatment lengths are as follows:

    • If youre taking Xarelto after having a knee replacement, youll take the drug for 12 days after your surgery.
    • If youre taking Xarelto after having a hip replacement, youll take the drug for 35 days after your surgery.
    • If youre taking Xarelto because you were admitted to a hospital for an acute illness, youll take the drug for 31 to 39 days.
    • If youre taking Xarelto to treat a deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism , youll take the drug for 6 to 12 months.

    However, when its prescribed to prevent blood clots or their complications, Xarelto is meant to be used as a long-term treatment. If you and your doctor determine that Xarelto is safe and effective for you, youll likely take it long term for these purposes.

    If you have coronary artery disease or peripheral artery disease , youll take Xarelto with aspirin.

    With CAD, you have narrowed arteries in your heart. With PAD, you have narrowed arteries in your legs. Both of these conditions increase your risk of having blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke.

    Using a combination of Xarelto and aspirin is more effective for preventing heart attack and stroke in people with CAD or PAD than using aspirin alone.

    The recommended dosage of aspirin for this use is 75 mg to 100 mg taken once a day.

    Which Is Safer: Xarelto Or Eliquis

    Xarelto and Eliquis are both quick and effective treatment options for those at risk of blood clotting. However, since they are fast-acting, they also wear off quickly, causing potentially serious complications. Xarelto only requires a single dose each day, where Eliquis requires two, increasing the chance of a missed dose.

    Both medications share similar side effects. The most common similarity is sudden bruising and bleeding. However, Eliquis seems to have a lower risk of bleeding than Xarelto. Since both medications are anticoagulants, they share many of the same interactions with other drugs. Therefore, patients should be cautious when taking other medications with both Eliquis and Xarelto.

    To determine which one is safer, you would need to speak with a healthcare professional. Only they can provide the right medical advice for your condition.

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    Keep Your Md Updated On Lifestyle Changes

    Your lifestyle will play a role in your doctor’s decision to prescribe blood thinners or not. Most people who take a blood thinner on an empty stomach at the same time every day and follow a relatively stable diet will do fine, Dr. Garcia says. But he also recommends drinking alcohol only in moderation. Binge drinking could cause drastic fluctuations in how long it takes your blood to clot, and could also lead to falls or accidents, which could increase the risk of blood thinner side effects, like excessive bleeding. Elderly people who live alone are at increased risk for falling and injuring themselves, so blood thinners may not be right for them. Instead, Garcia says, doctors may recommend an aspirin.

    How Long Will I Take It For

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    How long you need to take apixaban will depend on why you’re taking it.

    If you have had knee replacement surgery, you’ll usually take the tablets for 10 to 14 days.

    If you have had a hip replacement, you’ll usually take the tablets for 32 to 38 days.

    If you have had a blood clot , you’ll normally take apixaban for at least 3 months.

    Depending on what caused the blood clot, you might need to take it for longer.

    If you have atrial fibrillation, you might need to take apixaban long term or even for the rest of your life.

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    Xarelto Side Effects In Older Adults

    In clinical trials of Xarelto, researchers specifically looked at whether side effects in older adults were different from those in younger adults.

    In these trials, people 65 years and older were more likely to experience bleeding as a side effect of Xarelto. No other age-related differences in side effects were seen.

    If you have questions about Xareltos side effects given your age, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. And for more information about bleeding as a side effect of Xarelto, see the Side effect specifics section below.

    Xarelto may cause several side effects. Here are some frequently asked questions about the drugs side effects and their answers.

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