General Body Aches Not Related To Physical Activity
Whole body aches that appear without a good reason you wake up one more and feel like you were hit by a truck can be a sign that the body is dealing with a body-wide or systemic health problem. When the discomfort appears to be not related to physical causes, it can be due to a widespread immune response to an infection or major health problem. These larger problems need to be addressed first since they can be the primary cause of general body aches in order for the discomfort and pain to stop.
For example, a widespread body ache may be the result of:
- Anemia reduced oxygen to the muscles and joints causes pain especially during exertion
- Dermatomyositis possibly due to viral infection of muscles or weak immune system that allows multiple sites of infection to arise, giving pain throughout the body, along with a reddish-purple rash.
- ACE inhibitors to lower blood pressure known for serious side effects that may require medical attention: chills, breathing difficulties, headaches, pain in the abdomen, pain in the chest, etc.
- Cocaine recreational use can cause pain throughout the body that lasts for days
- Statins to lower blood cholesterol most common statin side effect is muscle pain that is felt as deep soreness, weakness or easy fatigue of the involved muscles
Worsening Shortness Of Breath Could Be A Sign Of Heart Disease
Dont ignore shortness of breath by assuming its from a lack of conditioning or recent weight gain. If you experience shortness of breath after exertion that progressively gets worse, it could be a sign of a heart disease like aortic stenosis or coronary artery disease . Check with your doctor if you have shortness of breath that suddenly gets worse.
Are Chills Serious Shivering And Goose Bumps Can Accompany A Wide Range Of Conditions From A Too
Maintaining our core temperature is one of the bodys most basic functions, and when that temperature is off or when our body thinks its off we get the chills.
Chills occur when the muscles contract and relax in order to make heat, says Rose Taroyan, MD, MPH, a family medicine physician at Keck Medicine of USC and clinical assistant professor of family medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. This occurs when you are cold, but it can also be your bodys defense mechanism in fighting an infection.
Everyone knows the sensation of getting the chills when your environment is too cold. Thats usually a signal to put on more layers or turn up the heat. But there are many underlying medical conditions that can cause them, too. Read on for some common and not so common causes of chills.
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My Muscles Feel Sore Weak And Tired Should I See A Doctor
Everyone feels muscle pain, weakness and fatigue from time to time. But at what point should you see your doctor about it?
Ambrosia Scott, DPT, LAT, CCI, says patients should see a doctor if theyre concerned about muscle weakness and pain.
Ambrosia Scott, DPT, LAT, CCI is the outpatient rehabilitation manager for Regional One Health. She can help patients answer that question and provide insight on what can cause these common concerns.
Better yet, Scott can help patients get better through physical therapy.
If you have muscle pain or weakness, once you have an accurate diagnosis, therapy can help you gain strength and flexibility, Scott said.
Regional One Healths Center for Rehabilitative Medicine at the East Campus offers a full range of therapy services.
Patients can also transition to a Post-Rehab Wellness Program to protect the gains they achieve. Heres what you need to know:
When should I seek help?
Scott recommends seeing a doctor if you have sudden-onset weakness, fatigue or pain and cant identify the reason. You really need to consult with a physician if youre doing fine one minute and then all of a sudden youre not, she said.
She described that as insidious onset. That means you start feeling unwell even though you didnt perform any physical activity that might have made you sore or tired.
Even if you can identify a cause, you still might need to see a doctor if you arent getting better.
Another red flag is if healthy changes dont bring relief.
What Else Should I Know
- Strong emotions can be a part of the illness, so its important to recognize and express your feelings. Feelings like sadness, anger, and frustration are completely normal and its important to acknowledge how you feel and recognize that its not your fault. Recognizing emotions can help you figure out whats behind your feelings and help you manage problems.
- It can help to keep a daily diary of feelings and energy highs and lows. This also can let you share information that might help your doctor. You can also track trends for example, if your energy is high at one time of day and low at another that will help you figure out when to exercise or do other activities.
- Give yourself more time to do things, especially activities that take concentration or physical exertion.
- Get support from family, teachers, and friends.
Most important, dont give up. Having chronic fatigue syndrome can be hard. But for most people, the symptoms are most severe in the beginning. Later, they may come and go. Teens with CFS generally get better faster and recover more completely than adults do. Most teens get partial or full recovery within 5 years after symptoms began.
Try to keep a positive approach to getting well and to not look for the reason why you have CFS. People who take action and stay positive can have a good outcome.
You also can find more information and support online at:
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So The Big Hints For Oi Or Oh As A Cause Of Headaches Are:
- Occasional lightheaded sensation or woozy spells just after standing up.
- Fatigue after meals especially bigger meals or high carbohydrate meals.
- Occasional fatigue, poor mental functioning, poor memory or confusion.
- The association of intense neck muscle pain or chronic stiffness.
Often times symptoms can improve, albeit temporarily, when exercising. This is because constriction of muscles during exercises helps pump more blood from the muscles themselves into the circulation thereby increasing the blood flow to the brain
OH can get substantially better after increasing the amount of salt and decreasing the carbohydrate intake in your diet. Salt increases your blood volume and makes it easier to maintain adequate blood flow o the brain. The reduced carbohydrate intake allows your autonomic nervous system to recover and more properly control blood flow to the brain.
Think about your headache pain. Does it occur more in one time of the year over another ? Do you seem to get sinus infections more commonly than your friends or family? Does the pain start in the back of the head or at the temples? Or do you also wrestle with chronic fatigue, have intermittent lightheadedness or intense neck muscle pain?
If you answered yes to any of these, you may need to rethink your diagnosis of migraine headaches.
What Are Body Aches
Body aches are an uncomfortable symptom caused by muscle inflammation and soreness. Sometimes, body aches can be sharp and intermittent, while in other instances, they may feel more like a prolonged, dull, generalized ache.
Most body aches are short-term and harmless, and can be a result of your lifestyle, illness or any underlying condition. Body aches occur when your muscles are inflamed, either through physical stress, or through an immune response.
If you stand, walk, or exercise for long periods of time, you may feel achy because those activities can cause muscle stress and strain. If youre suffering from the flu, a cold, or other communicable diseases, you may also feel body aches. As your body fights off infection, it triggers an immune response that causes short-term muscle inflammation, in turn making you feel uncomfortable, or achy.
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How Are Fibromyalgia And Lupus Different
People with fibromyalgia often talk about fatigue and all-over muscle pain or soreness that becomes worse when they dont get enough sleep. Widespread body pain is the most common symptom. Their joints usually move normally and are not swollen. However, they do tend to have tender areas over muscles that are uncomfortable to the touch.2
People with lupus also feel tired and achy, but their joints are painful, swollen, and may not move normally due to cartilage damage caused by arthritis. They also get symptoms such as skin rashes that get worse in sunlight, kidney problems, headaches, or chest pain.
Profound Fatigue Cold Sweats Dizziness May Signal Heart Attack
Profound fatigue, cold sweats, dizziness may signal a heart attack.
Detrow was having a heart attack that November day in 2009, but she didnt know it.
For more on heart health, watch A Barbara Walters Special: A Matter of Life and Death tomorrow at 10 p.m. ET on ABC!
As it turns out, neither did the emergency room doctors at a nearby hospital. Upon seeing that she was an avid exerciser with no heart problems, they diagnosed a panic attack and sent her off with anti-anxiety pills and medication to lower her blood pressure, which had increased that day.
Because I was somebody who did not have a history of heart disease, I believed them, because I didnt know any different, Detrow told I was aware of the heart attack symptoms with the crushing chest pain where you clutch yourself and fall over: the classic male symptoms.
Detrow, 58, is a poster girl for a campaign launched this week to raise womens awareness that atypical symptoms, such as profound fatigue, unfamiliar dizziness, cold sweats and unexplained nausea or vomiting, can signal that part of their heart muscle is dying, and they could die, too.
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women. An American woman suffers a heart attack every minute. Yet after years of public education programs, the message hasnt penetrated.
My husband has been on blood pressure medications for umpteen years. When everyone heard about my heart attack, they asked why you and not him?’
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Chest Pain Under Strain Get It Checked Out
In older white males, we know chest pain may be a sign of heart attack. But we havent gotten that same sort of education with women, Baechler says. Women fear breast cancer more than heart disease, but they are more likely to have heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the No.1 killer of women in America today, causing more deaths than all types of cancer combined.
If you lift something and have chest pain that youve never had before, get it checked out. You should also see your doctor about any new chest pain when you walk upstairs or exert yourself in some way. This is particularly important if the pain goes away after a short period of rest. Women are more likely than men to have atypical symptoms of a heart attack: shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, a cold sweat, or pain in the arms, back, neck, or stomach, Baechler says. Get these, and any of the more traditional symptoms, checked out.
Why Are You Having Chills
Chills can be uncomfortable. You may be wrapped in the heaviest down blanket, but still unable to get warm. You may feel cold and clammy, or you may be sweating with a fever and feeling overheated.
Chills, or shivering, can happen one time or they can be frequent. They can last a few seconds or as long as an hour. Sometimes chills can cause noticeable shaking movements other times visible symptoms are minimalyou may just feel chilled to the bone.
Chills are your bodys attempt to raise your internal body temperature if youre cold or sick. When your muscles involuntarily contract and relax, it generates heat. If youre sick, chills can create more heat to help kill a virus or bacteria.
Chills can also be caused by menopause, low blood sugar levels, or when youre experiencing profound emotions like shock, fear, or anxiety.
Extreme exertionsuch as running a marathoncan also cause chills as your body tries to regulate temperature to avoid overheating.
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Are These Molecular Receptors Responsible For Sensory Muscle Fatigue And Muscle Pain
As part of a larger investigative group interested in muscle pain and sensations related to muscle fatigue, we recognized that these are greatly increased in people following exhausting exercise. Muscle pain and sensory muscle fatigue ameliorate quickly once exercise is ended, but increase again in untrained muscles 1224 hours later and can last 48 hours or longer before diminishing. The pain has been studied extensively and is often called delayed-onset muscle soreness , and most of us know that a sense of muscle fatigue is also increased during DOMS. The explanation for DOMS has been that exercise of untrained muscle causes micro-tears that result in inflammation however, this explanation is controversial . Whether or not micro trauma is involved, the sensory receptors encoding muscle pain and fatigue must be sensitized in order for these enhanced sensations to be apparent because the metabolite levels are not increased at rest in DOMS. As increases in ASIC3 have been shown in some models of long-term muscle pain , we hypothesized that one or more of the molecular receptors involved in metabolite signaling of muscle pain would reveal increased mRNA following exercise that produced DOMS.
Mouse DRG mRNA increases caused by exhausting exercise, measured 16 hours after a bout of exercise .
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Bacteria called R. rickettsii cause it, and a tick bite is usually how you get it. Most of the symptoms are flu-like fever, chills, headache, nausea, insomnia, and muscle aches. A rash that doesnt itch can show up on your wrists and ankles after a few days, then spread. Antibiotics treat it, and the sooner you take them, the better. If not treated, it can lead to inflammation in your lungs, heart, and brain, then kidney failure.
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Joint Pain: Youre Not Alone
In a recent national survey, nearly one out of every three adults in the US reported having joint pain within the last 30 days. In this survey, deep pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain
Joints connect your bones together, providing your body with support as you move. Joint pain can impact just about any part of your body, including the ankles, feet and hands. While joint pain can occur at any age, it becomes increasingly common as a person ages.
Damage to your joints caused by injury or disease cannot only interfere with movement, but can also be a common cause of pain. Some of the most common conditions leading to painful joints include rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, gout, strains, sprains and other injuries, such as in sports.
As with back pain, joint pain can vary greatly in terms of severity in the amount of time that it lasts. For example, joint pain that resolves within a few weeks is referred to as acute. However, many people suffer from chronic joint pain, or pain that lingers for weeks or months at a time.
Other common causes of joint pain include:
- Osteoarthritis
Chronic Diseases And Conditions
- Causesbone and joint disorders, genetics, injuries, metabolic disorders, repetitive use
- Symptomscracking sound when the joints bend, limited range of motion, pain and stiffness in the joints, especially after overuse, resting or engaging in activity for extended periods of time, swelling around the joints
- Causes of Type 1 diabetesgenetics and environmental factors causing the immune system to destroy cells in the pancreas that produce insulin
- Causes of Type 2 diabetesinactivity, carrying excess weight in the midsection and being overweight
- Other causes of diabetescertain medications, genetic mutations
- Symptoms of bothblurred vision, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, feeling hungry even when eating, slow-healing bruises and cuts, frequent urination, weight loss, numbness, pain and tingling in hands and feet
Heart disease
- Causesbuildup of plaque in the arteries, diabetes, heart defects, smoking, stress
- Symptomschest pain, shortness of breath, swelling in the ankles, pain, numbness and coldness in the hands and feet
High blood pressure
- Causesdiet high in fat and salt, diabetes, excessive alcohol intake, high cholesterol, hormone and kidney conditions, obesity, smoking, stress
- Symptomstypically no symptoms, but can lead to heart disease and kidney complications
High cholesterol
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What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disease for doctors to diagnose and even fully understand.
CFS is a chronic condition that makes people feel very tired and weak. They can also have headaches, dizziness, or other physical symptoms. Sometimes they have emotional symptoms too, like anger or sadness.
Different people with CFS can have different symptoms. Many CFS symptoms are similar to those of other health conditions, like mono, Lyme disease, or depression. And the symptoms can vary over time, even in the same person.
This makes treating the illness complicated. No single medicine or treatment can address all the possible symptoms.
CFS is sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis . Myalgic means muscle aches. Encephalomyelitis means that there may be inflammation in the brain or spinal cord.
What To Do When Your Body Aches All Over
Body aches and pains are common. When you hurt all over it can seem like the discomfort is coming from multiple groups of muscles, joints and deep in the bones. Body aches arise from the soft tissue of the body:
Widespread body aches and pains are seldom severe, and usually of a deep dull quality. They are felt as a general aching sensation with stiffness in many joints or even throughout the body. Occasionally when a person has done something to aggravate the problem in particular the pain can escalate to a burning or stabbing sensation in isolated areas, but usually only temporarily.
When the body aches all over the exact symptoms and treatment depends on the underlying cause. Complaints may include widespread aches and tenderness to the touch over these areas, as well as muscle spasms. Whatever caused these generalized aches and pains may bring about specific joint pains, joint stiffness, neck pain, back pain, and difficulty sleeping.
Common situations and activities can all have an impact on the presence and severity of these symptoms making a person hurt all over:
- Long automobile trip.
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