Friday, July 26, 2024

What Causes Fatigue In Diabetes

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Additional Causes Of Diabetes Fatigue

Causes and management of fatigue with leg pain – Dr. Mohan M R

If you thought diabetes fatigue was caused simply due to high blood sugars and that preventing them would make life easier, you could not be more wrong. There are a vast multitude of other factors that also come into play that may result in fatigue, sleepiness, and tiredness associated with diabetes.

  • Depression and other mental health issues that may come as a comorbidity with diabetes
  • Insomnia or poor and disturbed sleep
  • Side effects of any medication
  • Skipping meals or low levels of carbs
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Managing Tiredness And High Blood Sugar After Meals

    If tiredness is accompanied by high blood glucose levels after meals, it can indicate one or more of the following:

    • The carbohydrate you are eating is too quick acting for you medication to cope with
    • You are eating too much carbohydrate for your medication/dosage
    • Your medication/dosage is not strong enough

    You should only change your medication dosage if your doctor has approved you to.

    Putting on weight is a common indication that ones insulin levels are too high. People who are overweight and experiencing tiredness as a result of high blood glucose levels may be able to combat tiredness by reducing their carbohydrate intake.

    A doctor or dietitian should be able to help you with how to reduce your blood glucose levels whilst achieving a healthy weight.

    Other Causes Your Gp Might Investigate

    This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the many medical causes of tiredness.

    Your doctor will ask you questions about the symptoms accompanying your tiredness and may carry out tests.

    These include inflammatory conditions such as coeliac disease, in which your immune system reacts to a protein in gluten.

    Other considerations include sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea, in which you wake on numerous occasions during the night because your breathing stops and starts. This symptom is often related to obesity, so if you suffer from that and/or experience a lot of daytime sleepiness, ask your doctor about sleep apnoea.

    Your tiredness could also be down to mental fatigue. its worth discussing this with your doctor, as a psychological option such as a course of talking therapy might help you to recover.

    In some cases, unexplained tiredness might be a symptom of something more serious. Thats why its better to talk to your doctor about it, rather than ignore the issue. Its what were here for.

    Reviewed by: Dr Harriet Bradley, Livi Medical Director

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    Confirming If You Have A Neuropathy

    Some people may need to see a neurologist in hospital for further tests such as:

    • a nerve conduction test where small metal wires called electrodes are placed on your skin which release tiny electric shocks that stimulate your nerves the speed and strength of the nerve signal is measured
    • electromyography where a small needle is inserted through your skin into your muscle and used to measure the electrical activity of your muscles

    NCS and EMG are usually carried out at the same time.

    Reviewed on 7/13/2021

    Muscle weakness and shaking can be features of neurologic conditions including Parkinson disease. Fatigue is a nonspecific symptoms that can accompany many different illnesses. Feeling faint can be a sign of dehydration or other illnesses as well. Be sure to seek the advice of a healthcare provider if you are concerned about these or any other symptoms.

    While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

    How To Manage Diabetes Fatigue

    Why does having diabetes cause fatigue?

    Treating diabetes and fatigue is most effective when considered as a whole, rather than separate conditions. Leading a disciplined lifestyle, getting good social support and certain mental health therapies can positively impact diabetes and fatigue at the same time.

    Lifestyle Modifications

    Healthy lifestyle behaviours are the core of good health status. These include regular workouts, good nutrition, and weight maintenance. All these habits can boost energy levels while also aids in controlling blood sugar spikes.

    Regular exercise may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place. Moreover, the American Diabetes Association states that exercise can help to control blood glucose levels and manage fatigue in diabetic patients. The ADA recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of workouts per week. Aerobics, strength and conditioning and balance and flexibility like yoga are highly beneficial.

    Social Support

    Studies have shown a strong correlation between social support and diabetes fatigue. Researchers found that support from family and near and dear ones uplifted mental well-being and decreased fatigue related to diabetes. Talk with your family and make them a part of diabetic management and care. Spend quality time with your friends and keep yourself occupied with hobbies when you have time and energy to do.

    Mental Health

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    Do Blood Sugar Levels Make A Person With Diabetes Tired

    Blood sugar levels can definitely make someone tired. If blood sugar levels are too high or too low, the body is not able to operate 100% like it should and it can wear the body down. Also, having to chase blood sugar with insulin and battle to keep it under control is very tiring. One study found that 29% of people with diabetes said fatigue was caused by adjusting insulin dosages and 23% percent said that it was caused by stress from managing their disease.

    Hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar, can cause fatigue because it deprives the brain and other organs of fuel and oxygen to work properly. If blood sugar gets too low, then it can cause major problems such as confusion or even seizures.

    Hyperglycemia, which is blood sugar that is too high, can cause fatigue because the blood carrying the fuel to the organs is like maple syrup instead of water. When it takes longer for the cells to reach their destination, the body is tired and worn out.

    Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. She didnt like the porridge too cold or too hot, it had to be just right in the middle. Blood sugar is the same way. The body operates best when it stays in the target range.

    How Can You Fight Diabetes Fatigue

    You want to lead a normal life and diabetes fatigue does not enable you to do so. As such, you will need to take all the necessary steps to fight tiredness and fatigue in diabetes. The following are some of the ways of achieving the same:

    • Blood glucose monitoring is the most important way in which you can achieve diabetes management.As seen above, both high and low blood glucose levels lead to fatigues.
    • Another important way of managing fatigue effectively is eating the right type of diet as may have been prescribed by your doctor.
    • Exercising plays a great role in managing your blood glucose levels, and thereby diabetes fatigue and sleepiness. Physical activity reduces fatigue by as much as 65 percent.
    • Also, vitamin D is good for your body and as such, you need to step out in the sun
    • Walk after you have had a heavy meal
    • You can also take small naps in between
    • Make walking a daily habit. Walk as much as you can even if it is in your house.
    • Keep yourself free from stress
    • Meditate as much as you can
    • Sleep for at least six to eight hours a day
    • Stay optimistic and positive

    It is also important for you to remember that there are various other reasons that can lead to a feeling of fatigue and tiredness in your body. Hence, the changes in your diet, exercise regime, insulin dose, medication, etc. should be made only after careful analyses and considerations of the following:

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    How To Deal With Diabetes Fatigue

    Its no secret that regular exercise is key in managing and preventing several health-related conditions including type 2 diabetes. In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends physical activity to all people living with diabetes to manage glycemic control and overall health.

    In particular, the ADA urges people living with diabetes to interrupt long periods of sitting with light activity by doing 3 minutes of light exercise every 30 minutes.

    While this recommendation tops the list of ways to manage and treat diabetes, exercising when youre experiencing diabetes fatigue is often easier said than done.

    Fatigue is common among people with diabetes, which can make it difficult to work up the motivation and energy to stay physically active, explains Dr. Emily Schroeder, an endocrinologist with Kaiser Permanente in Denver.

    However, exercise is a crucial part of diabetes management. Schroeder says its vital that patients come up with ways to integrate exercise into their daily routines.

    Once you establish a routine, you can gradually increase that activity up to 30 minutes a day or more as your body becomes accustomed to it.

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    Not Getting Enough High

    Diabetes and extreme fatigue

    Not getting enough sleep is one of the more obvious causes of fatigue.

    Your body does many things while you sleep, including store memory and release hormones that regulate your metabolism and energy levels .

    After a night of high-quality sleep, you typically wake up feeling refreshed, alert and energized.

    According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society, adults need an average of seven hours of sleep per night for optimal health .

    Importantly, sleep should be restful and uninterrupted in order to allow your brain to go through all five stages of each sleep cycle .

    In addition to getting enough sleep, maintaining a regular sleep routine also seems to help prevent tiredness.

    In one study, adolescents who went to bed at the same time on weekdays and weekends reported less fatigue and less difficulty falling asleep than those who stayed up later and slept fewer hours on the weekends .

    Being physically active during the day may help you get more restorative sleep at night. One study in older people found that exercising helped improve their sleep quality and reduce levels of fatigue .

    Furthermore, napping may help boost energy levels. Taking naps has been shown to decrease tiredness in pilots, who often experience fatigue due to long working hours and jet lag .

    To improve the amount and quality of your sleep, go to bed at roughly the same time every night, relax before sleeping and get plenty of activity during the day.

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    Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Headaches

    Research is finding an association, if not yet a cause and effect, between low levels of vitamin D and an increased risk for headaches.

    A piece in reported on a study out of Finland in middle-aged men that found those with low-serum vitamin D were at greater risk for frequent headaches in comparison to those with higher vitamin D levels.

    In fact, the article reported that men with the lowest levels of vitamin D were more than twice as likely to have headaches at least once a week in comparison to those with the highest levels.

    Only 9.6% of the study population reported chronic headaches however, on average, those had lower levels of vitamin D compared to those without headaches . D are reported in both nanomoles per liter and nanograms per milliliter . One nmol/L is equal to 0.4 ng/mL, and 1 ng/mL is equal to 2.5 nmol/L.)

    The study itself references numerous other studies with beneficial associations between vitamin D and headaches, although the study authors point out further research is needed.

    This article from details three studies on vitamin D deficiency and the relation to headaches. The first study says the prevalence of migraine and tension headaches increased the closer to the North and South Poles and farther away from the equatorwith the sun being the presumed differentiator.

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    Fatigue Cause No : Diabetes

    In people with diabetes, abnormally high levels of sugar remain in the bloodstream instead of entering the bodys cells, where it would be converted into energy. The result is a body that runs out of steam despite having enough to eat. If you have persistent, unexplained fatigue, ask your doctor about being tested for diabetes.

    Fix: Treatments for diabetes may include lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, insulin therapy, and medications to help the body process sugar.

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    What Can A Diabetic Drink For Energy How Do I Feel Energized

    Diabetics should exercise every day, eat a balanced and healthy diet, and drink plenty of water to keep a high level of energy.

    To help keep your glucose level at a healthy range, doctors recommend that you exercise a minimum of 2.5 hours a week, or 30 minutes every day. Some diabetics enjoy yoga, others love aerobics. Even doing strength training can be beneficial. You need to find an activity you love so that you feel motivated to keep doing it.

    Why Does Type 2 Diabetes Cause Fatigue


    Fatigue is very common in Type 2 diabetes. A study published by the American Diabetes Association found that it affected 61 per cent of newly diagnosed people.

    There are lots of different reasons for this:


    When we eat carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks them down into sugar. Experts call this sugar glucose, and it is the bodys main source of energy. It travels to every part of the body in the blood.

    Insulin is a hormone. It makes sure there is never too much, or too little glucose in the blood, so that the body has the energy it needs. But when people develop Type 2 diabetes, they stop making insulin properly and the regulation system breaks down.

    Hypoglycaemia means that there is not enough sugar in the blood. Sometimes, people call this having a hypo. Fatigue is a common symptom of low blood sugar.

    It is different for everyone, but other symptoms might include:

    • feeling shaky
    • blurry vision
    • tingly lips

    If you think you might be having a hypo, you should treat it right away. Low blood sugar levels can be very dangerous.

    Diabetes symptoms

    Lots of the common symptoms of Type 2 diabetes can contribute to feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

    Things like needing to urinate a lot, feeling really thirsty, and feeling really hungry can all make you feel tired.

    Poor mental health and wellbeing can also add to fatigue. It can impact on how well someone is able to manage their blood sugar levels. It can also change sleep patterns and leave people feeling low.

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    Can Having Gestational Diabetes Make You Tired

    Gestational diabetes is a condition that approximately 4% of women experience during pregnancy. Due to the hormones, insulin resistance occurs, and causes higher blood sugar levels. This can be a problem because it causes babies to be born larger and have difficult births. It can also cause birth defects and it makes the first few days difficult for the newborn to maintain their blood sugar. It usually can be controlled with a change in diet, but sometimes insulin may be required.

    Some women show no signs of gestational diabetes, while other have extreme fatigue, elevated thirst, and an increase in urinating. The problem is that most pregnant women experience all of these symptoms anyway. For this reason, all women are tested for gestational around 24 weeks of pregnancy. Women at a higher risk may be tested earlier.

    If fatigue does become worse during pregnancy, the expectant mother should seek help from their physician to rule out gestational diabetes or other complications such as low blood pressure or anemia .

    Further reading:

    What Are The Effects Of Fatigue On Diabetes

    When someone becomes fatigued, it can lead to a never ending cycle. First, because of the fatigue, they become tired and dont want to do anything. That leads to lack of exercise and poor dietary choices. These choices make them depressed, which in turn makes the fatigue even worse. This cycle continues and eventually the person begins to have complications from diabetes because their blood sugars are not under control.

    Fatigue can cause someone to lose motivation to take care of themselves. They stop checking their blood sugar like they should or do things for themselves that they know they should because they are just too tired. Insulin dosages are skipped or not given accurately because of the time and energy that it takes to do it correctly. It is very important for all individuals with fatigue to find a solution, but it is even more important for those people with diabetes because of the risk of complications due to non-compliance.

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