Friday, April 26, 2024

Weight Gain And Fatigue During Menopause

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Editorial Sources And Fact

Adrenal fatigue and Menopause weight gain
  • Ruan X, et al. Prevalence of Climacteric Symptoms Comparing Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Chinese Women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. September 2017.
  • Ward-Ritacco CL, et al. Feelings of Energy Are Associated With Physical Activity and Sleep Quality, but Not Adiposity, in Middle-Aged Postmenopausal Women. Menopause. March 2015.
  • Pacheco D. The Bedroom Environment. Sleep Foundation. October 2020.
  • Baker FC, et al. Sleep Problems During the Menopausal Transition: Prevalence, Impact, and Management Challenges. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2018.
  • Menopause: Non-Hormonal Treatment and Relief for Hot Flashes. Cleveland Clinic. January 16, 2017.

How To Reach And Maintain Your Target Weight Despite Menopause With Intermittent Fasting

For many women, menopause is a challenging time. Hormone balance changes, muscle mass is reducing and calorie consumption drops. This can be unsettling, making it difficult to lose weight and feel comfortable.

The good news is: with intermittent fasting, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise, you can still reach your goal weight and maintain it permanently.

Dont be put off if you dont make the progress you were hoping for right after your start with fasting. Intermittent fasting is a method that takes some time to unfold its full potential.

Start slowly and also focus on all the other numerous health benefits of intermittent fasting. This way you will stay motivated and reach your goal step by step.

Finally, an important note: If the symptoms of menopause extremely affect your daily life in a negative way, talk to your gynecologist. Together you can develop a holistic strategy to better deal with the symptoms.

Find the optimal fasting plan, delicious recipes tailored to your fasting lifestyle, supportive weekly tasks, daily motivational Coachings, and more in the BodyFast app.

How Menopause Weight Gain Can Affect Your Health

Studies suggest that carrying extra weight around your middle can increase your risk for health conditions that may affect life expectancy, such as:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Certain cancers such as breast, colon, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.

Excess weight may contribute to stress on your joints, decreased respiratory function, fatigue, and low mood.

Therefore, when approaching menopause, itâs important to embrace strategies to maintain a healthy weight.

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Extreme Fatigue Can Be Caused By A Slow Metabolism

Besides oestrogen, your metabolism can also be affected by the levels of progesterone, thyroid and adrenal hormones. These hormones help your metabolism regulate cell turnover and cellular energy levels. When going through menopause, you may experience sudden surges and dips in these hormone levels leading to extreme fatigue.

During menopause, your metabolism is no longer as efficient on a cellular level, so your body requires more energy for your daily activities. This makes everything more tiresome and can leave you with low energy.

When you experience menopausal fatigue, you may feel achy or think your limbs are getting heavier. Everything will require more effort from bending down to tie a shoe, standing up or lifting an object takes just a little more energy.

Muscle And Bone Density Loss

Health Treasure

Lower estrogen levels not only can increase body weight but can also .

According to a 10-year, multi-ethnic study on more than 800 premenopausal women, women lost around 10% of their bone density related to menopause, with 7% of the loss occurring during the perimenopausal and early menopausal years.

Furthermore, menopause is associated with lower muscle mass. Studies suggest that women suffer a 1.17% muscle mass decrease and a 0.6% muscle strength reduction per year after menopause. Lower muscle mass is associated with, making it easier to gain weight.

Lower estrogen levels also lead to lower bone density, leading to osteopenia or osteoporosis. This in turn leads to a higher risk of fractures, and poorer muscle performance, factors that make it harder for women to exercise, leading to increased weight gain and fat build-up.

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So What’s Happening With Your Weight

Estrogen really enhances the ability for us to store fat, especially in our subcutaneous hips and thighs, says Vieira-Potter, which is why you start looking more hour-glassy at puberty. As our estrogen levels decline during perimenopause and menopause , your body starts shifting, as the fat moves to your belly, Dr. Faubion explains. Hence, why your waistbands might feel tighter though the flip side is that your thighs may start to look slimmer.

This means even if the numbers on the scale remain within a few pounds of what they were a decade ago, in your 50s, you will likely see an increase in your percentage of body fat and where that fat is carried on your body. There is a shift in body composition, and it happens to both women and men, for different reasons, says Vieira-Potter.

Why Should You Pay Attention To Your Weight During Menopause

Obesity problems have been proven to be much higher in post-menopausal women than in pre-menopausal women. On average, the weight gain of a woman around her fifties is 0.7 kilos per year, regardless of her type of morphology or her ethnic origin. It is important to know that obesity is much more prevalent in postmenopausal women for several reasons, in particular because of a slower metabolism and less regular physical activity.Beyond aging itself, women in their fifties are more exposed to factors that increase the risk of weight gain . It then becomes more difficult to lose weight after 50 years.However, a great deal of research supports the theory that weight gain in women in their fifties is the primary result of aging and lifestyle changes, and that menopause itself is not very little responsible for this famous weight gain.

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Manage Menopause Weight With Lifestyle

Here are some lifestyle suggestions to help you to maintain a healthy weight during menopause.

âReduce stress

Increased cortisol, the stress hormone, may lead to weight gain in some people. Add stress management practices into your routine, like meditation, yoga, recreational activities, and exercise. Hypnotherapy has also been shown to help with menopause related stress, and improve sleep.

Staying connected with friends and family, and maintaining a social life are also good for stress prevention.

âPractice good sleep hygiene

Poor sleep can lead to weight gain due to effects on your energy, metabolism, and regulation of hunger. As you approach evening time, wind down. Limit exposure to blue light such as TVs and phone screens. Studies suggest that blue light can affect melatonin production, a hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm.

Consider taking an Epsom salt bath. Bathing itself can be relaxing, and youâll be absorbing calm-inducing magnesium as well. Baths not your thing? Magnesium can be taken in vitamin form or absorbed through the skin via creams and sprays. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking supplements.

Limit alcohol

Excessive intake of alcohol can cause weight gain, and disrupt your sleep. Research indicates alcohol in excess can increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and other diseases.

Why Take Hormone Replacement Therapy

Struggling with Perimenopause, Menopause, Hormonal Changes and Weight Gain? What To Do.

Most women in perimenopause and menopause are struggling with their weight on some level. As we discussed, hormones control metabolism and weight balance.

The most effective way to get hormones back on track, halt the ever-present scale creep, and return to a healthy weight is to correct hormonal imbalances with HRT. Once hormones are back in balance, weight loss can begin.

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Natural Remedies To Boost Your Energy

Consider adding a B12 supplement to your midday meal.

If Fatigue and Menopause are marching hand in hand through your life and making it hard to focus, there are several natural remedies to:

1) Clear away the cobwebs of fatigue. Consider a supplement regime of Ashwaganda. This Ayurvedic supplement can both lower your cortisol production and make it easier to think clearly.

2) Boost your energy as the day goes on, especially after lunch. Consider adding a B12 supplement to your midday meal. This critical Vitamin benefits both your blood and your nervous system. In addition, if menopausal weight gain has been a challenge, B12 can help your body release fat.

3) If Fatigue and Menopause are two shadows you just cant get rid of, consider upping your iron intake. It should be noted that iron can be tough on your stomach. Try to take it with food, preferably early in the day.

4) Are you interested in bumping up your workouts for bone density? Consider adding Beetroot Powder to one of your meals. This will help your body make excellent use of the oxygen currently in your system and the efficiency of your heart. Beetroot power is a deep red color and may stain your urine or stool. Dont panic.

a dose of melatonin late in the day can reduce menopause symptoms such as stress and anxiety keeping you awake.

What Can Cause Menopausal Fatigue

As a woman enters perimenopause, her hormone levels fluctuate dramatically, which can cause chronically disrupted sleep. Also, lower levels of estrogen and progesterone can make some women short-tempered and less able to relax. So actually getting to sleep, or just taking a moment to unwind, can be difficult.

The decrease in these hormones can lead to throwing off cortisol , and thyroid hormone levels. When you’re stressed, you will produce more cortisol leading to a cycle of even more stress. 3With high levels of cortisol and thyroid hormones, and a drop in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, can lead to a huge variety of ways that rest is disrupted. Heres a few of the major ways hormones impacts rest:

  • Sleep Apnea. Balanced hormones can help protect women from sleep apnea. 1,2 Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts.

  • During menopause, women produce less progesterone and estrogen ultimately putting them more at risk for sleep apnea. 3,4

  • When you have sleep apnea you actually have oxygen deprivation which may cause you to awaken several times a night.

  • If the apnea goes untreated, it can cause loud snoring, daytime tiredness, or more serious problems like heart trouble or high blood pressure. 3,4

  • Symptoms of Sleep Apnea sound like many perimenopause symptoms including: 3,

  • Underactive Thyroid

  • Cancer-Related energy imbalances

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    What Causes Menopause Weight Gain

    Some women experience weight gain during the premenopausal period. However, this trend tends to continue during and after menopause.

    One of the key predictors of this phenomenon is when you undergo menopause. In a study that included more than 1,900 women, researchers found that those who underwent menopause before the age of 51 were less likely to gain weight.

    Other factors that may contribute to weight gain after menopause include:

    Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause Fatigue

    Pin on Menopause Weight Management

    People with menopause-related fatigue may feel they have less energy than usual. This may need to take more breaks while doing tasks, find activities such as walking upstairs more exerting, or take longer to recover from exercise.

    Fatigue can affect people mentally, too. People with mental fatigue can have more difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.

    However, it is worth noting that the signs of menopause-related fatigue can also be symptoms of physical or mental illnesses. It is a good idea to speak with a doctor so that they can determine if menopause is the likely cause.

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    Choose A Healthy Diet

    During menopause, stick to a healthy balanced diet. Doctors recommend eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamins D and B, and fiber.

    You can create a dietary plan that includes healthy foods that you enjoy eating and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Dairy products may also help ease your symptoms and boost bone health. However, if you are lactose intolerant, you can get your vitamins and minerals from other food sources.

    Menopause is a significant period in a womans life. Although it marks the end of your fertility period, it is also a major milestone and worthy of celebration. These tips can help you combat menopausal fatigue and live your best, healthiest life.

    How Can You Lose Menopause Weight Gain

    You can lose menopause weight gain the same way you can lose weight that isnt associated with menopause.

    Restrict calories with a healthy diet. Exercise regularly, and aim for a combination of aerobic exercise to burn calories and strength training to build muscle. Prioritize your sleep.

    Lastly, reduce stress. Stress can lead to things like overeating, excessive alcohol use, sleep disturbances, and other issues that can lead to weight gain.

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    How Do I Deal With Fatigue

    Fatigue can be distressing and leave little time or energy to do what you really enjoy, so it is important to treat it. Fortunately, unless the fatigue is caused by an illness, there are a number of home remedies you can try in order to deal with it. Some ideas are:

    • Eat small meals more regularly
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
    • Get plenty of magnesium and iron in your diet
    • Get plenty of sleep
    • Read about vitamins that can combat fatigue

    There is no cure for fatigue itself, but rather, treatment depends on dealing with the underlying cause. This could mean treating the illness causing it, or modifying your diet and lifestyle to give you more energy. Fatigue during postmenopause should be dealt with as soon as possible or it could get worse and lead to other issues, like anxiety or depression.

    Keep A Diary And Note Your Sleeping Habits

    Weight Gain In MENOPAUSE | How To LOSE IT Or Prevent It

    Keep a diary or journal to log your thoughts and emotions. You may have a lot of different changes going on in your life and it can be very helpful to write to yourself about them as a way of getting perspective and charting change.

    Some of your fatigue may be associated with poor sleep/Insomnia or Night Sweat or Hot Flushes .Try to create good routines for yourself including a regular bedtime and rising time. A good night time routine will ensure better sleep. Is your phone and tablet etc out of the bedroom?

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    Alloy Can Treat Your Perimenopause Fatigue

    Perimenopause fatigue can be distressing. We can help you find safe and effective treatment for this and any other perimenopausal symptoms you are experiencing. You dont have to deal with menopause symptoms on your owntake our free assessment and a menopause-trained doctor will find the right solution for you.

    Nanette Santoro, MD. Perimenopause: From Research to Practice. J Womens Health . 2016 Apr 1 25: 332339. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2015.5556.

    Danielle Pacheco. Menopause and Sleep.

    Woods, Nancy F. RN, PhD Carr, Molly C. MD Tao, Eunice Y. MD Taylor, Heather J. BS Mitchell, Ellen S. RN, PhD. Increased Urinary Cortisol Levels During the Menopause Transition.

    Fait T. Menopause Hormone Therapy: Latest Developments and Clinical Practice. Drugs Context. 2019 8:212551. Published 2019 Jan 2. doi:10.7573/dic.212551.

    Ward-Ritacco, Christie L. PhD, et al. Feelings of Energy Are Associated with Physical Activity and Sleep Quality, but Not Adiposity, in Middle-Aged Postmenopausal Women. Menopause: March 2015 – Volume 22 – Issue 3 – p 304-311 doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000315.

    Joffe H, Massler A, et al. Evaluation and Management of Sleep Disturbance During the Menopause Transition. Semin Reprod Med. 2010 28:404-421. doi:10.1055/s-0030-1262900.

    You May Have Less Muscle When Your Metabolism Decreases

    Your muscle mass and your metabolism are very interlinked. When your metabolism changes, it no longer focuses on building muscle anymore.

    As you lose muscle mass, your metabolism slows, and as your metabolism slows, you lose muscle mass. Its a downwards spiral that starts during menopause.

    When you hit menopause, your metabolism stops focusing on building muscle and being so active. You will find it harder to keep your muscles looking toned.

    It is because of the lack of oestrogen in the body. Your metabolism no longer has the tools it needs to build muscles, and women start to lose strength.

    Most women begin to lose muscles mass almost immediately, with studies showing that the most significant change happens in the first year.

    Although losing muscle mass is common during menopause thanks to a change in metabolism, it isnt hard to regain it.

    Because your metabolism can no longer build muscle the way it used to, working out with weights can be very beneficial. Using weights during exercise is an effective way to build muscle without becoming bulky.


    Your metabolism changes during menopause, making it harder to build muscles. As a result, many women lose muscle mass and end up feeling flabby and less toned. Using weights during exercise can help retain muscle definition without adding bulk.

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    What Causes Insulin Resistance And Weight Gain In Menopause

    Estrogen helps our body respond to a rise in glucose and primes our body to respond to increases in insulin. As estrogen levels start to decline during perimenopause and plummet during menopause, women have more fat deposited around their abdomen and cells start to tune out the directions of insulin to absorb and utilize glucose efficiently. The results are higher blood sugar levels and weight gain which leads to an increase in inflammation, a rise in oxidative damage, more fatigue and brain fog, and a higher risk of dementia, heart disease, and depression.

    No Your Metabolism Doesn’t Slow Way Down During Menopause:

    Letâs PAUSE, what the heck is perimenopause and menopause?

    The second misconception is about metabolism. Though we may think back fondly on our teenage years, when it seemed like we could inhale a quart of ice cream and then burn it off by the next day without much effort, it turns out your bodys metabolic rate doesnt slow down until several years after youve gone through menopause, and even then, it doesnt slow down that much.

    A large, headline-making study in the journal Science last year found that instead of dipping precariously during the menopause transition, as we had all been led to believe, after that super-powered ice-cream-burning phase of adolescence, metabolism remains fairly stable from ages 20 to 60. Then it declines about 1% per year after that. As the studys co-author Herman Pontzer, Ph.D., an associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, has said, There are lots of physiological changes that come with growing up and getting older. Think puberty, menopause, other phases of life. What’s weird is that the timing of our metabolic life stages doesn’t seem to match those typical milestones.

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