Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Muscle And Joint Pain With Fatigue

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Food Allergies Intolerance And Reactions

NerveLocks cause long lasting muscle/joint pains, weakness & tightness – So what are they?

If a specific food makes you feel ill, the reaction could be an allergy, an intolerance or some other kind of reaction. Many people label all negative reactions to food as allergies. After all, the end result is the same whether you have an allergy or an intolerance to a certain food: you must avoid the food that triggers your reaction.

However, the reactions inside the body are different, and lead to varying symptoms. The Mayo Clinic reports that the most common food allergy symptoms are:

  • Itching and tingling in the mouth
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Itchy skin, associates with hives or eczema
  • Abdominal discomfort, including diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling in the mouth, throat or other parts of the body
  • Difficulty breathing, including wheezing and nasal congestion
  • Anaphylaxis, which is life threatening

As such, you are not likely to experience a food allergy with fever, headache and fatigue. Instead, such symptoms may be signs of intolerances, other underlying disorders, or contaminated food.

?Read More:?10 Facts You Need to Know About Food Allergies

Protect Your Joints And Muscles

When you have muscle or joint pain, it can be hard to be active. But when youre less active, your muscles get weaker and that can make your joint pain worse.

Work with your rheumatologist to make a physical activity plan thats right for you. If you have muscle weakness, physical therapy can help strengthen your muscles. Your rheumatologist can refer you to a physical therapist.

Muscle Damage Through Injury

There are many ways in which your muscles can be directly damaged. The most obvious is injury or trauma such as sporting injuries, pulls and sprains. In any muscle injury, bleeding from damaged muscle fibres occurs inside the muscle, followed by swelling and inflammation. This makes the muscle less strong and also painful to use. Localised pain is the primary symptom but weakness also results.

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> > > Erase Joint Pain Without Surgery Or Injections

Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and Tylenol are available over-the-counter to alleviate joint pain. The same medications can be prescribed by a doctor. If you are experiencing more severe joint pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If your pain is caused by an injury, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should be aware of the symptoms and make sure that they are not caused by a serious condition.

Severe Muscle And Joint Pain With Fatigue Inflammation can lead to joint pain. Inflammation can lead to joint damage. Your doctor can prescribe medication to stop the inflammation. While over-the-counter medications can help relieve the pain, they have side effects and should be taken only as directed by your doctor. Your doctor will discuss your treatment options and advise you on any side effects that may occur. If your joint pain is chronic or doesnt respond to these medicines, you may need to see a surgeon.

Besides over-the-counter medications, doctors can recommend joint-related surgeries to treat joint pain. This is a serious problem and may require long-term treatment. Surgical treatment can be life-saving for patients suffering from chronic joint pain. Your doctor can also recommend physical therapy and help you manage your condition at home. If youve tried all of these methods and still have joint pain, you may need to consider surgery. In severe cases, the surgery can relieve the pain and prevent future problems.

When There Is Damage To Bones And Joints

How lupus affects the muscles, tendons and joints

Some recent studies have been able to establish that there may be degeneration of joints in post Covid patients who already suffered from such issues or even those who did not.

Covid can trigger auto-immune response and it has been found that there has been deterioration in the conditions of patients who suffered from arthritis or other such conditions.

Even in patients who never had any joint related problem are also coming up with issues related to joints.

Covid may not only lead to muscle pain post the disease, but also has the potential to aggravate previously existing joint conditions and also onset of autoimmune diseases in some.

However, this condition is not likely to be corrected and steps can only be taken to slow down the degeneration. “In general once any joint is affected as a process of autoimmune reaction of a virus like the degenerative joint disease, the degeneration is likely to progress,” says the doctor.

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Multiple Sclerosis As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

Multiple sclerosis affects the immune system by attacking the brain, optic nerves and spinal cord, say experts.

The disease also destroys myelin, the sheath that protects and covers the nerves. This hinders signals between the brain and the body. This can results in numbness, pain and tremors common symptoms of the disease.

In fact, MS can resemble lupus as well as Lyme disease. It can also cause fatigue and joint pain. One of the common symptoms include numbness and a tingling sensation.

Studies suggest that a majority of Americans have MS with the diseases affecting people between 20-40 years. Women are more likely to fall prey to MS as opposed to men.

What Are The Types Of Musculoskeletal Pain

The most common types of musculoskeletal pain include:

  • Bone pain: Injuries such as bone fractures or other musculoskeletal injuries cause bone pain. Less commonly, a tumor may cause bone pain.
  • Joint pain: Stiffness and inflammation often accompany joint pain. For many people, joint pain gets better with rest and worsens with activity.
  • Muscle pain:Muscle spasms, cramps and injuries can all cause muscle pain. Some infections or tumors may also lead to muscle pain.
  • Tendon and ligament pain: Ligaments and tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect your joints and bones. Sprains, strains and overuse injuries can lead to tendon or ligament pain.

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Gluten And Rheumatoid Arthritis

With rheumatoid arthritis , your immune system attacks joint tissue commonly found in your hands, wrists, and knees. Swelling and inflammation occur, which leads to joint tissue damage. The tissue damage ultimately causes chronic pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity.

Several studies have linked RA with celiac disease. And researchers have even suggested that it may start in the gut and be triggered by food antigens, such as gluten.

In this case report, a 50-year old man presented with chronic diarrhea for two months. He also lost weight and his feet and legs were swollen. Antibodies for gluten proteins were found in his blood and damage to the lining of his small intestine was confirmed.

The patient was diagnosed with celiac disease and treated with a gluten-free diet. After three months, his initial symptoms improved significantly. However, he soon started to experience pain in his joints and laboratory tests confirmed he had RA.

In this study, 42 children with juvenile RA were tested for celiac disease even though they didnt have the usual symptoms. And it turned out that almost 43% of the group had antibodies for gluten proteins in their blood, which means their immune systems were reacting to gluten.

Sixteen of the children with gluten protein antibodies had intestinal biopsies performed and celiac disease was confirmed in all cases. So the children were treated with a gluten-free diet, which reduced their joint-related symptoms as well as improved their growth.

Physical Or Emotional Trauma

UH COVID Recovery Clinic – Rheumatology

A few people report that they encountered a physical issue, medical procedure or significant emotional stress shortly before their manifestations started.

Fatigue can be a side effect of numerous ailments, for example, infections or psychological disorders. In general, in case you have excessive or persistent weariness, visit your doctor.

Every individual has various symptoms and hence may require different kinds of treatment to deal with the issue and ease their indications. Work with your group of healthcare providers to make the best therapy plan for you. They can go over the potential advantages and side effects of the treatments with you. Take into consideration that sometimes even a 5-minutes daily workout can boost your mood and rejuvenate you even when you feel tired.

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How Is Fibromyalgia Diagnosed

Because fibromyalgia is a cluster of different symptoms, it’s not always easy to diagnose.

There’s no specific test for fibromyalgia. So doctors might do tests to rule out other conditions or problems. For example, feeling very tired can be a sign of a thyroid problem. So a doctor may do thyroid tests. If the tests show a person’s thyroid is normal, the doctor will know something else is causing the problem.

A doctor will ask about a person’s medical history and symptoms, and do an exam. If there is no sign of other health problems, and the patient has had widespread pain for at least 3 months, doctors may decide it’s fibromyalgia.

Diagnosing fibromyalgia can take a while . That can get pretty frustrating. Don’t give up. You may need to find a doctor who has experience with the condition.

Cause Of Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Polymyalgia rheumatica produces inflammation and swelling in the larger joints of the body, such as the shoulders and hips, and in the tissues around these joints. The inflammation is due to the immune system attacking the membranes lining the joint , but the reason for this is unknown. Genetics and environmental factors are believed to play a role.

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As fresh flowers emerge in the springtime, so do seasonal allergies. The main culprit is pollen released into the air by the green grass, mold, trees, and colorful flowers in full bloom. Nasal congestion, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a sore throat are common symptoms. But can seasonal allergies cause joint pain? Yes, they can. Lets look at how seasonal allergies affect your joints:

Many people complain of an increase in joint pain around this time of the year. This is because the pollen in the air lands on your skin, eyes, and nose triggering an allergic reaction in the body. The immune system works hard to fight against the foreign allergens. This causes fatigue and inflammation within the body. The inflammatory reaction spreads to the joints and manifests as joint pain.

Steps to prevent seasonal allergies:

If your joint pain continues even after getting allergy symptoms under control, you should visit an orthopedic doctor for an in-depth evaluation and treatment recommendation.

Lupus As A Cause Of Joint Pain And Fatigue

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Lupus can be best described as a rheumatic disease that results from an abnormality in the immune system. The disease also causes joint and muscle pain as it becomes progressively worse. The disease is diagnosed after a person goes through a period of severe fatigue, weight loss and weakness. It is also accompanied by a rash on the face. A person affected by Lupus tends to feel joint pain in the hands, elbows, wrists and knees first. A person will experience swollen or warm joints. This apart, the joints tend to be stiff when a person wakes up in the morning. Some people afflicted by lupus also tend to suffer from joint pain and chronic fatigue, while others will experience periodic flare-ups of the existing symptoms.

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Primary Or True Muscle Weakness

This shows itself as an inability to perform what you want to do with a muscle, even the first time you try. There is a reduction in the force which the muscle can exert, however hard you try. The muscle is not working properly – it has become abnormal.

When this kind of weakness occurs the muscles are often floppier than usual and reduced in bulkiness. It can happen, for example, following stroke. It is also seen in a condition called muscular dystrophy . Both of these conditions result in weakened muscles which cannot move the usual load. It’s a real change in muscle power.

Evaluation Of Pain In Many Joints

In evaluating joint pain, doctors first try to decide whether joint pain is caused by a disorder of the joints or a serious bodywide illness. Serious bodywide disorders may need specific immediate treatment. The following information can help people decide when to see a doctor and know what to expect during the evaluation.

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What Causes Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint, especially among adults. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, there are several potential causes of back pain.

Aging is one of the most common risk factors, as people may begin to experience back pain between the ages of 30 and 40. It is also a more prevalent issue among those who are not physically fit. Another risk factor is being overweight, which stresses the back and leads to pain. There are also hereditary factors, such as ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis that can impact the spine. Back pain may also be caused by diseases such as cancer and arthritis.

Pain in the lower back is particularly common and is one of the leading reasons for people to go to the doctor or to stay home from work. Back pain can occur in acute or chronic forms. Acute pain is pain that begins suddenly and that typically lasts for six weeks or less. Chronic pain is more prolonged, such as pain lasting longer than three months. Chronic pain is less common than acute pain. It is possible for acute back pain to improve without treatment, depending on the underlying cause. You may find that taking ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin can help to reduce your back pain.

There are several potential causes of back pain, including specific problems related to certain conditions or diseases:

  • Arthritis
  • Seasonal allergies

Joint Pain And Fatigue What Could Be The Possibilities

What Are The First Signs Of Fibromyalgia?

Fatigue is usually characterized by extreme tiredness that even rest and relaxation cannot cure. A number of factors are responsible for fatigue, including conditions that cause joint pain.

It is important to note that different people have different pain thresholds. However, constant pain brought on by sore or damaged joints cause fatigue in most people. The diseases responsible for fatigue as a result of joint pain include fibromyalgia, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Joints can swell or become inflamed while performing certain activities. It can also lead to a chronic condition. The physical and emotional energy required to relieve the joint pain and continue with everyday activities tends to contribute to the fatigue. Painful joints will also prevent a patient from getting a good nights rest. Without good sleep, fatigue will be a natural consequence.

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Treatment For Muscle And Joint Pain

In case you dont have any other symptoms that would indicate having one of the conditions described below consider using some homemade treatments to ease the pain.

Here is what you can do to relieve muscle discomfort:

  • Take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or naproxen tablets.
  • Apply some ice to the affected area .
  • Gently stretch painful muscles.
  • Avoid high-impact activities.
  • I Have Muscle Weakness

    If you have muscle weakness and visit your doctor, they will first need to know the following:

    • How it began and how long you have had it for.
    • Whether it is getting worse, getting better or staying the same.
    • Whether you are otherwise well, are losing weight or have travelled abroad recently.
    • What medicines or other drugs you have been taking and whether there are any muscle problems in your family.

    Your doctor will need to examine you to see which muscles are affected and whether you have true or perceived muscle weakness. They will check to see whether your muscles are tender to touch or unusually ‘fatigable’. They may want to watch you walk.

    They will then need to test your nerves to see whether the muscles are getting the right signals to act. Your doctor may need to test your central nervous system, including your balance and co-ordination. They may need to perform blood tests to look for abnormalities of hormones, salts and blood cells.

    Depending on the results of these tests your doctor may also order the following:

    • Nerve studies to make sure the nerves are conducting properly.
    • A muscle biopsy to see whether the muscles themselves show signs of inflammation or damage. A biopsy is a procedure where a small sample is taken to look at under the microscope.
    • Body scans such as CT or MRI to look for conditions elsewhere in the body which may affect muscle power and function.

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    Joint Pain: Youre Not Alone

    In a recent national survey, nearly one out of every three adults in the US reported having joint pain within the last 30 days. In this survey, deep pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain

    Joints connect your bones together, providing your body with support as you move. Joint pain can impact just about any part of your body, including the ankles, feet and hands. While joint pain can occur at any age, it becomes increasingly common as a person ages.

    Damage to your joints caused by injury or disease cannot only interfere with movement, but can also be a common cause of pain. Some of the most common conditions leading to painful joints include rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, gout, strains, sprains and other injuries, such as in sports.

    As with back pain, joint pain can vary greatly in terms of severity in the amount of time that it lasts. For example, joint pain that resolves within a few weeks is referred to as acute. However, many people suffer from chronic joint pain, or pain that lingers for weeks or months at a time.

    Other common causes of joint pain include:

    • Osteoarthritis
    • Autoimmune diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
    • Seasonal allergies

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