What Are The Most Common Causes Of Back Pain And Fatigue
Back pain is often a crippling disorder that can make it difficult for an individual to perform normal activities in his daily life. Fatigue is a feeling of extreme exhaustion, which also makes life difficult. If an individual is suffering from both back pain and fatigue, he may have a serious problem. The most common causes of these symptoms include disk injury, severe muscle pulls, cancer, kidney issues, and fibromyalgia.
The back is a complex structure that is made of the muscles, spinal disks, and the spinal cord. This is a sensitive area for humans because it manages thousands of senses and nerves throughout the body. A severe disk injury can cause pain and fatigue. The pain can lead to muscle spasms that become overwhelming for the nervous system, which causes extreme fatigue throughout the body.
Fibroymyalgia is a nerve disorder that causes pain in the body that is felt in the muscles and tendons. Most individuals who suffer from this disorder have difficulty sleeping, which causes overall fatigue. Lower back pain and fatigue is a combined symptom that is often described by many fibromyalgia suffers. Strong pain medicine is typically required to reduce theses symptoms.
What Is Metastatic Breast Cancer
Metastatic breast cancer also called stage IV is breast cancer that has spread toanother part of the body, most commonly the bones, lungs, brain, or liver.
The process of cancer spreading is called metastasis. Metastasis happens when cancer cells break away from the original tumor in the breast and travel to other parts of the body. These cancer cells travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system .
Breast cancer can come back in another part of the body months or years after the original diagnosis and treatment. This is called metastatic recurrence or distant recurrence. Nearly 30% of women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer develop metastatic disease. Because there are so few cases of male breast cancer, it’s not clear how many of these breast cancers metastasize, but men are also diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.
When the first diagnosis of breast cancer is metastatic, it is called de novo metastatic breast cancer. This means that by the time the breast cancer is first detected, it has already spread to another part of the body.
Metastatic breast cancer is made up of cells from the original tumor that developed in the breast. So if breast cancer spreads to the bone, the metastatic tumor in the bone is made up of breast cancer cells, not bone cancer cells.
Some Cancers Cause No Symptoms At All
Sometimes, people with cancer dont experience any signs or symptoms at all. Others only have issues when the cancer has spread throughout their body.
For instance, ovarian cancer usually doesnt cause any noticeable problems until it spreads to other organs. By the time this cancer causes signs or symptoms, its usually very advanced and difficult to cure.
Its possible to spot cancers before you have any symptoms. Checkups and screening tests may be able to detect certain cancers in your body before they start affecting you.
Ask your doctor if you should have any special tests. If you have a family history of a certain cancer or have been exposed to specific risk factors, your physician may perform more aggressive testing.
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Can It Be Prevented
Back labor cant always be prevented. Since back labor is often caused by the position of your baby, you may want to try out these tips during your pregnancy to encourage your baby to slip into the best position for you:
- Even when you dont feel up to much, dont give up on pelvic tilts. This fun exercise may remind you of a cat arching their back in the sun. Once youre on your hands and knees, arch your back up and then straighten it.
- Keep your knees lower than your hips by bouncing on an exercise ball, sitting on the toilet backwards, or straddling an armless chair backwards and resting your arms and head on the back of the chair.
Having back labor may put you at higher risk of having a cesarean delivery, assisted vaginal delivery, an episiotomy, or perineal tears. Talk to your OB about your concerns theyre there to help.
When youre heading towards the finish line and are feeling those pains in your back, here are some things that can help.
Causes Of Back Pain Related To Lung Cancer
Your doctor will go over the results of the tests with you. They’ll let you know if problems like these are causing your back pain:
Spinal cord compression. If lung cancer grows and spreads, it can put pressure on the bones that make up the spine and the spinal cord or the nerves as they exit the spinal cord. This can lead to pain in your neck or upper, middle, or lower back. The pain may also spread to your arms, buttocks, or legs. Your back or neck may feel numb, weak, or stiff. If you start having symptoms of arm or leg weakness, get medical care right away.
Leptomeningeal metastasis. The inner layer of cells and tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord is called the leptomeninges. If your cancer cells spread to this area or get into the spinal fluid, it can cause back pain and other problems, such as headaches and weakness in your arms and legs.
High calcium levels. Lung cancer that spreads to the bones can cause calcium levels in your blood to go up, a condition called hypercalcemia. This can cause back pain as well as symptoms like nausea, vomiting, thirst, weakness, and headaches.
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Why Noticing Cancer Symptoms Is Important
Identifying symptoms can help you and your doctor detect your cancer earlier. This is important because the sooner cancer is found, the better your prognosis.
For example, melanoma can be effectively treated if its spotted early. The five-year survival rate is around 98 percent if the cancer hasnt grown deep into the skin.
While symptoms are most likely caused by something other than cancer, you shouldnt dismiss them. This is especially true if the problem has lasted a long time or has gotten worse.
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Colon Cancer Symptoms And Treatment
There are numerous symptoms of colon cancer. Here are the following colorectal cancer symptoms:-
- Persistent cramps or gas pain.
- Rectal bleeding or bloody diarrhea.
- Fatigue.
- Unexplained loss of weight.
- Abdominal discomfort, change in the habits of bowel, constipation, diarrhea, or change in the consistency of the stool.
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Can Sleep Be Improved To Reduce Cancer Fatigue
Sleep is an important part of wellness. Good sleep can improve your mental and physical health. Several factors contribute to how well you sleep, and there are things you can do to improve your sleep, including:
- Doing relaxation exercises, meditation or relaxation yoga before going to sleep.
- Avoiding long afternoon naps.
- Going to bed only when sleepy. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sexual activities.
- Setting a consistent time to lie down and get up.
- Avoiding caffeine and stimulating activities in the evening.
- Establishing a relaxing pre-sleep routine.
Be Aware Of All The Symptoms
Some people who are diagnosed with lung cancer like Heather may only experience back pain. Other people may have several other symptoms. Some people even have no symptoms.
As well as back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain, other signs and symptoms of lung cancer include:
- Persistent cough for 3 weeks or more
- Wheezing
- Loss of appetite and/or unexplained weight loss
- Coughing up blood or blood in your phlegm
- Unexplained fatigue or lack of energy
- Hoarseness
- Swelling in the face or neck
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Common Causes Of Cancer
Although lower back pain is a common issue among older adults, medical reviews indicate that about 6% of adults are generally diagnosed with cancer-related lower back pain. In regard to individuals with known cases of cancer, bone metastases are usually the most prevalent, with the most common area of cancer growth being the axial skeleton.
Furthermore, bone metastases frequently cause cancer-related pain and spinal fractures. In addition to the high prevalence of lower back pain due to bone metastases, cancer of the lungs, breasts, prostate, and other organs are also associated with back pain.
Several types of cancerous tumors that may develop in or near the spine may cause lower back pain. The following cancers are most often associated with back pain:
Spinal tumor A spinal tumor is a frequent cause of bone metastasis as it can spread throughout spinal bone or into the protective membranes that surround the spinal cord. The axial skeleton, which includes bones in the head, spinal column, ribs, and breastbone, is a common region of bone metastases as the cancer typically arises in one location and spreads to different areas.
Breast cancer Breast cancer is a rare but potential cause of lower back pain. At later stages of the disease, the cancer may metastasize to the back and trigger lower back pain. Similar to lung cancer, breast cancer can lead to tumor infiltration of the spine that begins to place pressure on spinal nerves.
Cancer-Related Fatigue and Lower Back Pain
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms And Signs
Pancreatic cancer in the early stages typically causes vague nonspecific symptoms. These symptoms and signs may include poor appetite, weight loss, abdominal or back pain, jaundice with or without itching, fatigue, nausea, and sometimes even depression. The general nature of these symptoms make the diagnosis of early pancreatic cancer is very difficult. Proceeding to a medical evaluation often requires a high index of suspicion by the patient or by medical personnel who are experienced with the presentation of pancreatic cancer.
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What Is The Right Kind Of Exercise For Cancer Fatigue
It’s important for you to exercise your whole body every day, or at least every other day. A good exercise plan starts slowly, allowing your body time to adjust. Any kind of exercise is acceptable, including walking, riding a stationary bike, yoga or swimming , and strength training. Whatever kind of exercise you do should be at a moderate intensity so you can say to yourself “I am working somewhat hard.” Avoid exercise that makes you feel sore, stiff or exhausted.
Should I Change The Way I Eat To Combat Cancer Fatigue
Cancer fatigue may be worse if you’re not eating enough or if you are not eating the right foods. Maintaining good nutrition can help you feel better and have more energy. The following strategies can help you improve your nutritional intake.
- Basic calorie needs. A person with cancer whose weight has been stable needs about 15 calories per pound of weight each day. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds needs about 2,250 calories per day to maintain weight. You should add 500 calories per day if you have lost weight.
- Protein rebuilds and repairs damaged body tissue. You need about 0.5-0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight to rebuild and repair body tissue. For example, a 150-pound person needs 75 to 90 grams of protein per day. The best sources of protein include foods from the dairy group and meats .
- Fluid needs. Unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise, you should aim for about 64 ounces per day to prevent dehydration. Fluids include juice, milk, broth, milkshakes, Jello® and other beverages. Of course, water is fine, too. Its important to note that beverages containing caffeine do NOT count. And if you are losing fluid from excessive vomiting or diarrhea, you will need extra fluids.
- Supplemental vitamins. Talk with your healthcare provider to find out if vitamin supplements are a good idea for you. Vitamin supplements don’t provide calories, which are essential for energy production. So vitamins cannot substitute for adequate food intake.
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D Symptoms Secondary To Bile Duct Obstruction
Because the pancreatic tumor mass of ductal adenocarcinoma most commonly arises from the head of the pancreas which are the sections where the bile duct joins with the pancreatic duct, the normal flow of the bile duct is often obstructed, thus disrupting the natural deposition of the bile fluid into the small bowel. This bile duct obstruction causes a back-up of the bile pigment into areas where it shouldnt normally go creating the clinical symptoms of jaundice with its attendant yellowish skin coloration and other associated changes, and which is often accompanied by a loss of appetite and by the symptom of unrelenting and often debilitating pruritis of the skin.
Additionally, the lack of bile salts which are now unavailable for normal digestive and other bowel processes, can result in complex physiological interactions leading to liver and immune dysfunction. This interruption of normal bile deposition may also disrupt the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and the conjugation of endotoxins, thus leading to possible blood coagulation difficulties, malabsorption syndromes and even kidney failure. Also, up to ten percent of affected patients may develop cholangitis .
What Causes Ovarian Cancer Back Pain
Unfortunately, cancer can cause a lot of crazy symptoms. You may think that because your cancer is in a certain area of your body, your symptoms will stay in that area, but that may not always be the case.
For example, if you have ovarian cancer, your cancer is obviously in the pelvic region of your body.
Typically, youd attribute symptoms of ovarian cancer be all localized to that pelvic region. However, it is fairly common to have lower back pain and it is a commonly ignored symptom!
Well discuss the common symptoms of ovarian cancer, and then well explain ovarian cancer back pain in greater detail what causes it? And what can you do to make your back pain feel better if you have ovarian cancer?
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Taking The Myth Out Of Back Labor
Labor begins when the muscles of the uterus contract.
Gradually, those first twinges will become more intense with each contraction beginning, reaching a peak, and then fading away. As the contractions become more intense, theyll last longer which is exactly what you want, no matter how much you wish it would stop when youre going through it.
These contractions are the tightening of your uterus as it pushes your baby lower into your birth canal. Most of us feel intense pain, cramping, and pressure during active labor.
Usually, the pain you feel will center in the lower abdomen and pelvis. But 33 percent of women will feel more pain in the lower back, sometimes due to how baby is positioned.
In an ideal world, all babies would be born sunny-side down with their faces turned towards moms cervix. But in back labor, your little ones face is sunny-side up and the back of their head or should we say, the hardest part of their head is against your cervix.
So no, back labor isnt a myth.
If you hear your doula, midwife, or doctor say babys in the occiput posterior position, that means sunny-side up. And carry right on with your breathing exercises because, well, it happens and it can un-happen, too.
One small, dated study of 408 pregnant women showed that even though
Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Metastatic Breast Cancer
The most common parts of the body where breast cancer tends to spread are the bones, lungs, brain, and liver. But metastatic breast cancer can affect other parts of the body, as well.
Metastatic breast cancer symptoms can be very different depending on the cancers location, but may include:
back, bone, or joint pain that does not go away
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difficulty urinating , which can be a sign that the cancer is pinching nerves in your back
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numbness or weakness anywhere in your body
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
abdominal bloating, pain, or tenderness
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constant nausea, vomiting, or weight loss
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vision problems
biopsy of any suspicious area
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a tap, removal of fluid from the area with symptoms to check for cancer cells a pleural tap removes fluid between the lung and chest wall a spinal tap removes fluid from around the spinal cord and a tap of fluid in the abdomen removes fluid in the abdominal cavity
These tests may also be used if you have no history of breast cancer and your doctor is having trouble determining the cause of your symptoms.
A biopsy may be done to determine these factors that can influence your treatment, which will be listed in your pathology report. Learn more about Understanding Your Pathology Report.
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How Lung Cancer And Back Pain Are Linked
When we think about back pain, usually the last thing that comes to mind is cancer. Instead, we connect it to things like an injury, such as a muscle strain or ruptured disc. Or we may think it’s because of a degenerative disease, like arthritis or osteoporosis.
Back pain caused by lung cancer shares some common features with many of these disorders. Yet it also has distinct differences. These may relate to how and where the cancer causes pain, both directly and indirectly.
Some possible ways in which lung cancer can produce back pain include:
- A tumor can place direct pressure on the structure of the back, most often in the mid to upper back rather than lower back.
- A tumor can irritate the nerves that serve the lining of the lungs and chest wall. This may trigger a sharp and sometimes chronic nerve pain.
- Cancer spread from the lungs to the spine and bones happens in some 30% of people with lung cancer.
- Spread of cancer to the adrenal glands occurs in 40% of people with lung cancer, and can cause pain right above the kidney.
Healthcare providers may overlook a possible lung cancer as the cause of back pain, especially in people who have never smoked. However, at the current time, most of the people who develop lung cancer are non-smokers, either never smokers or former smokers. Lung cancer cases are rising in young women and men who have never smoked.