Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does High Blood Pressure Cause Fatigue

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Why High Blood Pressure Can Make You Feel Tired

High Blood Pressure, Fatigue – Georgia’s Story

If youve had hypertension for a while, you may have noticed that you sometimes feel tired after little or no exertion.

When left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to some serious medical complications, including those that make you feel tired easily.

Lets take a look at some of these complications that might be causing your fatigue.

Diagnosis Of Low Blood Pressure

A familiar instrument for diagnosis of low blood pressure is a sphygmomanometer, which has an inflatable cuff that goes around your forearm while you are sitting and supported. This cuff is worn at the heart level and must be the right size since a too large or too small cuff would result in the wrong measurement.

The inflation and deflation causes the blood vessels to constrict and relax in conjunction, and a doctor uses a stethoscope near the crook of your elbow to determine when the blood flow is constricted, and the time that it starts. The pressure diagnosed at these two times is what is noted as your blood pressure.

The pulse rate is also an important indicator of any abnormalities in blood pressure, and a doctor may repeatedly measure your pulse in addition to measuring blood pressure. A rapid, shallow beating of the pulse may indicate inability of the heart to pump adequate blood through the body. Sometimes, an electrocardiogram may also be used for accurate measurement of the heart rate, or a blood sugar test may be prescribed to determine any symptoms or effects of low blood pressure. A “tilt-table test” that simulates a change in posture while lying down on a table may also be prescribed to check for orthostatic hypotension.

Diagnosis depends on the outcome of these tests and is relatively simple to do. Medical history is also a consideration when determining if a person has signs of low blood pressure, or a more short-term incident.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure: Chest Pain

The heart is a muscular organ, and if it is feeling tired pumping blood, it is likely that you will experience chest pains. While most people tend to ignore mild chest pains and dismiss them as regular muscular aches, if they persist over a few days then its better to take notice. The pain usually radiates from the chest in an outward motion, and while it can be related to a muscle relaxant, it is better to get to the root cause of the problem.

TIP:Chest pains are often caused due to gastric issues, so ensure you rule that out.

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Q What Can Cause Low Blood Pressure

  • Your blood pressure can vary throughout the day. It depends on your body position, breathing patterns, stress levels, physical activities, medications, what you eat or drink, and the time. Some of the main medical conditions that can cause low blood pressure are:
    • Pregnancy
    • Nutrition deficiency in the diet
    • Certain antidepressants

    Q What Can I Do To Prevent Low Blood Pressure

  • Consciousness towards diet and lifestyle can go a long way towards prevention. Mindfulness towards bodily movement would help reduce instances of giddiness due to postural hypotension as well. If hypotension is suspected due to medication, it is best to get a recommendation from your doctor regarding substitutes to prevent effects of low blood pressure such as weakness and fatigue.
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    What Causes Low Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure is one of the vital signs that are calculated to determine individual health, along with pulse rate, rate of respiration, and body temperature. It is the pressure generated as the heart contracts and expands while purifying the blood and exchanging the gases it carries.

    A network of blood vessels carries the blood to and from the heart to the rest of the body, and if the volume of blood being pumped becomes low due to certain reasons, it causes hypotension resulting in a lack of adequate oxygen and nutrition. Even as the signs of low blood pressure are not always obvious, many otherwise healthy people can have hypotension because of this. There are several medical reasons that lead to low blood pressure including:

    Regular Blood Pressure Checks For Over Over 40’s

    The only way to find out whether you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Ask your GP when you are next due for yours to be checked.

    Blood pressure checks are usually available on request at most GP surgeries and health clinics. Some surgeries have home monitoring devices available, which you may be able to use at the time of blood pressure medication start up or change. Many also have a policy of arranging regular checks for you.

    Adults who are over 40 and have not been diagnosed with high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked at least once every five years. However, your blood pressure should ideally be checked more frequently, particularly if you have any contributory risk factors.

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    How K Health Can Help

    Get help on all your high blood pressure concerns. Did you know you can get affordable primary care with the K Health app?

    to check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed, text with a doctor in minutes. K Healths AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and based on 20 years of clinical data.

    High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Shouldnt Ignore

    HBP 049- How does High Blood Pressure lead to tiredness and fatigue

    Caregiver Duties Aging & Health

    If youre worried about developing high blood pressure or youve already been diagnosed with this condition, you may be wondering what symptoms to watch out for.

    While the symptoms described here may indicate a high blood pressure crisis, its also very important to understand that a persons blood pressure can be dangerously high and yet there are no symptoms at all, notes retired emergency physician Ben Hippen. This is why high blood pressure is sometimes called the silent killer.

    For this reason, its important to monitor your blood pressure often. When youre at your doctors office, or even at the pharmacy, take a few minutes to stick your arm in the cuff and get a reading. If you can afford it and will actually use it, a home blood pressure monitor is a worthwhile investment.

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    Treating High Blood Pressure

    Treatment for high blood pressure will depend on your blood pressure levels and your associated risk of developing a cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack or stroke.

    There are seven main risk factors for developing a cardiovascular disease. These are:

    • age
    • smoking
    • obesity
    • having a high level of cholesterol in your blood
    • having a family history of cardiovascular disease .

    Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects

    Its important to keep in mind that all medications have side effects and that includes your blood pressure medications. Most of these side effects go away with time as your body adjusts to the new medication. The most common side effects are:

    • Cough

    • Feeling tired, weak, drowsy, or a lack of energy

    • Headache

    • Skin rash

    • Weight loss or gain without trying

    Also, taking more than one medication or supplement at a time can lead to potential interactions, be sure to clear all additional medications with your doctor before beginning them.

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    How Can You Prevent Low Blood Pressure

    You may be able to prevent hypotension by making changes to your lifestyle and diet, such as:

    • Eating fewer carbohydrates and choosing small, healthy meals.
    • Staying hydrated and avoiding alcoholic drinks.
    • Rising slowly when youve been sitting or lying down.
    • Taking a few deep breaths before you change position.
    • Wearing compression stockings.

    Good Sleep Can Prevent And Manage High Blood Pressure

    High Blood Pressure Back Pain Fatigue

    Most people experience a dip in blood pressure during the deepest stage of sleep , which is the body’s normal and healthy reaction to sleep. Not having that nighttime dip is a risk factor for heart disease and may increase daytime blood pressure.

    Typically people spend 90 minutes to two hours in slow wave sleep per night. A recent study published in Hypertension found that men who got less slow wave sleep each night were a higher risk for hypertension than men who got more deep sleep.

    While sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, and age can both affect the amount of deep sleep you get, there are steps you can take to ensure a good night’s sleep. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and being more active during the day can help improve the quality of your sleep.

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    Pounding In Your Ears

    If you have a sensation of pulsing or pounding in your ears when you havent been exercising vigorously, this could indicate an elevated blood pressure. It could also be related to drinking too much caffeine, so try cutting back on the coffee and soda. Anxiety can have the same effect, so try meditation or a relaxing activity to see if the pounding sensation resolves.

    Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure: Dizziness

    While dizziness is not an exclusive symptom of high blood pressure, if you experience it with the other symptoms and are also in a lot of stress, you need to keep a check on your dizziness. It needs a long term cure since it can set in at any time and can lead to loss of balance, coordination, and could lead to a stroke. High blood pressure is a contributing factor for a stroke. If you feel dizzy, you need to first catch hold of something or someone for immediate support, find a place to sit and then look for help.

    TIP:Having a sugar-boiled sweet may help for immediate relief from a stroke.

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    Balance Your Mineral Levels

    Looking for something to top up your energy levels? Look no further as our Balance Mineral Drink is here to help! This tasty drink contains a special blend of essential minerals specifically combined to help you combat fatigue and tiredness. Vital electrolytes including calcium and magnesium help to support our energy levels as well as support normal muscle function.

    Does High Blood Pressure Cause Tiredness

    Adrenal Fatigue, High Blood Pressure, and Chronic Infection

    Fatigue often occurs as a result of medication management and lifestyle choices, but it can also be caused by high blood pressure itself.

    People with high blood pressure often have the condition because they do not exercise enough and eat a lot of food that is high in salt and fat.

    Poor lifestyle choices like this will leave you lacking in energy.

    Medication that slows the pumping of the heart may deplete your body of essential electrolytes, this means you stop producing energy and feel tired.

    High blood pressure can in theory cause tiredness itself since there is an elevated pressure on vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys.

    Your body has to work much harder to function than it would if your blood pressure was lower.

    You may feel tired even after a full nights sleep.

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    Q Do Obese People Need To Worry

    A. Yes. Blood pressure often increases with body weight. It is just that those who are overweight are posed with a higher chance of developing the condition since the body mass index is high. Apart from high blood pressure, those on the heavier side are easy victims of several other health issues as well. It is essential to maintain a normal Body Mass Index which is 20-25. This will come with maintaining healthy body weight since the loss of weight will result in reduced blood pressure.

    What Tests Diagnose High Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff . This may be done using a stethoscope and a cuff and gauge or by an automatic machine. It is a routine part of the physical examination and one of the vital signs often recorded for a patient visit. Other vital signs include pulse rate, respiratory rate , temperature, and weight.

    The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology recommend specific steps to measure blood pressure in a medical setting.

    • The patient should relax in a chair for at least five minutes, with the back supported and feet on the floor
    • The patient should not have had caffeine, tobacco products or participated in any exercise for at least 30 minutes before the blood pressure check
    • The patient should not talk for the five minute rest period
    • The blood pressure cuff should not be placed over clothing instead it should be placed directly on the skin
    • The arm being tested should be supported or be rested on a table or arm rest
    • The cuff being used should be the appropriate size for the patient
    • Blood pressure should be checked at least two times, separated by 1-2 minutes, and an average taken to estimate that personâs blood pressure
    • For the first visit for a blood pressure check, the blood pressure reading should be measured in both arms and the higher of the two readings should be used to decide upon treatment

    Other studies may be considered depending upon the individual patient’s needs

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    When Should You Call A Doctor For High Blood Pressure

    Many symptoms present gradually after years of poorly blood pressure control. Often, the first knowledge of hypertension occurs when a person complains of chest pain or has stroke-like symptoms. Should these occur, it is appropriate to call 911 immediately to activate emergency medical services and seek care.

    You may be directed to seek medical care if blood pressure readings are elevated if done as part of a community health screening. Isolated elevated blood pressure readings do not necessarily make the diagnosis of hypertension. Blood pressure readings vary throughout the day, and your primary care provider may record a different reading than the one that was measured in a screening that sent you in for care.

    There are non-specific symptoms associated with hypertension that may cause a person to seek care that includes

    • lightheadedness,

    There are many other reasons to develop these symptoms other than high blood pressure.

    Heart Attack And Unusual Tiredness

    Could Low Blood Pressure Cause Fatigue

    Sudden on-set of extreme fatigue or tiredness is one of the top heart attack symptoms for women. Along with chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and indigestion, abrupt and unexpected fatigue is another symptom that many women experience before they have a heart attack.

    The American Heart Association conducted a study in 2003 to learn which symptoms women might have of a heart attack. They looked at 515 women who had had a heart attack and found that many noticed unexplained fatigue and trouble sleeping. Some of the women even experienced these symptoms up to one month before their heart attack. The researchers in the study suggested that these symptoms may serve as an early warning sign.

    In the study, 70% of the women experienced unusual tiredness before their heart attack. Also, 48% noticed they had sleep disturbances beforehand. Only 30% of the participants reported feeling chest discomfort, the symptom that most of us think of when we hear heart attack. Whats even more interesting, most didnt report chest pain, but rather chest discomfort like tightness, aching, or pressure. The researchers suggested that recognizing symptoms like unexplained tiredness and difficulties sleeping may help people seek womens health care to potentially help prevent or delay a heart attack.

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    Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

    Hypertension does not commonly cause symptoms. But some people can experience:

    • problems with their vision
    • chest pains
    • fits

    These signs and symptoms of hypertension usually occur when patients are experiencing a crisis or an emergency because their high blood pressure has reached dangerously high levels.

    These signs are also common in people who suffer from a sudden increase in high blood pressure . If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

    Enlarged Heart And Heart Failure

    High blood pressure puts you at risk of developing an enlarged heart.

    The heart is a muscle, and it works harder to deliver blood to the rest of your body when you have high blood pressure.

    This extra effort causes the heart to bulk up, much like the muscles of your arms grow bigger after regular workout sessions.

    An enlarged heart does not pump blood as effectively as normal, a problem that can cause complications like stroke and heart failure.

    Most people may not know they have an enlarged heart, since they may show no symptoms.

    Others may experience the following symptoms:

    • Fatigue
    • Swelling in the legs and feet

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    What Is Normal Blood Pressure

    A blood pressure reading involves two numbers: The top number measures systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when the heart pushes blood out into the arteries. Diastolic blood pressure is the measure of pressure in the arteries between heartbeats.

    According to the American Heart Association, normal blood pressure is 120 millimeters of mercury systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic, usually spoken as “120 over 80.” High blood pressure is defined by the following stages:

    High blood pressure stage

    Primary High Blood Pressure

    Adrenal Fatigue and Blood Pressure

    While the specific cause of primary high blood pressure remains unknown, there is compelling evidence to suggest that a number of risk factors increase your chances of developing the condition.

    These risk factors include:

    • age – the risk of developing high blood pressure increases as you get older
    • a family history of high blood pressure – the condition seems to run in families
    • being of Afro-Caribbean or South Asian origin
    • high-fat diet
    • high amount of salt in your diet
    • lack of exercise
    • excessive alcohol consumption
    • stress

    A number of health conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease, have also been linked to an increase risk of developing primary high blood pressure.

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