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Medicine For Fatigue And Tiredness

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Coenzyme Q10 Plus Nadh And Mitochondrial Dysfunction

3 Ways to Recover From Muscle Fatigue with Dr. Matt Salzler | Tufts Medical Center

Coenzyme Q10 and NADH are common antioxidant supplements that have been used for several decades as dietary supplements for general maintenanceof health. The benefits of their administration have been extensively evaluated in several conditions . However, several studies have shown that there is a mitochondrial dysfunction, which reduces the ATP production, as an immediate effect primary or secondary to symptoms in most CFS/ME patients .

In the UK, Myhill et al. highlighted the power and usefulness of the ATP profile test as a diagnostic tool for differentiating between patients who have CFS/ME and other symptoms as a result of energy wastage due to stress and psychological factors and those who have insufficient energy due to cellular respiration dysfunction. The biochemical tests should be performed in CFS/ME patients before and after appropriate interventions, and possibly in other disabling fatigue conditions as well .

Relatively few pharmacological or other therapies for CFS/ME have been tested in large RCTs. Overall, a report commissioned by the AHRQ based on a systematic review for a US NIH Pathways to Prevention Workshop concluded that no available pharmacotherapy is of proven benefit in CFS/ME. Table 1 summarizes the current drug therapeutic strategies for CFS/ME.

What Are Some Non

Before you start taking medications for chronic fatigue, you may want to try some easy solutions such as:

  • Practicing good sleep hygiene .
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet drinking enough water to stay hydrated and participating in a regular exercise program.
  • Reducing life stressors with meditation, deep breathing, yoga, tai chi, walking outdoors, reading a good book, listening to relaxing music, or joining support groups to deal with stress.


What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Someone with chronic fatigue syndrome can have many possible symptoms. The most common ones include:

  • severe fatigue, which can make it hard to get out of bed and do normal daily activities
  • sleep problems, such as trouble falling or staying asleep, or not having a refreshing sleep
  • symptoms getting worse after physical or mental effort
  • symptoms or dizziness that get worse after standing up or sitting upright from a lying down position
  • problems with concentration and memory
  • headaches and stomachaches

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How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treated

Treatment is determined by your healthcare provider and based on:

  • Your overall health and medical history
  • Extent of the condition
  • Your tolerance for specific medicines, procedures, or therapies
  • Expectations for the course of the condition
  • Your opinion or preference
  • Medicine, including corticosteroids, antidepressants, and others
  • Light-intensity aerobic exercise
  • Dietary supplements and herbal preparations
  • Psychotherapy and supportive counseling

A Diagnostic Approach To Fatigue

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An open ended question, followed by a series of more focused inquiries will often prove to be a productive approach. This should be followed by screening for other confounding conditions such as sleep disorders or depression. A systematic approach to the assessment and treatment of fatigue in patients with MS is summarized in Figure 1.

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Concluding Remarks And Future Directions

This review suggests that the beneficial effects of nutritional supplements are not random, but that their action is due to the removal of one of the causes of the CFS/ME. There is evidence that supplements may benefit CFS/ME patients therefore, nutritional supplements should be recommended, at least in CFS/ME patients with a biochemically proven deficiency. Studies investigating nutritional interventions in CFS/ME remain very limited most studies have had small sample sizes, and lacked long term followup . Despite the relative consistency in case definition, the studies differed with regard to inclusion and exclusion criteria and reporting participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and clinical features . This heterogeneity in study design makes the application of the findings to the clinical setting more difficult. Therefore, longerterm RCTs in homogeneous populations that use more specific case criteria are now warranted.

In agreement with several previous studies, pacing was consistently shown to be the most helpful treatment, CBT was useful for some patients but not all for all graded training may cause the condition to worsen. However, the results must be interpreted with care, as the participants are not a representative sample.

When Should I See A Doctor For Fatigue

If youve been tired for several weeks with no relief, it may be time to call your health care provider. He or she will ask questions about your sleep, daily activities, appetite, and exercise and will likely give you a physical exam and order lab tests.

Your treatment will be based on your history and the results of your exam and lab tests. Your doctor may prescribe medications to target underlying health problems, such as anemia or irregular thyroid activity. He or she may suggest that you eat a well-balanced diet and begin an exercise program.

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Where To Get Help

  • Wilson J, Morgan S, Magin P, et al. 2014, Fatigue a rational approach to investigation, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 457-461, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. More information here.
  • Fatigue, 2013, MedlinePlus, US National Library of Medicine. More information here.
  • Fatigue, Mayo Clinic, USA. More information here.
  • Fatigue in the workplace, WorkSafe Victoria. More information here.

Do I Need To See A Doctor

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Triggers, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

If you can figure out the reason for feeling tired yourself, and do something about it, then no. If the tiredness is getting in the way of your life, or making you feel unhappy, or you feel unwell, then yes, you should visit your doctor.

You should definitely see a doctor if you feel tired and have lost weight without trying to. Also see a doctor if you have other symptoms as well as being tired, such as coughing up blood, a change in the way your guts are working, heavy periods or a lump somewhere it shouldn’t be.

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What Is Fatigue What Does It Feel Like

Fatigue can be described as a lack of energy and motivation . This is different than drowsiness, a term that describes the need to sleep. Often a person complains of feeling tired and it is up to the healthcare professional to distinguish between fatigue and drowsiness, though both can occur at the same time.

Aside from drowsiness, other symptoms can be confused with fatigue including shortness of breath with activity and muscle weakness. Again, all these symptoms can occur at the same time. Also, fatigue can be a normal response to physical and mental activity in most normal individuals it is quickly relieved by reducing the activity.

Fatigue is a very common complaint and it is important to remember that it is a symptom and not a disease. Many illnesses can result in the complaint of fatigue and they can be physical, psychological, or a combination of the two.

Often, the symptom of fatigue has a gradual onset and the person may not be aware of how much energy they have lost until they try to compare their ability to complete tasks from one-time frame to another. They may presume that their fatigue is due to aging and ignore the symptom. This may lead to a delay in seeking care.

While it is true that depression and other psychiatric issues may be the reason for fatigue, it is reasonable to make certain that there is not an underlying physical illness that is the root cause.

Individuals with fatigue may have three primary complaints however, it can vary in each person.

Feeling Tired Because Of Low Red Blood Cells

You might have a blood transfusion if you are feeling tired because you are anaemic.

A drug called epoetin can help reduce anaemia for some people. EPO is a manmade copy of a hormone called erythropoietin made by your kidneys. It stimulates the body to make more red blood cells and can reduce fatigue.

This drug is not suitable for everyone. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence suggests EPO for women with ovarian cancer. This is if they have had treatment with platinum drugs such as carboplatin or cisplatin.

NICE also says that people with other cancers, who have severe anaemia due to cancer treatment and who can’t have blood transfusions, can have EPO.

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Be Patient With Yourself

It may take a few weeks for your energy and stamina to return to the levels they were before you got COVID-19. During your recovery period, take frequent breaks, get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious food, stay hydrated and try to avoid strenuous activities.

Help those around you understand that your “covid fatigue” is very real and you need to cut back on your usual activities for a while. Try to prioritize your activities so that you have energy for the things that are most important to you. Keep track of when your energy is at its highest so you can plan your activities accordingly.

About Tiredness And Cancer Drugs

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Doctors use many types of drugs to treat cancer. But some cancer drugs can make you feel very tired and low on energy. This is also called cancer fatigue.

You might find that your tiredness goes on for most of the time. And that resting does not help you to feel better. As a result, it affects your quality of life on many levels as you cant do your usual activities.

Cancer tiredness is the most common side effect of cancer treatment. It affects between 25 and 99 out of every 100 people . Some people taking cancer drugs say that severe tiredness is the most disruptive side effect of all.

Cancer drugs that can cause tiredness are:

Tiredness often happens as a group of symptoms, for example:

  • difficulty sleeping
  • muscle weakness

Tiredness can cause any of the symptoms below, but they can also be due to other things. Let your doctor know if you have any of these signs:

  • lacking energy and not feeling like doing much and wanting to stay in bed all day
  • feeling anxious or depressed
  • being breathless after doing small tasks, such as having a shower or making your bed
  • finding it hard to concentrate, even if watching TV or talking to a friend
  • being unable to think clearly or make decisions easily
  • loss of interest in doing things you usually enjoy
  • loss of interest in sex
  • negative feelings about yourself and other people

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Psychological Causes Of Fatigue

Studies suggest that psychological factors are present in at least 50 per cent of fatigue cases. These may include:

  • Depression this illness is characterised by severe and prolonged feelings of sadness, dejection and hopelessness. People who are depressed commonly experience chronic fatigue.
  • Anxiety and stress a person who is chronically anxious or stressed keeps their body in overdrive. The constant flooding of adrenaline exhausts the body, and fatigue sets in.
  • Grief losing a loved one causes a wide range of emotions including shock, guilt, depression, despair and loneliness.

Can Emotions Cause Fatigue

Are you fearful about the future? Do you worry about your health and who will take care of you? Are you afraid you are no longer needed? Emotional stresses like these can take a toll on your energy. Fatigue can be linked to many conditions, including:

  • Stress from financial or personal problems
  • Feeling that you no longer have control over your life

Not getting enough sleep can also contribute to fatigue. Regular physical activity can improve your sleep. It may also help reduce feelings of depression and stress while improving your mood and overall well-being. Yoga, meditation, or cognitive behavioral therapy could also help you get more rest. Talk with your doctor if your mental well-being is affecting your sleep or making you tired.

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How Will Your Doctor Treat Fatigue

Your doctors recommended treatment plan will depend on whats causing your fatigue. To make a diagnosis, they will likely ask you questions about:

  • the nature of your fatigue, including when it started and whether it gets better or worse at certain times
  • other symptoms that youve been experiencing
  • other medical conditions that you have
  • your lifestyle and sources of stress
  • medications that youre taking

If your doctor suspects you have an underlying medical condition thats causing your fatigue, they may order some medical tests. For example, they may order blood or urine tests.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Nowadays, many people lead busy lives. Work and home responsibilities result in no time for relaxation and poor sleep habits. Consequently, many people feel constantly tired, run down, or worn out.

But in some people, chronic fatigue cannot be explained by lifestyle alone. As mentioned, fatigue can be a symptom of various medical conditions, including extreme stress, obstructive sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, or even something as common as a sore throat.

A small number of individuals have a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome . Also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or systemic exertional intolerance disease , this complex disorder causes extreme fatigue. The fatigue lasts for a period of at least six months and cannot be explained by other causes. The tiredness is worse after physical or mental exertion but does not improve after resting. Other CFS symptoms can include unrefreshing sleep, dizziness when sitting upright from lying , and difficulties with memory and concentration.

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Too Much Or Too Little Activity

A person with fatigue may not feel able to exercise, and a lack of exercise can cause further fatigue. A lack of exercise may eventually cause , making it harder and more tiring to perform a physical task.

Fatigue can also affect healthy individuals after prolonged, intense mental or physical activity.

Memory And Concentration Problems

Memory aids, like organizers and calendars, can help with memory problems. For people with ME/CFS who have concentration problems, some doctors have prescribed stimulant medications, like those typically used to treat Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder . While stimulants might help improve concentration for some patients with ME/CFS, they might lead to the push-and-crash cycle and worsen symptoms. Push-and-crash cycles are when someone with ME/CFS is having a good day and tries to push to do more than they would normally attempt .

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Treatments For Tiredness Caused By Stress

If you are stressed, it is worth taking the time to sit down and think and talk about it. Is there something which you could change, as this is affecting your health? It may be that you need to re-prioritise things in your life. If work is the stressful problem, could you talk to your manager, change roles, change jobs, cut down your hours? If there isn’t anything you can do to change your situation then try to find things which might balance out the stress. People are different, so this would be different for everyone, but may involve a variety of ways to de-stress, such as:

  • Regular “me” time.
  • Scheduling some fun events.
  • Booking a holiday.
  • Regular exercise. Ideally something fun rather than something you find a chore.

Also, avoid bottling up your worries. Try to share them with a friend, or a family member, or consider seeing a counsellor.

There is no single answer for treatment of tiredness. However, even if no cause is found, in most people, it settles on its own with time.

Are There Other Causes Of Fatigue Besides The Ms

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Obviously, people with MS can be tired for other reasons. For example, they may have sleep disorders that interfere with restful sleep. People with MS may have a condition called restless leg syndrome, where they feel that they have to move their legs to get relief. They may also have periodic leg movements, which is when legs kick involuntarily during sleep. Another condition affecting sleep is sleep apnea, which is also common among the general population.

Certain medications may affect sleep or cause fatigue. Alcohol or drug use may alter sleep or cause drowsiness. Sometimes, people have other medical conditions, such as infections, anemia, or a reduced thyroid function, which can increase fatigue.

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How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed

CFS diagnosis depends on two criteria:

  • Severity and duration. The severe and chronic tiredness lasts for more than 6 months and other medical conditions have been ruled out.
  • Number of symptoms. Four or more symptoms of CFS are present.
  • A specific treatment for CFS has yet to be proven effective. Vitamin supplements and medicines have some benefit. Many treatments just relieve the symptoms of CFS.

    What Are Some Medical Treatments For Ms

    In general, if possible, it is good to avoid using medications. People with MS often take several medications. Limiting the number of medicines is good medical practice. It is also important in reducing costs. However, if fatigue continues to interfere with activities, medications may be useful. These medications may include:

    • National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Fatigue. Accessed 3/25/2019.
    • Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. Fatigue. Accessed 3/25/2019.
    • MS International Federation. Fatigue. Accessed 3/25/2019.
    • Ross JJ, Ropper AH. Chapter 213. Multiple Sclerosis. In: McKean SC, Ross JJ, Dressler DD, Brotman DJ, Ginsberg JS. eds. Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill 2012. Accessed 3/25/2019.

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    Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.Policy

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