Friday, July 26, 2024

What Causes Excessive Sweating And Fatigue

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Dehydration From Excessive Sweating

Night sweats – Causes

One important thing about excessive sweating is making sure you stay hydrated. It’s important to replace both the water and the electrolytes you sweat out.

Electrolytes are minerals, including:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

If you think you need to replace electrolytes but don’t have a sports drink handy, you can get them via supplements or even through food.

It can be hard for us to tell when we’re dehydrated because the symptoms can be similar to some we already have. You should make sure to know the symptoms of dehydration.

What Is Generalized Hyperhidrosis

Generalized hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that happens due to another medical problem. Many medical conditions can cause your body to sweat more than usual. Some medications, such as naproxen and zinc supplements , cause extra sweating as a side effect.

Generalized hyperhidrosis, also called secondary hyperhidrosis, tends to occur in adults.

Tips To Reduce Night Sweats

Although many health conditions may cause night sweats, treating the condition often relieves the symptom. However, not all night sweats are caused by an underlying condition, and the results of treatments are not always immediate. In addition to any medical treatments suggested by your doctor, other ways of relieving night sweats include:

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You’re Under A Lot Of Stress Or Experiencing Panic Attacks

Lots of people sweat in stressful situations, like before public speaking. But if sweating is accompanied by other symptoms of panic or anxiety, you’ll want to check in with a doctor or therapist, who can help correctly diagnose any underlying mental health concerns.

“Intense emotion and stress can bring out sweating in anyone,” Garshick said. “If you experience panic attacks or increased levels of stress related to a persistent and excessive worry about everyday situations, this can mean that you are also experiencing anxiety.”

Anxiety-related sweating can be a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle in which the anticipation of sweating actually causes you to sweat. The good news is there are plenty of medication-based and therapeutic treatments to help ease these worries. Seeing a professional may help both manage the anxiety and the sweat.

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Excessive Sweating Fatigue Feeling Faint And Muscle Weakness

Excessive Sweating: How to Spot When Normal Becomes Too Much

Reviewed on 6/15/2020

These symptoms are present in a wide variety of medical processes, including dehydration, exercise, low calcium levels, and other and medical conditions. Rapid onset of these symptoms may require urgent or emergency care. If you find that your symptoms are persisting, then you should reach out to your doctor.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

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How Is Hyperhidrosis Diagnosed

Excessive sweating can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Many people never bring up the problem with their healthcare provider. By talking to a provider about their symptoms, many people find relief.

Your provider will review your health history and thoroughly evaluate your symptoms. Your provider may ask about how often or when you have symptoms.

Removing Or Destroying Sweat Glands

Excessive sweating under the arms may occasionally be treated with a procedure to remove or destroy the sweat glands in the armpits.

This can be carried out in a number of ways:

  • making an incision in the armpit and carefully scraping away or cutting out the sweat glands
  • using a probe held above the skin , which emits electromagnetic radiation that destroys the sweat glands
  • inserting a laser device under the skin through a small incision and using it to destroy the sweat glands

These procedures are generally carried out under local anaesthetic, which means you will be awake but your armpit will be numbed.

These procedures can sometimes be a permanent solution to excessive underarm sweating, although they are only carried out by a small number of practitioners. Availability on the NHS is likely to be very limited and you will probably need to pay for private treatment.

These procedures don’t work for everyone and some of them are relatively new, which means there isn’t always evidence about their long-term safety and effectiveness.

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Excessive Sweating Fatigue Joint Pain And Night Sweats

Reviewed on 6/15/2020

These symptoms arent a strong match to a particular medical condition. If these symptoms are new and getting worse, its best to have your doctor take a look at you. Pay attention to what other symptoms you may be having. Adding more symptoms may help better pinpoint what may be going on. For any symptoms that concern you, or dont go away, your doctor is your best resource to help you get to the bottom of whats causing them.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

Can Hyperhidrosis Be Cured

All About Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

There is no cure for focal hyperhidrosis. Treatments focus on reducing your symptoms and improving your quality of life.

How your healthcare provider treats secondary hyperhidrosis will depend on the underlying problem. When you can identify and treat the cause of excessive sweating, excessive sweating typically stops.

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Women Experience Delays In Diagnosis

Detrow’s rapid heartbeat was another dangerous heart attack warning sign that shouldn’t be ignored, Goldberg said. “During a heart attack, you are at greater risk for life-threatening arrhythmia.”

Haynes predicted that a successful campaign could save “hundreds if not thousands of lives.” More women than men die within a month of suffering a heart attack, she said, citing unpublished data tabulated by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute that found a 28-day mortality rate for women after a heart attack was 14.6 percent, compared with 10.2 percent for men. “We think part of the reason is because they delay,” Haynes said.

Not only do women hesitate to call 911, but even when emergency medical responders arrive at her house, some women will send them away. She may even take an aspirin to see if she feels better, because she’s heard aspirin can be helpful. “If you’re going to take an aspirin, you need to simultaneously call 911,” Goldberg said.

Once women reach the ER, it takes a while for them to get diagnosed. “That’s because nurses and doctors don’t routinely ask about atypical symptoms,” Mosca said. “There is not a standard way of actually asking these questions.”

“The challenge is they’re in denial and waiting for it to go away,” she said. “They don’t want to be embarrassed. We have to help women overcome the fear of being wrong, because that’s a fatal mistake.”

Sweating Only Occurs On One Side Of The Body

If you notice sweating only on one side of your body, you might want to check in with your doctor. Uneven sweating “can indicate a rare nervous system disorder called Harlequin syndrome, Garshick said. It could also indicate a brain tumor, abscess, or stroke, she added.

Lung cancer and Horner’s syndrome, an issue with a nerve pathway, can also be tied to sweating on one side of the body, Djavaherian said.

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Do I Need Testing To Confirm Hyperhidrosis

You may need one or more tests to help pinpoint whats causing your body to sweat too much. Blood or urine tests may confirm or rule out an underlying medical condition.

Your provider also may recommend a test to measure how much sweat your body produces. These tests include:

  • Starch-iodine test: Your provider applies an iodine solution to the sweaty area and sprinkles starch over the iodine solution. Where you have excess sweating, the solution turns dark blue.
  • Paper test: Your provider places special paper on the affected area to absorb sweat. Later, your provider weighs the paper to determine how much you sweated.

Signs And Symptoms Of Night Sweats

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The symptoms of night sweats can vary slightly depending on the cause. But in general, you can expect the following when you have night sweats, per the Mayo Clinic:

  • Extreme sweating that may soak your pajamas or bedding
  • Repeated extreme sweating
  • The Mayo Clinic says you may also have the following symptoms along with your night sweatsthough remember that you might experience additional symptoms based on the cause:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
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    Excessive Sweating Comes On Suddenly And Unexpectedly

    Sudden, unexpected sweating could be a sign you’re stressed or anxious. This type of sweat is different from the perspiration that results from your body’s attempts to cool you down because it’s caused by a “surge in adrenaline,” or your body’s fight-or-flight response, explained Dr. Caesar Djavaherian, cofounder and chief medical officer at Carbon Health who’s based in Berkeley, California

    Unexpected sweating could also be “the first sign of a heart attack or an underlying heart problem,” he added. If you suspect you’re experiencing a heart attack, you’ll want to reach out for emergency help as quickly as possible.

    That said, a sudden onset of sweating isn’t always a reason to panic. It “can come with certain situations, such as with warmer temperatures, spicy foods, exercise, or stress, and doesn’t always mean there’s a more significant underlying condition,” said Dr. Marisa Garshick, a dermatologist in New York City and chief medical correspondent for Certain Dri, an over-the-counter antiperspirant. You should address any concerns with your doctor.

    You Sweat For No Apparent Reason

    If you and your doctor have ruled out all potential underlying medical conditions and other causes , you might simply have overactive sweat glands.

    “Some people have overactive sweat glands, so even the smallest stimulation will cause them to sweat,” said Djavaherian, adding that this isn’t necessarily “a sign of a bigger problem.”

    It also can be quite manageable with treatments like antiperspirants. “If that’s not enough,” Garshick said, “you can speak with a board-certified dermatologist regarding other treatment options including prescription antiperspirants, oral medications, topical wipes, Botox injections, and more.”

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    Reasons For Excessive Sweating

    Everyone sweats. Its the bodys way of cooling itself down when it gets overheated from exercise or a warm environment. It can also be a side effect of being nervous or afraid. However, if you find yourself sweating a lot when youre not active or hot, you may have hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. Excessive sweating has a number of causes, and while there is no hyperhidrosis cure, getting the proper diagnosis can lead to effective treatments. Find out the primary causes of hyperhidrosis and some of the steps you can take to treat your sweating.

    When To Talk To Your Doctor

    Heat Exhaustion

    Night sweats can be uncomfortable and sometimes frightening. Not all night sweats are caused by an underlying condition, but you should speak to your doctor about new or unusual night sweats, or night sweats that occur regularly and do not respond to lifestyle changes. Your doctor can take steps to diagnose any underlying health condition and ensure you receive appropriate treatment.

    Other symptoms that merit a visit to your doctor if they occur with night sweats include:

    • Weight loss without changing your diet or exercising more
    • Unexplained fever

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    When Depression Occurs

    Excessive sweating can lead to social withdrawal. If youre worried about sweating during your daily activities, this can cause you to give up and stay home. You might lose interest in activities you once enjoyed. Plus, you might feel guilty about avoiding them. On top of that, you could feel hopeless.

    If you have any of these feelings for an extended period of time, then you might be experiencing depression in relation to hyperhidrosis. Its important to address and treat excessive sweating so that you can get back to the people and activities you love.

    What Are Night Sweats

    Well, the answer is pretty simple: Medically speaking, night sweats are severe episodes of excessive sweating that can drench your pajamas and sheets, internal medicine specialist Keri Peterson, M.D., tells SELF. The episodes are repeated and tied to an underlying medical issue, the Mayo Clinic says, not an outside factor like a sleeping environment thats too warm.

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    New Australian Research On Heat Fatigue

    Previous observations suggested that people with MS are less able to regulate their temperature due to an impaired sweating capacity . This makes their body temperature rise more quickly, possibly due to a change in sensitivity of the damaged neurons that detect heat.

    The current study, led by Dr Ollie Jay from University of Sydney, aimed to demonstrate whether this impaired sweating response during exercise was enough to raise the core temperature of people with MS. The study also investigated if it resulted in a reduced capacity of people with MS to perform exercise , compared to people without MS.

    What Causes Hyperhidrosis

    Excessive Sweating and its management

    Sweating is how your body cools itself when it gets too hot . Nerves tell your sweat glands to start working. In hyperhidrosis, certain sweat glands work overtime for no apparent reason, producing sweat that you dont need.

    Focal hyperhidrosis commonly results from:

    • Certain odors and foods, including citric acid, coffee, chocolate, peanut butter and spices.
    • Emotional stress, especially anxiety.
    • Severe psychological stress.
    • Some prescription drugs, including certain antidepressants and insulins .

    In secondary hyperhidrosis, a medical condition or medication causes you to sweat more than usual. Medical experts havent uncovered what causes the body to produce extra sweat in focal hyperhidrosis.

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    When To Seek Care

    If you experience dizziness and sweating thats unexplained, happens frequently, or begins to interfere with your daily activities, see your doctor. They can help determine what may be causing your symptoms.

    If you dont already have a primary care doctor, the Healthline FindCare tool can help you find a physician in your area.

    Seek emergency medical care for dizziness and sweating that occurs with the following symptoms:

    • chest pain

    When To See The Gp

    As Gilani explains, if youre worried about night sweats, speaking with a GP can help. Because there are so many potential causes and no easy way of differentiating one type of sweating from another they will ask you a number of questions to build up a fuller picture.

    To investigate night sweats, a GP will take your medical history, and may examine you to determine if there is an underlying medical condition. Depending on the findings, they may then order tests such as blood tests, X-rays, or other specialised investigations, she says.

    You should always see the GP if your night sweats are accompanied by a very high temperature, cough, diarrhoea, localised pain or other symptoms of concern. And while night sweats every so often are probably nothing to worry about, its worth seeking advice if theyre persistent.

    If you find that you are also losing weight for no apparent reason, its important to see a GP as this could be a sign of a more serious condition, says Gilani. Also, if you have been diagnosed with lymphoma or HIV, night sweats accompanied by unexplained weight loss may be a warning sign that your disease is progressing.

    If your night sweats can be traced to menopause, you may want to look into hormone replacement therapy . And if the GP believes your medication is to blame, solving the problem may be as simple as prescribing something different.

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    Signs Of Secondary Hyperhidrosis

    Heavy sweating thatâs new and unusual after age 25 is often caused by a health condition or a medication, says Dee Anna Glasser, MD, professor and vice chairman director cosmetic and laser surgery in the department of dermatology at Saint Louis University in St. Louis.

    Here are other symptoms or signs that you may have secondary hyperhidrosis:

    • No one else in your family sweats heavily.
    • Sweating occurs all over your body or in large areas of the body
    • You also have fatigue, headaches, or other symptoms.
    • You sweat heavily when sleeping at night or when eating.

    Are Perimenopause And Menopause The Only Causes Of Night Sweats


    No. Night sweats can occur for a variety of reasons and can occur in both women and men. Other health conditions in which night sweats are seen include:

    • Infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus
    • Colds, flu, fever
    • Cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma
    • Side effects of cancer treatments, including aromatase inhibitors, tamoxifen, opioids, steroids
    • Side effects of other medications, including some antidepressants and diabetes medications, steroids, acetaminophen, aspirin, and high blood pressure drugs

    Women who experience other than menopause-related night sweats typically have other symptoms, as well. Only your doctor can determine the cause of your night sweats. Almost all causes are treatable. If you have ongoing night sweats, see your doctor.

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    You Also Feel Faint Dizzy Or Lightheaded

    When sweating is accompanied by a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness, it may signal an underlying health issue like low blood sugar levels, or hypoglycemia, which may be caused by a drop in blood pressure, according to Djavaherian.

    While these symptoms on their own might not seem troubling, check in with your doctor to ensure there’s no underlying cause for concern.

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