Monday, April 22, 2024

Best Treatment For Adrenal Fatigue

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My Favorite Evening Tonic: Chamomile

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment | 3 Steps to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

When you are crashed, figuring out the best evening tonic is going to be a bit tricky. We want to lower your cortisol in the evening, but we do not want to push it down too hard where it will not be able to rebound in the morning. That is why my favorite here is going to be chamomile.

Often, we do not give chamomile the credit that it is due. Chamomile has been shown to lower stress and anxiety without being a sedative and can also improve sleep. It also decreases cramps in the muscles, as well as the intestines6. Best of all, chamomile tastes good and is easy to find. It is a hearty plant that grows like a weed in many different parts of the country. If you are lucky enough to have some in your backyard, just steep a handful of flowers in hot water. Chamomile tastes great by itself, but it also pairs really well with ginger or peppermint.

Fast Facts On Adrenal Fatigue

  • There is no scientific evidence that adrenal fatigue exists.
  • Adrenal fatigue proponents claim that the condition is due to overworked adrenal glands producing too little hormones.
  • There are a number of disorders that do affect the adrenal glands.
  • Some supplements prescribed for adrenal fatigue might be dangerous.
  • Alleged symptoms of adrenal fatigue are tiredness, craving salt, and loss of body hair.

In 1998, the chiropractor and naturopath James Wilson first coined the term adrenal fatigue in his book of the same name.

According to people who propose adrenal fatigue as a real condition, it strikes people who endure long stretches of mental, physical, or emotional stress.

People who are allegedly more likely to contract adrenal fatigue are shift workers, single parents, people with alcohol or drug dependence, and those with stressful jobs.

However, as mentioned above, there is no scientific evidence that this condition exists.

The Endocrine Society, which represents the opinions of 1,400 of endocrinologists, released an official statement regarding adrenal fatigue:

No scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition. Doctors are concerned that if you are told you have this condition, the real cause of your symptoms may not be found and treated correctly. Also, treatment for adrenal fatigue may be expensive, since insurance companies are unlikely to cover the costs.

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are said to include:

How Is Adrenal Fatigue Diagnosed

Thats a great question with a not-so-clear answer. See, many endocrinologists dont actually recognize adrenal fatigue as a condition.

And it is true that many people dont actually have fatigued adrenal glands, so the name is somewhat misleading, but the symptoms are quite real!

As far as coming up with a diagnosis for this group of symptoms from excessive or chronic stress , there are a few tests you can consider:

  • A careful review of symptoms

or you can even start with a few easy at-home tests if youd like

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Here Are 20 Steps To Heal Adrenal Fatigue:

1. As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water along with 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt. Then, throughout the day, have a pinch of sea salt with each glass of water and also use it to season your food. Daily total consumption of about 2 teaspoons of Celtic sea salt is a good place to start. The 80+ minerals in the salt will help nourish the adrenals and endocrine system.

2. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking. If you wait any longer than this, it can cause your blood sugar levels to decrease too much and your adrenals can start producing excess cortisol.

3. Eat regular meals throughout the day and include some protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fat in each meal. I know this is a simple step, but skipping meals can put a strain on the adrenals.

4. Remove all processed foods from your diet. Processed foods are a stressor on the body, and the goal is to remove stressors as much as possible to help support the adrenals.

5. Only do low-impact exercise like walking, pilates, gentle yoga or stretching. High impact exercise puts strain on the adrenals, especially when the adrenals are already fatigued. If youre having trouble losing weight, I know this can seem counter-productive, but Ive seen clients lose weight by resting and following the steps Im listing here. Heres more info on this topic.

8. Spend more time outdoors. Getting fresh air and being in nature helps reduce the stress response in the body.

Breaking The Cycle Of Stress

Adrenal Fatigue Diet Do

One of the things about adrenal fatigue that people tend to forget is how it starts as a trigger from anxiety. In such cases, adrenal fatigue is considered more a symptom of anxiety and stress than a trigger. How you react to the cycle of anxiety could end up feeding into the pressure if you arent careful, such as binge eating and comfort food. One way to help tackle adrenal fatigue is by looking into what you do when youre stressed and trying to switch things up. Trying new things isnt a bad idea, especially when youre reeling from the effects of anxiety. Try something new, and it could serve as a strong enough distraction.

For example, if you have a habit of playing video games in an attempt to get away from the trigger and feel better, it can get to the point where gaming directly after stressful situations can be a trigger. You can avoid it by breaking the cycle â it doesnât mean youâre no longer allowed to play games when stressed, but trying something new can help you breathe easier. Itâs a means of managing adrenal fatigue as a preventative measure.

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How Do Menopause And Perimenopause Affect Adrenal Fatigue

During mid-life, womens hormones begin to change. This time of life is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, estrogen levels may be higher than usual. This can cause adrenal fatigue. When women stop producing ova , estrogen decreases, and menstrual periods stop. This is called menopause. The symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, and feeling tired. These symptoms are stressful and can further strain your adrenal glands.

Loss of estrogen during menopause makes it harder to handle stress. Estrogen replacement therapy with bioidentical hormones help women handle stress.

Moreover, some of these symptoms are the same symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue. Scientific studies have been done on estrogen and stress. Studies show that the loss of estrogen during menopause makes it harder for you to handle stress. They also show that estrogen replacement therapy with bioidentical hormones help women handle stress better.

Medical Treatments Of Adrenal Fatigue

Typically, doctors initiate medical treatment when derangement of hormonal levels occurs, such as in Addisons disease.

The most common treatment of Addisons disease is the replacement of the depleting hormones cortisol and aldosterone.

Hydrocortisone, prednisone, dexamethasone, or methylprednisolone replaces cortisol.

Fludrocortisone treatment replaces aldosterone, which normalizes blood pressure.Aaron Michels , Nicole Michels , Addison disease: early detection and treatment principles,Am Fam Physician. 2014

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Little Or No Caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to release stress hormones, which in turn puts the body on high alert and provides a temporary increase in energy.

But caffeine also raises blood pressure, interferes with a good nights sleep and makes it hard for your adrenal glands to recover.

If you must drink coffee or a caffeinated beverage, choose one with low caffeine content, and limit consumption to 1 or 2 servings each morning.

Additional Tips

  • Drink basil tea or green tea 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Avoid sugar and sweetened beverages that have little nutritional value.

Supplements For Adrenal Fatigue

5 Best supplements for adrenal fatigue (WITH dosage suggestions!)

It is vital to know that most herbs can be found in the form of supplements you can take daily to improve your energy levels and establish optimal well-being. The best supplements for adrenal fatigue include vitamins, minerals, superfoods, and antioxidants that help your body in many different ways. However, consult your practitioner before you start taking any supplement for your condition. Although they are generally safe, some supplements may provoke mild side effects, and the one you choose on your own may not be the best option for you. Here are some of the supplements that encourage adrenal support:

  • Vitamin B: It boosts red blood cell production and enhances energy levels.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency affects your bodys different aspects, including blood pressure, muscle and nerve function, and glucose levels. Regular magnesium intake encourages the muscles relaxation abilities, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is crucial for optimal adrenal glands function. It makes sure that stress and fatigue dont progress into a more severe issue.
  • Cortisol: Cortisol supplements may help you cope with stress by boosting cortisol levels and maintaining their optimal amounts.
  • Vitamin E: It protects cells from free radicals, boosts immune function, and makes sure the skin looks youthful.

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Other Conditions That Affect The Adrenal Glands

Certain conditions, such adrenal insufficiency , can prevent your adrenal glands from making enough hormones. Addisons disease is a rare but serious disease.

The symptoms of Addisons disease include fatigue, body aches, unexplained weight loss, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, loss of body hair and skin discolouration.

Addisons disease is recognised by doctors and can be detected through blood tests that show insufficient hormone levels. On the other hand, these tests are often normal in people who are told they have adrenal fatigue.

How Tired Are You

When adrenal fatigue is present it can result in general tiredness and lethargy and in severe cases it can be extremely debilitating, to a point where a person can hardly get out of bed. Most people go un-diagnosed, especially by conventional practitioners who usually dont look at the adrenals as being a potential trouble-source. People usually just live with symptoms of adrenal fatigue and prop themselves up with extra coffee, sodas or other stimulants. However, left unchecked their condition could continue to worsen.

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Three Stages Of Adrenal Fatigue

This condition may exhibit itself in three different phases. The first stage is triggered by a protracted stimulus to the adrenal glands, which can cause a spike in cortisol levels in the bloodstream. At this phase, the production of other critical hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen will be impaired. This eventually will throw off kilter the normal functions of your immune system and even your metabolic rate. The second stage of adrenal fatigue is characterized by a decrease in cortisol and DHEA levels. You may start to experience symptoms like depression, insomnia, anxiety, weight loss, recurrent infections, and impaired memory to mention a few. On the flipside, phase three of this condition occurs once the adrenal glands have become completely incapable of producing cortisol, while other hormonal imbalances may take place. Ultimately, you will start suffering from chronic fatigue, which can make you unable to execute day-to-day activities and work-related tasks.

15 Steps to Combat Adrenal Fatigue

1. IV Vitamin Therapy for Adrenal Fatigue

2. Eat Meal Within an Hour After Waking

Eat your first meal within an hour after you wake up in the morning, so that you do not allow your blood sugar levels to drop precipitously.

3. Skip Processed Foods

4. Say No to High Impact Exercise

5. Say Yes to Fresh Air

Fresh air and a walk in nature is also a great form of stress management and relief. Get out in nature. Take in slow deep breaths and relax.

Recovery From Adrenal Fatigue

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Recovery from adrenal fatigue can take anywhere from 3 months to 3 years. Each individual has a unique set of symptoms and an individual response to treatment. The recovery process depends upon the stage and severity of the adrenal exhaustion.

The road back to health from adrenal fatigue includes specific diet & lifestyle changes, nutritional support, herbal treatments as well as bio-identical hormone support. Each person has unique biochemical needs that must be addressed by a physician but there are several things everyone can do to reduce the impact of adrenal fatigue.

  • Eat breakfast every morning soon after rising
  • Eat lunch before noon if possible
  • Eat a total of 5 smaller meals spread throughout the day
  • Reduce sugar and starchy foods from the diet
  • Eliminate coffee and caffeinated teas
  • Ensure each meal and snack has a good quality protein and fat
  • Get to sleep before 10 pm and sleep 8-10 hours if possible
  • Light to moderate exerciseavoid extreme exercise

All of these are aimed at reducing the amount of cortisol that your body must produce, which in turn will lessen the impact of daily stress. However the number one things everyone must do is:

  • Identify and eliminate the chronic stresses in your life !

Often this may mean considering a job and lifestyle change, as well as thoroughly addressing any relationship or family issues. In a minority of cases, it can mean addressing chronic sub-clinical infections or eliminating accumulated toxic burdens.

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Common Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue has a wide range of vague symptoms such as:

  • fatigue or feeling exhausted all the time
  • insomnia or difficulty waking up in the mornings
  • low motivation, feeling irritable or unhappy
  • allergies or flu-like symptoms like body aches
  • salt or sweet cravings
  • unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • loss of body hair or skin discoloration
  • lightheadedness, low blood pressure

What Other Ways Can I Treat Adrenal Gland Fatigue

If you are experiencing the symptoms of adrenal gland fatigue, you might want to go to a mainstream doctor and get tested because many diseases share similar symptoms. Some treatments that have been shown to help with chronic fatigue include cognitive behavior therapy and graded exercise therapy.

Additionally, you want to make sure you are covering all your bases when it comes to recharging yourself. You should be getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night and making sure it is high-quality sleep. You will want to reduce alcohol and caffeine to ensure these drugs arent negatively impacting your sleep. Additionally, you should try to integrate exercise into your routine.

Make sure you are fueling your body properly. Having a small meal every 3 to 4 hours can be a better option than eating fewer big meals, especially if you notice you feel tired after large meals. Weight loss can also contribute to feeling less fatigued.

A combination of eating healthy and getting regular exercise can result in weight loss, which might make all the difference in making sure that you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

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What Do The Adrenals Do

The adrenal glands are the bodys emergency system. When the body is under chronic stress, the adrenals will send out cortisol into the bloodstream. Over time, chronic cortisol output can weaken the endocrine system, immune system, liver, digestive system, and brain. It can also cause the thyroid to slow down and in some rare cases, it will speed up . So, if you are wanting to reduce your thyroid symptoms, start with healthy adrenal glands.

Can You Get Tested For Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The best way to get test for adrenal fatigue is via a saliva cortisol panel. The panel looks at your cortisol patterns throughout the day versus a blood test that only tests at one time during the day. Seeing the pattern of cortisol during the day will give you and your practitioner a good idea of whether adrenal imbalance is a factor for you.

As you read the list below, remember: this is a marathon, not a sprint. Fully healing the adrenals usually takes a minimum of 6-9 months and for some it can take up to 12 months. The good news is that even making just a few changes can help you feel better within weeks or even days.

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What Is The Best Treatment For Adrenal Fatigue

Just like any other health condition, the best treatment is one that feels right to you, addresses the root cause of your symptoms, and ideally is the most gentle but effective.

Since adrenal fatigue is essentially a condition caused by chronic or excessive stress, the cause will be different for each person, and so will the treatment.

Getting enough rest, homeopathic remedies, herbs, stress-relieving practices, addressing hormone and mineral imbalances, and taking time to make necessary lifestyle changes can all be very helpful.

Suggested Diet For Adrenal Fatigue

The best diet for adrenal fatigue is a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet can reduce adrenal fatigue symptoms by aiding in the bodys detoxification process.

You may also have food sensitivities to gluten or dairy that you are not fully aware of. To assist your body in detoxifying itself as completely as possible, consider temporarily eliminating gluten and dairy from your diet.

According to Dr. Joel Furnham, who offers excellent plant-based recipes, the following foods can aid the body in the detoxification process:

Why should I avoid eating meat?

Realize that any toxins consumed by the animal are also stored in the meat. Any chemicals a cow ingests, for example, herbicides and pesticides sprayed on the grass, are present even if youre consuming organic meat. These toxins then enter your body. In order to detox your body, temporarily adhering to a meat-free diet offers benefits. Remember that you can get enough protein on a plant-based diet.

Why should I avoid the paleo diet?

The reason I recommend avoiding the paleo diet if youre suffering from adrenal fatigue is that you will eat far too much meat and over time, consume toxins that contribute to the feeling of fatigue.

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