Friday, May 3, 2024

Blood Tests For Fatigue And Depression

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If The Tiger Doesnt Kill You The Traffic Will

Gravitas: ‘Blood Tests’ can confirm depression claims new study

The Adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and produce the hormones aldosterone and cortisol.

Unhealthy levels of aldosterone cause either hyperaldosteronism or hyporaldosteronism disorders. The reason you have never heard of these is because theyre uncommon.

What is common is stress, and the stress hormone is cortisol.

When facing that tiger, cortisol kicks in and prepares you for flight or fight. In either case, the tiger will soon eat you and the high levels of cortisol surging in your body will be irrelevant.

When facing bumper-to-bumper traffic, however, the cortisol stays elevated theres no tiger to end your misery. Repeat this often enough and youre dealing with chronic stress and sustained, unhealthy levels of cortisol.

This can result in adrenal fatigue and an unhappy life one by the way that may be unnecessarily short. Thats because chronic stress can reduce telomere length.

Why should you care about the length of your telomeres? Because their length is a good predictor of your lifespan.

Telomeres are protective caps of DNA at the end of your chromosomes. They protect chromosomes from the critical shortening and damage that may ultimately lead to cellular death and loss of health.

Telomeres protect against chromosomal damage

Back in 2009, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn won a Nobel Prize by showing how chronic stress causes telomeres to shorten. That stress can be measured by the cortisol that your adrenals produce.

So, just how stressed are you?

Hormones That Can Cause Your Fatigue Weight Gain And Mood Changes

Something we know for sure is this we all have hormones. These chemical messengers in your body are sent to your organs and tissues to perform a certain function. The communication that happens between your hormones and organs control major metabolic processes within your body, such as mood, energy, weight, temperature regulation and even digestion. An imbalance in these little guys are often what causes us to look at our health a little more closely, because its only until they are not working optimally that we remember we even have them.

Well discuss some of the most common hormone imbalances we see in our patients. Sometimes when you identify one hormone imbalance, you may find that it could be linked to another hormone imbalance, giving you the pieces of the puzzle you have been looking for!

1. Thyroid:

What you may experience with suboptimal thyroid:

  • Feeling tired and exhausted

What you may experience with an imbalance in cortisol:

  • Poor stress response

What you may experience when insulin resistance is present:

Summary Of Main Findings

This study evaluated the recommendations of the Dutch College of General Practitioners’ guideline on blood-test ordering for patients with unexplained complaints in general practice. This evaluation concerned both the recommended limited test set and the moment of blood-test ordering. In addition, the study explored whether there were consultation-related independent determinants of abnormal test results. These results might help in careful consideration of the decision to order blood tests.

Due to the small number of patients re-consulting their GPs after 4 weeks because of unresolved complaints, and because of the incorporation bias, little can be said about the effects of the postponement of blood-test ordering on the diagnostic value. However, the distribution of patients over the cells in the two-by-two tables in the postponement group did not differ remarkably from the immediate blood-test ordering group. The kinds of somatic illnesses that were detected by blood-test ordering were also similar. Although GPs may feel differently about diagnostic delay, the authors feel that their findings do not undermine the advice to postpone blood-test ordering for medical reasons.

No independent consultation-related determinants of abnormal test results were found in the set of variables studied, and, consequently, it is not possible to define which factors should influence GPs’ decisions regarding blood-test ordering in patients with unexplained fatigue.

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Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue

Traditional allopathic Western medicine doesnt recognize adrenal fatigue, even though the changes it can cause are now starting to be confirmed by science. Referring to it as exhaustion syndrome research from Umeå University in Sweden has found that people suffering adrenal fatigue have lower activity in their frontal lobes and also altered regulation of cortisol.

The study also found that people more prone to this condition are often over-achievers and perfectionists. This is not news to functional and integrative practitioners who see women suffering from this problem every day. They arrive feeling absolutely at the end of the line and suffering from these kinds of chronic complaints:

Is It All A Myth

Advanced Diagnostics  Wellness

Endocrinologists are scientists and doctors who treat and research diseases of the glands and hormones. According to the Endocrine Society, which is the largest organization of endocrinologists in the world, adrenal fatigue isnt a legitimate diagnosis.

Members of the society are concerned that a person diagnosed with adrenal fatigue might stop seeking a more accurate diagnosis. They also worry that people who believe they have adrenal fatigue will take cortisol, which could pose a health hazard.

However, some practitioners do advocate treatments that happen to be good for your health in general, such as the adrenal fatigue diet.

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Common Causes Of Chronic Fatigue + Helpful Lab Tests

Biljana Novkovic, PhDJonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD Puya Yazdi, MDBiljana Novkovic, PhD

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Our goal is to not have a single piece of inaccurate information on this website. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us at [email protected].

Inflammatory Proteins As Biomarkers For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Strawbridge and colleagues stated that immune dysfunction has been posited as a key element in the etiology of CFS since the illness was first conceived. However, systematic reviews have yet to quantitatively synthesize inflammatory biomarkers across the literature. These researchers carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify available data on circulating inflammatory proteins, examining studies recruiting patients with a CFS diagnosis and a non-affected control group. Results were meta-analyzed from 42 studies. Patients with CFS had significantly elevated TNF , interleukin-2 , IL-4 , TGF- and c-reactive protein and 12 proteins did not differ between groups. These data provided some support for an inflammatory component in CFS, although inconsistency of results indicated that inflammation is unlikely to be a primary feature in all those suffering from this disorder. The authors hoped that further work will examine if there are subgroups of patients with clinically-relevant inflammatory dysfunction, and whether inflammatory cytokines may provide a prognostic biomarker or moderate treatment effects.

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Request An Iron Panel From Your Doctor To Check For Low Or High Iron

Did you know that both low iron and high iron levels can cause fatigue?

While checking your iron levels for iron deficiency or iron-deficiency anemia is pretty standard when fatigue is present, making sure your iron levels aren’t too high doesn’t get nearly as much attention. Approximately 10 million people in the United States have iron deficiency, including 5 million with iron-deficiency anemia. On the other end of the spectrum is hereditary hemochromatosis or milder forms of iron overload, which impacts approximately 1.5 million Americans. Excess iron acts as a rusting agent in your body and can accumulate in tissues, particularly in the liver, pancreas, heart, joints and the brain. Too much iron also increases the aging process and puts you at a much higher risk for vascular disease, cancer, as well as a shortened life expectancy, making it essential to know your iron status.

From what I’ve heard from some in the medical profession, an iron panel is inexpensive and used to be a pretty standard part of annual blood work up until 1997, but no longer is.

To learn more about your own iron levels, you can simply request an iron panel from your doctor, or you can always order one yourself and self-pay from somewhere like this for about $48. Then you’ll of course want to work with your doctor or naturopath who can guide you on how to interpret the results and direct you as needed.

How Cfs And Depression Are Alike

IU researchers develop blood test for depression, bipolar disorder

CFS and depression can cause fatigue, sleep problems, a lack of energy, pain, digestive problems, headaches, memory lapses, or trouble with concentration.

The way you live with CFS is similar to the way you live with depression. You can try cutting back on activities or avoiding anything that causes stress.

CFS and depression are chronic illnesses. Both conditions may last for years, although your symptoms could be better or worse at times.

CFS and depression are more common in adults, but also affect children and teens. Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with either CFS or depression.

CFS and depression often affect more than one member of the same family.

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How To Treat Adrenal Fatigue

To diagnose any adrenal imbalances, correct testing must be used alongside your symptoms and health history.

There is no one magic tablet or solution to restore adrenal health. Treatment will vary, and will usually consist of dietary tweaks, lifestyle advice and targeted supplements.

Lets look at each in more detail:

DietIts important to maintain steady blood-sugar levels. High blood sugar raises insulinand insulin triggers the release of cortisol. Blood-glucose levels that are too low are also a problem as this can put extra stress on the body.

What you drink is important too. Adequate hydration from filtered water can boost energy, whilst reducing caffeine intake can help to reduce your stress response.

LifestyleSleep is critical because it gives your adrenal glands time to rest and repair. Head over to our article on stress and the sleep-wake cycle to learn more.

Intense physical activity can further weaken your adrenal function. Taking some time out to meditate, practise yoga or socialise with friends can also help slow down an over-hyped nervous system.

SupplementsSpecific vitamins and minerals can be a useful tool for adrenal imbalances. Adaptogens, which are a group of herbs that support the bodys resistance to stress, are also helpful . Its best to speak to a practitioner first, as they can tell you which supplements are best suited for your needs.

For more suggestions on how to tackle adrenal fatigue, check out our blog How to treat adrenal fatigue.

Recap + Final Thoughts

What should you take away after reading this article?

My hope is that you understand, with some degree of certainty, that cortisol testing is not a straightforward process.

In addition, I want you to realize that if you think you have adrenal fatigue it may not even be necessary to check your cortisol levels to confirm your suspicion.


Because many of the therapies designed to help treat adrenal fatigue can be done regardless of your cortisol level.

In fact, most of these therapies may just help you lead a healthier life that is more resistant to stress.

There are only a handful of therapies which can help treat either high or low cortisol.

If possible, I think its a good idea to check at least your serum cortisol.

You can do this when you test for other hormone imbalances such as thyroid problems and insulin resistance which tend to accompany people who suffer from chronic stress.

These conditions SHOULD be tested for and you might as well throw on a serum cortisol in the process.

If you find that your cortisol is normal, however, dont be discouraged.

The fact that your cortisol is normal doesnt preclude you from suffering from stress in a way which may lead to the symptoms of adrenal fatigue or burn out syndrome.

Do your best to stick to well studied therapies to treat adrenal fatigue and stay away from marketing claims which are too good to be true or incredibly expensive.

Now I want to hear from you:

Have you undergone testing for adrenal fatigue?


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Are There Lab Tests For Low Energy Or Fatigue

  • Natures Source

Yes, the good news is there are a few laboratory tests that can be used to determine what causes you to be tired or have low Energy .

The first test that I recommend is thyroid function. The proper function of your thyroid hormone is vital for normal energy production, proper body temperature, ideal body weight and overall vitality. The tests that are usually ordered are TSH , FT4 , FT3 and the body temperature test. I usually dont endorse the blood tests especially TSH because a lot of people with underlying thyroid conditions may show so called normal results even though they still feel tired. The reason for this is the reference range is too broad and in fact two years ago there was research showing that it should be lowered.

The Body Temperature Test for Thyroid Function:I favour the body temperature test. Take an oral thermometer and put it under your armpit before you get out of bed and repeat this for three straight days. Your temperature range should be between 97.8F to 98.2F. Take the average of the three days to see if it falls within the range. If its below 97.8 then you have hypothyroidism and if its higher than 98.2, than you have hyperthyroidism.

Vitamin B-12:Vitamin B12deficiency is also related with low energy, triggered by anemia or low iron. A simple blood test can be done to see the nutritional status of B12.

Nadeem Aslam, B.Sc. researches and recommends new products for Natures Source.

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Study Design Setting And Procedure

Pin on Fibromylygia, Thyroid, &  Adrenal Failure.

The study design, setting, and procedure have been reported elsewhere.11 This was a cross-sectional, secondary analysis study using data from the Enterprise Data Warehouse of a university in the southern region of the U.S. The study was approved by the universitys Institutional Review Board. The Enterprise Data Warehouse team determined patients with HF as their primary or secondary diagnosis based on International Classification of Diseases -9 codes between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012. Then, the team retrieved data on all the study variables of those patients with HF. The research team received a 3-years of data on use of medical services based on Current Procedural Terminology codes, fatigue and depression based on ICD-9 codes, demographic and clinical characteristics, vital signs, and laboratory tests from the medical record. The research conformed to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki as revised in Brazil 2013.

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Tests Available For Adrenal Fatigue

There are 3 main ways to test your cortisol level:

  • Serum CortisolPerhaps the easiest way to test your cortisol is by drawing your blood.
  • Salivary CortisolSalivary cortisol is tested by assessing cortisol in your saliva.
  • Urinary CortisolUrinary cortisol can be ordered and checked by looking at how much cortisol and cortisone is excreted in your urine.

Each of these methods have pros and cons.

Serum levels of cortisol can be difficult to evaluate because serum levels are not standardized and vary across hospitals and other clinical studies.

Salivary cortisol levels suffer because they may not be indicative of cortisol levels in other areas of your body and because many different medications and substances interfere with the test.

And urinary cortisol may not be accurate because the amount of hormone that you secrete may not reflect utilization in other tissues .

Of the three listed here I almost always recommend starting with serum cortisol.


Because its cheap and almost always covered by insurance.

It may not be the best or most accurate indicator of cortisol usage in your body but, as we will soon find out, that might not even be necessary.

Both urinary and salivary cortisol can be ordered by physicians as well but they are typically not covered by insurance meaning you will most likely have to pay out of pocket.

Ive had numerous patients give me all 3 cortisol tests with different results.

Comparison With Existing Literature

The authors are not aware of other literature concerning the role of blood-test ordering for patients with unexplained complaints in general practice. Earlier research from the present group has already shown that watchful waiting in patients with unexplained complaints is feasible, does not cause additional anxiety or dissatisfaction in patients,14 and is cheaper than immediate test ordering.

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Why You Should Demand Blood Tests From Your Psychiatrist

Unless you test, youve guessed.

I’ll admit – when I originally started trying to figure out my depression, I also did a lot of guessing and not enough testing.

That made things much more difficult, and I ended up making a lot of mistakes along the way.

That’s why I recommend you test more, and guess less.

Otherwise, its hard to know for sure what steps you should take to correctly treat and overcome your depression.

The underlying issues that contribute to depression are different for everyone.

But blood testing can show you the inner functioning of your body, highlight your physiological abnormalities, and help you identify the underlying root causes of your depression so that you can address them using nutrition, supplements, therapies and other lifestyle factors.

Below are 13 important blood tests that you should get done if you struggle with depression.

These blood tests shine light on some of the real, underlying root causes of depression, and will give you helpful information to act upon.

When something is outside the optimal range, you can then do something about it!

They put the power back into your hands, and give you a much better idea of where you should begin, so that you can get better faster, and overcome your depression sooner rather than later.

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