Thursday, July 25, 2024

Recurring Sore Throat And Fatigue

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How Is Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Treated

Causes recurrent soreness & throat pain – Dr. Lakshmi Ponnathpur

Most cases of LPR do not need medical care and can be managed with lifestyle changes, including the following:

  • Follow a bland diet .
  • Eat frequent, small meals.
  • Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
  • Do not eat food less than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Raise the head of your bed before sleeping. Place a strong, solid object under the top portion of the mattress. This will help prop up your head and the upper portion of your body, which will help keep stomach acid from backing up into your throat.
  • Avoid clearing your throat.
  • Take over-the-counter medications, including antacids, such as Tums®, Maalox®, or Mylanta stomach acid reducers, such as ranitidine or proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole , pantoprazole , and esomeprazole . Be sure to take all medications as directed.

In very severe cases of LPR, surgery may be recommended as treatment.

Care Advice For Sore Throats

  • What You Should Know About Sore Throats:
  • Most sore throats are just part of a cold and caused by a virus.
  • A cough, hoarse voice or nasal discharge points to a cold as the cause.
  • Most children with a sore throat don’t need to see their doctor.
  • Here is some care advice that should help.
  • Sore Throat Pain Relief:
  • Age over 1 year. Can sip warm fluids such as chicken broth or apple juice. Some children prefer cold foods such as popsicles or ice cream.
  • Age over 6 years. Can also suck on hard candy or lollipops. Butterscotch seems to help.
  • Age over 8 years. Can also gargle. Use warm water with a little table salt added. A liquid antacid can be added instead of salt. Use Mylanta or the store brand. No prescription is needed.
  • Medicated throat sprays or lozenges are generally not helpful.
  • Pain Medicine:
  • Sore throat is the main symptom and lasts more than 48 hours
  • Sore throat with a cold lasts more than 5 days
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days or goes above 104° F
  • You think your child needs to be seen
  • Your child becomes worse
  • When Should I See My Healthcare Provider

    If you have a severe sore throat, you should seek medical care immediately especially if your sore throat is accompanied by fever, difficulty swallowing or breathing problems. If you have a sore throat thats lasted for more than seven to 10 days, its a good idea to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. The sooner youre diagnosed, the sooner you can receive treatment and return to normal life.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    A sore throat is a common but bothersome condition. When pharyngitis lingers, it can interfere with your routines and daily life. Chronic pharyngitis usually indicates another underlying issue. Your healthcare provider can find the answers to help you feel better soon.

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    What Causes Recurring Strep Throat In Adults

    Frequent episodes of strep throat in adults is something serious, which needs medical attention as soon as possible. In most cases, recurring strep throat is treated with tonsillectomy procedure. This HealthHearty article explores ways as to why you may be experiencing it.

    Frequent episodes of strep throat in adults is something serious, which needs medical attention as soon as possible. In most cases, recurring strep throat is treated with tonsillectomy procedure. This HealthHearty article explores ways as to why you may be experiencing it.

    The streptococcus group of bacteria are the causal organisms behind strep infection in the throat. It is basically considered as a childhood illness due to the high occurrence rate in this age group. But the fact is, adults are also affected by this bacterial infection. Though strep throat is rarely serious or life-threatening, the symptoms are difficult to deal with. It almost always accompanies throat soreness, and other infection signs, like fever and skin rashes.

    It can result in pain and discomfort, ultimately leading to surgery in worse conditions. Any case of recurring strep throat, whether in children or adults, should be diagnosed by a trusted doctor. This article tells you why you may be experiencing frequent strep throat and what all you can do about it.

    Causes of Recurrent Strep Throat in AdultsWhat to Do about Recurring Strep Throat?

    How Does It Happen

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    Doctors donât know the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, but

    they have identified different underlying abnormalities in people with the condition.

    Immune system problems: Several different parts of the immune system are different in people with chronic fatigue syndrome, and some research indicates that these abnormalities may cause the symptoms of the illness. However, fortunately, people with chronic fatigue syndrome do not have a defective immune system, in the way that people with HIV/AIDS do.

    Energy production: In people with chronic fatigue syndrome, the cells in the body have trouble making enough energy.

    Brain abnormalities: Abnormalities are seen in pictures of the brain , in levels of brain hormones, and in the electrical system of the brain . These abnormalities can come and go, and are not necessarily permanent.

    Blood pressure and pulse issues: On standing, people can have a drop in blood pressure and an increase in how fast the heart beats. Sometimes people feel like fainting or actually faint, if the blood pressure drops too low.

    Genes: Some studies have found abnormalities in the structure of certain genes. Other studies have found abnormalities in how some genes are turned on and off, inside cells. Studies of identical and non-identical twins indicate that some people inherit a genetic susceptibility to getting the illness.

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    Why Does Your Sore Throat Always Recur

    So many factors go into causing a sore throat. Sometimes, it is due to an allergic reaction, but on other occasions, it may indicate an infection. Here is more about some of the most common causes of a recurring sore throat.

    1. Common Cold

    Also known as viral pharyngitis, you may develop a sore throat because of the common cold. Other common symptoms include nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and postnasal drip.

    Since it is a viral infection, you do not need to take antibiotics to treat it. You just need to take rest to provide your body with some energy to clear the infection. It usually takes 3-7 days to recover completely from colds.

    2. Snoring

    The back of the palate is quite soft and moves excessively if you snore during sleep. This excessive movement can cause localized inflammation. While snoring, you also draw air through your mouth, which in turn irritates the epithelial tissue and leads to recurring sore throat. You need to talk to your doctor if you have disturbed sleep, feel tired and have throat irritation in the morning. Your voice may also be slightly hoarse after you wake up in the morning.

    3. Eating Disorders

    You may have a sore throat due to repeated vomiting caused by certain types of eating disorders, such as bulimia. You may also injure your throat while trying to vomit with the help of a toothbrush. Some of the signs of eating disorders include lack of appetite, comfort eating, throat irritation after eating, and obsession with body weight.

    Persistent Sore Throat ‘can Be Cancer Sign’

    GPs with patients who have a persistent sore throat, combined with shortness of breath, trouble swallowing or earache, should consider cancer as the cause, according to new research.

    Currently, it is recommended patients with persistent hoarseness or an unexplained neck lump are investigated for throat or laryngeal cancer.

    However, Cancer Research UK’s Weilin Wu said patients should not be alarmed.

    “A sore throat on its own wasn’t linked to laryngeal cancer,” he said.

    “But importantly, this study also provides the best evidence to date to support the current recommendation to refer older patients with persistent hoarseness.”

    The larynx is part of the throat found at the entrance of the windpipe that helps you breathe and speak.

    In the UK, there are around 2,000 new cases of laryngeal cancer each year.

    The research, led by the University of Exeter, looked at patient records from more than 600 GP practices and studied 806 patients diagnosed with cancer of the larynx and 3,559 control patients. It is published in the British Journal of General Practice.

    Lead author Dr Elizabeth Shephard said it was the first real look at all the symptoms that might be important for laryngeal cancer.

    “The significance of the study really is that we’ve found that hoarseness is important for laryngeal cancer, but significantly the risk of having laryngeal cancer greatly increases when it’s combined with a recurrent sore throat,” she said.

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    Fatigue And Sore Throat

    Reviewed on 6/15/2020

    These symptoms can be part of many medical conditions, including viral and bacterial infections. Antibiotics may be needed to treat a bacterial infection. If your symptoms are not improving, you should contact your doctor.

    While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

    Sore Throats From Environmental Factors

    Streptococcal Pharyngitis

    Some sore throats may not be caused by being sick. Particles in the air from air pollution or fires can cause a sore throat. Fires in the western part of the United States have caused people to wear masks when going outside to protect their airways. Specks of burning building materials and noxious gases can cause a sore throat and other symptoms.

    Smoking can also cause a sore throat. Cigarettes produce 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic. Children and the elderly are particularly affected by pollution and smoke in the air.

    Low humidity in the air can cause a sore throat. Cold air is drier than warm air. Many people run space heaters in the winter in addition to forced air heating in the home, which compounds the problem of dry air.

    Allergies can cause sore throats as well. Sinus congestion drains down to your throat and can result in a scratchy, itchy throat.

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    How Do People Get Tonsillitis

    The viruses and bacteria that cause tonsillitis are highly contagious. They are passed along by:

    • Kissing or sharing utensils, food or drink
    • Coming into close contact with someone who is sick
    • Touching a contaminated surface and then touching your nose or mouth
    • Inhaling tiny particles that become airborne when a sick person sneezes or coughs

    What Can I Expect If I Have Chronic Pharyngitis

    If youve been diagnosed with chronic pharyngitis, your healthcare provider will talk to you in detail about your treatment options. Theyll also tell you what triggers to avoid, what lifestyle changes to make and which medications to take.

    When can I go back to work or school?

    Youll need to wait until youre no longer contagious. Ask your healthcare provider when its safe to return to normal activities.

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    How Is Pharyngitis Treated

    The treatment depends on the cause. Viral pharyngitis goes away on its own with salt water gargles, pain relievers and extra fluids to help alleviate the symptoms. Bacterial pharyngitis is treated with antibiotics and fungal pharyngitis, with antifungal medications. Prompt antibiotic therapy is needed for strep throat because untreated, it can sometimes cause kidney problems and rheumatic fever, which can damage the heart valves. A full assessment in the clinic will guide treatment for other causes.

    Is Chronic Pharyngitis Contagious

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    Yes. If chronic pharyngitis is due to a viral or bacterial infection, then it can be transmitted from one person to another through saliva, mucus and nasal discharge. Some viruses and bacteria can survive on surfaces for a period of time, so contact with towels, toothbrushes, clothing or eating utensils can spread the disease.

    How long am I contagious?

    Viral pharyngitis is contagious as long as symptoms are present. If you have bacterial pharyngitis, a course of antibiotics can reduce the length of time that youre contagious. Generally, youre no longer contagious after 24 hours of taking an effective antibiotic.

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    Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours

    • Sore throat pain is severe and not better 2 hours after taking ibuprofen
    • Large lymph nodes in the neck
    • Pink rash that’s widespread
    • Sinus pain around cheekbone or eyes
    • Fever lasts more than 3 days
    • Fever returns after being gone more than 24 hours
    • Age less than 2 years old
    • Close contact to a person with Strep within last 7 days
    • Sores on the skin
    • You think your child needs to be seen, but the problem is not urgent

    Strep Throat: When To Suspect

    • Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
    • Cough, hoarseness, red eyes, and runny nose are usually not seen with Strep throat. These symptoms point more to a viral cause.
    • Scarlet fever rash is highly suggestive of Strep throat.
    • Peak age: 5 to 15 years old. Not common under 2 years old unless sibling has Strep.
    • If you think your child has Strep, call your doctor.
    • Your doctor will do a Strep test. If the test is positive, they will start treatment. There is no risk from waiting until a Strep test can be done.
    • Standard treatment is with antibiotics by mouth.

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    Causes Of Chronic Sore Throat

    Most sore throats are the result of viral infections, often related to the common cold or flu. Bacterial infections can also lead to sore throats. Some of the more common ones include strep throat, tonsillitis, whooping cough and diphtheria.

    A sore throat is considered chronic when it lasts for more than three months. Typical factors that can cause a long-lasting sore throat include allergies, acid reflux, environmental irritants, dry air and strained vocal cords. Occasionally a more serious condition, such as a tumor or HIV, can cause a sore throat.

    What Causes A Recurrent Fever

    Sore Throat: Viral or Bacterial Infection

    A fever can happen for many different reasons. These causes can include:

    • A virus.
    • A bacterial infection.
    • Vaccination.

    You can also have a higher body temperature at different times of the day or after exercising. These are usually only a few degrees higher than your normal body temperature and go back down after a short period of time.

    However, a recurrent fever isnt caused by a virus or bacterial infection. Recurring fevers seem to happen without a cause and in a pattern. Its often listed as a main symptom of different periodic fever syndromes. These syndromes are sometimes caused by a genetic defect. When the recurrent fever is linked to a periodic fever syndrome, the higher body temperature could be a result of one of these genetic issues.

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    How To Deal With Recurring Sore Throat Naturally

    Now you know some of the most common causes of chronic sore throat. Seeking treatment for those underlying causes will help resolve the issue, but you can try some natural ways to manage your condition better. For instance:

    • Get plenty of rest and give your body time to recover.
    • Drink plenty of fluids and water to prevent dehydration and to keep your throat moist.
    • Opt for comforting beverages and food, such as warm water with honey, caffeine-free tea, ice pops, etc. to soothe your throat.
    • Use salt water â mix a teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of water â to gargle. Do not swallow the solution.
    • Opt for lozenges to soothe your sore throat, but do not give them to young children to avoid choking.
    • Limit your exposure to irritants and avoid tobacco smoke as much as possible.
    • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to treat pain and fever. Do not give aspirin to young children because it increases the risk of Reye’s syndrome.

    Q: Why Is Pots Often Misdiagnosed

    A: Many of the symptoms described above seem very cardiac-driven. However, at the hospital or ER, the doctors will find that the POTS patients heart is fine. Its actually the adrenaline thats producing a lot of these symptoms to compensate for a neurologic problem.

    Often, patients have so many symptoms and are consulting so many different specialists that theres no cohesive assessment or treatment. In addition, POTS symptoms are often misdiagnosed as adrenal fatigue a term used to describe a group of symptoms when nothing else can be used to explain it.

    Awareness of POTS in todays medical culture is limited. Recently, however, theres been a growing awareness of POTS thats evolving across the board. As the general population is learning more about it, the medical community is being educated as well.

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    Causes Of Cancer Fatigue

    Someone with cancer may experience fatigue for several reasons.

    With leukemia and lymphoma, cancer cells in the bone marrow can interfere with the normal production of blood cells. This can lead to anemia, and anemia can then lead to fatigue.

    Colon cancer and stomach cancer can cause anemia through blood loss in the bowels, likewise leading to fatigue.

    The metabolic processes of tumors can also contribute to fatigue. Cancer cells aggressively compete for nourishment with normal cells.

    Some cancers lead to fatigue by disrupting normal hormone functioning. Others secrete substances known as cytokines, which in turn can cause fatigue.

    Fatigue has many causes besides cancer, though. In that respect, fatigue accompanied by unintentional weight loss is more concerning than fatigue alone.

    Cough Fatigue Sore Throat More Common In Variant

    Headache Scratchy Throat Fatigue

    Jan. 29, 2021 — COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fatigue, sore throat and muscle pain seem to be more common for people who test positive for the new coronavirus variant that was first identified in the U.K., according to a new study from the UKâs Office for National Statistics.

    Loss of taste and smell seem to be less common with the variant, though only slightly. Headaches, shortness of breath, diarrhea and vomiting continue to remain common and are similar for both strains of the coronavirus.

    The study is based on positive tests from a random sample of 6,000 people in England who tested between mid-November and mid-January. The research team analyzed symptoms that were reported up to a week before a positive test for the new variant or the original strain of the coronavirus.

    Among 3,500 people with the new variant:

    • 35% reported a cough
    • 25% had muscle aches and pain
    • 22% had a sore throat
    • 16% had a loss of taste
    • 15% had a loss of smell

    Among 2,500 people with the original strain:

    • 28% reported a cough
    • 21% had muscle aches and pain
    • 19% had a sore throat
    • 18% had a loss of taste
    • 18% had a loss of smell

    âSome of these changes in different parts of the virus could affect the bodyâs immune response and also influence the range of symptoms associated with infection,â he said.

    Show Sources

    Office for National Statistics, âCoronavirus Infection Survey: Characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19 in England, 27 January 2021.â

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